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... sundancer390

it's all part of the sun ritual

yesterday i put a note on one of my posts about the low on the $SPX yesterday which was 1116.66

the high on FAZ today is 16.66

... Red Dragon Leo

Sorry you took that wrong. I didn't mean to imply it like that. I only meant to say that I'm not comfortable going long. If you and sundancer want to go long, then I hope you both do well. And since the market has been going up, I'm sure you both have.

It seems that you both have the ability to take the emotions out of the trade… something I haven't mastered yet. That's why I'm bearish, as I can't rationalize why anyone would be going long in this horrible economy, where the only person buying is the government.

So, quite the contrary to what you might think I meant, I actually give respect those of you who can leave out your emotions, and just trade the tape. You and sundancer have being on the winning side. I'm happy for you both.

Maybe I'll learn to remove my emotions from trading one day, and be a better trader. But for now, I'll just wait until the bulls are done, and go short.

... SC

I bot some puts when TF hit 666. I know traders are some of the biggest practical jokers. I am not the least bit surprised that they pushed it to 666 just for the laugh.

... sundancer390

update 3:01 est
XLF @ it's containment pt. now 15.22 & GS @ 168

these levels are important for the close & gap on monday

... sundancer390

the 3:30 print (60&120) will tell us if there is going to be a stampede into the close
SPY 113.92 is the number to watch

... SC

LOL so when I say bullish then it is just chopped liver. But when Sundancer says it is bullish, it is good stuffs? LOL

... sundancer390

i haven't checked my email yet

today's close will be important for the setup next week

The setup for the month of march is a close above 1115.10, the bullish parameters are in place.

Between now and March 31st it could be a roller coaster; up and down

The USO chart continues to give many important clues…

... Red Dragon Leo

Are you saying that we could have another month of the bulls? Man, I'm so tired of the government pushing this market up. When this thing finally does fall, it's going to be ugly.

By the way, did you get my email? I love to hear your thoughts on where you think we're going next. It clear that I've been wrong on calling it, but your containment levels have be hit… just like you thought they would.

I must admit, you have a better understand of the market then I do. Check your email, and shoot me back on the issue when you get a chance.

Thanks… and yes I've been one of those suckers on the bus. But, at least I admit it. LOL!

... sundancer390

yeah the suckers'r'us bus has been full all week with top callers, first it was march 2nd, then the 3rd, it's gotta be the 4th, and today they're in the process of puking up their positions or the margin clerk is taking care of it for them.

the bullish setup on the monthly is dominant so a reaction for a week or two will lead to a strong monthly close

... Red Dragon Leo

It wouldn't be so dirty of a word if there was some real earnings to back up the rally. I just can't be bullish in this fake market. I choose to sit it out, and wait for the crack to wear off, and the bulls to come down from their high.

When it happens, I'll be waiting to go short. I'll continue shorting until the earnings are real again, and then I'll go long. If you can go long in this environment, then you have more guts, and and higher risk tolerance then I do.

I hope you do well being long. I just don't have the stomach to risk being caught long when the crap really hits the fan.