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  • Red

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... string01

Don't even get me started on this shit. The whole entire system in this country is set up to keep the sheople confused and unable/unwilling to think for themselves.

... Red Dragon Leo

Remember… Goldman is doing GOD's work now, so the correct saying is…

GOD made me do it!

... redvetttes

Wonder is GS is going to start behaving themselves,It could be the new wipping boy for the EU.

The new saying could be GOLDMAN MADE ME DO IT

... sundancer390

is it Fib, No

it's a self-discovery process, once you start critically thinking many doors will open

... sundancer390

it's all cleverly crafted

Poor R and his LEG-atus theory, the cycle seems to be inverted, the May,Oct and now Feb. meeting all marked bottoms. I see R dropped his sub rate, his following must be hurting.

... Red Dragon Leo

You're talk of fox and sheep lead me to believe that I've already missed the snowmageddon, and that the checks were cashed early this time. No more downside until another fake print leads the way.

... gcocks83

Thanks for your work here. I think people are always looking for the silver bullet. It's not that easy, If it was then it would not be worth anything.

... bensjoyce

” a certain numerical sequence correlates to all the controlling trendlines in the market”

I can't figure this out. can you just tell me?
is it a fibinacci sequence?

... sundancer390

all i do is simple mathematics, throw a whole bunch of numbers together to give me a hard number (probability)

there is no secret, just mathematics

... sundancer390

a very defined line in the sand on the daily

the 50 pt. reaction we got on 2/4-2/5/2010 was because of a successful back test of max. containment point after the 1/29/2010 lows