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  • Red

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... Earl of

more insane pointless bullshit

... sundancer390

yes you are a programmed zombie

look at what you just said

“insane pointless bullshit”

you just made my point


Stop being an ignorant fool

... Red Dragon Leo


I may have figured out that the market and the news is controlled, but I still haven't figured out how to read it. But, if I was to think like they do, then I'd rally to 110.34 Tuesday, sell off to current pain at 108 Friday, and rally again the following week and put in new highs or a double top.

Then when all the bulls are looking for the next leg up, and all the bears are broke, I'd tank it again. Screw the most amount of people, that's the most evil plan I can think of.

That means they need to gap open to 1092 for the plan to work. A bear squeeze would then take it to 1100 or so pretty quickly. The move down to 1080 by opx would just be another way to draw in the bears. But 1080 would then be support, and the launching pad up for the next weeks move.

Unfortunately for me, that would kill my options… which is exactly what they want too do.

... Earl of

Insane pointless bullshit.

... sundancer390

As Red has figured out and I'm sure many others here that the moves in the market are 100% manufactured.

I posted this chart on Feb. 5, 2010 reminding people of the de-leverage tick on the SPY from Dec. 14, 2009
then a few short hours later the SPX hit the 1047.28 area that Red and I noted on Jan. 11,2010.

Co-relational to the market moves that are 100% manufactured, so is the NEWS that is fed to the zombies. Everybody seems focused on the Greece situation as if it's important, one question that should be asked is where was all this NEWS about Greece and other sovereign debt issues while the market was dancing up around 1150 for two weeks in January.

The answer to that is, news is fed to the cattle (bulls) in order to direct them to the appropriate feeding trough (buy the tops/sell the bottoms).

Most people have a short memory with the sovereign debt BS, remember the Dubai (Do buy) “scare” that was coincidentally released on Thanksgiving day while the market was closed, so the operators dump the futures 30 handles and scaring a whole bunch of people out of positions.

We are bankrupt, they are bankrupt. Everything else is lies.

Don't be numb to the divine ritual taking place in this thing called the Stock Market as in Live(stock) Market.

Everyday the opening bell is rung as in Cow Bell and the day closes with the same ritual ringing the Cow Bell (closing bell).

There is a very divine reason the Pits are in CHI-cago.

What's in CHI-cago?
Home of the:

There's the fictional battle taking place between Bulls and Bears. When in actuality there is no battle taking place, but simple price engineering.

This is a Numb-ers game co-relational to the Macro World which is based on Numb-ers and since most people are numb to numb-ers the illusionist always wins.

People LIE, Numb-ers don't which is why its very easy to see the BULL (oops another reference to the sacred cow) they keep feeding us.

Days like today are great for freeing your mind from the programming that's been done to it. The illusionist doesn't call it TV programming for kicks & giggles.

I can't stress it enough that if you're involved in this numb-ers game, to isolate yourself from external programming (NEWS) until your mind is strong enough to deflect the programming.

Once you get past the programming you'll be able to dance with the market in flawless rhythm. The market will lead the dance and you will follow.

... mobthehop

That's what I like, I mean no sugarcoating, no pretense….
Believe at the moment, everything hinges on USD/Euro respectively Greece / Spain, whatever situation and markets can change within minutes – as we have seen last week…
Anyway, Gong Xi Fa Cai – all the best in the Year of Golden Tiger…. And continue to share your views…

... Red Dragon Leo

Well mob,

I try not to sugarcoat it, and just be straight up and honest about it. Right or wrong… I lay it out there.

I think the key will be the open on Tuesday. If they gap over that resistance at 1080, to about 1092… then we're headed to 1102 or so very quickly. We'll see Tuesday I guess?

... mobthehop

RDL, thanks for nivce update & sharing your view / situation…

... Earl of

The solution to most really bad situations is to be some where else.

... bensjoyce

your probably right. Al Capone said of the Stock Market “It's rigged”

I'm not going to tout religion, but we are in the end times, get used to it. The world is going to fall apart at the seams and after paying hell there won't be money, police, doctors and lawyers. I would estimate (guess) its about 7 years off and it will be all over. I'm not kidding.