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  • Red

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... monicadern

I will cover if we get to 1092

... Red Dragon Leo

That's old news now. The market does care that Goldman is cheating… they are too.

... Michigan

Please comment on the following:
1) Goldman CEO admitted that they are doing God's work.

2) Goldman trading software that can be used for market manipulation…today's news is …
“Sergey Aleynikov, the former Goldman programmer, who was arrested by the FBI in July last year on virtually a day's notice after Goldman told the FBI the Russian had stolen secrets that could be used to manipulate markets, has just been indicted on charges he stole computer codes used for proprietary high-frequency trading programs. The specific charges include theft of trade secrets, transportation of stolen property in interstate and foreign commerce and unauthorized computer access.”

... Michigan

Everyone knows and GS CEO admitted that they are doing God's work, meaning if they don't manipulate market America is in trouble (which I disagree). America is never in trouble because of stock market. America will be in trouble if banksrters and politicians are unchecked.

Here is another news today about GS trading software that can be sued for market manipulation…

“Sergey Aleynikov, the former Goldman programmer, who was arrested by the FBI in July last year on virtually a day's notice after Goldman told the FBI the Russian had stolen secrets that could be used to manipulate markets, has just been indicted on charges he stole computer codes used for proprietary high-frequency trading programs. The specific charges include theft of trade secrets, transportation of stolen property in interstate and foreign commerce and unauthorized computer access.”

So, this is public news now. GS only can keep market manipulation software.

... Earl of

We tend to believe what we see so be careful what you look at. You must in fact restrict what you look at in order to be successful.


... dreadwin

Yesterday I noted that for the fractal to play out, $RUT really needed to get going. Hence the viagra reference.

The dollar was fairly strong today, which works out well for $RUT.

... Earl of

Actually, I do remember. And, since Johnny is no longer saying that, seems no one says it. He kind of owns the phrase, until a new generation comes along.

... gcocks83

Thanks, I did not know that, Ever watch Johnnie Carson show? He used to say that “I did not know that” to ed all the time.

... gcocks83

Okay I like the viagra reference, still laughing from when I opened the second chart. Kind of like the little engine that could. Why do you think rut had such a great day today. I also notice several gaps on my two day chart on Rut.

... Earl of

Nope. Market has to be open for a gap to be considered filled.