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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

LOL! Yes, I try to entain… but the charts tell the story SC, with or without and conspiray theroies. By the way, when does a conspiray theroy no long become a conspiray? Answer: When it's true…

... SC

I don't want to be rude to Red as I like him and think Red is a good guy. But Red has stumpled across the conspiracy stuffs and unfortunately is in on wild goose chase. I know he means well. But this adventure he is on, is unfortunately unproductive. Entertaining ?yes. Productive? Doubtful. It saddens me to see a rather brilliant mind on this wild goose chase of the shadows. May be I should drive down to whereever he lives and gives the man a good whack on the head. Some good old fashioned, wall to wall counselling. lol

... SC

You have been watching Babylon 5 too much, Red. The Shadows are back……. But Ivanova is soooo hot!

... monicadern

OK – I will assume you know something I don't. While I do believe there are ugly things going on with our/other governments and I don't see anything rational about how the market has been going up, I am also aware that things can stay irrational longer than I can stay solvent. I will stay short though. Thanks for holding my hand!

... Red Dragon Leo

Hang tight girl… even the bow of the Titanic rose up just moments before she sank. The market will do the same. By the end of the week, (probably much sooner), we will be saying hello to 1020 spx.

Click on the link by redvettes below. The banks aren't going to like being taxed, or forced to pay for this recession. The selling is coming…

... monicadern

Hi Red,

Still short. Bullish EW bloggers all over the place. I'm beginning to think each person can make the technicals adhere to their own views. I'm staying short but if your mind changes, please let me know! It seems you might have information that others don't. Nothing about this market seems positive to me (if nothing else but increased volatility) but I am sure people were thinking the same thing back in July and October. If this week doesn't play out, I may have to re-evaluate.

... Red Dragon Leo

I wouldn't make too much out of the pre-market, as the volume is too light to predict what the normal hours will bring. Remember, we had over 400 million shares traded on the SPY Friday!

That's a Huge amount… and it's all big institutions selling. I believe they simply sold for about the first half of the day, and then left for an early weekend. That allowed the PPT to come in and rally in the last hour to close the Dow above 10,000.

It was just for show. Remember, they had the Super Bowl on Sunday. They didn't want the media to focus on the market, and they wouldn't… unless the Dow closed below 10,000.

So, they direct their attention to the Super Bowl instead. We also the Olympics starting this week… many things to distract the media while the market sells off.

It's the old magic trick… look at my 2 sexy assistants in their hot little outfits, while I'll escape from this cage or chains… you get the idea.

... Michigan

What is your take thus far. I sense someone is trying hard to hold-up S&P futures. As you may know past six months someone is manipulating futures midnight while public is asleep.

... Red Dragon Leo

LOL! Yes, let's start another Boston Tea Party!… But on a serious note, I'm more worried about WW3 breaking out in Yeman over the Stargate buried under the ocean. (Look out for staged terrorist events to happen which will take us to war, and cause a market crash. They call them False Flag Events).

Yes… it's real! And they all want control of it. The link above is just a short 10 minute clip. If you want to really understand what's going on, go watch this video…

Everyone needs to wake up and realize that we're not alone… and never have been.

... Crash Gordon

Red thanks as always for these briliant posts.

One thing troubling me though is that all our governments have doled out our hard earned tax money to Goldman Sacks and their cahoots to ramp up these markets then in the next few weeks as billions are wiped out then these taxpayer paid for assets become worthless but we still have to pay mega tax for a generation or two to pay for them anyway!

Dont seem right to me that! Shouldnt we be throwing some tea in a harbour or something?