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  • Red

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... sundancer390


I hope u didn't bet the farm, u betting on a down week doesn't carry very good odds. It hasn't happened in the last 250 weeks, yes even during the darkest hours of the bear market there was never 5 down weeks in a row.

If your theory of a down week next week is based on R's theory of Legatus, then be careful I saw people get destroyed in May & October of 2009 on his “theory”. The way I look at it is R figured out Legatus and became famous during 2008. Like with any cartel, if someone figures out your game, u either silence the person that has figured out the game or constantly keep the game in a state of flux so nobody truly figures out the timing.

... Red Dragon Leo

G… whatever you do, DON'T get caught long in this market. We are going down next week, and it's only the beginning! We haven't started the real selling yet…

... Red Dragon Leo

The move higher at the end of the day Friday was only for show. They wanted the keep the Dow above 10,000 for the last day… before the real blood bath starts.

Please don't get caught long in this market. We are going down next week, and that's just the start of it. Stay in cash or get short.

... Michigan

I believe someone is manipulating markets every day and all night. The evidence is overwhelming. So, I don't expect any serious market correction. I believe today Market moved higher because someone rigged. No sensible investor will come to buy at the close at higher prices other than to push prices even higher.
Goldman never lost money even for a single day, how is that possible?

An article on Market manipulation – What other people are saying…

... Red Dragon Leo

We've started a larger wave 3 down, that should have 5 smaller waves in it. The smaller wave 1 was from about 1105 to 1044 today. Smaller wave 2 up shouldn't go past 1080 on Monday, and then a smaller wave 3 down inside of a larger wave 3 is coming next. I'd get back short Monday on the bounce up. We're not done with the selling yet moon.

... moon

1063 was a big event closing above – seems like we have reach a short term bottom. We will see exited my shorts today – will watch. Hope your right red as I have no dog in fight right now. Did not wish to be a pig when down was down 130 or so points I bailed.
A good 2 days have a good weeked

... gcocks83

rEd, nice post. I hope you are right.

... Red Dragon Leo

I waited all day for that bounce and didn't think it was coming. So, I got in at a lower price then it closed at, but I'll still be ok. I can't see anymore then 1080 tops on Monday, and then more selling. Hold on tight girl… it's the pop before the drop!

... monicadern

Thanks Red – still holding even though my tail is in between my legs!

... Red Dragon Leo

I'll put up some charts on my weekend post. For now, it's not looking likely that we rally up to 1100, but I'll know more by Sunday night.