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  • Red

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... Michigan

Alternate count to keep in mind, but less probable, is that the move until today's low was wave v of (i). If this alternate count were to be true, a bigger counter trend move (ii) up to 1100 in S&P is possible, but unlikely. As you know Elliott waves can be interpreted many ways. I request you to address this possibility.

... Red Dragon Leo

None of that matters. We're still going down next week! I don't bet the farm on just anything. This is the real deal! Don't listen to the boso's on TV. They are paid to be bullish. WE ARE GOING DOWN NEXT WEEK… Join me if you can.

... Michigan

Thanks again for your insights and blog.

My friendly suggestion is don't bet farm on short-term trades. If you place aggressive bets, have an exit strategy if market goes against you. You know this market is rigged daily. TrimTabs openly says that it does not know who the buyer was all these months pushing markets up. So, desperate buyers can influence markets short-term with bogus news and Ponzi schemes. People are buying stocks all these days knowing this ponzi game well. Everyone knows job numbers, GDP etc all are fake, yet people cheer those numbers by moving markets.

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah… short term, a day or two… maybe? I can't see any higher then 1080, and then back down. I'm a little early, but I'll be find. Glad to see that you will too. Just keep you ears to the news, as I'm thinking some big event will happen and scare the markets. No idea what, but it's just a feeling…

... SC

My trend indicators are in sell mode. I use systematic trading, not discretionary trading. Thus, no worry of being caught on the wrong side. I just think that the odds favour a rebounce here. It appears that a rebounce is very likely with 1040 being the bottom. If the market does turn up, I will have to go long, per trendfollowing rules.

I think you are being early for the P3. A word to the wise. If you are to bet the farm, then make sure you own more than just one farm. LOL

... Red Dragon Leo

LOL… I don't know the answer? I wish I did? I'm expecting some type of event that the government will create to blame the fall on.

They need it as a scapegoat, so they can tell the people how we were recovering from the recession but now “this?” had too happen, and will set us back again.

It's kinda' like the guy who's house is in foreclosure, and he just lost his job too. What does he do to bail himself out? Set fire to the house, and collect on the insurance.

It's just a big game they play. They have to blame the correction coming on something, as they don't want to tell people how it was really a fake rally, with no earnings to back it up with.

Just don't take any vaccinations as that's how they control the expanding population. Look up the history of 1913 worldwide flu epidemic. More people died taking the flu shot, then those that didn't… Coincidence? I think not.

... MobyDoc

aww shucks,, thought I could weasel sumpthin out of you,, huge is good…:) thanks.

... Red Dragon Leo

I think it's time to shock everyone, and that's what I think the government is going to do! What do they have planned next?

Something to blame the correction on… hmmm? Another terrorist attack, or an epidemic outbreak of swine flu? I don't have a clue, but something is coming, and it's not friendly.

... Red Dragon Leo

Nope… Only that's it's going to be HUGE! I'll close my put spread on the hit of the 200dma, and then wait for a small bounce. Then, I'll probably buy straight February puts, that are “in the money” by at least 2 point (spy).

That way I'm protected if it starts to rally against me before OPX on February the 19th. Understand that what I'm doing is not for everyone. It's high risk… but HUGE Reward. Short term puts can go against you, if you're not right on top of the market.

But, all the indicators are pointing down, along will other reasons that I can't discuss here. You could lose it all if I'm wrong, or make 10 times your money if I'm right. I'm betting my farm on it… but, it's up to you what risk you want to take?

... Yes Man

You are very correct…and the dollar shows no signs of
stopping til at least 81.50 or so ….