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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

And that would stimulate the economy and create real jobs too! What a great idea? Sign me up! LOL.

... zstock, Pro Select!

Here's my conspiracy theory for the week!
Ron Paul people should try to take over a state, and then use a 90% state tax–
The fed will have nothing to Tax, and after 90 days, the state can return the 90% tax as state grants.

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah… they have Jerry Springer, Dancing with the Stars, America Idol, and dozens of “Reality Show” (what a joke that is) to watch to keep them distracted while the government takes away their rights and steals their money.

... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks G…

Anna is my buddy of course, but she sometimes thinks that I make my posts too long. She is a woman of course, and we all know that many women don't have the patience us guys do. They want to “get straight to the point”, and us guys sometimes like to explain things in detail.

I've been guilty of that… as I commonly go into detail explaining something to someone when they ask. Of course that much detail isn't always needed. But, I can't help! (My mother was a teacher, so it's bread in me) LOL 🙂

... Red Dragon Leo


Bush was just as dirty as Obama. I'm not a fan of either. I'd like to see Ron Paul for President, maybe Ross Perot for Secretary of Treasury (Someone who doesn't need to steal the taxpayer's money), and possibly someone like General Colin Powell for Secretary of Defense.

Of we wouldn't need anyone to replace Ben Bernanke, because the Federal Reserve wouldn't be in existence any more. That power would be given back to Congress, where it belongs, as was originally setup by the Constitution (which doesn't seem to exist anymore now).

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, I said I didn't think that those past statistics would work this time, but… “What the Hell”, I decided to post them anyway!

... steveo77

What amazes me is the lack of widespread protest. I guess if the sheeple got their cable TV and a cold beer, they can shrug off the rest.

... Falcon

Sorry to point it out to you Red but….those JAN OpEx week stats…looks to me like every third year was up…2010 up?

But hell…I'm with you…been waiting for the next down move to begin and it's way too late to switch to the upside in my mind. Good luck.

... jaywiz10534

Hi REd,
thanks for logging in over at jaywiz
Venture to guess that just like the BUSH govt, Obama is leaning on GOVT figures which DONT TELL the real story.
From about 2003 On to The HIGH in 2007, internally the COUNTRY was deteriorating, but some sectors were showing BIG increases thus SKEWING the REAL DECAY.


... gcocks83

Nice Post, It wasn't to long.