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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, it should have been the lightest trading volume day of the year… because it's a half day of course, and a holiday. But, now I don't think the volume will be that light. I'm pretty sure it will end up as a “Down” day. As to whether on not we get a bounce? Who knows?

I'm going short at the open, and if it bounces… I'll ride it out, as Monday should be bloody!

... steveo77

Ok, I am going to do a little victory lap here…..

Black Swans do not drift in, they are delivered by a cruise missile in the middle of the night, holidays, or on the weekend.

As America tryptophans out and wakes up weary tomorrow, with half a trading day to “panic out with”, this could be very interesting. Looks like nearly “perfect timing” by our financial overlords. Lots of Turkeys (aka Lemmings) getting cooked today.

... gcocks83

Thanks for your update and thoughts. I tend to agree with you. The markets were funny acting on Wed. with financial going down and S&P goin up. I am 100% cash since Tuesday and will probably go long the SDS and FAZ in the morning with tight stops incase of a bounce. Should be real interesting half day.

... trader69

hi red… you do write too long, LOL. Just wanted to say, don't be afraid of going short at the open on a type 3 trending day. If you wait….you will be assured of missing the nice trend move.
anyway, my opinion counts for shit, but just look at the 60min charts and you'll see the trend on a large gap day. up or down. doesn't matter. All that matters is the trend doesn't lie. 🙂 GL tomorrow.

... Red Dragon Leo

You were right Steveo and congratulations. I hope you were short going into this. As you can see, I missed out, as I was waiting for Friday to go short.

By the way… this is what I'm doing right now!

This is what I'm saying (under my breath)…

Bast%&8ds! As#@holes! Sh*%heads! Crooked sons of B#@ches! Da@m I'm P#$sed off at Goldman Sucks and Timmy boy, and Benny, and Obombus, and everyone else that's crooked that I don't know about!


... steveo77

Ok, I am going to do a little victory lap here…..

Black Swans do not drift in, they are delivered by a cruise missile in the middle of the night, holidays, or on the weekend.

As America tryptophans out and wakes up weary tomorrow, with half a trading day to “panic out with”, this could be very interesting. Looks like nearly “perfect timing” by our financial overlords. Lots of Turkeys (aka Lemmings) getting cooked today.

... jaywiz10534

FAILURE to BREAK above 1121 at this juncture would be very bearish
They can still make a stab at it Dec7th to 10th
and or Jan 15th to 22nd
provided they dont test qtrly support at 9800, or 9400


... jaywiz10534

thanks REd, for your comment at the Jaywiz blog
thats WHY I have posted several times

BEST short opp will be Friday after the OPEN

There will be a LOT of overrun from the aspects of Today, and tomrrow which should spill over to Friday am
where at 8:30am there is a Moon 120 Sun, but its an ARIES moon indicating a DIFFERENT DIRECTION

See the blog for other reasons why NOV 30/Dec 1st offer
a pivot low

... Captain_Koons

Good Stuff Leo. I really enjoy reading the blog everyday.

... jaywiz10534

FAILURE to BREAK above 1121 at this juncture would be very bearish
They can still make a stab at it Dec7th to 10th
and or Jan 15th to 22nd
provided they dont test qtrly support at 9800, or 9400
