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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

It looks like we are going to gap open on Monday. The futures are up 7 at 10pm tonight. That 1108 area is just a hair away…

... jaywiz10534

Stock market weather is just as mixed as daily weather for sure, and you really have no idea how true your statement really is.
I posted a chart of natural energy and so far this month has been quite accurate. Mondays reading calls for dealing with $ issues and its a new moon which should have a similar effect on stocks as the full moon of Nov2nd.
As far as ANY sustained decline, I posted this b4- The Jan 15th ECLIPSE offers the BEST shot for the END of primary wave 2, leading to a decline into Late March- early April.
This does not preclude a very sharp retreat year end DEc 2009

... Red Dragon Leo

I don't think we are going to make it to 1108 this time around Joe. Looks pretty bearish too me. Probably a flat day tomorrow, but I don't see any more rallying for next week.

I think you made the right call getting out of your longs. We might not make another attempt for quite some time, so the short side is going to be where the money is.


... Red Dragon Leo

I don't think we are going to make it to 1108 this time around Joe. Looks pretty bearish too me. Probably a flat day tomorrow, but I don't see any more rallying for next week.

I think you made the right call getting out of your longs. We might not make another attempt for quite some time, so the short side is going to be where the money is.


... JoeMarc

I took your advise as well;
Sold many Longs yesterday, kept just a bit for me and my parents. You see on the TSX we did not break 11300 this round so I should have held…. but I figured the upside risk outways the downside. Plus I was early to get in so I will be early to leave,,,,,, Can we actually go to 1130 without a 10% pull back?? Who would be buying, we need the BKX and OIL stocks to march the same road up


... Red Dragon Leo

That's a cool chart steveo… At least some people get it!

... SC

I might have given the wrong impression that I was directing my comment at your post, Red. Nothing like that. I wasn't making a critique of your posts at all.

It was just a general comment, not directed toward anyone in specific.

I was saying that we don't need to catch the exact top, but having some idea where it is expected, is useful. Love those levels you posted. That allows us to focus our attention on how the market behaves at those levels and take whatever positions we see fit. That's why I said to keep up the good work. Not expecting you to catch the exact top or bottom. lol

... steveo77

Some FET (Financial Entertainment Television) Spokesperson compared Current Unemployment to Employment as a Basketball to a Quarter. An absurd comparison, showing how deep the rabbit hole runs. This is not just about being optimistic, they are trying to deceive. A more fair comparison would be a Tennis Ball to a Ping Pong Ball.

Check out this graphical comparison, overlayed on a stock chart 1929 to 1940

... steveo77

hey RDL, I was going to ask where you get MTS from, but keep posting and I will make this my stop for the Step.

... SC

I might have given the wrong impression that I was directing my comment at your post, Red. Nothing like that. I wasn't making a critique of your posts at all.

It was just a general comment, not directed toward anyone in specific.

I was saying that we don't need to catch the exact top, but having some idea where it is expected, is useful. Love those levels you posted. That allows us to focus our attention on how the market behaves at those levels and take whatever positions we see fit. That's why I said to keep up the good work. Not expecting you to catch the exact top or bottom. lol