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  • Red

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... reddragonleo

Thanks CC… it's mainly to put up posts that I wouldn't put elsewhere. Some will be for fun… like today and yesterday, and some will be just my ranting and raving about the corruption in the system, and finally some of the posts will actually be about the market, (and making money).

So, serious… but fun is the goal. I'm no expert trader, but I'm learning… and trying to make some extra cash as I go along.


... cc

Nice Leo, good luck with your new blog!!!

... jaywiz10534


... jaywiz10534

many years ago, thre was a young man who worked for me
He was a LEO
and yes, the ladies fell at his feet
he reminds me of Charlie Sheen in 2 /1/2 men
Thanks for the pic info

... reddragonleo

Jay, I just get them off the internet and do so editing with photoshop. I type in some keywords of a subject and search through all 50 pages of the search results. I save any pictures that I think are cool and might use later. That about it.

... reddragonleo

Thanks for the update gannsecret… you've been dead on. I'm trying to follow those that seem to get it right the most, but sometimes it's hard with all the noise out there on all the blogs.

You, Alex, and Jay Strauss seem to be getting pretty accurate here lately. Congrats to all of you! I'm a follower of you guys. Do you have a blog or do you just post on Evil, Slope, and Alex's blog?

... gannsecret

Gann Update,
Looks like I'm upside down on the 25th being a high.
Looking for low there around 1045.
I believe we are completing an ABC correction tommorow
to complete wave B of C. New target date of Oct 7-8 as completion of this wave.
Target 1108 to 1122 Dow 10070.

... reddragonleo

Well… I am a Leo after all.

... Douala

SMOOCH…. I see you have a way with the ladies.

I posted this for you earlier.

... reddragonleo

While all the other bloggers are charting graphs and predicting the future, I scan the evil internet looking for pictures to make people laugh!