Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Bears are Dancing Today…

Dancing-Bears copy

The Bears are celebrating today as the market took a nice correction down! After-hours RIMM disappoints and the market sells off even more! It's about time the Bulls take a breather. How long can those longhorns keep snorting crack anyway?

This should make for another down day tomorrow. I'm still looking for 1040 SPX before getting out of my shorts and going long over the weekend. I'm buying in the money calls on the SPY so I don't get killed with the time value evaporating.

The plan is to go long until the magic 1100 area is hit. It could be 1108-1120, but I'm looking to get out around 1100, or around the magic turn date of October 5th-7th. We'll just play it one day at a time.

Now, back to my spy business...

I spent the day following the girls around over at Evil. I always wondered how Douala got all that inside information she delivers to us everyday. I snapped this picture of her stealing top secret information...


Then, I followed Anna while she went shopping today. She's pretty happy today as the market took a nose dive, (which meant that she has extra cash to shop with). She was talking about buying new black bikini, but it looks like she ended up buying a blue one. Here she is getting ready to cross the street... although she seems a little lost?


Finally, on to Keirsten...

She was a tough one to get a picture of as she caught me following her. But a great spy always gets the job done. Here she is at work stealing files that contain the details of Goldman Sachs' trading program.


Man! You guys just don't know what these ladies have to go through to give you evil rats all those secret trading tips. Being a hot trader babe is a big job...

That's all for now, this is your Private Dick Red signing off.


Author: Red

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15 years ago

Nice Leo, good luck with your new blog!!!

15 years ago
Reply to  cc

Thanks CC… it's mainly to put up posts that I wouldn't put elsewhere. Some will be for fun… like today and yesterday, and some will be just my ranting and raving about the corruption in the system, and finally some of the posts will actually be about the market, (and making money).

So, serious… but fun is the goal. I'm no expert trader, but I'm learning… and trying to make some extra cash as I go along.


15 years ago

Same here

15 years ago
Reply to  Nightwind

Thanks again Nightwind.

15 years ago

Verrrrrrrrrrry clever Leo! You're very creative and talented. Loved it! I am amazed how you got the print on Keirsten folder to slant upwards. None of my editing software will allow me to do that.

15 years ago
Reply to  Douala

Photoshop sweetie!

15 years ago

Verrrrrrrrrrry clever Leo! You're very creative and talented. Loved it! I am amazed how you got the print on Keirsten folder to slant upwards. None of my editing software will allow me to do that.

Red Dragon Leo
15 years ago

Photoshop sweetie!


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