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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

Nice squeeze. If it continues we could see 210 SPY from a falling trendline tomorrow. Not sure of course, but if it happens that’s where I’d short into a low by Friday. But it needs to hold this current rally into the close I think. If it rolls back down later today then we’ll likely put in the high for this wave up today and we’ll be heading lower tomorrow… not up to 210 area.

... kihei2

These “Reversal bars” are NOT working on SPY….looking like opportunities to sell at end of day. Change of character for sure.

... Red Dragon Leo

He’s rarely ever been right… in fact I can’t recall anything he was right about? Lindsey isn’t much better, but at least we get the “plans” of the elite from him, just not the correct time frame. Fulford doesn’t really seem to have any source that accurate… even if the time frame isn’t right. But he’s still interesting to read from time to time. I just don’t trade off him or make forecasts based on his stuff… nor Lindseys’ stuff.

... kihei2

Now if the new Ben Fulford comments are true….We have a very big problem just beginning…..
JP Morgan and other Western mega-banks have already begun stealing
depositors’ money, according to sources at the Asian Development Bank
and an American millionaire who reported his own funds were stolen. The
development bank source said a man who had $4 million on deposit with JP
Morgan contacted him to say the bank had refused to allow him to
withdraw his money. Instead the man was offered a “365 day bank
guarantee.” In other words, the bank would not give him his money but
offered to tell other banks that he had money. Many of the largest
Western banks are now keeping themselves from going bankrupt by offering
“guarantees” to each other, the source said. The American millionaire,
based in Washington State, said more than $100 million of his money had
also been stolen outright. A Japanese financier also told this writer
that Citibank had stolen more than $10 million of his money he deposited
at their branch in Tokyo. A Japanese female acquaintance said she had
too had $50,000 stolen from her account at the branch of an American
owned bank in Tokyo. The banks were not available for comment at the
time of this writing but it is clear from this anecdotal and also from
public evidence (like derivatives holdings and market manipulation) that
most Western mega-banks are no longer functioning properly.

... Red Dragon Leo

Latest Lindsey Williams update: (Remember that “they” use him to mislead the sheep about the “timing” of any event to profit them and get you trapped on the wrong side of any trade. So anything said about a crash in a certain month you can rest assured that it will be a bottom instead. Meaning “if” we do crash it will likely happen beforehand. Again, all this focus on September and the Shemitah tells me the panic in the market will happen well before then)

... Red Dragon Leo

Never fear my friend… I’m not playing these bounces.

... kihei2

Forced liquidations are going to wreck havoc in the markets like we have never seen before. Be prepared and do not play bounces.

... Red Dragon Leo

Looks like a small A up and B down happening so far. This leaves a small C up into the close to possibly hit 207 SPY area. I’m guessing this is a wave 4 up of some kind, which leaves the final 5th wave down tomorrow to complete this sell off since the Monday high.

... Red Dragon Leo

I’d say… “YEAH”! If we have some false flag event again and this time it’s a powerful bomb, then you know that’s where we’ll spike the VXX and QID up hard. Of course it might not hit those levels until a week or so later. And they could close down the market for a week like they did with 911.

... kihei2

I wonder if that’s where earlier fake print of 110 on VXX would register?