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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

SPX cash wants to go down this morning but the ES Futures are oversold and pointing up. It will probably be a choppy day.

... Red Dragon Leo

The story is always the same… the rich corrupt assholes at the top push risks to extremes to steal the last drop of profit from whatever scheme they created and then when the risks backfire and the scheme collapses they keep all the profit and pass the losses onto the public sheep.

... Scott Gifford

Greece will not pay. Germany and IMF took the risk to lend Greece when they joined the EU back in 2002. The IMF decided the risk is worth the lending at 5% since if Greece default then Germany will have to repay the debt. We are blaming the Greeks for their problems where in fact is the IMF and their corrupted banking system that caused this event. Also, if a bank fails then the people via taxation will have to pay the bill.

... Geccko23

I can’t see the Greeks voting to turn their country into Venezuela especially since they are already experiencing a Venezuelan moment. The operators will probably supply some plot twist after the euphoric after-effects of a pro Euro vote has run its course although Monday is a potential GO Slow date and a Fahrenheit 415 one as well.

... Douglas Lautenschlager

also shows how long this 2009 run has been extended to extreme!
AND the final rise without pullback matches length from previous

... Red Dragon Leo

If you can’t see the chart because it’s too small you can hold down the control key (ctrl) and press the plus key (+) at the same time and it will increase the screen size. Just keep hitting “ctrl +” to increase larger until you can see it good.

... Geccko23

Just had the full moon in the middle of the Sun-Mars-Rahu T square. Mars will be moving into a square with Rahu and the moon moves onto the opposition to Sirius and square to Uranus over the next day. Tomorrow is 260 weeks from the DECISION as LeBron struggles to reup with the CAVS. LOVE signs with the Cavs, a 5-11, 5years for 110 million.

Tomorrow features the heavy hitting astro. Next week has the numerology. Might need to wait for the moon to enter Aries for a purer grand cross.