Odds still point to Thursday being another up day… even if it’s only a small up? Possibly they breakthrough that falling trendline I posted earlier and hit the next trendline above it around 2085 area, but I don’t see much past that.
Considering that they will vote again this coming Sunday odds favor a bad outcome and therefore another down Monday to start the week off on the bear foot for once.
The problem for the bulls after that happens is that an extremely important rising trendline since 2011 will likely be broken too. This should trigger hedge funds and mutual funds to hit the sell button on a large scale. http://stockcharts.com/public/1092905/chartbook/312846787
SPX when the low for the month occurs on the last day of the month, that low is breached in the following month 82.5% of the time… and that low is breached w/in the first 5 trading days of the new month 71.4% of the time. ($SPX results from 63 instances since 1962).
Got to LOL @ how things are planned… @5am this morning while I’m watching FBN, all of the sudden they come out & say: wait wait wait, an agreement letter From Greece accepting most of the bailout terms was just leaked.
LOL, ya mistakenly LEAKED 😉
Quetzi and Jupiter basically near conjunction right now while a near full moon is rising nearly opposite to them. (in a couple of days). Actually in a few hours the moon will be entering Cancer and then be joining in the Mars-sun-Rahu T square and then move on to the Pluto-Sirius opposition. All of this concurrent with a Greek default.
Tomorrow, 7-1 will be a disguised 6-11 and a 77 as well.(7-16). GO SLOW on Cielo!!! (16763 days ago).
Maybe, they can postpone things until the referendum over the weekend but I can’t see the Greeks voting to leave the euro. They still need to make it to the referendum while their financial lifeline has been yanked and with capital controls in place and banks closed, they have the apparatus in place for an “exit”.
LeBron and LOVE opting out of their CAVS contracts basically 1818 days from the DECISION or 259+ weeks later. (from 7-9-10)(16-10)
Germany eliminated from the Women’s World Cup by the US today, 52 weeks from the US’s elimination from the Men’s World Cup by the Belgians,( “IF It’s Tuesday, It Must be BELGIUM”).
I’m not an EW person but today looks like an ABC wave 4 up, with yesterday being a large wave 3 down. This implies a 5th wave down should happen tomorrow. But again, I’m not a pro in EW counts.
If this happens then expect the “unexpected miracle” (this happens a lot in WallStreet World) like some Greece deal to spark a big short squeeze. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t rally up to put in a new all time high of 10-15 points over 2134 SPX by Monday of next week.
I’m NOT saying that’s going to happen but it won’t surprise me. If it happens I’ll be the only bear left around that will STILL be expecting a 3 week drop that will scare the horns off all the bulls and feed the bears for many months.
Odds still point to Thursday being another up day… even if it’s only a small up? Possibly they breakthrough that falling trendline I posted earlier and hit the next trendline above it around 2085 area, but I don’t see much past that.
Considering that they will vote again this coming Sunday odds favor a bad outcome and therefore another down Monday to start the week off on the bear foot for once.
I reloaded VXX this morning….close enough!
They are like giving leaks like every 15 minutes now, I smell DESPERATION!
The problem for the bulls after that happens is that an extremely important rising trendline since 2011 will likely be broken too. This should trigger hedge funds and mutual funds to hit the sell button on a large scale. http://stockcharts.com/public/1092905/chartbook/312846787
SPX when the low for the month occurs on the last day of the month, that low is breached in the following month 82.5% of the time… and that low is breached w/in the first 5 trading days of the new month 71.4% of the time. ($SPX results from 63 instances since 1962).
ES Futures Premarket Update: http://screencast.com/t/RCrZVZGQEP
Never ceases to amaze me how well timed leaked news is…
Looks like we’ll see some action at 11:30am EST today: http://seekingalpha.com/news/2608105-global-shares-rise-as-tsipras-backs-down
Got to LOL @ how things are planned… @5am this morning while I’m watching FBN, all of the sudden they come out & say: wait wait wait, an agreement letter From Greece accepting most of the bailout terms was just leaked.
LOL, ya mistakenly LEAKED 😉
Quetzi and Jupiter basically near conjunction right now while a near full moon is rising nearly opposite to them. (in a couple of days). Actually in a few hours the moon will be entering Cancer and then be joining in the Mars-sun-Rahu T square and then move on to the Pluto-Sirius opposition. All of this concurrent with a Greek default.
Tomorrow, 7-1 will be a disguised 6-11 and a 77 as well.(7-16). GO SLOW on Cielo!!! (16763 days ago).
Maybe, they can postpone things until the referendum over the weekend but I can’t see the Greeks voting to leave the euro. They still need to make it to the referendum while their financial lifeline has been yanked and with capital controls in place and banks closed, they have the apparatus in place for an “exit”.
LeBron and LOVE opting out of their CAVS contracts basically 1818 days from the DECISION or 259+ weeks later. (from 7-9-10)(16-10)
Germany eliminated from the Women’s World Cup by the US today, 52 weeks from the US’s elimination from the Men’s World Cup by the Belgians,( “IF It’s Tuesday, It Must be BELGIUM”).
I’m not an EW person but today looks like an ABC wave 4 up, with yesterday being a large wave 3 down. This implies a 5th wave down should happen tomorrow. But again, I’m not a pro in EW counts.
If this happens then expect the “unexpected miracle” (this happens a lot in WallStreet World) like some Greece deal to spark a big short squeeze. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t rally up to put in a new all time high of 10-15 points over 2134 SPX by Monday of next week.
I’m NOT saying that’s going to happen but it won’t surprise me. If it happens I’ll be the only bear left around that will STILL be expecting a 3 week drop that will scare the horns off all the bulls and feed the bears for many months.