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  • Red

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... kihei2

Red, Looks like your call of an early start to the correction( vs.the October time frame) is looking very accurate. How do you see this playing out?

... Red Dragon Leo

Last Friday produced a 5th HO signal (Hindenburg Omen). Keep in mind, it only means a correction/crash is ‘on the clock’. For past history read:

... Red Dragon Leo

Yes, this panic selling should end Monday (Tuesday at the latest), and then a rally into Thursday where I’ll look for a short into July 31st.

... Douglas Lautenschlager

you thinking 1 day crush, then bounce Tuesday into Holiday?

... Red Dragon Leo

We’ll be very oversold at the open. I’m expecting a bounce into Thursday. Don’t know how high, but I see the end of this week being the best time to short into the end of July.

... Scott Gifford

Greece – Banks and Stock Market closed on Monday. We will open -500 in the DOW and S&P will see 1875 this week.

... Geccko23

Yes we needed Mars to enter Cancer before anything could materialize thus the markets were in limbo for a week and got the inevitable bounce based on a “positive turn in Euro-Greece negotiations” as the operators continued their game of whipsaw with the markets.

Russell 2000 and IBB did pop above the upper BBs earlier in the week putting in a doji top above them on Tuesday which is a pretty reliable topping pattern.