I know you follow charts,
FYI, I’m changing to follow more World Wide happenings, games played and using trend lines w/support & resistance.
Look at this chart and can see how they GAP over trendline Monday to shake Long options, then today GAP back over to shake Puts out.
Yeah… I personally think that even if we drop to below that 2040 SPX zone to take out all the bulls’ sell stops that have been long from those multiple hits over the last several months they will stop and reverse back up into mid to late July to make a new all time high again.
I do think they will get up there near 2200 (+/-some) before a final top for this year is seen. Then down in August, and hopefully not the false flag event… but just a nice correction.
Short wise, didn’t short anything, did buy back VXX today.
Will hold into next week, want to hold longer if possible or looks correct for longer hold!
As more trouble happens in Europe tho, I see more of their money will keep moving over into our markets as their markets are on thin ice!
One thing that makes me ???? a nice correction is that too many lately again calling for one! Telling me they WANT ONE because they know & can buy for a big leg up later to come!
Short term False Crash is possible, but hard to nail just yet!
Yeah, I really only expecting about 2110 SPX or so (+/- 2-3 points). This was a much bigger squeeze then many people expected I’m sure. Tomorrow is a tough call as it’s option expiration (triple or quad witching), and we all know how they love to manipulate it so they don’t have to pay out the put holders.
My thoughts are that if we open flat to up we’ll chop around early in the day and into the last hour or so we’ll sell off. Or, if we gap down they will find an early morning low and bounce it back up into the close to retrace most of the move down.
So on a move up I’ll look to short (again) into next week (actually I have some June 30th puts, so I’ll get more of those to bring down the cost). If we gap down I’ll look to bail out on my current puts and wait for a rally the rest of the day to decide on whether or not I’ll go short over the weekend.
I’ll probably wait as even though next week is a very bearish week there’s always bounces to get short at. So getting in on a Friday and chancing a gap down on Monday really isn’t worth the time decay in my opinion.
The short term charts going into the close today are very, very overbought. So if you are trapped short from today I think they’ll be a decent pullback tomorrow at some point to bail out at a smaller loss (depending on what you bought and when of course).
tell how more of a squeeze because flatlines @11am…then 12noon, game playing again to squeeze on low volume for the lunch hour…but no continue on last 30 minutes. Options x week is always games w/news tricks
Interesting http://www.amateur-investor.net/AII_Weekend_AnalysisJune_20_15.htm
Looks like a “pause” day. Probably sideways until the close, and then should have some small selling
It’s quite common for them to gap over resistance levels.
I know you follow charts,
FYI, I’m changing to follow more World Wide happenings, games played and using trend lines w/support & resistance.
Look at this chart and can see how they GAP over trendline Monday to shake Long options, then today GAP back over to shake Puts out.
Yeah… I personally think that even if we drop to below that 2040 SPX zone to take out all the bulls’ sell stops that have been long from those multiple hits over the last several months they will stop and reverse back up into mid to late July to make a new all time high again.
I do think they will get up there near 2200 (+/-some) before a final top for this year is seen. Then down in August, and hopefully not the false flag event… but just a nice correction.
Short wise, didn’t short anything, did buy back VXX today.
Will hold into next week, want to hold longer if possible or looks correct for longer hold!
As more trouble happens in Europe tho, I see more of their money will keep moving over into our markets as their markets are on thin ice!
One thing that makes me ???? a nice correction is that too many lately again calling for one! Telling me they WANT ONE because they know & can buy for a big leg up later to come!
Short term False Crash is possible, but hard to nail just yet!
Yeah, I really only expecting about 2110 SPX or so (+/- 2-3 points). This was a much bigger squeeze then many people expected I’m sure. Tomorrow is a tough call as it’s option expiration (triple or quad witching), and we all know how they love to manipulate it so they don’t have to pay out the put holders.
My thoughts are that if we open flat to up we’ll chop around early in the day and into the last hour or so we’ll sell off. Or, if we gap down they will find an early morning low and bounce it back up into the close to retrace most of the move down.
So on a move up I’ll look to short (again) into next week (actually I have some June 30th puts, so I’ll get more of those to bring down the cost). If we gap down I’ll look to bail out on my current puts and wait for a rally the rest of the day to decide on whether or not I’ll go short over the weekend.
I’ll probably wait as even though next week is a very bearish week there’s always bounces to get short at. So getting in on a Friday and chancing a gap down on Monday really isn’t worth the time decay in my opinion.
The short term charts going into the close today are very, very overbought. So if you are trapped short from today I think they’ll be a decent pullback tomorrow at some point to bail out at a smaller loss (depending on what you bought and when of course).
see on 60 min chart
they gap over 200 DMA & trendline to start squeeze
tell how more of a squeeze because flatlines @11am…then 12noon, game playing again to squeeze on low volume for the lunch hour…but no continue on last 30 minutes. Options x week is always games w/news tricks
SkyNet is such a well oiled machine. You gotta love how well time the release of a possible Greece deal lines up with the need to start a bear squeeze. http://www.businessinsider.com/the-euro-is-going-bananas-over-reports-of-a-bailout-deal-for-greece-2015-6