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  • Red

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... Permabear Doomster

No… he said trading days.

Aka.. the FOMC of Sept 17th.

ps. enjoy rest of the week.

... Red Dragon Leo

ES Futures charts pointing up nicely. Should rally today.

... Geccko23

16767 days tomorrow (6-16) from the moon landing.

GO SLOW on Haight!!!!!! The Summer of LOVE is set to begin…..The Summer of ’42.

BDA and his cult set up shop in Frisco in ’67 to warp the minds of the incoming and blossoming flower children.

... Red Dragon Leo

The capital of America is currently what?
… Washington, D.C. right?
The capital of America when George Washington was president was what?
… New York City is the correct answer.

Neo’s passport shows what city?
9/11 happened in what cities?

Lucy’s Passport shows what state?

... Douglas Lautenschlager

some of the oil stocks been holding up….PBR good, CHK bottoming.
Once again VXX fades not good for swing, only works for a 1 day hold!

... Douglas Lautenschlager

Oil service stocks holding on strong & moving up

... Red Dragon Leo

ES Futures look oversold too me. I suspect we’ll bottom early today and reverse back up for a rally.