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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

You can post all the additional stuff you found as I could have missed it?

... Douglas Lautenschlager

2nd time seen a bunch that could have meaning, guessing you don’t want it posted…..Will say though I take/see Lucy as a leader to keep hope for human survival over the money/power hunger people.

... Red Dragon Leo

Remember that it’s related to the Matrix movie. What was exposed in that movie is also exposed it this movie.

... Douglas Lautenschlager

OK, rented and just watched movie…..Didn’t see hidden clues other then maybe near end when Morgan F. says Too much power could destroy civilization but we already know that. Will try again & pay less attention to movie and watch background things!

... Red Dragon Leo

I think we’ll go up today but I’d like to see a retest of this mornings premarket low first.

... Red Dragon Leo

If a gap down Tuesday morning I think we’ll bottom quickly and rally into the close and/or early Wednesday.

... Red Dragon Leo

Not much change by the close as short term chart still oversold and pointing up but daily is down.

... Red Dragon Leo

Short term charts are bullish but the market doesn’t feel bullish (feels bearish to me), so I’m doing nothing today.

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah Bruce we normal humans (the poor one’s) won’t likely see (or have
the availability to get access too…) any technology that will extend
our lives to 200+ years. But it does talk about a 1,000 year millennium
in the Bible, so possibly the generation after us will benefit from it?

My thoughts are that we won’t make that higher high in June but will have
one last “higher high” in July sometime. Someone posted this on Twitter and I have to agree that I think we’ll see the high for the year in July, not June.

“SPX Since 1950 June has never been the high for the year and this year is typical behavior… Late June/July more likely for summer rally.”