Thursday, October 17, 2024

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ES Morning Update October 17th 2024

We got the bounce I was expecting yesterday and it never took out the 5900 level. I think it will continue to hold and...

ES Morning Update October 16th 2024

Ok, we finally got some supports break and it's looking like we have topped short term and we are starting the pullback for wave...

ES Morning Update October 15th 2024

This market is just not looking like it's going to give the bears any chance at getting out with a small pullback. It's possible...

ES Morning Update October 14th 2024

(Note:  I've changed the degree of the waves some in this update as I was wrong on them the last several weeks.  I was...

ES Morning Update October 11th 2024

A big dud yesterday as the CPI did nothing to move the market down. But all the technicals still suggest a pullback is coming...

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