Tuesday, October 22, 2024

All Hail Obama…

Seems like another Dashavoo moment to me.  Wasn't we here just yesterday?  Yes, we were... only 2 cents higher today!  Sometimes I think I'm living in the matrix, and evil computers are controlling the world.  Yesterday we hit 112.99 SPY, and today it was 113.01... wow, the market is really rallying now!  Someone wake me up when the nightmare is over.

I know it may seem like I'm a little crazy sometimes, and I probably am!  After all, I don't drink anymore, (I need to start back though), don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't watch Jerry Springer, American Idol, the latest reality show, or any news programs on TV... so I guess I'm not normal am I?

That's because I woke up, and realized that the secret group of corrupt banksters, thugs, and hitler reincarnations (Obama) are ruling the world now.  It won't be long before this blog, and millions of others are shutdown due to a "National Emergency"!  What am I talking about you ask?  Only the new bill (Link Here - google it for more websites) that Obama want's passed that allows him to "SHUTDOWN" the internet whenever he damn well pleases!


All Hail Obama, the new American Dictator!  Folks, if you don't think this economy is 100% controlled by these thugs, you are sleeping in wonder wonder land!  As long as the printing press is going (forever) they have full control of the market.... (and soon be our only "freedom of speak" left too).  It will go down whenever they decide to rob the bulls, as the bears are already broke!

Everything in this market is well planned out.  All the bad news is released during light volume days... especially during the holiday's.  Did you know that they released the news about removing the cap on supporting Fannie Mae on Christmas Eve?  (And let's not forget about how they released the Dubai news at Thanksgiving).  This whole economic collapse, which was centered around the mortgage bubble, was supposedly saved by the bailouts of not only the crooked banksters, but also Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Remember, they moved all those toxic assets off the banksters books and onto the governments books through Fannie and Freddie.  Initially they set a limit or cap as to how much money would be given to support those firms, but now they lifted the cap... when no one was watching of course.

That means that they can put in a Trillion Dollars if they want too, not just Billions!  Those assets are truly toxic, and I highly doubt if they are even worth 30 cents on the dollar.  This is basically saying that "the economic isn't really recovering" as they have been telling us how it has been for months now.  Believe me, if that news was realized during normal volume trading days, a sell off would have happen.

But again, the crooks pump up the bad news they can spin as positive, and sweep the bad news they can't... under the radar!  There is NO really good news in the market.  Any company or economic report that "beats estimates" is worthless, as they all based that on last years' numbers... which was horrible!  How hard is it to beat the worst numbers in decades?

Yeah... I know, I'm bitching!  Well, it's my blog, and I can call a spade a spade... or a crook a crook if I want too!  Look, I've always known that this is just a big casino, and that the odds are in favor of the house... which I'm OK with.  But when "the house" knows every card in your hand, it's crooked... and that's exactly what they know!

Technical Analysis's, Elliottwave, Fibonacci Level, and Astrology are all that we traders have too use to give us a fair chance of winning in this card game called "The Market".  They have changed the way any of those methods work... which is cheating, or looking at my cards.

It's like having a winning hand and the dealer folding, not allowing you to raise the bet and win back some of your losses.  (aka... releasing bad news when the markets are closed and you didn't get a chance to go short).  And then pulling an Ace out from under the deck when you are chatting with the person beside you (aka... releasing bad news when no one is watching, which allows them to buy back any sell off... killing any short position profits you may have gotten).

I'm glad I'm still in cash right now, as these last few weeks have be nothing short of a living nightmare.  It seems almost impossible for a swing trader to make any money in this market, which is why I'm looking for individual stocks to play, that hopefully they don't have too much interest in manipulating.  Anyway, I guess I've bitched enough for one day.  I look forward to another Ground Hog day tomorrow too!

Oh, one more thing... just a wild thought!  Do you think this Thursday would be a great day to release really bad jobs numbers, as every trader is gone for the holiday's?  Another bad report swept under the rug...


Author: Red

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14 years ago

Hey Red,

Your not alone, blew up one account since October. Patiently waiting on the new year. Your absolutely correct with respect to your comments and enjoyed the read. Yes, the bulls are next to be extinguished, the only question is when? When they control the majority we will see what the socialist government has been planning for soon.


Red Dragon Leo
14 years ago
Reply to  skynard

My best guess is that we correct about 10% again in January, and then rally to the 61.8% fib level by mid-summer. Then all hell breaks loose!

14 years ago

Hi Red,

I hear ya. I used to be angry and frustrated with what the new regime is doing, but have moved past that point. The emotions were not benefitual to me or my family. You know the ole saying “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”. Then again, there are those that still believe even though they've been lied to tens of times – there is no medicine for stupidity.

So, now I watch and wait. I don't listen to anything this admin has to say because I know the MO is to lie first, if get caught, spin it. I only watch their actions. My hope is by Nov 2010, enough people will have waken up from their dream/nightmare and vote accordingly. I only hope the country is not beyond repair by that time.

Hey, thanks for letting me rant.

Red Dragon Leo
14 years ago
Reply to  SSurfer8

Rant and Rave all you want here my friend… I'd tell you how deep the rabbit hole goes, but it might blow your mind. I'm expecting about a 10% correction in January, and then some more rallying up to about the 61.8% fib level by mid-summer or so.

As long as that printing press is going, the market not going to collapse. Late 2010-2011 is going to be horrible, as I truly expect the market to fall to 3,000-4,000 Dow.

14 years ago

US savings rate jumped from 0.0000000000000 to 4% and is expected to top out at 10%–That's a lot of liquidity being pulled out of the economy–and blah blah, so on and so forth.
Check out this guy, he really really does not like BAC.

Red Dragon Leo
14 years ago
Reply to  zstock

Thanks for the link zstock. I watched his video and like it! We need more people like Bob… to spread the truth of what is really going on!

14 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Now we got to get those 60 corporate senators out of office—I don't care what political view___ any non-corporate person decides to run, I'll vote for them.
You know how you can get a monkey elected in 2010 elections—Tell the people, My opponent took all this bailout money contributions, from these corporations. Just keep hitting the ad waves with “Bailout” They'll vote for the monkey, because he isn't accepting any contributions from BAILOUTS

zstock, Pro Select!
14 years ago

Now we got to get those 60 corporate senators out of office—I don't care what political view___ any non-corporate person decides to run, I'll vote for them.
You know how you can get a monkey elected in 2010 elections—Tell the people, My opponent took all this bailout money contributions, from these corporations. Just keep hitting the ad waves with “Bailout” They'll vote for the monkey, because he isn't accepting any contributions from BAILOUTS


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