Saturday, March 29, 2025

Total Control…


The Obama gangsters have succeeded in controlling this market every step of the way, and today was no different.  Your mind is now being programmed to believe whatever lies they want to tell you.  Of course they want you to believe in a recovery of the economy, and therefore you should go out and spend the money you don't have, and invest the other leftover money (that you still don't have), in the stock market through your retirement plan.

However,  we no longer live in a "free society", where the stock market is actually traded freely with real buyers and real sellers.  Now we have a market that is totally controlled by Uncle Sam.  That means that you will be parted UN-voluntarily from your savings and retirement should you decide to believe what you've been told.

But before they can get you to believe in the brainwashing, they must keep other's from showing the truth about the economy by selling in masses.  They have succeed there as well... as they have them participating as planned too.

Big Institutions are now well trained dogs, that sit when they are told too.  Their master has told them to sit and wait... so that's what they are doing.  No amount of technical analysis, elliottwave, astro or moon cycle turn dates will work until the big institutions are allowed to sell (or buy) their shares.  The small traders can't push the market down without the big institutions... who aren't selling until they are free from their masters' lease.

That may be NEVER, as the government now owns a large portion of America and Wall Street is one of them!  Welcome to USSSR!  All Hail Obama!  America is the new Dictatorship, with Socialism in the market now instead of a Democracy.  We are now told what to buy, and not allowed to sell.


It's all part of living in the Matrix.  There's a virus running rampant in this matrix, and it's slowing destroying everyone's livelyhood.  It's called the "Greed" virus, and it's spread too fast now, and causing glitch's in the system.  The Obama team is trying to mask it by installing the "Hope" anti-virus program.  But, the "Hope" program is actually a virus, not an anti-virus program... which will only make matters worst in the long run.

You see, what the people don't know is that the "Hope" anti-virus program was created by the same people who created the "Greed" program.  It's all just part of the game, to play "hide and seek" with no real intentions of finding whoever you are seeking.  But instead, just give everyone the "Hope" (illusion) of doing something to solve the problem.

Even if you don't want to play the game, you are force to play, as laws are passed requiring your 401k, or pension fund to be invested in the matrix, where the "Greed" virus can destroy it.  Just remember that the game is designed to take your money from you, so playing it is actually gambling.

In the past... before the massive printing of free money, starting after March 6th, 2009, you could have actually increased your odds of winning by card counting, or other number crunching.  But, like any good secret, once the casino discovers what you are doing... the rules change.  Yes, now you have multiple decks to count, making it impossible to win anymore.

So, here we are... playing a game called "the stock market".  A rigged game of course, but one you could predict fairly accurately in the past.  That's all changed now, as the casino owners didn't like seeing so many bears win.  Now you will either lose all your profit, (and maybe all your money)... or you will sit in cash, as NO real bear will ever go long in this market.

I'm on the "sitting in cash" side (albeit a much smaller sitting of cash... after a nice ass whipping from my master, not too long ago).  But I realize that I'm no different then many other traders out there... who have suffered greatly in this matrix.  The "Greed" virus attacks bears first of course, but when it's done... it will have destroyed the bears, bulls, and the "non-trader's" too!

In the end... everyone's clock will be cleaned!


Author: Red

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Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon
15 years ago

Please wait till Sunday's vote on health care.
Have faith in all powerful markets.
No one can be ever bigger than 50% of the markets. Even governments.
There is a good reason for market to behave the way they behave.
Grander opportunity for the traders more the manipulation happens.
Problem is markets are never ever manipulated.
No one can push the price up unless that person buys stocks.
and If he/she is a buyer then he is part of natural market.

So the very assumption than markets can be manipulated is wrong.
Now your claim is it is a alien agency/Goldman Sachs/federal government/Illuminati/Girl Scouts/Chinese Triads/transvestites from thailand/Bank of Australia/Taranpanthi Jain Sects/Vegas Stripper Club/Pope etc.are buying stock with fake printed money.
That is genuine buyers with good bank accounts.
Who take delivery of the stocks so now what is the problem ?

Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon
15 years ago
Reply to  Baby Dragon

You pay money to buy stocks.
Now what is the problem if someone buys stocks.

Markets can not be changed unless you buy or sell stocks. and that is participation and not manipulation.

I am bear, I hate every uptick, but tape is tape.
You can see more money buying stocks everyday.
Retail people may never ever buy any more stocks.
May be governments of China and India shall buy…..
You never know the reasons.

There may be a crash like 1987 in waiting.

Red Dragon Leo
15 years ago
Reply to  Baby Dragon

I see your point, and yes it's true that the government's buying of the stock market is, and can be called, part of the natural market.

However, it's the reason they are buying, is of concern to me and every other trader out there. Whereas the retail person buys on fundamentals and the trader buys on some form of technical analysis, the government is buying for no other reason but to trick the retail person into believe that it's safe to go back into water.

It's not safe, as there are no good fundamental reasons to be bullish on the economy right now. That called deception. While the retail person, and the the trader are using their own money to invest/trade, the government isn't doing so.

They are using other peoples' money (the taxpayer), so therefore they don't care that the stocks they are buying have horrible earnings outlooks, etc… The retail trader uses his own money to invest, and tries to do so wisely. The trader also uses his own money, and again tries to do so wisely.

The government does so unwisely, and clearly for the purpose of deceiving the others. That's called manipulation because they are doing what they are doing for unhealthy reasons.

Stealing our money, buying a piece of crap company, and telling us to buy it too, is fraud and deception in my book. That's why I'd like to see Obama, Giethner, Bernanke, and all the leading banksters publicly hung from a tall tree.

Do it “Wild Wild West” style, as prison isn't good enough for them. We don't live in a free America anymore, and it's only going to get worst as they stage more terrorist attacks to create more wars and kill more innocence people.

Ok, enough now, as the coffee is getting to me.

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago
Reply to  Baby Dragon

Market manipulation is illegal.

People are jailed for it. So it must be possible.

If people can do it, so can the government.

Would the government do it to save the country from ruin?

Of course.

15 years ago

Well said. 20 years ago I would not have believed this situation possible.

Peter  in  UK
Peter in UK
15 years ago

This is a cyclical bull within a secular bear market – of course the trend is up. Not even Obama or even the big man in the sky can keep it up forever and it will roll over – maybe this year maybe next but it WILL rollover !!

15 years ago

$DJI currently has 8 consecutive higher closes than opens

In the last 650 trading days the $DJI hasn't had more than 8 consecutive higher closes than opens

In those 650 trading days there has been one sequence of 8 consecutive higher closes than opens which terminated on 8/27/10

There was 1 other 8 consecutive close sequence, however it was a negative sequence and it terminated on 10/10/2008 (Oct. 2008 crash)

Red Dragon Leo
15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

I have a busy day today, and won't be around (again). Not like I'm missing anything. Thanks for the response. I'll send one back over the weekend, with more of my… sometimes insane thoughts and ideas.

15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

And how many occurrences of 6 consecutive down weeks on the VIX have there been again?

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

2 occurrences

termination of the 1st 6 consecutive down sequence led to a -42.6% move in the $SPX in 9 weeks

termination of the 2nd 6 consecutive down sequence led to a -14.7% move in the $SPX in 3 weeks

Stats are in congruence to weekly setups on the $TNX and $VIX all coiled up

15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

Much appreciated. Thank you again.

15 years ago

I believe we have one more day of this – hanging on till Monday. After that, I will have no hope. Every indicator is overbought. I believe the PPT is intervening but at the same time, I think the intervening may be part of a natural order to some extent. If you look back in history, there have been all kinds of weird run ups and things that don't make sense yet they still seem to fit into sequences and mathematical boxes. So, perhaps the intervening is all part of a greater force. I believe the health care plan will be passed this weekend and the market will sell off on Monday and that timing could just all be part of the greater force. Of course, I may be completely wrong 🙂

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

Call's morning call:

June S&P E-mini Futures: Today's range estimate is again 1157 – 1170. I no longer think that the ES will break yesterday's low at 1156.25. The ES should reach the 1200 level by the end of May.

1156.25 – 1163.25 actual yesterday (7 points)
1159.75 (last night's low)
1157-1170 estimate (June Expiry) for today (13 points)
1163.25 currently, so estimate is -6.25 to +6.75 from here (neutral)

15 years ago

$VIX 16.26 de-leverage pt. hit established Oct. 09'

15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

I get it. 59.89/1.887454 = 30.69 and 30.69/1.887454 = 16.26

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

Carl is Long one unit at 1163.25

15 years ago

VIX just hit containment!

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

De-leverage I mean!

15 years ago

Call me crazy but the vix low on Yahoo finance keeps toggling back from 16.17 to 16.31. I watched it go below 16.23.

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

it's open & LOD was 16.17

15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

Let's just hope that sticks!

15 years ago

FCX is another individual issue that's gives great clues co-relational to the macro

it bottomed during the Jan. 09' low and was rising into the March 09' S&P low

FCX displaying the classic 1 – 2 -3 dance, put it's TOP in on 1-11 (i'm sure it was a coincidence)

broke down below the knot of contianment pts. in January breaking it's string of higher lows on the Daily. The corrective rally into the 3.17 highs which was below the 1st of 3 distribution pts.

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

Carl sold one unit at 1159.50

15 years ago
Reply to  Earl of

Go Carl go!

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

Carl is Long one unit at 1156.75

Try, try again. His projected low was 1157

15 years ago
Reply to  Earl of

Good luck carl. Maybe you'll get your chance to sell today but you better not hold over the weekend 🙂

15 years ago
Reply to  Earl of

Still holding?

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

Yes, so far.

He seems to give his 2nd try more room than the 1st.

15 years ago

Sundancer, do you know anything about Gann turn dates? I thought they were related to the solar cycle and I have also read that March 21st is a historically important date but I can't seem to find much more information on it.

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

i've heard of them, don't know much about them

I have a ritual based approach to timing

You've noticed that the $SPX hasn't taken out it's 3.17 highs yet, remember this post

Today 3.17.2010 is an important day as a number of sequences align.

3.17.2010 is 888 days from the 10/11/2007 $SPX all time high
111 = 1.30.2008 high
222 = 5.19.2008 major high
333 = 9.8.2008 major high
444 = 12.29.2008 low
555 = 4.17.2009 high
666 = 8.7.2009 high
777 = 11.26.2009 dubai ritual (ES dumped 40 handles overnight)

another sequence aligns from the 3.6.2009 low
3.17.2010 = 1 year 11 days

important sequence from the 3.24.2000 $SPX high
9 years 11 months 21 days

15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

I had indeed been watching and noticed that.

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

you have mentioned the healthcare bill

it's all part of the ritual

it's currently the 111th meeting of congress

15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

wow. I guess the world isn't as random as I thought.

15 years ago

Healthcrap bill passes = blackmonday
Healthcrap bill dies= To Da Moon Monday

THis healthcrap bill is epitomy of “I am from the government, i know what is best for you, and I am here to help you.'

On the good side, this will be the bill that puts the democrats out to the pasture for a few generations to come. The way this bill is forced down the American people's throat, is the nail to the Dem's coffin.

15 years ago
Reply to  SC

News doesn't matter, it's just a trigger. IMHO. . .
Healthcare bill passes – Black Monday
Healthcare bill doesn't pass – Black Monday.

Anyway, do you really think he would let it not pass after making such a big deal out of it for this weekend?

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

News are often the trigger. But not always the case. It is a very complex relationship. Events can influence market, but market action can also shape and trigger events.

In any event, this is a win win situation. The passage of the bill will outrage the voters, and seal the fate of Democrat style backroom dirty politics.

15 years ago
Reply to  SC

I don't think it is necessarily democratic dirty politics – it's all politics.

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

It is dirty politics b/c the Democrats would not have voted for this bill, IF they are not being bullied, threatened and blackmailed by Obama's thugs. What do you think the 'persuasion' is about? It is all about “if you dont vote for this, you are dead as we are going to back someone else against you this November.”

15 years ago
Reply to  SC

Perhaps. Why do things look so bleak these days? I wish we were back in the 80s. Of course I was only a child then so perhaps things just appeared rosier to me.

15 years ago
Reply to  monicadern

POLITICS is a GAME that used to be for the BOYS in the back room
NOW its on CNN , CNBC, & of course FOX
everyday and each one SPINS it the way they want to get the best ratings for the day

IT takes a certain kind of person to be a politician, and they MUST learn the GAME or they wont be around very long

IT is a game of GIVE AND TAKE

but the public is being overwhelmed with TOOO MUCH politics and they dont like it

IT was the SAME 200 years ago and it will never change

It took LBJ 15 months to get medicare passed, so why should healthcare be any different

Best to all

15 years ago
Reply to  SC

I go back and forth on this. I think Healthcare stocks could rise once this thing is finally passed — it removes uncertainty from the marketplace.

15 years ago
Reply to  dreadwin

Dread, I think it helps Healthcare companies and they hold market up on Monday if it passes. I don't think black Monday. Maybe Black Wednesday. By the Way the Pres will be out of Country so if it tanks it want be his fault because he was not here.

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

Carl sold long unit at 1154.50

15 years ago
Reply to  Earl of

I told you before that Carl can get whipsawed just like the rest of us mere mortals. 🙂

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago
Reply to  SC

Two “Bad Carl” days in a row.

Market might be turning down. Certainly is an alarm of some kind to those thinking bullish.

15 years ago
Reply to  Earl of

Carl tends to have a rough time when one trend ends and before the next one begins. Once he recognizes the change, he's pretty good.

15 years ago
Reply to  dreadwin

Yes, seems to be.

15 years ago
15 years ago

PPT ramped it but feel good now the ultimate direction is down.

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

Carl at day’s end:

1157-1170 estimate today for /ES (13 points)
1150.25 -1165 actual today (14.75 points)
Spent most of the day below Carl’s low.

In /ES at 1163.25, out at 1159.50 (loss of 3.75)
In /ES at 1156.75, out at 1154.50 (Loss of 2.25)

Grade D (2nd day in a row: lost some money, too optimistic on range estimate)

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

TZA opened down 1.0%. Gap was filled. TZA was up 4.7% at the high, and closed up 3.8%.

We are in a New Moon Trade, which favors TZA.
After four days, this trade is down 4.3%. AmericanBulls issued a sell March 17th so this trade was in cash today and did not benefit from the 3.8% rise today. This trade will buy TZA again once AmericanBulls issues a confirmed BUY signal, or an unconfirmed high probability BUY-IF signal.

Volume for TZA was the 4th highest of the last 18 days.

$RVX (VIX for $RUT) closed up 4.7% with TZA up 3.8%. No divergence.

TZA has now been up 4 of the last 6 days.

The low for TZA today was $7.04. The low two days ago was $6.93 which is the lowest TZA price ever.

Ultimate Oscillator for TZA bottomed at 20 twenty trading days ago and has generally risen since then but has remained below 50 and is currently 42. Indicating continued weakness for TZA. Today’s value jumped 8 points today & was highest of the last 20 days, so the Ultimate Oscillator is in a definite up trend. Good for TZA.

Bollinger Bands for $RVX (VIX for $RUT): today’s long white candle remains in the congestion area but closed above the Bollinger mid-line (20 day MA). The lower Bollinger band stopped falling. MACD has crossed from below and is rising. Looks like $RVX is rising. Good for TZA.

Bollinger Bands for $RUT: The large red candle for $RUT seems to mark a change in character downward. Looks like a topping process for $RUT is well underway. Good for TZA.

Bollinger Bands for $RUT:$RVX ($RUT vs VIX for $RUT): today’s red candle fell to the bottom of the congestion area. The upper Bollinger Band seems to be falling. Looks like a topping process is well under way, which is good for TZA.

TZA had a much higher high, higher low and much higher close – good for TZA.

Yesterday, money flow for the Total Stock Market was $250 million flowing out of the market. That made sense. Today, the same site says $22,547 million (That would be $22 billion and change) flowed into the market, on a down day. If this makes sense to anyone, please speak up.

I will post the AmericanBulls candlestick interpretation a bit later.

Overall, it looks like TZA will rise Monday.

15 years ago

Dollar weekly setup

slight violation of weekly contianment @ the close

this is the 5th week of dancing with the containment pt.

next weekly containment pt. (teal line) is @ 24.27

15 years ago
Reply to  sundancer390

Think we will be able to get there shortly.

Earl of
Earl of
15 years ago

The view from Americanbulls

TNA was a confirmed SELL today. The candlestick today was a Long Black Candlestick (strong selling pressure).

TNA gapped up today, and then fell. The standard rules for a gap up after a SELL-IF signal is to sell when price falls to yesterday’s closing price.

AmericanBulls has this trade ending at $55.43 (their close for yesterday)
I have this trade ending at $55.41 (yesterday’s close on Interactive Brokers).

TZA has a confirmed BUY today. The candlestick today was White Candlestick (normal buying pressure).

TZA gapped down today, and then rose. The standard rule for a gap down after a BUY-IF signal is to buy when price rises to yesterday’s closing price.

AmericanBulls has this trade starting at $7.11 (their close for yesterday)
I have this trade starting at $7.12 (yesterday’s close on Interactive Brokers).

Summary of $RUT based ETFs:
Sell Confirmed: IWM (1x), UWM (2x), TNA (3x)
Buy Confirmed: RWM (-1x), TWM (-2x), TZA (-3x)

Action for tomorrow: none

Comment: TZA (-3x) was up 3.79% today from the AmericanBulls recommended buy price to the close. RWM (-1x) was up 1.37% & TWM (-2x) was up 2.63%.

15 years ago

At least your commentors CONTRIBUTE to the technical status of the market and they DONT taunt that you tend to be more bearish than not. I dont know why I get some people who just seem to want to show me up, and the ones how should contribute mostly remain silent.

Technical sell signals were issued on the 10& 11th but the effects can be delayed up to 10days

Numerology plays an interesting role at peaks & lows
1170 was not exceeded 1+1+7= 9 a finishing/final number
10800 was not exceeded and also totals 9

every month of the last 10 that I researched
had a low in the first week
and a high in the 3rd week around the 18th & 19th

the 5th of the month =5
18th of the month = 9 final
23rd of each month = 5
5 & 23 -2+3= 5 means CHANGE

So we can see that in a STRONG trending market
those values can be used at least as a guide to work with & evaluate other technical data at times of extremes

I have been publishing a market EKG prior to each day which seems to be showing the ups& downs of the next day, as I have been posting it after 8:30am

Keep in mind

they are derived from a continuous data stream, and I convert it to a graph. The reason I post it after 8:30 is to give me a starting point. the end of the day is still difficult
to pick, but ive gotten better at it.

the other 2 graphs are posted after market to show comparisons of the EKG to the SPX & Market PULSE which updates every 5 minutes during the day.


Red Dragon Leo
15 years ago
Reply to  jaywiz10534


I've been pretty busy at work lately, as this is the busy time of year for me. So, I haven't had a chance to stop by and visit your blog (sorry). I do try to read your site and the comments from time to time, and you're right… it seems that you have a problem with trolls, or just annoying people posting worthless content.

I think you would have less of that if you switched your comment system to discus. Of course it wouldn't keep them all out, but it would reduce the amount of idiots posting and running… with no logic or reason by the post, other then to annoy people.

I'm lucky to have a good group of people commenting here on this site. I'm just the host, and they are the party. When it comes to technical analysis, I learn from them… as you can see I don't post as much TA's or charts as I used too.

With the market being so heavily control now, it's really a waste of time to forecast the next move, as it won't happen until the big institutions are allow to sell.

I know you are aware that this market should have continued down in February, as well as several other times. But, government manipulation is the new game that must be mastered.

Forecasting their next move is the key to predicting the market. Of course there has always been some form of manipulation in the market, but never total control like now. The massive printing of free money has change the rules in the stock market forever.

I hope you are still making money my friend.


15 years ago

Think we will be able to get there shortly.


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