Tuesday, October 22, 2024

QE2 Day Is Finally Here

Wednesday update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3hIjgtsKbc )

I decided to do a second video update, as a gap up over the 1215-1220 area isn't looking likely right now.  More important data has been sent to me.  Please read this release by Half Past Humans, as the timeline has been moved up to November 5th (from the 8th), and extended to November 14th (was the 11th).

Also, watch the youtube video by Lindsey Williams (part 1 of 6).  Folks, too many people are all saying the same thing right now... which is that the time period we are about to go into next week will start a horrible sell off in the market, possibly caused by some "false flag" event.  It will likely be 10-1000 times greater then the 911 event, and the "Tipping Point" is November 14th!

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U9GGpReZLM)

From all the evidence I put up on my weekend post, and all this new evidence... from different sources, something bad is coming I do believe.  Just be very careful, as if it does happen, then stocking up on 6 months of food and water might be a good idea after all.



The day the market has been waiting on is less the 24 hours away now.  What will happen?  Will the market start a new rally and go up another 600 point on the Dow and hit our DIA 118.16 FP?  Or is that print for next year, and instead the market rolls over into a nice correction/crash?

With the market so close to that upside FP, I wish it would just go up there and get it over with, as I like to start heading down toward the other FP at Dow 8300 before I grow old and die waiting.  I honestly don't know what is going to play out?  It really does depend on how much the QE2 is?

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF_gFv3cvFc)

If they promise way more then the market expects, a rally from hell could squeeze every last bear out of existence.  So expect the "unexpected"... meaning that if everyone is looking for a huge sell off, then maybe we just keep on heading north and fool the sheep again.

While everything I see, hear, and read points to at least a correction, if not a crash... that might not come until that upside FP is hit?  That means we could rally tomorrow, Thursday and Friday... and if they squeeze hard, I think they can hit it by Monday.

Of course that's really asking for a miracle for the bulls, as blasting past that double top resistance at 1215 isn't likely something that can be done on the first attempt.  Many days of consolidation are usually needed, before a successful pierce of the resistance line.

Lot at how long we have been hammer away at the current resistance range of 1185-1195... 7 days now!  While we'll likely breakout of it tomorrow, running through 1215 in one day is extremely unlikely.  Which means that we should at least see a nice pullback before attempting to breakthrough it again.

Now, I personally still think that we are going to have a big correction (50-100 points) next week.  While I'm hoping that we don't get another false flag event, if we do... the you can throw "correction" out the door and get used too the word "crash" again!

I had the chance to listen to the entire 2 hour audio called "The Waterman Files" that Pzy5t0 emailed me.  It's one scary broadcast, and should be listened too... before this week is over!  If you haven't done so already, you need to make it a priority and listen too it asap.  (To download it and use RealPlayer or Windows Media Player to listen, just "right click and save as" this link: http://reddragonleo.com/ArgusoogRadio-20101029-TheWatermanFiles.mp3)

Also, in the video I talk about Ben Fulford and David Wilcock.  The link to that article is here: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?7635-Ben-Fulford-Blogs-David...&s=9184d0534376f0d6e860a578952ae62f

Ok, as for tomorrow, Fed days are almost always bullish... but the day after is another story.  Trying to figure out which direction the market will break to first is about as easy to do as calling heads or tail, so you might just wait until the close at 4 pm to go short (assuming we rally up to hit a double top at 1215 area?).

Of course this could be the one time the market just sells off on the news and never looks back?  Hard too say?  But that audio broadcast speaks of the November 8th-11th as a pivot point of major importance.  Could we have a false flag over the weekend while all the sheep are stuck long after a surprise "more then expected" QE2 short squeeze rally?

It's very possible, so be very careful tomorrow as there should be at least one more bear squeeze before this week is over.  And since tomorrow is the QE2 day, with jobs data out on Thursday and Friday, I'd expect the high to be put in tomorrow.

There is also the FP of 1160 spx that Anna caught after the bell today.  That could be the target for Thursday or Friday?  A move up to around the 1215 level, and then back down to 1160 by Friday could easily happen.  At that point I'm not sure, as I'd need to see the damage done on the charts.

It's all just speculation at this point.  I'd just listen to that audio if I were you... and pray they are wrong!


Author: Red

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13 years ago

All I can say is…LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!

13 years ago

Although I find it hard to believe anything drastic will happen until the Fed meeting is over, the $vix did have a hollow red bar and is above its uptrending 20day average. The markets except the Nasdaq have been trending sideways for a couple weeks now and putting in a smilar like top to the April and early August highs.

Johnny T.
Johnny T.
13 years ago

Red, I know you are urging your readers to listen to the Waterman files, but is there a summary? Can you hit the highligts? I want to stay informed, but that thing call “life” gets in the way of me allocating 2 hours right now.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Johnny T.

They cover a lot of things, but the main thing is that the super computers that scan the internet looking for keywords to predict the future, all point to November 8th-11th as something really bad happening.Another type of false flag event that’s 10 times (or more) larger then the 911 event. So, something bad could happen anytime now… even over the weekend.

Johnny T.
Johnny T.
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. Though, to get to the 349 VIX FP that you have, I would think it would take a FF event. Heck, even during the 87 crash, wasn’t the VIX only in the 100’s? So we have some baseline of where the VIX will go during a “normal” crash.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Johnny T.

Yes, it’s very possible… especially if this “event” is 10-1000 times worst then the 911 event. Man I hope they are wrong on this.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

You might be interested in listening to this:

The ‘numbers’ guy starts at 14:30 in the audio.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Diablos

Very interesting interview Diablos… thanks.

It’s all about the number “11” it seems. This Saturday is 11-06-2010, which adds up to 11 (1+1+0+6+2+0+1+0=11). Today adds up to 8 (1+1+0+3+2+0+1+0), which isn’t that important.

So, I don’t expect anything bad to happen today, but Saturday could be another story. Of course 11-11-2010 should also be important because of the number 11 twice in the date (without adding the numbers).

Next year on 11-11-2011 should also spark some kind of event. Who knows what that will be? Also, 01-11-2011 is an important day, and could be another false flag event too.

13 years ago

ADP non farm is through the roof wow

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Looks like 1200 is nothing now. Can I here 1215?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  anoopsan

What’s the upside target on a break of the triangle?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

ES struggling to stay above 1192. If goes up again there is resistance at 1196 above it 1210 is possible.

13 years ago

anoopsan is there anything on the DJ

13 years ago

Dow Jones Trend analysis: CLICK HERE

13 years ago
Reply to  anoopsan

Thanks anoopsan today will be the best day to hit that cloud if not wow i really got no comment im counting on Ben to make my day today.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

From your comment i am getting one thing. If it does not touch the cloud today, Dow may stay above the cloud for many weeks to come.

13 years ago
Reply to  anoopsan

i wont be surprised but at the same time its just confusing. Everything is point down and now not only are the charts which have been for a very long time but news all over are screaming SELL SELL SELL but what we have seen for the last 2 months has been a levitation magic show.However when you think about everything as a big scam then it doesnt make any sense for them to allow it to drop when EVERYONE is expecting it to. It would be more in their best interest to push it higher when everyone is calling it short and drop it like a hot potato when everyones suckered into closing all shorts .So over a few weeks hmmmm maybe i cant say for sure but there is nothing as important as today to make that happen other then today i dont see anything able to turn the market and to give it direction.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

When the crowed expects the market to go in one direction usually it surprises them by taking the opposite direction.

13 years ago
Reply to  anoopsan

Exactly and thats the biggest thing thats bugging me right now.

13 years ago

when are the gangsters going to come out and talk ?

13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

At 2:15 pm est

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Thanks.. I am getting nervous lol

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Gold sure took a hit to the downside a little awhile ago. Hmmm, wonder what’s really behind that?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Hi Red,

Yes am puzzled on that one. We know there is a lot of money involved in GLD contracts. Serge mentioned GLD ETF is bigger than XLF and XLE together or something like that. Must be smart money getting out… and for sure they know what’s coming.

By the way am listening to Waterman’s file audio and like you said ,it’s a must. Something major is coming, this is scary stuff

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Im wondering if people are pulling their money out to get back into the market that will pull in a hell of alot of traders on the sidelines to jump in as well.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Since the charts are slowly becoming oversold now (if you can believe that… sheesh), so a rally on the Fed news is likely from what I can tell.

And, tomorrow doesn’t have any major news, so I’d expect a follow through tomorrow too. But, with the non-farm payroll report on Friday morning, I’d expect Thursday to be the high for the week, and to see some selling on Friday from that report.

This assumes it meets expectation… if it disappoints badly, well that’s another story.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

well everythings in the red SP, NYSE, Dow are all in the red.Gold is taking a pounding.Dollar looks like it wants to go up seems like a huge move is gonna take place

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

well everythings in the red SP, NYSE, Dow are all in the red.Gold is taking a pounding.Dollar looks like it wants to go up seems like a huge move is gonna take place

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

well everythings in the red SP, NYSE, Dow are all in the red.Gold is taking a pounding.Dollar looks like it wants to go up seems like a huge move is gonna take place

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, looks like the Fed will come in low versus expectation

13 years ago
Reply to  Mike

yup looks that way but there is still sometime before that happens and as far as how the market has been moving its really anyones guess

@ bullkiller

somehow i just dont feel like its time yet personally i would hold off untill the trend has been set and established before going in

13 years ago

so are they gonna tank it today ? everything red …now././

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

It’s resting right on a support trendline, and oversold with light volume. I really doubt it’s going to tank today. Remember, the first move is usually a “fakeout” move, that quickly reverses.

I’m expecting a sharp down move, followed by a rally into tomorrow. Then a sell off on the jobs data.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The jobs data is priced in. ADP report was better than expected for private sector along of course w/ ISM, manufacturing. I would expect a drop to 9.5% which the markets will love. Of course nobody trusts the numbers.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, we might not get much of a sell off on Friday. It could happen over the weekend, with everyone long.

13 years ago

volume looks very low today right ?

13 years ago

Red the Electoral system is the only savior of the country. Without it NY LA SF Seattle would pick all presidents.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The Presidents are picked by the Illuminati… you should know that by now.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Those that are running may be picked but the votes are still protected by the electoral process. If we destroy the corrupt methods leading to a candidate the system will work.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

600 Billion!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

This is a low number, is it enough to revive economy, I doubt so.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Of course it isn’t enough, but we’ll likely still see it rally into the end of today and probably some tomorrow too.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Short term charts are all oversold now. They just tested the rising trendline line during that stop sweep/bear trap move, now I suspect we’ll go up into tomorrow to allow the charts to become overbought. After that… who knows?

But, I still think we go down hard next week. Maybe up to the double area around 1215 this week, but I think it’s over after that.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Agree good read, I see 1205-1210 top into friday. All bears are afraid of bullish Mondays.

13 years ago

wow wow wow what can i say took a risk to open a couple or longs when it dipped and that paid off quite well.I stated that it was bugging me when everywhere on the news was screaming sell sell sell.Only question left on my mind is how far they feel like taking it before letting her go down. 600 Bn is just proof of how far MR Ben is willing to go nothing other then a nuke seems to be able to stop him and his madness and i wont be surprised if 600 B isnt enough and he starts giving out 1 T instead.Dam those last few mins shorten my life by at least 5 years whew.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Ok, everyone should know the game by now. The market will likely gap up out of this range it’s in tomorrow morning. While it could breakout into the close, most of the time the resistance is still too great during normal market hours.

That’s why they push it up in the pre-market, as the resistance isn’t as strong during that time period. Once it opens, shorts will be forced to cover and up, up and away we go… until we hit the next wall of resistance of course.

Which happens too be around the double top area of 1215 spx. Of course they could just gap it above that level too? I never thought about that?

Wow! What if they gap it open just above that level? With all the overhead stops just above the 1195 level, and probably twice as many just above 1215, they would certainly have the fuel to rally up to the 1260-1280 area (the spx level that matches up with our DIA 118.16 FP, which is about 11,800 Dow).

Now, this is ONLY possible if we gap above that 1215 area and create a massive short squeeze. If we don’t gap over it, we’ll be banging on it for weeks, and likely fail to get above it.

But a surprise gap over it tomorrow would fool a lot of shorts and force them to cover quickly. This could be the plan before us? It would certainly fool everyone, as I don’t think too many people are still considering that FP as a target.

That means we would likely rally on Friday and Monday too. The daily chart has turned back up now, so this is possible… even though it seems unlikely.

I’m just thinking out loud here, so don’t hold me too any of it. If all the short term charts get really overbought tomorrow, and the daily too… and we don’t gap above that 1215 area, then throw this thought out the window.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Well, it’s already pushed through the 1195 area before I finished typing… go figure. LOL

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

heheheh todays market is a wild ride well i dont know anymore if i really had to call anything i will end up saying that i will sit on my hands and ride this one out.There is absolutely no sanity and logic right now.If i cant be sure where its going i rather sit it out if not i wont be alive long enough to see any money.

13 years ago

Historians will look back at this day and call this the day that Madman Bernanke, the most evil, traitorous, sadistic criminal who ever worked in the US government, assured the complete and absolute destruction of the US economy.

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

One for future textbooks on what NOT to do

13 years ago

Today is another doji…. tomorrow feds will come out and start pumping the market up with the money they got. so tomorrow will be either up day or flat.. i assume.

13 years ago

my wife said if i dont bring home some BULL MEAT… she is kicking me out of the house.. soon…

13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

hahahah tell her these days bear meat is cheaper

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

Well, I hate to say it… but you might be living on the street tomorrow. But, there’s plenty of bear meat to go around.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

hahaha well on a more serious note this weekend i dont think i can rest easy too many conflicting reports and news to look at as well as the charts.I have a new system its called a dart board with prices

13 years ago

I think, I need to turn off the TV and Turn off the computer and come back in a few weeks… what do you guys think ? is this a wise choice for me ?

13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

HAHAHAHHA you cant find a Bull in a cave.Na doesnt need to be that long cause somehow i see this weekend giving a once and for all clear signal on where its heading.Tough it out till then mantra to live by longs with TIGHT stops and if your short HOLD ON

13 years ago

O i forgot to mention im calling 11150 on the DJ30 at closing can i still get my prize of smacking the 3 morons if i get it on the dot today

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Listen gang, we are so close now to that 118.16 FP that I just can’t see them not going up and hitting it. They just put 600 Billion into the pot again… believe me, with that kind of money, you can move markets wherever you want them!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

maybe they will tank it with that money….

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

These FP’s are hit… the “when” part is unknown? But do you really think we’ll ever see these highs any time soon if we start down into a Primary wave 3 from here? I don’t think we’ll see these levels in many years to come. The final upside print is the DIA 118.16 as far as I can see. After that… it’s a train ride to hell.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Train number 777 VIP seating reserved for MR Bernanke

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

dam why wont the stores take my money when i print it out myself.It has my picture on it as well and its green.

Jokes aside with that kind of bankroll the charts are worthless its not going to follow the fundamental rules its gonna follow the money

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

If today isn’t the high, I can easily see this BS pushing right thru the FP, and not stopping until nearly 13,000. Then the market will beg for its next fix and get it. Then 14,000 and 15,000 easily. Gas will be $8,50 a gallon, but that won’t be Madman Bernanke’s concern.

If all the charts are pointing down this hard, and this market manages to push back up to extremely, extremely overbought, I don’t see how this market will ever be able to fail, as long as they get their cash and leverage it. False flag or not.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

If today isn’t the high, I can easily see this BS pushing right thru the FP, and not stopping until nearly 13,000. Then the market will beg for its next fix and get it. Then 14,000 and 15,000 easily. Gas will be $8,50 a gallon, but that won’t be Madman Bernanke’s concern.

If all the charts are pointing down this hard, and this market manages to push back up to extremely, extremely overbought, I don’t see how this market will ever be able to fail, as long as they get their cash and leverage it. False flag or not.

13 years ago

If the Dow is actually up on such a pivotal day, I don’t see how anything will be able to take this market down, with all that cash available. That $600 bil can easily be leveraged up to $6 tril and the market pumped up to $14K easily.

Why not? Then, when the market shows signs of a really, really huge crash if they don’t get their fix, Madman Bernanke will just pump another trillion or so in saying that NOT injecting $100 billion a month directly into the stock market for the rest of all eternity will pose a systemic risk.

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

Hahahah everyone will be wearing robes and bowing down when he walks past.dam it 11176 . I was 26 pips off but i still wanna smack them.suddenly 11200 doesnt seem that far will it hit tomorrow im leaning towards YES

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

A conflicting signal though, is that we still haven’t taken out the intraday high with the usual pump and dump schedule. However, they could be rewriting the rules.

If today isn’t the high, I can see this market never having a correction until the spigot is turned off, which it won’t, because that will cause a selloff. The Fed is now running the entire economy of the US. All companies are having their margins squeezed by inflation, which will only be amplified, now that this cash is going directly into the trading desks of the primary dealers.

Of course, even if a company goes out of business, the Fed still be able to support its stock price. Too bad MCI Worldcom wasn’t around any more, the Fed could prop its stock price up at $90 forever. Doesn’t matter if all the books are cooked and all their assets are sold off, and there are no more actual employees. Just keep that stock price up!

13 years ago

The rig is in……….600 bil plus. Loved that shakeout today. Follow the crooks and buy…………Gold should be rallying until year end………..

13 years ago

Long DTO 61.50, based on bollinger band setups. It feels completely insane to short oil on a day when QE2 gets announced, but here I am. Doing what the chart tells me to do.

13 years ago

Minimum of 8 more months of +75b$ POMO.The question is how much is already priced in since sept 1st?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for new video…

13 years ago

Looks like there are 2 big gaps left in the EUR/USD trade made in the last 30 hours or so. This may have some effect here shortly.

The next move is up to the spineless ECB. Sad how the only way the US can be saved from Madman Bernanke is if other countries fight him.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

Well, so far the afterhours isn’t showing any signs of a gap up. If it doesn’t gap above the 1215-1220 area, then if it rallies up close to that area, it will fail and sell off from it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Oh yeah – I was talking about strictly currency; big gaps in the Euro trade.

And yes, there futures look pretty flat for equities, but that can change…

Just have to see how it plays out I guess. Still watching the recent intraday high of 11,247.60. Still holding, longer than any intraday high has held since the beginning of this BS. The clock is ticking on the pumpers to pump the market, so I hope it holds.

Deja Vu Trading
13 years ago

Hey Red, you could be right about Dow 11,800. My only concern about today is that the Dow failed to break out, which means the S&P breakout remains unconfirmed. Furthermore, we saw professionals pushing hard at the close to run the stops on the futures, so essentially what you saw all of the last hour was professionals trying to break the high in the overnight futures to get those prices filled on their positions. It was all on small position size (small traders getting run out).Also, “buy the rumor, sell the news” is older than Wall Street itself it would seem. I would really tend to think it works, it might just take a few days to pick up. If tomorrow is up big, then it will put that argument to bed.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Yes, I agree. Most of the time it’s “buy the rumor, sell the news”, and it could still be that way now? The only way I see us getting to 11,800 is to gap above the double top area around 1215-1220 spx, and create a big bear squeeze up to 1260-1280.

But, a failure to gap above that area means we will like sell off from it. Anytime you haven’t hit a level in quite awhile, like since April, the odds of a multi-day pullback is very high.

As for whether we simply have a correction or crash is unknown, but that FP is bugging me. It’s going to be hit at some point…. but when? I just can’t answer that. We’ll see tomorrow I guess.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I added a second video update. Refresh page again.

13 years ago

Ok, Nov 4 has the big cycles. 88calendar days from 8-8, 88 trading days from the July low, the Miami Thrice ((WallSt.J came up with this moniker)) # from the June 21 summer solstice high (calendar days). 6years 9months from the 2/4-2004 date in Social Network. 47trading days today from the August 25 low (there were 47tds from April high to July low). Today is 113tds from the May 25 low in commodities/crude oil (48tds into first high followed by today’s high 65tds later (add those numbers together and each column is 46+85). Today’s high in the SP of 1198.30 minus the July SP low of 1010.91 is 188.49. Today is also 711 calendar days from the Nov 21,2008 low…..Then there are some normal cycles. The transports were the last index to make a high on May 3, 6 months ago.

13 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

On the 4year cycle, the market normally bottoms in early November so it could be inverting here. On the 10year cycle, the market topped on election day in 2000 and I believe there was an intervening high in 2008 on election day. $vix got manhandled today but it appears that happened in late April as the $vix was stairstepping higher.

13 years ago

Interesting…a contributing factor for the 1987 correction was the US shelling an Iranian oil rig. We had a BP rig blow up before the May 6 crash. Maybe we’ll have Israel bomb Iran’s new nuclear reactor?

13 years ago

Well folks, I believe EVERYONE is long now……Get on the gravy train or lose $$$$$$. The rig is in……. 🙂

13 years ago

Hi Red and company
I am just posting the facts and only the facts 😀

13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Hi Anna

Hope your resting yourself after yesterdays run in.If you called bull yesterday then it was a great call.I just went in and out fast with a quick take and rested.Objectively the market should either be green or flat today but with the news reports coming out later jobless claims and all.Flat day should be out of the picture.Wished i had your insights on things hahaha your good karma in helping all the animals seems to be paying off really well.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I was up @ 4;30 fuming about my ordeal (neighbors hurting ziggy)
but still going strong yes long till end of day my call was 1219 about 1218 I said Uncle and went short wish me luck 🙂 and those other hungry bears! 😀

13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Well my dear those people will get whats coming to them and the best thing for you to do is to live a better life and not even think about them as humans (which is true) Good luck in your short positions and trust me i seriously hopes it comes true cause the DJ is like a mirror and im hoping it drops.Ziggy is now in good hands (yours) so make sure he doesnt stray too far from you again.

13 years ago

S&P 500 Analysis before opening bell: CLICK HERE

13 years ago
Reply to  anoopsan

anoopsan other then the cloud chart is there anything new on the DJ

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I will do a post on DJ later

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Well, we got our first gap up over resistance… will we get another one, or will a double top be all we get? It’s rare when a market goes up toward a double top level of such importance and stops right at the double top and then reverses.

They either fall short by a few points, not allowing the bears waiting for the double top to get short… or they pierce through it and take out the overhead stops before reversing back down.

Remember what Danny Riley said over at Mr. TopStep? They were looking for 1250 spx before the end of the year. Well, that area is allful close to the DIA 118.16 print.

But, in order to do this, they need to do it tomorrow on a surprisingly positively viewed non-farm payroll report, as next week is seen to be horrible by many people (as I spoke of in the video’s).

Everyone is looking to go short into the Friday numbers it seems, but I’d think twice about that. This bull is on crack right now, and isn’t looking to come back down from his high just yet. Cash is a position.

13 years ago

2 months per 1,200 dow points = 12,400 EOY
13,600 By end of February

14,800 By end of April

16,000 By end of June

If POMO continues per Madman Ben, 17,200 By end of August, if not, 10,000 By end of August.

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

Of course, regular gasoline will be $8.50 a gallon at that time.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

In those 6 video’s of Lindsey Williams, he says “they” plan to take oil to $150.00-$200.00 per barrel (about $5.00-$6.00 per gallon of gasoline)… starting this November! (as in… next week!)

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

It would have to something in the order of the other 2 things I mentioned below that (helped) caused the crashes in 1987 and in May. Total surprise.

All I can think of is an attack on Iran’s reactors. A nuclear terror threat is the only other thing that would have the same effect. You were spot on about the gap. I was thinking the BOE decision might be that catalyst, and it was.

I just wonder what the event will be, because it will have to be very, very, very substantial.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

No… I disagree. The POMO is a distraction for us sheep. The final high is the DIA print I believe. After that, we crash.

13 years ago
Reply to  anoopsan

Thanks anoopsan well what can i say guys other then UP UP and away.The whole thing about the sell signals which experts have been shouting was the thing that was bugging me the whole time.I hate to be long now cause it leaves a f****** bad taste in my mouth but what else can i do.11300 was breached just a few mins back and to call this bull dead at this point of time is just crazy.Yesterday was the push they all needed i was hoping for a dagger in the heart but as things are standing right now Mr Ben just shoved a rod up the bulls ass.Can i say im surprised to a certain extent yes but overall not really.I have gone long since yesterday but im sticking to my mantra Tight stops.If anyone cares for a prediction on where it will end up today please open that discussion for everyone.For me im sitting this one out untill a bomb or something goes off.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

TODAY will probably end near the highs, based on the action. Dow up 160 now.

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

and its still not stopping 11325 was breached just a few mins ago and right now its at 11340

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The other possibility is that it all starts today at 2:30 pm Pacific Coast Time (after the market closes today… 5:30 pm EST), as spoken of on that Half Past Human link above.

This video is interesting…


13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I hope a backhoe triggers a quickclay slide under the Fed during a meeting, with Hoenig absent. That would certainly tank the markets.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

For that to happen, we’d need the boys over at HAARP to repoint their array to where the Fed’s next meeting is. Remember what Ben Fulford say about Haiti… the Clinton’s used HAARP to start that earthquake.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

One can only hope…in any case, this is the most ridiculously overbought short-covering rally I’ve ever seen.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Remember gang, if the Illuminati is losing control, then the upside print won’t be hit as they planned it. The timing is everything here, and it’s hard too say if they have simply ran out of time and that print isn’t valid anymore… or the web bot that reads the internet and makes these predicts is wrong?

I don’t know for sure either way? While my gut tells me we are going up to that FP first, and then crashing, the amount of time left to do it is very little now… at least if this web bot prediction is right?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Here’s another video of importance to watch…


(thanks Pzy5t0)

13 years ago

11350 hit

13 years ago

11375 hit and no signs of slowing down

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

At this rate, we’ll hit the print today!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Obama, Hillary, Bernanke, Geither, etc… all leaving the country November 4th through the 14th. Wonder why?


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