Crash You Son Of A Gun... CRASH!
(to watch on youtube:
The insanity continues day in and day out, as the bulls just keep on goring the bears with one thrust after another. This has been one crazy week for me as my website was once again taken down... by whom, I don't know? Repeated IP requests on the theme name forced me to change the theme. Sorry if you guys and gals don't like it... I had to do it.
I'll work on prettying it up over time and hopefully everyone gets used too it. It's a little wider then the previous theme, so I'll have too come up with a new header image (something dark and evil of course). Just be patience with me, as I'll work through the bugs and learn the power and features of this new theme over time.
Ok, on to the market...
The market did go down early in the morning as I expected, and of course it floated back up the rest of the day like it was high on crack or something. The same old B.S. happened as usual... big surprise, right? As for tomorrow, history says it's a down day so maybe us bears might get to eat something?
The charts are once again overbought and ready to roll over... on all short term time frames! Does that mean it will? I doubt it, but hey... I just thought I'd throw that dart out there, and maybe I'll hit the bullseye? (Of course I'm blind folded, turned around backwards, have both hands tied behind my back, with the dart in my mouth!).
So for now, I'll just keep it simple and use this post for a "comment cleaner" and do my bitching in the video. Good luck as usual gang... both bulls and bears. Thanks for your patience.
Yeah Anna, it mind numbing!
What we need to see for the bear case is a breakdown and back-test of the rising wedge. The wedge runs out of time on Tuesday, so it has to happen soon.
There is a slight chance it could break *up*, which ordinarily I’d say would be unbelievable, but, you know…
YEP sure do dread
YEP sure do dread
There is NO “Down”… only “UP”. Go right that on the chalk 500 times now please! LOL
There is NO “Down”… only “UP”. Go right that on the chalk 500 times now please! LOL
ho ho.
the comments section is up.
Yeah, the gangsters are leaving me along today… let’s hope it stays that way!
keep your web page simple like google, not like yahoo.
less bells and whistles = reliability, si?
ps, I have to hide the ad girls at work! hehe
Oh… sorry, I didn’t know that’s what would show up? It’s an ad network called Adbrite. I may have to change that a bit too, as it’s tacky, and not really relevant to this blog.
appreciated. no biggie for me.
i’d check after hours regardless.
You mean the hot, young Russian girls who are looking just for you, right?
maybe. are they into fur?
Probably not…they weren’t even around back in the 70s…

Isn’t the 70’s back in style now? What’s old is new again…
You know what, that’s probably the case – hell they even threw in the INFLATION to boot!
Isn’t the 70’s back in style now? What’s old is new again…
Isn’t the 70’s back in style now? What’s old is new again…
LOL… just looking for you ACP! You hound dog you…
For the first time in a long while, I was irritated that a site was down! Ha!
Me too… I was jones’ng to chat with everyone!
It started off simple in the beginning, but grew to include more stuff over time. Mainly all the links I’ve added. But the ad’s are of course there to help pay for the hosting, as that increasing along with the blogs’ popularity.
hey, my single SPY is up 40 cents.

let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Must be a call option, as my puts are underwater…
(i’ve been raped on options, dam comissions & theta burn)
I like to trade options intraday. For me it is safer..
I like to trade options intraday. For me it is safer..
Hey Gerb. You only need 19.60ish (depending) to break even! (Wait those pesky dividends..)
you are a smart man.
I’m taking one ‘for the team’.
Here’s something funny… I have this open in two windows right now. One is with FireFox and the other is Safari. The one in Safari has the “Hot Russian Babe” banner, and the one in FireFox has “ChristianMingle com” banner! LOL
I just get a cute asian chick trying to sell me Credit Cards….
Keep refreshing the page and you’ll get the hot russian babe…
WYNN fundamentals suggest second leg higher 136…
What do you think about next week? Maybe a small correction before the BIG KAHUNA run-up & subsequent crash?
been at anna’s crying the blues, where’s red! the white hats got him.
LOL… all the bears are crying the blues!
love the redesign red! very nice.
Thanks Jeff… I’ll be tweaking it over the coming days and weeks. It’s a cleaner look I believe. But I need to create a new header image, which takes time. I’ll get it thou…
OK, so here’s something that will eventually have an effect…
Irish (and soon all European) banks PRINTING THEIR OWN MONEY to exchange for ECB cash. Sweet! I need to go along with the ‘American Picker’ folks and find myself a good ol’ fashioned printing press so’s I can make my own money too!
Red…glad to see you are back. My first thoughts were “is he pissing somebody off by getting too close to the truth?” Regardless, welcome back.
Thanks LukeGolf… I’m glad to be back. I missed talking to everyone.
China raises interests rates by .50 basis points. Mideast turmoil, if we don’t get a pullback here we never will.
Futures are not caring
just realized, market is closed monday.
Pressure is to the upside, don’t fight it. Tgt is 1345 ES imo.
Hey Red, how are you enjoying your freedom of expression and free speech. lol. god bless you. you must be doing a good job, because it’s getting their attention.
Trend lines of SPY:
Hey gang, isn’t today the 18th? Look at these two article and notice the date on them…
It’s not the 19th in Europe right now is it? I found these early this morning. Is this the future?
I don’t understand what you are saying – they are both dated yesterday the 17th in the afternoon.
No, the 2nd link is dated for the 19th… don’t you see it? It’s above the word’s “European Stocks Gain For Fifth Day “. Look again…
Ok I see it now but I swear I looked at both and they both said the 17th – I am totally losing it!
The very first link says the 17th, the 2nd one says 19th.
Ok I see it now but I swear I looked at both and they both said the 17th – I am totally losing it!
Ok I see it now but I swear I looked at both and they both said the 17th – I am totally losing it!
Ok I see it now but I swear I looked at both and they both said the 17th – I am totally losing it!
One more thing… dziemer emailed me and told me that he seen a FP of 12,379.22 on the Dow. I don’t have a screen shot, but maybe that’s our upside target today as going down is forbidden.
Red, this may be the reason for your site shutdown
Figures… you know the gangsters aren’t going to shutdown real child porn sites, as that’s probably where they find children to abduct for their sick rital sacrifices. Bastards!
Yeah, target the sites that tell the truth and distribute stuff for free don’t you? Oh no, we can’t have people getting free stuff, as that would unchain them from the monetary debt cage.
Ok, here’s what I’m seeing…

Notice the date says the 19th?
Ok, here’s what I’m seeing…

Notice the date says the 19th?
New intraday FP alert… 135.14 spy!

dam, yer fast.
beat me to it.
Two pairs of eyes are better then one… you can post the next FP GG! LOL
New intraday FP alert… 135.14 spy!

New intraday FP alert… 135.14 spy!

New intraday FP alert… 135.14 spy!

QQQQ Chart:
Rheumatoid arthritis ads? can we have the russian girls back?
Yeah, that’s a pretty broad audience!
broad? was that a pun?

huge numbers on the ES DOM
Explain… bullish or bearish?
means big volatility coming up imo
Ok… thanks!
cannot tell if bullish or bearish, could spike up to 1340-1. A good break of 37 is ST bearish.
Nice. Also big put vol on 1300, 1330 and 1340 yesterday…
Red, I just got perhaps a better number 1342.50 as a tgt.
Well, dziemer seen a FP of 12,379.22 on the DOW, and we also have this new FP of 135.14 spy, so I’d say we go to at least 1342.50… or higher.
Unions crying about concessions on statehouse lawns and our governmet throwing money at the banks to manipulate the stock and Bond market. Seems to me the anger is being vented at the wrong level of government, but that’s just my opinion…
Wake me up when there’s some volume to the downside. I think I’ll hibernate for awhile…
It’s not likely to have any volume today, that’s for sure! With that overhead intraday FP that showed up this morning, I’d say we go up… not down.
final spike to 1342 coming up altho they could double top it on the 15
Hey Leo. Did you see how WSJ had an article about the same time last year, with the SAME headline? “European stocks rise 5 days in a row” last year of the 19th, this year on the 17th. Something smells fishy. I posted this on Seekers blog.
“European stocks gain for fifth day” if you google that… You’ll find the full articles
Yes… that’s where I found it! Cool, so you were the one posting it on Seekers blog? That’s great… I like his blog! Lot’s of good stuff there.
Yea I am a frustrated bear. Thus the handles lol. “Nevergoingdown” sigh I digress
LOL… join the club! I’d say most of the readers here on this blog are frustrated bears.
just saw something, on my price clusters there is nothing between ES 1342 and 50. Careful shorting.
Was even the SAME author!
Silver surpassed $32 easy.
Not even option X can stop this melt. Every single bear will be dead in the woods. Maybe the bulls will have to turn their swords on each other then.
Odds are favorable for a lower close….overbought into OPX does not fare well for the bulls. Close should be interesting.
What do you make of that upside FP of 134.15? It could be the closing price today?
I meant 135.14…. duh! (typing too fast… 10 words a minute)
If that happens, lord have mercy! Now that would be a blowoff!
I got is this morning…

S/P has closed negative 16 out of the last 19 Feb OPX days. I like those odds…..only time will tell. g.l.
You got my email address Robert… use it sometime.
Kudlow just called Bernanke the “Bernank”. Wonder if he’s become a closet blogosphereophile.
Wait for them to start calling out THE William Dudley ; – )
All Hail “The Bernank”!
AAPL Chart:
ES target 1342
I wonder if that matches up with that 135.14 spy FP? Probably pretty close…
Q’s just hit the FP from this morning, before the open. Should be able to see it on thinkorswim.
HI ACP thank you yes!
cooling fan just speeded up on my puter, pop coming
theres my 1390 call on gold
European shares mostly traded down today.
out of my long ES at 42.25
SPY false print to the downside!
we ignore those right?
LOL… yes, I see it! But it’s outlawed GG… only upside FP’s are valid.
I have SPY 134.61 as a yearly pivot.
let’s see if it camps here for today.
OpX friday bore, or surprise?
It’s a beautiful day here in Florida… just the right temperature. I’ve got the doors open and the windows too! A perfect 73 degrees… not too hot or cold. So if I disappear today, I fell asleep in the hammock. (That’s my story and I’m sticking too it!)
60 here, rain tonight.
dam those low pressure headaches.
Cooling fan not doing anything on mine yet…
hi i am new here this looks like buy the dip contunues and big ben isout of control but stay long here
Well Bullgirl, you should be safe up to the intraday FP of 135.14 spy, as I expect it too be hit today.
ding ding ding!
give that man a cigar.
Well Bullgirl, you should be safe up to the intraday FP of 135.14 spy, as I expect it too be hit today.
Well Bullgirl, you should be safe up to the intraday FP of 135.14 spy, as I expect it too be hit today.
Well Bullgirl, you should be safe up to the intraday FP of 135.14 spy, as I expect it too be hit today.
possible drop to 37.75 to 39 coming up, has to start to happen within 1/2 hr.
possible drop to 37.75 to 39 coming up, has to start to happen within 1/2 hr.
Something to keep an eye on:
Euro was poised for a drop until some ECB dufus decided to “talk” the Euro up. Silver POPPING!
Something to keep an eye on:
Euro was poised for a drop until some ECB dufus decided to “talk” the Euro up. Silver POPPING!