Saturday, February 22, 2025

More Proof The Illuminati Attacked Japan, And California Is Next!

Down in the morning, but a positive close likely... then down on Wednesday and Thursday!

(to watch on youtube:



After all, how else are you going to crash the stock market?

(to watch on youtube:

Sinking Japan with HAARP and possibly some planted nukes on the fault line by US submarines was done for many reasons I'm sure.  The main one was probably the fact the Japan didn't want anything to do with George H. Bush's "New World Order" (him, Henry Kissinger, and David Rockefeller are the main gangster Illuminati members in this America faction I believe).

Also, as I speculated on last week, Japan was going to come out with a car that runs on water.  Think for a moment how that one thing would absolutely destroy the gangster cabal's plan to rob Americans by selling them $200.00 per barrel oil (from Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota)... knowing that they can get the oil out of the ground for $16.00 per barrel and sell it for 60 cents per gallon and still make a fair profit.

But NO, these evil bastards want us to pay $6.00-$10.00 per gallon to steal every last cent we have.  Yes my dear reader, Japan was the good guy here, and the bad guys (the American Federal Reserve Gangster Cabal... Bush, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Clinton, Cheney, Obama, Bernanke, Geithner etc) attacked them and won again it seems.

The old saying "Good Guys Finish Last" is so true in this case!

In the end times the Illuminati cabal here in America, as well as the others in the rest of the world (Rothschilds, Vanderbilts, etc...) will all lose as the awaken of us sheep will be too much for them to stop.  We will, and currently are, awakening at an alarming rate.  I see every day when I meet someone new on the street, as their minds are now open to hear the truth for once... and many have already discovered some of it already.

In this video below, you will see more proof that Japan was likely attacked with the HAARP earthquake weapon that the Federal Reserve Cabal control.  He shows you 13 location on a map of the world where HAARP is located.  He also explains that Japan will eventually fall into the ocean when Mount Fujiyama Volcano erupts.  It will cause Japan to fall off the continent shelf where there have currently been 731 earthquakes happen already.

When this happens, and I believe it will happen before this September when Elenin (the dwarf star that I spoke of last week) comes the closes to planet earths orbit, it will create a Tsunami Tidal Wave that could easily be 1000 feet tall... directed right at California!

Elenin was over 2 times the distant from the earth to the sun on March 11th (2.154 AU Earth Distance)  when it lined up behind the Sun directly, but in September it will be .3 times that distant!  It will be between the earth and the sun, and is called an "Extinction Level Event"!  Scary thoughts my friends...

Japan Earthquake,in USA warns Russia, Madrid fault, Super Moon, Comet Elenin

(to watch on youtube:

I don't know if this is real or an elaborate long term plan by the Illuminati to create Armageddon and fulfill the prophecy in the Bible.  It certainly makes you wonder why NASA is leaving their software available for the general public (us sheep) to access and discover the path and dates of the orbit of this dwarf star called Elenin.

We do know that a polar earth shift was probably what destroyed the dinosaurs.  Meaning, this same dwarf star was likely the culprit that came through earths' orbit on one of it's last passes thousands of years ago.

While it's possible that the Illuminati are using some type of holographic technology to show Elenin in the sky, which looks like 2 suns right now, and is only seen in the middle east for right now.  Latter this year, people in America will be able to see both suns in the sky as well.  Of course it's not a 2nd sun but this dwarf star they named Elenin.

Since we most certainly have a secret space program, (that is of course run by the Illuminati and the shadow government), it's possible that what people are seeing in the sky is some type of hologram created with some of the future technology they have acquired from crashed alien ships.

But, I don't think it matters... real dwarf star, or fake hologram.  The results is still the same... a polar earth shift!  If Elenin is fake, then that explains why NASA is still allowing us sheep to access their program as they want us to see the projected orbit of Elenin so we will all believe it's REAL!  That way, they can use HAARP on the key dates that Elenin passes the closes to earth... like this coming September.

Now, if it's real, then maybe... just maybe, the evil gangsters are allowing us sheep to use the software to see the coming disaster because of their code of unmoral ethics that says they must tell us what they are going to do to us before they do it.  Just like how they told us they were going to destroy the twin towers in the episode of "The Lone Gunmen", or how they put out the fake documentary called "Oil Storm" just weeks prior to using HAARP on New Orleans when they created Katrina.

Regardless of why they are letting us see the forecast path of Elenin, the end results will be still be the destruction of much of the planet.  If the dwarf star isn't real, and only a hologram, then maybe some of the "white hats" can still stop these evil gangsters from using HAARP to simulate disaster that Elenin would actually cause.

While it seems unlikely that they have technology to create a hologram in the sky like that, I won't dismiss the possibly either.  But, even if it is just an elaborate plan by the New World Order thugs, we still have the real possibility that the Fujiyama Volcano could still erupt... sinking Japan and causing a 1000 foot tidal wave to hit the west coast of America, destroying California.

Then there is all the prophets, or visionaries, that had dreams showing them the United States cut in half.  Edgar Cayce was one of those people, who's reincarnation today is David Wilcock.  The video below speaks of the coming new earth, and where would be a good place to live... if you survive the polar shift?

I guess this explains why the gangsters are printing money like there is no tomorrow... because maybe there won't be?  At least no longer a stock market, as the new world should be one based without the need for money.  We should be changing on a DNA bias too, as that's what all the crop circle are there to tell us.  Meaning, we should move to a higher level of consciousness where telepathy achieved, and people work in harmony with each other and mother nature.  No more need for evil, as those people will likely be buried alive in their underground bunkers.

So my dear reader, what should we do now?

I wish I knew the answer to that question, but I'd just simply say to be at one with yourself and God.  Be a spiritual person, maybe you will be one of the one's destine to survive and repopulate earth.  As for the stock market, just keep shorting it over the next few months, and use the money to buy as much food and supplies as possible.

If all this is just nonsense and nothing happens, then you'll have plenty of food to eat at today's discounted prices.  You all know that massive inflation is coming, assuming Armageddon doesn't come.  It's better to be prepared for it, and it not happen, then not prepared and it happen.

I don't know what will happen come this September, but I'm just going to continue living my life in peace and do what little I can.  That means focusing on the Spiritual side of myself, for if I don't make through the event, there will always be another life to live, as we are all just immortal spirits trapped in these bodies.

Moving on to the market...

I don't know if they will push the market up one more time before June, and hit the 138.86 FP on SPY, but I do think we will go down this coming week.  All the short term charts are way overbought and we should see some selling on Monday.  We had our "pop", now it's time for the "drop"!

It really looks like we could be starting a wave 3 down on Monday, which should take out the current low of 1249 spx.  The 1220 area looks like the likely target too me.  Maybe this article about the Fed's raising rates will be what is blamed on the coming sell off, but we all know that's it's just what the charts already tell us.

Of course there is plenty of bad news out there which could be blamed for any future down turn in the market.  That news is just the most current.  To me, it's pretty simple... the charts say we should roll over and produce another down leg next week.  Will the government intervene with more POMO and stop it... I don't know?

On one hand they are seem to be doing something good for America, feeding us morphine to easy the pain during our last hours, but on the other hand they are lying to us all while trying to save themselves after robbing us blind.  I have no respect for those evil doers, as I know that they will get their punishment when their time comes.

It is said by many of the people in contact with good aliens (angels) that bad "karma" is what will hold you back from moving the next level of existence... which I'm sure all the Illuminati gangsters have plenty of!  So this coming week, if the market sells off as expected, and each of you make some good money from it... do something good for humanity with it.  God knows those poor innocent people in Japan need help... maybe a donation to them, or even to simply help out a homeless man or woman in your local community?

Remember, it's only paper... as Lindsey Williams said too many times!  While we currently need it to pay bills and survive in this slave world we live in, the next world will be free of monetary slavery!  I hope you and I survive it, and our able to help other too.

Don't get too caught up in this material world, as it's all just an illusion that will soon disappear!



Author: Red

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13 years ago

Long Term S&P “Egg” aka Ellipse of Doom
This submitted by a reader. Wow.
The incredible Egg.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  steveo77

Nice chart, and it’s also called an “MA” pattern… very bearish.

13 years ago
Reply to  steveo77

my fortune 500 employer is on full attrition through 2013.
now I see why!

jeff pierce
13 years ago

Per Red’s request to repost.. 🙂

Hey Red…found a yt channel I though you’d enjoy. It’s got some really fascinating stuff on it

13 years ago

Can’t see a HUGE catastrophe like some of those folks are saying, but maybe something on a lesser scale.

Every point on Jupiter’s moon Europa expands and contracts 200 meters a day due to the grav pull of Jupiter. But that’s a huge pull. We won’t see anything of that magnitude here, but perhaps something of lesser magnitude that causes a secondary disaster that does the most damage.

I can see how something would happen that would crash the market though. It seems logical that the market would make a symmetrical plunge very soon. Lots of theories indicate this.

13 years ago

i have overnight short sell signals on IWM a retest of 83, activates within 48 hours

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

So much for a dip in the morning and then up in the afternoon. I guess dips are outlawed now.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Looks like they’re slamming the dollar after the open, much like they’ve done every day last week except for Friday. They want to keep this market up until EOM, at all costs. Watching for a reversal either Thurs or Friday. If so, time to go short, hard-core.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Could be? Maybe they still want to go to 1330 first… or even a double top? But, I just don’t see it continuing up every day this week without breaking this rising channel. I mean, that’s defying gravity isn’t it? LOL

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

They like playing “God.” They turned the gravity switch off.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Playing is the key word, as while they might think they are God, we know their not!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  SAN

Thanks San… I missed that gap. And I agree with you, it will likely be filled.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Dates we need to be prepared for…

From NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

September 27th
.381 AU
Elenin between Earth and the Sun

October 17th
.232 AU
Elenin’s closest point to Earth as it passes ahead of our obrit path

November 5th
.348 AU
Earth passes into Elenin’s orbit (behind it) and should hit debris from it (like meteors)

November 23rd
.596 AU
Elenin on the backside of earth, as we are now between it and the Sun

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

by then we are all bankrupted lol

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, but it wont matter anymore at least… LOL

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

By the way, here is the info on the Japan Earthquake…

March 11th, 2011
2.154 AU
(each AU equals the distance between the sun and the earth)

13 years ago

Nathan Rothschild came in a seller today at the highs!! lol

13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

yeah!! 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

I see you posted a chart of the dollar in Cobra’s forum, and that you think it’s going higher? That pattern looks too me like a large “MA”… which is very bearish. While we should have a short term rally on the dollar, it’s long term picture is horrible.

And, thanks for the info on gangster rothschild… good too know!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m not sure. I think sentiment is worsening on the dollar yet it isn’t making new lows (typical of an instrument about to reverse).

Also note that the yen went through a big bull market after Japan’s housing market collapsed in the 80’s, so the dollar’s day could come in the same fashion. It’s counterintuitive, but that’s usually the right thing!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

Well, I think the dollar will bounce very soon and the market will go down. But, I see the dollar collapsing hard before 2012… just a Lindsey Williams said.

13 years ago


newsflow, and the market is WAY too quiet for my liking….. the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up ~ dunno why?? hmmmm….

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Looks like the gangsters are working off the overbought conditions on the 60 minute chart today, as I expect they will turn it back up into the close as I talked about in the video. But, we never really got much of a dip in the morning… this is pathetic!

13 years ago

Alright Red. The fear mongering is at catastrophic levels with the “comet” Elenin. Let’s discuss facts here. The internet fear Mongerer’s stated that on March 15th the Earths axis would shift due to Elenin… Uh, didn’t happen. Elenin is a comet made of lots of ice. The last I checked, Ice isn’t magnetic. Secondly, On March 15th, Elenin was .232 AU away from the Earth. In terms of distance, 1 AU is the distance from the Earth to the sun (Roughly 150 million Kilometers if I remember right). The only time Elenin comes into the direct path of Earth is somewhere between Oct 16th ~Oct 19th. According to current calculations it wil be 90 LU (Lunar Units; 1 LU is the distance between the Earth and the moon) away when it crosses the Earths path. It will be nothing more than a light show and we can put the 9-11 numerical symmetry to bed. I enjoy your conspiracy theories as it relates to the gangster government and your stock market technical analysis sans the world ending. Your site is for entertainment purposes only. Right? LOL!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

On March 15th, 2011 Elenin was 2.101, not .232 (look a 1:45 into video)…

While my site my be entertaining to many, it’s about exposing the truth related to the stock market, but also the economy and the world at large. It’s also about “waking people up” to the conspiracy’s told on main stream news, so they can find out the other side of the story.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I will correct that. Yest it was 2.1 AU away. The .232 is the closest the “comet” will get to Earth around Oct 16th ~ 19th. So roughly 35 MILLION Kilometers away. Haleys comet has come that close and we didn’t have a polar shift. When Jupiter lines up in opposition to Earth on the other side of the SUN is when we have gravitational issues, but Jupiter is HUGE…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I will correct that. Yest it was 2.1 AU away. The .232 is the closest the “comet” will get to Earth around Oct 16th ~ 19th. So roughly 35 MILLION Kilometers away. Haleys comet has come that close and we didn’t have a polar shift. When Jupiter lines up in opposition to Earth on the other side of the SUN is when we have gravitational issues, but Jupiter is HUGE…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

The key word there is “comet”. Haley’s comet is indeed a comet, as it travels much faster then Earth does. That’s why is streaks through the sky when it passes. This Elenin travels at about the same speed as Earth and other the planets, which is why it looks like it isn’t moving in the sky as shown on the video’s by the Chinese news station.

This clearly points to this object being a planetary body of some type, not a comet. The very fact that it will pass slower during its’ orbit gives it more time to exert more gravitational pull on the Earth, whereas comets go too fast to effect us much.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin


Elenin is likely a dwarf star, not a comet that is simply ice. If it were only ice, it wouldn’t be showing up in the sky over China. Whether it’s magnetic or not isn’t relative, as it’s about “gravitational pull”… not “magnetic pull”. As it passes close to the Earth, it will be like a car driving fast past a tin can on the road… the wind will spin it around.

The same thing will happen to the Earth later this year, as the gravitational pull will rotate the Earth, and the North and South poles will change their locations.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

There is a lot of controversy as to what Elenin is (Nibiri/Planet X or simply a comet). My sources debunk this Earth destruction theory (I’m talking about relatives who are Aerospace engineers and work in close concert with NASA). Believe the hype if you will, but I will see ya on OCT 2oth. 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I truly hope you are right Kevin, as I really… Really want this story to be wrong. If your friends come up with any good data on this, please post it. Thanks.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I suppose we will know more about what it is the closer it gets. I will post more info as I dig deeper into this subject. I’m on your side on most things, Red. I appreciate your site and your input as always.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin


Elenin is likely a dwarf star, not a comet that is simply ice. If it were only ice, it wouldn’t be showing up in the sky over China. Whether it’s magnetic or not isn’t relative, as it’s about “gravitational pull”… not “magnetic pull”. As it passes close to the Earth, it will be like a car driving fast past a tin can on the road… the wind will spin it around.

The same thing will happen to the Earth later this year, as the gravitational pull will rotate the Earth, and the North and South poles will change their locations.

13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin


why the need to edit red? the reason we are all here is that we~each in our own way~ have decided that enough is enough. that mass ‘editing’ and ‘editorials’ that surround us and that encapsulates us, and that enslaves us represent an agenda of control, and an agenda of supression.

red has chosen to free himself of the ‘EDITING’, and the need to be ‘editorial’. he says it like it is for him ~ believe it or not. i personally thank him for taking the bold step so to do, and putting in the effort to provide us all with a forum to ‘say it like it is’. ……

so ~ in future ~ the next time you have a need to write to red to EDIT himself, sit back and take your hands off the keyboard, and THINK. a little THINKING and a little truth soul searching and a little self discovery does us all good. it makes us independent in our thinking and critical in our analysis.

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

I agree with having an open mind as it relates to our gangster government, but I think some things need a little more digging. People get really geared up and fearful sometimes when things are presented a certain way. It is okay to be in opposition to Red about some things, right, Richie? A good debate is alright with you, isn’t it? I happen to have some access to people who really understand this topic and I trust their info. Red is a big boy, he can stand up for himself. 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Kevin, You are sounding a bit hostile though. just state your view and leave it alone man.

13 years ago

I think the ultimate high of this retracement will be the FP at 133.08 or wherever that one was, about 1333 on SPX, which happens to be the key 88.6% retracement level.

People don’t know about 88.6% but it is just as important as 78.6% in harmonic trading? Why? It is the square root of the square root of 0.618.

13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

The other trading advantage of looking at 88.6% retracement levels is that it is just 10% of retracement from the highs which give a smaller stop loss level. In other words, good risk/reward.

13 years ago


why the need to edit red? the reason we are all here is that we~each in our own way~ have decided that enough is enough. that mass ‘editing’ and ‘editorials’ that surround us and that encapsulates us, and that enslaves us represent an agenda of control, and an agenda of supression.

red has chosen to free himself of the ‘EDITING’, and the need to be ‘editorial’. he says it like it is for him ~ believe it or not. i personally thank him for taking the bold step so to do, and putting in the effort to provide us all with a forum to ‘say it like it is’. ……

so ~ in future ~ the next time you have a need to write to red to EDIT himself, sit back and take your hands off the keyboard, and THINK. a little THINKING and a little truth soul searching and a little self discovery does us all good. it makes us independent in our thinking and critical in our analysis.

13 years ago

Yes, well said Richie. Kevin, you’re not a bad dude. You’re on our side, regardless of your view on this matter.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Thanks Richie and ZZB…

And Kevin, you are more then welcome to post opposite views as mine. I would like more info on the subject, so please do post whatever your contacts tell you.

13 years ago

I know what it is…….the market is pissing everyone off. I’m trying to earn my money back here dang it!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Gang, remember… we are all just immortal spirits and peace is the answer, not violence or hatred like the Illuminati want. I’m sure Kevin meant no disrespect with his comments.

It’s ok ZZ… have a beer on me! LOL

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Exactly Red. I’m on your side and not being disrespectful to anyone. I am against the gangsters destroying this country/world. As far as Elenin, I will need to keep digging…

13 years ago


have you ever noticed that JUST when everyone is looking up to the sky ~ that is the moment that the ground opens up BELOW and swallows you up??

i kinda have a feelin that we are all looking ‘UP’ in the markets right now ~ me included.

just a thought…..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

The 5 and 15 minute charts are looking bullish, but the 30 and 60 still look bearish. They are holding it up with light volume right now, but by tomorrow they could turn the 30 and 60 bullish Richie… meaning that this rally isn’t over yet. We can only hope some bad economy news spooks the market and keep the selling pressure on.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

indeed, looks like that want a double bottom continuation pattern here, targeting 1325 or so, but the stats are bearish for today and tomorrow, so I’m short here still

13 years ago

Who is going to go public on Youtube about the false prints? Shouldn’t the public know about it? I have at least two clear examples that prove the market is manipulated.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

Yeah… I think I exposed the fake prints too much, as now they don’t seem to be working too well. I’m sure they are mixing in real and false FP’s together to throw us off…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The key is to wait for the end of the day to see if the print goes away. If it stays on the chart, it is real, if it disappears, it was a feed error.

I can show you some prints on the IWM that PROVES how they are used.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

Shows us… post away.

13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

Look at EPD – I have held it long for 5.5 years and now this bad FP…what say ye? It has not disappeared from the daily!

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Looks like it’s time to sell. Doesn’t mean it will hit it immediately, but come in and buy it down there. Trust me. It will work.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That is also nearly exactly a 50% retracement value from the rally from 2009, doubt it’s coincidence

13 years ago

Here is clear proof of FPs and how they are used. Not only are these prints coming in right at lows and highs, but the value of the prints give you price levels to buy and sell. Just trading these two prints alone would have made a ton.

13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

Do you remember the DOW FP 11812. It was blown by.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

How do you know that wasn’t a great long-term short entry?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The Dow is currently trading at 12,197, not exactly a huge move higher than that.

13 years ago

hope cobra is right, last three days usually bearish. i front ran my buy signal the other day. not fun. he is dead on about today though, gotta hand it to him.

13 years ago

todays volume must be anemic!! anybody?? how be that volume?? no volume indicator where i am….

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

It’s sick Richie… only 55 million on the spy right now! Extremely LOW!

13 years ago

so are you Red, you called it too. I think you said rangebound up day.

13 years ago

George H.W. Bush just called me. He spent the weekend with some sorority girls in Miami Beach before heading back to Crawford. He’s short the S&P and long Trojan condoms.

13 years ago

vix daily ~ the rsi has hooked back and pointing up. the fast stoch is also hooked back up and pointing up. macd histo looks to be recycling up (less negative towers)…… hmmmm…

13 years ago

well, you guys are full of good news. di lines tounching on spx daily. wont the dow have a hard time breaking resistance with this extended leg up. i mean condoms….the vix etc. i mean it dont have a chance.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’d say sideways until EOW or if it does go down this week, then a slight break higher until mid-next month. All the scum is ready to bail, they’re just playing a game of chicken with each other now.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Maybe. i wanna see the bears jump on the dow right here. i was hoping we would get a confirmation of those hammers left on friday. especially with the condition of the vix

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, all I can say is it’s going to be quite dicey the next several weeks…

13 years ago

I’m not sure what to do. Honey, go get my dice off the car mirror.

13 years ago

Geez, I missed a lot. Anyway, regarding some stuff down the page, it makes sense to me that the dollar would bounce. Remember that the dollar is just relative to all the other worthless currencies. They have to pump it at least a little soon to help out Fed Boech Jamie Dimon and his JP Manipulation.

Now that the wealthy are out and the public is in, they can let it tank, but who knows exactly when. Then, just play the PUMP game all over again. They all know the poop will hit the fan, so who cares? Madman Bernanke clearly doesn’t care what happens, so he knows what’s going on and just needs to keep putting out fires until the time is at hand.

13 years ago

It’s great to be long puts from 1320!! Yeah!! Prepared to close them tomorrow or on the next big down day.

13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

good job. i’m looking for a contra trend peak to be made right here. if so, then i can do a little more than break even. i jumped the gun on my plan. congrates to you though

13 years ago

It’s great to be long puts from 1320!! Yeah!! Prepared to close them tomorrow or on the next big down day.

13 years ago

Red I was watching the video with the maps and went to the site and found their update… very changed perspective on 2012..

13 years ago

Red I was watching the video with the maps and went to the site and found their update… very changed perspective on 2012..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

After reading that, it sounds like we may be OK afterall Dee… I hope so.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Lots of Bullish consolidation here… bad for bears.

13 years ago
Reply to  SAN

I thought before the analysis was above 131.87 bullish and below bearish on SPY

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What you thought is right. The range mentioned in 5 minutes chart 131.27 – 131.87 is still not broken. Price has to sustain above or below these levels for us to say if it is broken or not.

13 years ago
Reply to  SAN

headed that way now… was it below 131.27 – I guess I remembered it wrong.

13 years ago

woot! woot! puts baby, and we got that signal from the illuminati on friday with a flash print right at the highs 1318

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

That’s a failed bull flag folks… yippee!

13 years ago

I want to wake up tomorrow with the market down.. 600 points.

13 years ago

I told you about my download, they are NEVER wrong. Bought up the remaining supply of potassium iodine as well. What was going for 20 bucks is now 500 a bottle. I just need a good headline to get 1500 a bottle. Heck, I am worse than a banksta.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… but we like you washboard! Banksters are evil, but simple folk trying to make a profit is different.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

radiation is good for you. Do not fret about it

13 years ago

good job bears, hopefully we get the honey tomorrow.

13 years ago

Man, this looks BIG potentially.

13 years ago

Don’t get sucked in too much. The pullback this week will not be big on a closing basis, so if you are expecting this to be the end of the counter-rally, I wouldn’t bet on it. I am short from 1318-1320 but looking to offload a lot on weakness tomorrow, and then looking to reload from 1333.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Still falling in afterhours, but they are trying hard to keep it up. Could gap down tomorrow?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

volume is low today right red ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, the volume was very low… only 108 million shares traded on the spy. A day over 200 million usually defeats any POMO the gangsters have as the selling pressure is too much for them to control it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Today was a big POMO day.

13 years ago

Tomorrow is 81years 5 months from the big down day on 10-29-29. Today is 23years 5months 8 days from the October 19,1987 episode. Tomorrow will be the opening day for the 23year 23 week-versary of the 1987 episode.

Beware Red, this post might cause your site to malfunction. Either that or the trolls will work overtime to obscure this post.

And the trolls revealed themselves during the “spontaneous” eruption of posts last Thursday llinking to the zero hedge article on funds buying up the futures in anticipation of qe3 here and over at Daneric’s. It was obvious fade since their intention was to entice investors into buying the market at the top.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And remember the raven visited James Franco in 127hours everday at 8:15 in the morning until he had to do the gruesome deed on 5-01. (and ravens I guess should be quite foreboding birds—ask Edgar Allen Poe)

13 years ago

I think the “Egg of Doom” was a big hit over the weekend. That was a linear scale.

There is no “easy way” to trade, and you have to change as the market changes. If what you are doing is not working, do something else.

Here is Egg of Doom in log scale and with a Fib Fan type of analysis. Enjoy, and watch for possible scrambled eggs.

13 years ago

Geccko your numbers are really thorough. Good work. Probably way over the top for the average joe, but I really enjoy it.


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