Wednesday, March 26, 2025

New World Order Wants To Wipeout San Francisco And Damascus While The Stock Market Could Be Shutdown On 11-11-11…

Wednesday Update...

(to watch on youtube:



Ben Fulford's latest speaks of plans to shutdown all financial trading programs or "platforms" on 11-11-11, but first let's cover the Evil Illuminati Cabal's plan to make San Francisco and Damascus "Uninhabitable"...

In this post by Ben Fulford he states that someone hiding their identity contacted the White Dragon Society (the good guys who want to free the planet from the evil cabal, which are made up of insiders in the Pentagon, and high ranking people in 57 other countries) by telephone claiming that they would basically destroy San Francisco and Damascus to keep themselves from losing power.

A third party group apparently found out about the threat (who obviously sides with the White Dragon Society) and counter that threat by stating that "if" anything did happen like that, they would hunt down the entire extended families of any ruling bloodlines of the Illuminati Cabal members responsible down to the last individual, and they would all be exterminated!  These people were not associated with the White Dragon Society, but must also be a group of good people trying to do the right thing.

It is obvious too me that these Evil Cabal members aren't going to give up easily.  After all, they have been in power for the last 4,000 years or so.  Fulford mentioned in an old post or one a radio interview (somewhere, I can't remember now) that these same people (bloodlines) go back to the Roman Empire, and are the same group.  I guess hoping that they would cut a deal and give up peacefully is too much to ask for or expect from evil dating back that many years.

The more recent post by Ben Fulford and David Wilcock speaks of the Stock Market being shutdown on 11-11-11...

This is planned by the White Dragon Society to purge out all the fraud from the system, or simply clean it out and revamp it.  This has too be done before the new financial system can be started it seems.  All those derivatives and other fraudulent transactions will then be purged from the system and we can all start over free of debt to these gangsters... if I'm understanding the meaning of his words correctly?

He also implies that the Evil Cabal is doing everything it can to keep the system from imploding on itself and collapsing.  Hmmm... very strange thinking there as I was under the assumption that the cabal wants the system to collapse so they could steal all the assets for pennies on the dollar, and then they would own everything in America.  We would all be working for the government then (which is owned by these Illuminati Cabal Gangsters) and then they could force us to all be "chipped" or starve to death.

Bringing down the stock market and crashing the economy has always been their plan, so they could bring on the "New World Order" slavery system that they've been planning for decades now.  Is Ben being mislead or do I understand it all incorrectly?  They (meaning the bad guys) have already told Lindsey Williams of their plans to bring on this NWO through bankrupting America, creating a 3rd world war, increase oil prices to $200.00 per barrel... all of which can't happen until the stock market crashes!

Also, this interesting video was sent to me by a reader of this blog.  It shows a cheap looking website ( that looks like a child created it, (or it's something from the 90's), that represents a company worth $14.3 Trillion Dollars! Huh?  Yeah, the website is intentionally setup to look crappy so none of sheep will pay much attention too it.  While I don't know if that's their "official website" or not, I found another one speaking of the jobs that will be created from it....(

The guy is on to something as Reinhardt made all his correct stock market predictions based on huge debasements to pay for huge projects like this...

(to watch on youtube:

Reinhardt ( has been very accurate at forecasting turn dates in the stock market based on the Legatus Pilgimage meetings, because that's were all the evil cabal meet to decide on policies and laws that affect the next move to happen.  I've watched his forecasts come true time and time again.  Put simply, a turn in the market will happen because of something these elite gangsters decide to do while in one of these Legatus meetings.

They pretend it's a Catholic event, but that's just a front, as they really get together to make decision on who they are going to steal from next.  They implemented both "Quantitative Easing One" (QE1) and QE2 during these meeting.  They simply stole the money from future children in America by massive printing of more dollars that will eventually cause huge inflation... again hurting the sheep.

Each time they did this the stock market would rally to unbelievable levels, because all that money went straight to the "Plunge Protection Team" via Goldman Sachs, who never distributed the money to the public in loans to create jobs like Obama stated that's what it was for... but instead wrote themselves huge bonuses and gambled the rest away in the market.

Other times they evil cabal will meet and decide to "debase" or crash the stock market so they can wipeout their competition by lower their stock price so low that they can buy them up and/or force a merger with another company they own... or simply bankrupt them.  Of course the evil cabal will also be making money by shorting the stock market while it's crashing too, thus stealing all the hard working America's 401k savings.

Create a problem, blame it on someone else, create a solution, take credit for it and be a hero!

That's what these piece of sh*t evil bastard cabal members like too do!  They do it not only with the economy and the stock market, but wars too.  They create the enemy by staging a false flag event like 911, then make up a dead enemy like Bin Laden (real name Tim Osman, who died in a hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2001 of kidney failure), then act like hero's for going to war to protect those very angry (blinded, mislead, lied too) sheep.

Now they want to do it with the economy.  They already created the problem with the 2007 Real Estate bubble, (which they stole billions from) which collapsed and created the massive unemployment we have today.  Next, they have to blame it on someone else with some type of "false flag" event that will cause the final collapse of the stock market.  This could be something horrible like nuking San Francisco and Damascus, (I pray not) or something less dramatic like the Euro defaulting and then America defaulting.

Who they blame it on it unknown at this point?  Maybe they blame it on a few select banks to distract the sheep?  Hard too predict that one in advance.  But, we do know their plans in advance as they have told us that they plan to take oil up to $200.00 per barrel (through Lindsey Williams' source) and the stock market down to 34.65 SPY by the FP they put out,  (also 939 on gold with that FP).

Now we get to the solution and them being hero's again...

If their evil plan succeeds, they will have to crash the stock market first (debase, as Reinhardt likes to call it) to steal all the money they need to build this new water pipeline spoke of in the video above, where $14.3 Trillion Dollars will be used to create some 3 million jobs.  So then, why does Ben Fulford not see the big picture here?  Both the White Dragon Society and the Evil Illuminati Cabal want the same thing... a total meltdown in stock market!

Of course the White Dragon Society only wants that to happen so that they can revamp and clean out the system, while the Evil Cabal wants it to create the New World Order.  Which one will succeed?  I hope it's the White Dragon Society, as that would mean all the new jobs created would be from suppressed technologies like cars that run on water, free electricity, cures for cancer, aid's and ever disease.  If not, then look out for some water pipeline to be built across America.. that I'm sure has more evil meaning behind it then just supplying fresh water to parts of the country that need it.

I've heard that "Water" is the next "BIG" commodity, which is of course being stated by the Evil Cabal, as it's their evil plans to make is scarce some how, and then jack up the prices of it and make it so you have too get it from this pipeline they are building.  After all, why build a water pipeline that is going to cost Trillions (lies of course, just like the government buying $600 hammers or $1,800 toilets... which we all know that 90% of that cost was funneled away for "off books" projects), if you don't first cause the price of water to rise tremendously?

Cliff High over at Half Past Human must have seen something in the web bot about this "North America Water and Power Alliance" (NAWAPA) that this guy spoke of in the video at the top of this page, which now all makes for a much clear "Big Picture".  The cabal want to make fresh water scarce some how, and then sell it at ridiculous prices to steal more money from the sheep and gain more control of us, so that we'll gladly be their New World Order slaves.

Putting the pieces together now...

The Evil Cabal are still on time as far as I can see, and all this talk of taking them down by the White Dragon Society still hasn't knocked them off course.  The next Legatus Pilgrimage is where I think they will finally let the stock market just crash to unbelievably levels... just like they planned it too happen years back I'd bet.  This dancing around with rumors of default from this country or that country is all just part of the play the way I see it.

While I'm rooting for the White Dragon Society to win this 4000 year old battle, I don't see it happening yet.  The success of the destruction of 2 underground cities just south of Washington DC in Virginia, that the Evil Illuminati Cabal planned to hide in while they murdered 80%+ of the world population, was a huge win for the good guys... but that's only one battle of many to come I believe.

The good news for us traders is that both the White Dragon Society and The Evil Cabal want the stock market to crash.  The White Dragon Society wants to shutdown all financial trading programs or platforms (for an indeterminate period of time) on 11-11-11 (curious date they picked... wouldn't you agree?), which tells me that date for the start of the largest crash should still be Monday October 24th, the first trading day after the last Legatus meeting ends for this year (Sunday, October 23rd, 2011).

Let's not forget that the Mayan Calendar actually ends this coming October 28th, 2011... not December 21st, 2012 as the Illuminati would have you  beLIEve.

All of this sums up to a whole lot of crazy things happening in the world this coming October and November, which I just can't see as being a "non-event" period.  The Mayan Calendar ending and this chart showing every level of Consciousness coming together all at once, from 9 different levels dating back 16.4 Billion years... has too mean something BIG is going to happen on that date!  Plus you have a once in a hundred year event on 11-11-11 being set by the good guys as a tentative date to shutdown down the stock market!  Come on folks, do you really think we are going to pass by those dates with nothing much happening?  I don't think so!

So, what's in-store for next week in the stock market?

(to watch on youtube:

Probably another big sell off or crash... depending on what you can a crash!  While we "could" rally up some Monday and backtest the broken trendline from the large bear flag we've been in since the 1101 spx low back in August, we could also just roll right over at the open and start the next leg down to take out the 1,000 spx level.  "If" this is our 5th and final wave down inside this first major wave 1 down, then we could end up somewhere between 965-985 spx with capitulation selling to finally end the move.

This could all happen next week, and we could have a "limit down" day this week.  The charts are all still very bearish and with the daily now rolling back over again, it could gather some steam very quickly and with the weekly and monthly alos pointing down... this week is looking to be very ugly!  We basically chopped around after last Thursdays' morning gap down, and all day Friday... just trading sideways making a bear flag pattern that could play out Monday morning.

I see nothing in the charts to be bullish about right now, and everything to be bearish about.  However, after the market bottoms somewhere just under a 1,000 spx, I do expect a big rally into the October 21st option expiration date.  How high is unknown, but I think the 1200-1220 spx level will likely be the target.  If that is hit by that date, then the Legatus meeting in Rome, that ends that Sunday the 23rd, should mark the top of Major wave 2, with Major wave 3 down to start on Monday the 24th.

You then have just 3 weeks until the White Dragon Society plans to shutdown the stock market on Friday 11-11-11 (tentative date scheduled).  During that time period, we are first going to some how have complete consciousness of all 9 levels of existence (dating back 16.4 Billion years) come into our heads all at once.  Don't know what that means, or what to think of it, but that should happen on Friday, October 28th, 2011 (the end of the Mayan Calendar).

On top of all of that is the Elenin planet/rock/comet that's going to be passing between the earth and sun in October, which who knows it that's real, fake, or if it will really do anything to the earth or not?  It all tells me that something BIG is going to happen... and I don't think it will be a rally in the stock market.

Final Thoughts...

Over the next couple of months things could really get crazy, so I want everyone to focus on positive things in their lives and not succome to fear or panic.  You are all Immortal spirits just living in this crazy matrix called earth.  Death in this human body is not to be feared, for you are not a human with an immortal spirit inside you, but an immortal spirit trapped inside this human body.  While I don't think anything bad will happen and the evil cabal will succeed in killing 80%+ of the population, I don't fear it either.  Life will go on in a spirit form, (until your next life as a human)... but I certainly do like this human body would like to continue living in it for awhile longer  🙂

As for the stock market, I'm already short and will ride out any rally on Monday, as everything tells me that we'll have another August 8th this week... maybe worse?  Limit down is 1200 Dow points, and who knows if we hit that or not?  Depends on how many bulls panic this week and throw in the towel...

Good luck as always, and stay safe...


Author: Red

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Roc Market Dashboard
13 years ago

Stock market update.

13 years ago

GOLD Resistance:

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago

As always.. good stuff Red ….

13 years ago

Hawaii Trading and Breakpoint Trades (BPT) is providing a free newsletter on Commodities.  Commodities got pummeled last week.


Here is a FREE 41 pages of professional grade chart analysis with Audio overlay.    Elliot Wave, Fibonacci, Tech indicators such as Slow STO, patterns and candle analysis.   All the stuff I like.

Check it out.   You can’t watch everything all by yourself.    In reality, if you are going to run any money in the markets, you need to purchase some services.

13 years ago

A certain little indicator has moved back into the crash zone but then again the action of gold,silver,copper,platinum already proving to be an on the mark leading indicator.

There was a Bradley’s turn date last week.   From 4-26-1992, it should have been 19years4months26days around 9-21/22.   From the actual 4-29-1992 date, it is around today.


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Good Morning gang….

Looks like the bears could get a nice opportunity to get short today… as by the end of today and tomorrow, I expect a big drop

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

comment image

13 years ago

ES Chart:

13 years ago

Crude oil chart:

13 years ago

Hey Red, sold that VKML the rest of it anyways this morning. Don’t want to hold any junior crap while all this is going on.  Obviously that elinin crap didn’t pan out today.  But there is something to that stuff, if you go to Montreal Canada, the most heinous sculpture in the world, surpassing the symbolism at the Denver Airport is on full display, depicting the elinin scenario. 

    For insiders this is the centerpiece logo of the end.  It is in front of the Laurentian Bank.  It is made from a very interesting metal.  Some anti globalist, who was so offended by its presence, drove a truck into it at a high mph and was seriously hurt, and the structure was not even scratched. Its probably made from the same substance as my calibrator.  Take a very good look at the opening subsciption/wording.  Notice how the two “gentlemen” at the front have no eyes. More on that later.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I seen that video once before… yeah, it’s very eerie looking!

13 years ago

    Constructed by a “gentleman” named Mason. 

13 years ago

SPY Resistance line:

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago


You can add more crazy stuff to the already strange combination of events I’ve listed in my post, by reading Dex’s post…

13 years ago

missed my spot to short at 1145 on the SPX.  Hope I get another shot.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What’s the calibrator say right now?   Lot’s of crazy stuff aligning up right now… I think a false flag is coming, as a limit down day this week!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Interesting how Cramer did a piece on two private corrections corporations, CXW and GEO. What a coinky-dink!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Web bot update and possible BIG thing to come soon. September 2011

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash (finally, an HONEST person on TV)

13 years ago

According to Gary the number guy, the crash will be a 11 day.  Sept 29  2+9= 11 Thursday is a possibility.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, I remember that… ritual days are the 11th and the 29th of each month.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Revisiting Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory”… don’t forget what really going on, and coming again soon!

13 years ago

    Sorry Red, got derailed from the calibration.  Back now.  CRASH coming soon.  Will get a more specific call soon.

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago

Michael Levine as been on 60 minutes along time ago. Here is his web site. I met him over 10 years ago. Some people might find him interesting and the subjects he talks ago.

13 years ago

S&P 500 Analysis after closing bell:

13 years ago

Window dressing week, end of the 3rd quarter.

13 years ago

The S and P is being dressed up really well overnight, glad I didn’t go short yet.  Big accumulation on BAC btw, that scares me seeing that.  This might be a wave 2, in which case it might crawl up quite a bit.  Those bulls love to entice bears to squeeze them for the long crawls up.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, they could extend this out until the end of the October 23rd Legatus Meeting… worst case scenario.  If so, every bear will throw in the towel after too many failed repeated attempts breaking down from this massive bear flag.

13 years ago

    The guy who taught me how to trade, only taught the two of us, the other guy is ceo of US global funds, and has given my teacher no credit whatsoever.  I fooled around and used his techniques to support a tennis bum life for a long time, but always gave him a ton of credit. 

    This guy here, wrote 3 best selling books in the 70’s, and our teacher encouraged us to read and reread his three books constantly to re-program or re-brainwash ourselves as to what is what, and what is not. 

    Its very similar to what Red keeps referring to, the gang, or the gangsters.  Red you would have loved this guy.  His books were all bought up, and then the publisher refused to publish any more.  He was on Carson, then Cavett I think, then they pulled him from all media.

13 years ago

   And remember, the new media, IS the SOCIAL MEDIA.  So beware of the fulfords< williams etc.. Take the information and consider if it is real, or disinformation to help create the short squeezes that provide liquidity and the easy crawl up.

13 years ago

GOLD Resistance levels:

13 years ago

Big morning volume came in and supported the market just now, or did they just fill it in and short it?  Time will tell. I think they want this higher.  Haven’t calibrated anything yet. 

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We still have the possibility of rolling over and tanking hard later this week… but yeah, I’m thinking that there is a small chance that they could continue up to choppy until the Legatus meeting is over.  That would certainly fool the bears and defy what the charts say on a technical analysis point of view.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

What is your upside target for the spx?

13 years ago

SILVER Resistance levels:

13 years ago

Absolutely dying to go partially short here, calibrator is not onside YET. So I won’t.  But its hard, the electronic subconscious emf signals from the ELF towers are probably turned on to FULL to try and get me right now. 

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Probably best to live out in the country away from all the ELF towers, so you could think freely.  As for the market, the charts still say we “should” rollover by tomorrow, but we all know that the market is manipulated by the gangsters and the charts don’t always work.

“IF” that is the new plan… to manipulate the market back up higher and squeeze out ever last bear, then the 127.07 SPY FP is back in play and “could” be hit by the Legatus Pilgrimage date this October 23rd.  If that all happens, then starting the week of October 24th, we should see then next wave down in the market… a Wave 3! (A HUGE WAVE 3!)

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

     Heh, they run as much EMF now from under the ground as they do above ground now RED.  That is why I have the calibrator, you cannot trust your intuitive versus their tech which shouts out buy at tops and sell at bottoms. Its like trying to outscream a woman giving birth. Just not possible.

13 years ago

I believe today is the top. It doesn’t seem possible to retrace significantly today, but according to the pattern, the move down could start before the close.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Problem is… we have light volume (which usually favors the bulls) and a bull flag pattern forming while they rest the overbought short term charts.  I don’t see a sell off happening today… unless of course the gangsters stage some false flag event to fool everyone?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If we get a double top here within the next 2 hours I may pull the trigger to short. I am all in cash since late last week.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Bull flag formed now GL, which will likely mean a push up into the close to fulfill it, or a gap up at the open tomorrow….. then it could fall back down.  Plus, the 4 hour chart is still pushing up… You might wait until you see the bull flag play out, and then short?  Food for thought…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It seems the criminals are pulling out all the stops to push this market up beyond overbought for as long as possible before pulling the trigger, due to EOQ. What a pain. Maybe this reversal will give them less breathing room (or more?) the rest of the week, but the fact that they couldn’t close on the highs shows a clear lack of conviction, and free money.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Quick 5 minute video update…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Nice mid day. i learned something new. M A pattern

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks Jim…

Glad to see you are still around.  Blog traffic is slow right now, and I miss chatting with all my old regulars.  Do continue to stop by from time to time.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I was having a hard time navigating to your comments section for quite some time.


13 years ago
Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Lots of gaps and looks to be stuck in a triangle too.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Finally, the truth about the Pentagon and 911…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

That is a ominous sign. Another hint for the eventual down fall.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

But “WHEN” is the question?  Is it this week, next week, or the week of Legatus?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

They said, they would first put it out for public consultation.  21 days   When they would start, I do not know.

13 years ago

Check out the accumulation on BAC, no way this should collapse, the MM’s have a ton of paper to distribute.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Then that means they will likely surprise us all and rally into opx in October.  Do the opposite of what your gut tells you, as it is being manipulated by the EMF waves….

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The EMF waves will manipulate your brain not your gut instincts. Your gut is your intuition, which will serve you well if one listens

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, you are correct… I stated that improperly.  My “gut” instincts are my immortal spirit telling me the truth, while the gangster bombard my brain with EMF pulses to trick my logical thinking and get me to go short or long when the opposite is the correct move.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

If I may put in my 2 cents, the vast majority of experimental mind control has been more along the lines of emotional control, which has a greater effect on someone’s gut feeling than anything else. Emotions have the tendency to make people forget logic and reason, so it’s a very powerful force. Just sayin……

13 years ago

I am going to hold my short into the close.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Remember when a 10 point drop was a crash?  LOL… now it’s just an everyday move in the markets.

13 years ago

SPX Analysis after closing bell:

13 years ago

D but go look up EIX,FE,AEP utility stocks, unless the US just rapidly increased their electricity use or created jobs, my best guess is they toppod again. i’ve made a small fortune this month on AEP’s $2 channel. i’m adding D, king of nuclear, to these shorts…i like shorting these companies
here’s what you do….

13 years ago

any news on these x9 solar flares? reports say one of these could knock out,  on a long term basis, the communication satellites. i wonder if that means the internet will go down too.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

When are they supposed to happen? They always have a big direct effect on the market.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

the gynourmous solar flares already been happening. and it looks like there is a big effect on the market.
i’m heading to palm springs if the satellites get knocked out…
dow might sink too.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

 I believe you will be correct, for the next several trading days into early next week.

13 years ago

Its Warlock time again:
Notice the second hand seems to point to 27minutes.   The time appears to be 11o’clock7minutes27seconds or (11+7)-27 or 927.   Then the mention of Bambino U.  Class of 1(927)below.   Nothing really happened today but there were rituals galore today.

Remember this poetic moment from the bitchin Warlock:

That photo was taken on February 21,2011 or 2-21-211.    8months7days later is tomorrow.

And the Bi-Winner is suddenly back in the news with his multi-million dollar settlement.   Ritual or coincidence?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, I have to reply to my own comments since that is the only way I can post now.

Maybe the puppet in chief and the insiders are in Denver to worship the super Moon aligned with Elenin.   Interesting that this individual did a New Moon Chart for September 27 as viewed from Denver.  comment image

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Bad link

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

787+ANA==938.   ANA==1-14–1 or 1-5-1

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If that link isn’t showing anything, then the video can be seen in the lower right hand corner under most popular videos.   The video in the middle.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Actually, it is 7months 7days from the date of the photo.  8months7days is 10-28, or the end of the world according to the Mayan Calendar as seen above, but I have always seen the date as 10-27.   Is Elenin really Nirabu or some planet that appears every several thousand years to mark the end of one astro age?

Breadth is pretty negative today and crude oil,gold,silver are all down which is all I care about now.   They generally are the leading indicator indices along with copper and the $bkx and russell 2000, Sox which I am guessing are all down(russell is for sure) right now.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

DR copper is significantly down. That is one great indicator for the overall economy.

13 years ago

Wow Geccko you are rocking with this stuff eh?

13 years ago

CRUDE OIL Resistance level :

13 years ago

SPX Chart:

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Choppy “end of month” window dressing it looks like.  Here’s a couple of short 5 minute video updates…

Part 1:
Part 2:

13 years ago

This market does not feel very strong, I took a small short position.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If it breaks through that 1165 spx area, where that upward supporting trendline is, then yes… it should fall nicely.

13 years ago

Descending Triangle of ES:

13 years ago

Buying a small position of FAS.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I see them turning this market back up tomorrow and rallying… at least that what I read in the charts.  This assumes the initial claims numbers are horrible and the market tanks hard from them.  I don’t think that will happen though as volume is light today. I hate to be the contrarian here, but I don’t see this market crashing this week.

13 years ago

Up a single cigarette.

13 years ago

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Just had a chance to read those links… Blonder!  Very scary!  I’m less then a mile from the ocean here in Florida, so I’ll be toast if that happens!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I see a FP at 117.50 spy at 3:13 pm

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I would say that is for tomorrow red.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Makes sense GL… close at the lows today, gap down tomorrow, and then reverse hard all day to to hit the FP of 117.50 spy later in the day.


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