Tuesday, October 22, 2024

From David Wilcock To Ben Fulford And Lindsey Williams As Well As The Margin Call Movie The End Of Mayan Calendar And 11-11-11 The Next Stock Market Crash Is HERE…

Thursday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkb6ixH1cxc)



Tuesday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGrDc-7W6pA)



Everything now points to the next stock market crash starting this coming week, as the Legatus Pilgrimage ends and Euro-Zone Summit on October 23rd decision is made (with the final vote given before Wednesday the 27th and details by the 30th),  which is a "no win" situation regardless of the outcome...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGrDc-7W6pA)

The next few weeks and months are going to surprise everyone, and not just because of the stock market crash.  So many things are going to happen that it will just blow everyones' mind!  The Evil Cabal are losing more and more control now, and will lash out hard before they are taken down for good.  This means that trying to pick a bottom to the coming crash is going to be very difficult, if not impossible.  Unfortunately, many bulls are going to get trapped again as they now think this breakout to the upside signal's the bottom is in.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  They will be "buying the dips" all the way down.

I can see what they are looking at... from a "technical analysis" point of view, as it does look like the charts are turning bullish again.  But, the charts don't tell the whole story.  While a case could be made that we are now in an "A" wave up in an "ABC" wave pattern... which seem logical, the overwhelming other "darkside" evidence points to a HUGE "Wave 3" down starting next week, not the "B" wave down that everyone is expecting.  People seems to forget that the gangsters are out of money, and are losing control of the planet as each day goes by.  The days of another "Quantitative Easing" working to rally up the market to new highs are over.  That's what been keeping it from crashing since the August crash ended.

All this sideways "wild swings" up and down movement came from QE3 (although it was called Obama's job stimulus plan, and maturing bonds reinvested).  It's only been able to keep the market from collapsing, not restart the "fake" bull market again.  The big institutions aren't buying into it, but instead just using it as another opportunity to sell into.  Only when the entire stock market has crashed to levels low enough to "restart" it will we start a new bull market.  Of course by then the evil cabal gangsters will be arrested and their money confiscated.

Yes, plans are already being made to arrest gangsters like George Soros, Warren Buffet, The Clinton's, The Bush's, Henry Kissenger, Donald Rumsfeld, David and Jay Rockefeller, and many more murdering satanists.

During this crazy period you are going to see this evil reptilians attempt to destroy not only the American economy by crashing the stock market, but also kill thousands or millions of people through another false flag event.  Will they succeed?  I hope not, and believe that they will fail.  They have been stopped many times recently from starting World War 3 by good aliens and pentagon white hats that are aligned with the white dragon society.  These aliens have used their technology to do things like the destruction of the 8+ underground bases (cities) that the Illuminati Cabal planned to hide in while the rest of the planet was nuked!  Guess what Bush... it ain't going to happen!  LOL!

The time period we are now going through will be told about for many generations to come.  We will finally see the government admit publicly of the existence of aliens which I believe will be before the end of the year 2012.  This "Disclosure" will shock most of the world, but those of us who took the "Red Pill" already know the story, and how certain aliens have be enslaving humanity for the last 6,000 years while other aliens have been fighting to protect us and free us from this mind control system known as the matrix.

However, for those of you who are awake now and have this opportunity to profit from this temporary collapse in the stock market and the economy, you must NOT forget that millions of others will be hurt badly as they lose everything.  They unfortunately will be blindsided from the lies on the main stream media as they keep telling them that the worst is over while the stock market continues to make new lows, wiping out their life time savings.  It will be up to YOU to help those less fortunate when the time comes.  It doesn't matter how much money you make, or have, it only matters that you do what you can to help.  You will know what to do when the time comes.

Here's the latest from Ben Fulford...

Ben's help has been ridiculed by many over the years, as some call him crazy or a plant to mis-inform us sheep... but I don't believe a word of it!  While he hasn't been able to pick exact dates that something will or will not happen, his updates have still helped many to stay informed of what's really going on in the world today.  Maybe one day he will be invited to speak on the main stream media... after the gangster lose control of it of course.  In fact, Ben did mention that Rupert Murdoch was hinting at leaving the evil cabal and joining the white dragon society.  Since he owns FOX, that means we "could" start to see some truth come out on that network in the future.  For now, I'll stick with the internet sources for the truth.

Rothschild family offers White Dragon Society $25 trillion to ‘go away’

The high level banksters known as the Rothschild family offered the White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,” they answered, without hesitation, “sure whatever you want.” The problem is the WDS cannot accept either stolen money or money that was fraudulently created. In any case, the Rothschilds and the Bush crime syndicate are just playing for time because they are both still trying to start WW3. Israel has been given the green light by Obama gang boss Rahm Emmanuel to attack Iran. Bush/Rothschild agent Ahmadinejad will then be given the green light to destroy most of Israel, according to high level Pentagon sources. They hope this tragic course of events would then set off their Gog/Magog fake end times scenario. The Israeli people need to prevent this insanity ASAP by removing the gangster Benjamin Netanyahu from power.

The situation in the US, meanwhile, is moving closer to open revolt. The legal actions against Obama Justice Department head Eric Holder are meant to remove the first legal obstacle to impeaching Obama and his cabinet, according to Pentagon and CIA sources. This legal action is being reported by Murdoch’s Fox TV but not by other corporate media outlets. Murdoch is currently allied with the WDS.

The lawsuit involving the theft of funds belonging to the non-aligned nations of the world is also being readied for filing in early November. This lawsuit is supposed to lead to hundreds if not thousands of elite arrests, according to the filers but, it has been delayed often and the proof will be in the pudding.
The Chicago branch the Rothschild/Bush fascist crime syndicate headed by Rahm Emmanuel (related to Italian fascist king Victor Emmanuel?) has provided Israel, against Pentagon objections, with the cluster bombs and bunker busting bombs it needs to attack Iran. The Mossad operation involving a fake Iranian plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador is supposed to be the reason for this assault. Bush/Mossad agent Iranian President Ahmadinejad will then use the assault to trigger “Armagedon” in Israel, the Pentagon sources say.

However, even if Israel is sacrificed by these fascists, the attack will not trigger their desired World War 3.

The Pentagon and CIA sources have also added that one of the reasons for the holocaust of European Jews is that they refused to hand over their gold to the royal families of Europe. The royal families wanted to monopolize the world’s gold in order to take over the global financial system, these sources say. World War II’s main purpose was to confiscate all the global gold supplies not under the control of these families.

The WDS has also been contacted by a group claiming to be the “real illuminati.” They say their order was founded by King Solomon and Pythagoras and is opposed to an ancient Satanic cult run by the Royal Families. Their representative claims this “illuminati” group was behind the French, American and Russian revolutions. They say their membership consists of 6,000 highly influential individuals who are not part of the old dynastic families (the 13 bloodlines, also called “illuminati bloodlines” by some writers).

It is worth nothing the people from the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy also called themselves “illuminati,” even though their leadership consisted of ancient inbred Roman aristocratic families.

We have been able to independently confirm that this individual, who calls himself Alexander Romanoff, is connected to MI6, KGB, the Australian Security Police, Canadian military intelligence and the international drug mafia. We confirmed this through multiple sources including members of all of the above mentioned agencies and groups.

Romanoff says he helped former world chess Champion Bobby Fischer when he was arrested in Japan in 2004. He got Fischer an Icelandic passport to prevent him from being deported to the United States. Fischer then informed Romanoff he was a “grandmaster of the illuminati.” Romanoff also says Fischer told him he was the original mastermind behind the 911 terrorist attack against the US. The ultimate motive of this attack was to provoke a revolution in the US against royalist control, who they refer to as the “old world order,” as opposed to the “new world order,” this illuminati group stands for.

Given the use of the phrase “new world order,” by bloodline member Bush and his ilk, my advice to this individual was that his group needed to change the name of the regime they plan to set up to something that has fewer negative associations.

Romanoff says his group supports meritocracy, or rule by the most competent, and opposes hereditary rule by inbred families. It is interesting to note that Asian triads and yakuza groups are also opposed to nepotism.

The son of a yakuza boss would never be allowed to inherit control of his father’s gang although he might be allowed to join a different gang.

In Japan meanwhile, the Yakuza and the Japanese military police have informed this author that the Bushes are trying to get a North Korean agent to kill him. The agent they send is likely to be linked to the drug-smuggling, gun-running gang known as the Unification Church. Their ranch is next to the Bushes ranch in Paraguay.

Here's video "radio" interview by Sean David Morton of Ben Fulford as well, but he basically covers the same subjects as in the text above.  However, there is some interesting stuff from Morton during the last 10-20 minutes of the show.  When you listen to that last part of his radio show, you just can't think that we are going to do a simple ABC wave pattern in November! There is just TOO MUCH going on that support a STOCK MARKET CRASH in November!  From all the secret codes of movies coming out like "Margin Call" and "11-11-11", to the countdown pointing to December 7th, 2011 on the Illuminati.org website, the end of the Mayan Calendar on October 28th, 2011... as well as the FP's I got over the last year or so,  NOTHING supports a rally in November!

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DogQeAKgVFU)

So, what do I expect for next week?

Monday should be choppy ending the day down or with a doji, as the short term charts are way too overbought to support another big up day.  Hard too say about Tuesday because of the uncertainty of "when" the vote decision will be announced?  They stated that it would be "by Wednesday", meaning it could be announced early.  There is no way to know when, so I'll just have too follow the charts closely on Monday and Tuesday, and try to figure out the best spot to get short.  There could be an initial "fakeout" move to the upside when the announcement comes?  I don't know for sure on that one?  We still have the slim possibility that they could push this up to the 127.07 SPY FP before crashing it, but I'm not counting on it.

It's a mixture of how the charts are lined up, the price level, the time of day, the volume in the market, and just an overall "gut" feeling.  Remember, there has NEVER been a time period in all of history like there is today.  With the Mayan Calendar ending this October 28th, 2011 (or the December 21st, 2012 date?), the aliens showing up in the sky's at record level's, the debt level's of the world at unbelievable levels, and all the other crazy stuff the Evil Illuminati Cabal Gangsters are doing... I'd say this period will be a "once in a lifetime" one.  This means that we should expect this period to surprise, shock, as astound ever the best chartist and/or forecaster.

While I'm not expecting the market to drop to the 34.65 SPY FP level on this move down, I'm definitely expecting the 1,000 spx level to be taken out.  Possibly we stop around the 965 spx (making a nice ritual number as 9 {6+5=11} = 911), or going down a little deeper to the 885 spx FP from last year, that also lines up with the 8300 Dow FP from last year too.  I really don't know the bottom level before we bounce into next year from so "Santa Rally", so I'll have too take it one day at a time.  For now let's just focus on the next 2 days to find our spot to get short at.

"If" we gap up on Monday (yeah, I know... that seems impossible being so overbought) then they could make a run for the 12,000 mark on the Dow and possibly the FP on SPY of 127.07 (about 1270 spx).  I'm not expecting it, but it would certainly kill the last bear and get every bull on board long, and/or praying for a pullback to get in at.  Trick the most people is the name of the game, and that's what I'd do if I were a gangsters like them.  A gap up instead of a "should be" gap down (on fears from the EU meeting decision) would go against the charts for sure, as they say we should go down Monday morning to reset the overbought short term charts.

Well, we won't know until Monday morning I guess... so not much point in trying to figure it out, as it's going to do whatever they want it to do.  I'll simply be looking for a higher high on Monday to get short at.  If they do gap it up and make a run for the 127.07 spy level, hopefully I can have enough patience to get short at the right spot.  These next several weeks are going to be very hard to figure out, but I'll try my best to keep you inform.

Good Luck,


P.S. An Astrologer named Karen Starich from Zentrader.ca sees a possible "Flash Crash" on November 2nd, 2011.  Since this EU bailout vote is being dragged out, as apparently the final, final, fina, Sarko/Merkel unveiling of the solution will allegedly take place on October 3oth, 2011... this "could" delay the coming crash a few days.

Meaning that they "could" chop around early this week to reset this short term overbought charts which again "may" give them the opportunity to push up to the 127.07 spy FP before the end of this week.  That would of course mean that the crash could happen on Karen's November 2nd date if the details of the plans to solve the EU debt crisis are viewed negatively by the stock market (which of course they will, as this is a "NO Win Situation").  Download the interview by Clicking Here and start listening at about 63:50 minutes into the audio interview.  (She's mentions "Flash Crash" starting at 80 minutes into the audio).

Thinking about the possible wave count here with this forecasted date of November 2nd by Karen, we could start the first wave 1 down early this week (like Monday or Tuesday), and then rally back up for a wave 2 into the Thursday/Friday time frame, followed by a wave 3 down to start the first week of November.  This would be some type of Wave 3 of 3 of 3 (maybe more 3's?).  So yeah... a crash is coming, as there is just too much evidence to support it.

P.S.S. The Real Truth on why the Evil Cabal murdered Gaddafi... http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2011/10/23/libya-gaddafi-the-truth-you-are-not-supposed-to-know

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XorKTwkFPDU)

Author: Red

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BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

Market is open on 31 st

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Oh… I didn’t know that?  Thanks Big House

12 years ago

I have been traveling tonight, I have never seen so many Catholic priests in the airports or on airplanes than I have seen today.  It might be some kind of sign.   If anyone has some favorite high volume inverse etfs please share.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sounds like the snakes are going into hiding… what a bunch of lying murderers.  Probably moving their stolen money outside the country now that the Legatus meeting is over with.

12 years ago

The Madman continues PUMPing thru the night…however, put/call took a swan dive on Friday, while the Dow stocks that missed their numbers the worst saw the biggest PUMPs. Pretty amazing, these times. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a bunch of Dow stock in this “Other Assets” category that has been ramping straight up. The criminal manipulation gift that keeps on giving:


12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Looks like the Fed is now everything on Earth that people don’t want. No reason to stop ramping, ever.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Looks like we are going up to the FP on SPY of 127.07 before crashing ACP…

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Oh we’ll hit it, but the question is when. Doesn’t sense with the put call so low…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I suspect we’ll make a run for the 127.07 FP tomorrow morning ACP, and then sell back off.  Today should close near the highs, and tomorrow should put in a “topping tail” on the daily chart.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The fact that there is no pullback after a 17% run tells me qe3 has been implememted & any pullback will probably be intraday. I’d have to see 2 down days in a row to think otherwise.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Since we have basically went straight up, without even a “B” wave down (in an ABC move up) I’d say the move down will likely be straight too.  When this thing rolls over it’s going to get really ugly!  I still believe we will hit the 127.07 spy FP and then crash… possibly tomorrow morning.

12 years ago

I forgot to mention…read the description on “Other Fed Assets” and then notice the dip that happened recently. What took a swan dive lately? Both the euro and stocks, that is before the Fed decided to start buying more……

12 years ago

ES Resistance levels : http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/10/es-resistance-levels.html

12 years ago

US Dollar near 200 SMA: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/10/us-dollar-near-200-sma.html

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

New quick “5 Minute” update…


Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

There is a 124.67 FP on the spy at 12:14 pm… could be the pullback target?

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

What color?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Red of course, as all down ticks are.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’ve seen them both colors, but you might be using a different interface.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Wait a minute, I see that some old ticks are black and some are red.  It depends on how the candle closed I see.  If it closed negative, then it’s a red tick and if it closes positive it’s a black tick.

12 years ago

Looks like they’re starting to pin the market every day now. That’s a hallmark of more qe.

12 years ago

Back to the ol’ BTFD. ES sells off 5 pts after hours, then ramps back up 15 the next day. Another 6 months of this.

12 years ago

oil breakOUT. bears better step up or we go parabolic. oil up, stock up. prolly get close to 200 day spx then a correction. 

12 years ago

SPX Analysis after closing bell: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/10/s-500-analysis-after-closing-bell_25.html

12 years ago



Some good reading above, interesting when even Kevin ponders why the markets floats higher with no institutional support.  Also note how well Domino’s has done.  Cheers.

12 years ago

ES Trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/10/es-trend-update_25.html

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Good morning gang… looks like we “could” get a pause day today?  I’m still in cash and waiting, as I don’t believe the upside is done just yet.  Let’s see how today goes first.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Tough call here gang as my emotion’s want me to go short, but my gut tells me this is a ‘fakeout’ move down, followed by a run up one more time to take out these new shorts… and then the 2nd move down being the “real” selloff that we have been looking for.  I’m just sitting on my hands right now trying to figure this out.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I’m looking for a bounce here gang.  Then I plan to get short for the next move down.  Should be within the next 30 minutes or less.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Bottoming tails showing up gang…. not good for the bears.  This looks like a staged sell off to work off the overbought conditions.  They released news about the EU meeting being canceled for Wednesday, and the market sold off hard.  Now they are releasing more news that it’s back on again… just total BS to give the market another chance to push up higher.

I’m glad I didn’t get short too early.  I’m likely going to wait until the end of the day today now, or tomorrow morning before getting short.  They have worked off the overbought conditions on many of the short term charts now, and will have most of the remaining one’s done by the end of the day.  Just pure manipulation gang…

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

They want to ramp it higher for fear of a sell the news event. Just more euros the fed will have to buy…the only reason they’re taking it down is because of crude.

12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

RUT and Transports leading down, but crude sitting tight.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think they just ran out of shorts to squeeze ACP?  So they needed to get some more retail bears on board in order to push it up higher.  I wouldn’t doubt if they don’t close this day flat with a doji before it’s over with.  Then some finally push higher to squeeze out the last bear, on some B.S. news released about the EU meeting outcome… and THEN Crash!

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I bet they’ll get some shorts to squeeze today, but if they want to tank it, they gotta do it fast before more get on board.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We “could” put in a slightly “higher high” tomorrow morning on the news announcement from the outcome of the EU meeting… but I think we start crashing tomorrow regardless of this fakeout rally (if it even happens?)

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Quick 5 Minute Video Update…


Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I view today like “The Running of the Bulls”, and after 2 weeks of running several of them fell down.  But, since they have be juiced up heavily with steroid’s, they just got back up and shook it off.  They don’t yet feel the spears in them and will likely run for one more day before the pain hits them and they finally collapse

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Triangle formed on the SPX now…. breakout to the UPside likely!  Don’t panic those, as this pig will likely start crashing tomorrow.   The EU vote “could” cause a brief spike when announced, but we should tank shortly thereafter…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Where is Peaceful Warrior at today… still in the Philippines?

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

all i see is you talking to yourself lol

12 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Hah, everyone else is stunned by the ridiculousness of the manipulation!

12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hi ACP I hear that…. they are getting close to letting it go imho

12 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Yeah, watching carefully…

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Hi red, I tried posting Monday. It would not allow me to post. I am completely short from the 11887 Dow level. 1255 sp. With 2 time inverse etfs. This market is only working on fumes at this point. Unable to stay up for the full day trading due to jet lag plus it is 2 am here. All the best

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Get some sleep then my friend…. the crash starts tomorrow anyway.  I’ll see you after you have rested.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Since we are coming close to the end of the triangle, I’d expect some “fake” good news to be announced to spike the market up and squeeze out the retail sheep.  I expect the move up to happen around 2pm est or a little later.

12 years ago

SPY Trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/10/spy-trend-update_25.html

12 years ago

Look at the rounding wedge pattern on spx. What a bunch of garbage. Just playing games with investors’ money. What a bunch of criminal scum.

12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I love when you talk dirty

12 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Come on you two, let’s keep our focus. We want this severe market correction. Lol

12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

hhhahahah biding our time for a nice move down yes 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Here’s another “Quick 5 Minute Update”…


12 years ago

can i hear a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

12 years ago
Reply to  Anna


12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I know I’m late, but wanted to wait for the market to close and AMZN to report a 73% DROP in profit!

12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

hahahhahahhah ty 🙂

12 years ago

1227 is your point of reference on ES

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Ok gang, I stayed in cash because I’m unsure of what news will be released tomorrow about the EU meeting.  But, “if” we get the bounce I’m expecting, it should be shorted.  I think we’ll crash tomorrow after some knee jerk reaction to the outcome of the meeting.

12 years ago

Just rereading the Wall StreetGang by Richard Ney.  Wow, what a book, what a man.  So eloquent, so genuine, so honest.  Here is an excerpt. And this guy had the job of jobs, he was being “kept” quiet with a cushy job in Beverley Hills as an investment advisor and his boss gave him 100% winners via inside information, to suppress his inquisitive spirit.

   Through the keyhole provided by the Fitch sheets(showed the trades and who owned what) I began to explore the minute world of the Stock Exchange. studying the placement of big blocks, I perceived that substance, sanity,and the wisdom of the world, had no place in it.  It existed according to its own pulse of time, its own laws,and its own standards of behavior.

    I found an invisible nightmare world that haunted the rise and fall of the american empire.  its organization, its scope, and its aims, like war itself, explained, why technological and cultural achievement had failed to bring with it a higher standard of living for all Americans:why the temendous differentiation in well being still existed between social classes: why so much was expended on military power: and why this power was enlisted to serve the wide ranging economic interests of thisever colonizing, power-grabbing community.

    Richard Ney, author of the Wall Street Jungle.  A book that made number one on the best sellers lists, then was abruptly never allowed to re publish once all original copies were sold out.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

A similar situation is that of David Wilcock and his book/mini-series movie that he’s trying to get made.  It would only cost about $600k or so to make the movie according to David, which is peanuts when it comes to the cost of most movies.  Yet he can’t get anyone to do it… why?  Maybe because “The Source Code” reveals too much information that the elite don’t want the sheep to know about.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Refresh page for new video update…

12 years ago
Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Cool, you’ll enjoy it… I watched it several times in the past, and he’s other video’s too.  I watched his 4-6 hour one’s over a year ago (I forgot the name of them?), but he covers a lot of the same material in this one.  Good stuff…

12 years ago

 wow, Micheal Moore won’t even touch this subject for a movie.
let me go find more info.
depopulation program, it already started. very sinister.
involves dna and monsanticore
guess who took over, head of FDA—
ex ceo of monsanticore

12 years ago

q’s under 57 go long, over 58 short
it hit 56 last week, so 56 go long, if the market will even give me 56 again.
between earnings and the EU threat of the printing press, i don’t see the bears winning a huge gain, just yet.

12 years ago

11:11 when u see this on a clock, some folks think it usually means something chaotic is about to enter your life.
so the question is, should you be long or short on 11-11.
it should be chaotic.

12 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I believe it is spiritual transition, letting go of the old disfunctional ways of life as we know it. 2nd part of the transition, is implementing a whole new Paridiam in thinking. Socially , economically politically ect in a fair and just way. Letting go of the old and bringing in the new for the highest good of ALL CONCERNED.

12 years ago

“potentially toxic,”
i bet it’s toxic as heck!!!
debris field 2 times the size of texas headed to hawaii, then the US.
from radioactive fukashima.

12 years ago

Red, can you please e mail me.

12 years ago

Sorry, red. Delete the last request

12 years ago

    Red and Arthur, right again, oh well, I went short anyways.  I feel part of “it”, whatever it is.  And looking at the US/CAD I see a little C wave down on that chart to come, which would fulfill an up move that Red has been calling for.  And what Arthur must have known about when he suggested I NOT go short a 1233.  OR thereabouts.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Good Morning gang…

There should be a dip at the open, but I wouldn’t short it immediately. Give it some time first, as they will buy the first dip.  It “could” take all day to get the short term charts overbought again, which means the market “could” close green? Hard too say right now, we’ll have to take it one hour at a time.

12 years ago

Goddamn, Arthur for president. Getting under water here, shoulda listened to Red and Arthur.   Another strong rally.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… it’s all in the charts, (as long as you know how to read them?).  We’ll, it’s 80% in the charts and 20% gut instinct from understanding the thought process of “the dark one’s” and their plans to take the sheep’s money.

P.S.  Here’s your dip to exit at, as we should turn back up from around here and rally for awhile.

12 years ago

Wow, volatile already.  Lol. 

12 years ago

    Gotta say from looking at the US CAD chart, which is inverse to the S and P, at least it has been for a long time, the top could already be in.  USCAD has gone through an ABC down, now it needs to go up, which means. ………………

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The “high” was likely “in” yesterday, I agree.  But I do think they will go back up higher today then the open.

12 years ago

Yeah, upon closer inspection, one more good run should do it.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This is typical moves, as they commonly will dip down at the open from a gap up to get some bears on board short, and then they turn it back up and rally for most of the day.  I still don’t know if we will rollover into the close or not, as that depends on how long it takes to get the short term charts over bought again?

12 years ago

   By the way, I was very young when I first read Richard Ney.  Red, you gotta read this guy, its so inspirational.  He was literally the Jesus of securities.  Went right after everyone, walked away from a 200,000 a year job in the 70’s.  He is so articulate and so researched, its much better to read it now, from an adult perspective.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

How can I get a copy of his book?

12 years ago

    Have to go to ebay or amazon Red.  I have one copy, I lent out all three to people and they never came back.  I lent out my signed copy of healing codes for the biological apocalypse, which were signed by both authors, complimenting me on my setting up clinics in africa for AIDS treatment, and those never came back either. So…………. they are out there.

   Neys book was on the New York Times  best seller list, although the New York times refused to do a review on it.  Carson and McMahon tried to get him on their show, it was refused by the network.  Other major tv show hosts all rallied around him, but NO network would allow him on.  His publisher bought out all his books, and then refused to publish, as did any other publisher.  The books go into tremendous detail of how ALL this started. 

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, I guess you should have asked Arthur if the people you lent the books to were trustworthy and would return them.  Finding honest people is tough today, but they are still out there…

12 years ago

Back to breakeven,I am very, very reluctant to let my position go now, Arthur is neutral for the moment.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The 30 and 60 minute charts are in oversold territory and hooking up… we should rally after the 9:30 am – 11:30 am heavy volume drys up.

12 years ago

I hope we get more of a pop up here in the markets, I want to buy some puts on the sp. I may have to layer in here.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We should PW, as this is likely just retail bears shorting this pig.  The 5 and 15 minute chart is what is causing the selling right now.  I do expect them to turn back up when the heavy volume dries up.  I’ll wait until closer to the close of the day (after the lunch time float up) before getting short.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Here’s your “Quick 5 Minute Update”…


12 years ago

Unable to open the video, with my new I pad.


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