Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Illuminati Cabal Flee By The Hundreds As Mass Arrests Await Them From States Becoming Free From The Fed…

The Cabal Members and their 6,000 or so minions are now quitting their banking positions in the hundreds and soon to be thousands, because the individual states filed the proper paperwork to become independent of the US Corporation (own by the Federal Reverse Bank, who's controlled by the Cabal)... which means that the US Military must obey what the states want, and not what the cabal wants!

This is HUGE!  The military is sick and tired of following the orders of the Cabal as they know it's totally wrong... but they were forced to because it's the law.  They must follow what the governing body tells them to do, and that governing body has been the United States Corporation which is controlled by the Elite Illuminati Gangsters.  They have put the US Corporation in debt Trillions of Dollars through fraudulent actions of passing the losses on it, while stealing the profits through companies like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase.

They force the Treasury to borrow money from the Federal Reverse Bank (which they own, and is a "private corporation" that reports to NO One) and have basically piled all the debts that "THEY" created (not the America people) onto the Treasury which makes the US Corporation so far in debt that they are essentially bankrupt.  They plan to make us "sheep" pay that debt while they live like kings and use us as their slaves.

Their plans will fail, and are currently failing as I write this...

In this new interview with an insider named "Drake", who speaks with David Wilcock about what is currently going on behind the scenes, the people "not are"... but "HAVE" now taken action to free the America people from these Illuminati Cabal Gangsters.  They have filed the proper paperwork to make the various states (I don't know how many, but a majority of them has do this) "independent sovereign  nation states".

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjZgsRt8PBc)

In this 3 hour interview Drake explains how he was was listening to a radio show where the host was giving bad information on how to argue with a judge in court on how to get out of a speeding ticket,  not pay your debts, beat the IRS, etc...  Drake knew this information was not correct and could get you up to 6 months in jail if done the way that host was telling people to do it.

Drake got frustrated and decided to call into the radio show to correct it.  He's studied the law for over 2 1/2 years recently about how to get your freedom back, which covered a lot more then what this guy was telling people.   Drake was introduced to a group of people in 1979 that wanted him to read a 5 inch thick stack of documents that would free America from the cabal way back then, so he wasn't new to the idea of using the legal law to protect yourself in court.

It went much deeper then anything this host of this radio show was speaking about.  In fact (back in 1979) these people even thought of staging a military coup against the ruling elite that was enslaving the America people, but decided against it and instead looked to find legal laws that would do the same thing.

Drake talks about how you can declare your own sovereignty, which I'm sure got the host of that show to listen more to what Drake had to say as he clearly was giving out information that wasn't fully correct.  Drake speaks on that show of how you can declare your own "Nation State"... independent of the "US Corporation".   This was all 100% legal and all it took was filing the correct paperwork.

Someone from Pennsylvania was listening to the show taking notes who was very knowledgeable in the sovereignty and lawfulness about the law and decided to implement what Drake has said.  They put together a "Process of Notification" and sent it off to The International Court of Hague.  (This is the civil division).  It was sent by certified mail to make sure that they had proof they it was delivered to them.  The Court sent a reply back that they received it.

Stay with here folks, as it's just getting interesting...

This meant that it goes into Hague public record and is similar to posting a notification in an international newspaper.  It's basically stating that "I'm not responsible for my debts any longer" and "We are now an Independent Sovereign Nation State".  This freed Pennsylvania from the debts created by the Elite Illuminati Cabal through the Federal Reserve Bank that was put onto the US corporation.

When this happened the office of the International Court of Hague gets a call from a higher up in the pentagon (the military good guys who are sick of this cabal) who want to know if they can duplicate the paperwork (to be used to free other states of course).  The clerk that answers the call was sure but said that it's possible.  (This clerk simply works there and had no clue what the document really meant I believe, and I'm sure he/she didn't have any affiliation with the Illuminati Cabal... which meant that he/she would be happy to assist the request by the higher up in the pentagon).

So, they started to duplicate this paperwork (all this starting in about October of 2011).  And since it was started with someone from Pennsylvania whose got the idea from listening to the radio show that Drake called into... they contacted Drake and asked him if he would help in putting this together.  Drake was of course extremely happy when he realized that someone from Pennsylvania was listening to his call into that radio station...  and that they actually decide to take action and do what he was talking about.

Currently, as of about February the 20th of 2012 there are enough states that filed to make America free from the US Corporation!

He gladly assisted them in helping to put this package together for many other states (a majority is all I heard in the interview, and no specific number) which has now been completed, sent off, received, and filed by the International Court of Hague.  They (the good guys in the pentagon) received notice in the end of February of 2012 that the office of the International Court of Hague basically got all the paperwork from all the states and filed it.  This makes it legal and declares these states as  "Independent Sovereign Nation States".

The basic premise of a "nation state" is that while they could write their own new constitution (or use their existing one), it had to agree with the 1787 US Constitution, with the original 13th amendment (founded in 1812), the bill of rights, and the articles of confederation... and "The Declaration of Independence".

By the states declaring their own "nation state sovereignty", and therefore removing themselves from the US Corporation, this rebirths the "The Declaration of Independence"... which states (on page 2) that if the government gets out of control you have the right to get rid of the problem.

The manor and format of using these original founding documents, injunction with a meeting of resident representatives of those states gives those people the right to make the declarations.  This in turns gives legal rights by the civilian authority to request the military to take action as necessary to back up the civilian action (basically carry out the will of the people of those states).

The military just loved it, as they can now follow the legal law and actually carry out the will of the civilian people... not the elite Illuminati cabal anymore.  There was also a group of Indian nations that submitted paperwork in such a fashion that the United States (the individual states) has been set free from the corporate government (the cabal gangsters) literally... on a lawful basis and recognized internationally just like the Indian nations were.

Having this "International" recognition means that the "Governing Body" of America is NO Longer the "US Corporation" (run by the Cabal) and is now the individual states that filed the proper paperwork that together make up the "United States", which is basically the people of each state and not some evil group of old rich men that I call the "Illuminati Reptilian Cabal Banksters".

From now on, the people are in control of America and have told their state representatives to arrest these gangsters!

Here's how this works... the military must obey the wishes of the  "Governing Body"... which in the past has been to stage undeclared wars on innocent people around the world... something they are sick of doing as they know it's wrong.  The constitution forbids them from breaking into civil homes and arresting innocent Americans, but the cabal has been trying to stage this "World War 3" for quite some time now so they can declare martial law in America and force the military to ignore the constitution and obey their orders to round us all up and put us in FEMA camps.

This plan isn't going to work, and it will actually turn against them as they will be the one's rounded up and put in these FEMA prison camps... not us sheep!  (ROFLMA here!... payback is a Bitch Baby!)  Sorry gang... I just write down what I feel and sometimes it's anger, and sometimes it's laughter... he he he he! Too funny here!  I just had to make this picture!

Anyway, back to how this is going to work.  The good guys in the pentagon (that are mostly military people) have wanted the people of America to rise up and take their right back (peacefully and legally of course... not violently), and that's exactly what the states have done by filing the proper paperwork with the International Court of Hague.

So, now that the international community has recognized these individual states as currently being the new "Governing Body" of America, (and not the "US Corporation") the military of the United States can legally act on behalf of the will of the people who want these gangsters arrested... and you can believe that they are very happy to get this request!

The process that follows is for the people to inform their respected states of what the want done (which they have), the state's to inform the military (which they did), the military to instruct the US Marshall's Office to deliver this list of gangsters to be arrested to the local sheriff's office in the various cities and towns across America... which they are working on currently, but haven't done yet.

This will be of course be a very coordinated effort, involving a whole lot of people to carry out these arrests.  It is a plan that will be done in about a 72 hour period once started.  The date for this mass arrest is unknown currently, but will be told on the internet 24 hours before it happens to create a viral explosion.  They want everyone to know that the military will NOT be entering any civilian's home to arrest them.

This is to be done 100% legal, by the law of the constitution, which prohibits them from acting in the policing of American citizens, but instead they will be simply standing by to assist the US Marshall's and the local Sheriff's officers during these arrests to make sure they are protected in case these gangsters don't come out willingly.

There is 1,000's of resignations to date and 450 last week as well as 200 arrests.

That's 650 people involved in finance running scared like the rats they are... and just in one week!  This is world wide right now and growing as every day passes.  This link from CNBC (a "Main Stream Media" outlet... not just internet conspiracy blogs) shows a Hong Kong gangster getting arrested, so this is REAL folks... not just a bunch of talk!


Drake has his sources and the match up with the latest from Ben Fulford as well.  The arrests are continuing and will bring freedom to the American people and the world.  The dollar will collapse but the funding set aside by the good guys will likely keep the stock market from crashing as huge as was previously expected (by myself and many others).  This is really a good thing of course, even if we bears don't get our chance short this pig as we have all be waiting on for so long now.

So, when the time comes later this year (May/June is my expected high in the market) I'd only be looking to short the dollar after it peaks within the two week window from the time the euro crashes.  Drake stated that we would have about 2 weeks after the euro collapses before it hits America, which confirms what Lindsey Williams says too.  It's coming... but the when part is still unknown?

Here is Ben Fulfords' latest, which states that a "New Financial System" is already online now and will be there to provide funding when the time comes.  This is good as these funds will be used to bring out the free energy technology and other suppressed information that these gangsters have keep to themselves for decades now.

Over 200 senior bankers arrested last week as new financial system goes online
by Benjamin Fulford, 3-26-12

The new financial system is online now and abundant financing is either already or soon to be made available, according to dragon family representatives. The final take down of the criminal cabal has also begun in earnest with over 200 senior bankers arrested and 450 resigned last week alone, these sources say. Japan is also now doing the final paperwork needed to set up an international economic planning agency with an initial funding facility of $10 trillion or about 200 times what the World Bank lends every year, according to Japanese government sources. There will be some sort of announcement about this and other things on Tuesday evening, March 27th, 2012 Japan Standard Time according to illuminati and White Dragon Society sources. The arrest of some very high profile individuals is imminent.

The general structure of the financial cabal and its top leaders has also now been mapped to some extent. For example, the Rothschild family dynasty leaders have been identified. The Swiss branch of the family is run by David de Rothschild in Geneva, the French branch by Guy de Rothschild, the German branch by Rothschild family member and Hitler daughter Angelina Merkel and the British branch by Evelyn de Rothschild.

In the US, JP Morgan is a Rothschild front.

The Rockefeller family syndicate uses Goldman Sachs and Citibank as its major financial fronts. Bank of America is a front for the Italian black nobility behind the Vatican and the mafia, run in part by Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former black pope. Pope malevolent the 16th is also a senior member of this satanic group.

The Nazi faction is run by Fuhrer George Bush Senior with Ben Bernanke acting as Deputy Fuhrer. Their chemical and pharmaceutical mass murder division is run by the Du Pont family.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is now in Africa forcing families at gunpoint to accept the sterilization by vaccine of their daughters. In North America, Japan and elsewhere the mass sterilization by vaccine is taking place under the guise of protecting girls against cervical cancer. Message to Bill Gates: your company and foundation are going to be confiscated and you are going to spend the rest of your life making restitution.

The United States government has been so compromised by these and other cabal families and their foundation fronts that the upcoming US Presidential “election,” is nothing more than a power struggle between the Chicago mob and their front man Mitt Romney versus the Bush Texas illegal drug mafia and their guy Jeb Bush.

Hopefully the new financial system, once it is fully implemented, will pull the plug on the entire farcical show and Americans will be able to choose their own leaders based on true information provided by free media. For now though, electronically rigged elections and corporate propaganda provide sham democracy for dumbed down and drugged up Americans.

However, a look at the pentagon budget for this upcoming year shows they have dedicated plenty of resources to financing reserve troop units inside the United States. This does not mean they are preparing to put average Americans into FEMA camps as feared by many. To the contrary, they are preparing for a mass round up of cabal agents and proxies, according to pentagon and CIA sources.

There was a clear indication of change on March 20th, when instead of having the cabal scheduled earthquake hit Tokyo, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake hit Oaxaca, Mexico exactly when President Obama’s daughter was vacationing there. Furthermore, this earthquake was advertised in advance through pamphlets distributed locally. This is a clear sign the bad guys no longer play the HAARP.

Another sign of change was the public rebuke of Obama, Clinton and cabal controlled media outlets when the official Chinese government news site, Xinhua stated that North Korea was not on the agenda of the 50 nation nuclear security summit taking place in Soeul [Seoul], Korea this week. The cabal propaganda media has been carrying a fake story about nuclear danger from North Korea even though that country has already announced it will cease nuclear weapons development.

The secret agenda behind this 50 nation summit is an attempt to steal 200 tons of gold that is in South Korean warehouses. That theft is not going to be allowed to go ahead so the cabalists will leave the summit empty handed.

There was also plenty of speculation about a coup d’etat in China last week. All that happened was that a Maoist cabal agent Bo Xilai was removed from power after one of his henchmen was discovered taking instructions from the US consulate in Chongqing, according to MI6 sources. China is still on course for a stable and harmonious regime change-over later this year, according to White Dragon Society sources. The talk of a Maoist coup d’etat was wishful cabalist thinking fanned by cabalist media outlets.

Speaking about fake stories, the “White Hats” group on the internet, consisting of Bush agent Mike Cotrell and Hawaii resident Danny Gammage, has been spewing out laughable libel (such as this writer is a clone).

More damagingly, they managed to fool Lord Blackheath of the UK Upper House of Parliament with a fake story about $15 trillion that he raised in Parliamentary session. The House of Lords is now going to summon a White Dragon Society ally to testify about what is really going on in the financial wars.

The London financial district is headed for further purges and the talk is that Lord Sassoon is headed for a big fall. The investigation may even extend to the UK Royal family, European CIA sources say.

In Japan, meanwhile, the status quo is expected to remain on hold until the March 31st end of the fiscal year because of overwhelming workloads in the bureaucracy and the parliament. After March 31st, there will be concrete negotiations taking place involving the Finance Ministry, Bank of Japan, Prime Minister’s office and Royal Household Agency aimed at setting up a new international economic planning agency.

The Japanese self-defense forces and bureaucracy are also planning a major purge of cabalist puppets in the Japanese Parliament, banks, corporations and media.

Overall, things are looking very good. However, unless we see these senior cabalists on world TV confessing to their crimes, we must not be complacent. Until this financial war is over, keep your powder dry and stay alert.

I'll be very glad to see all this happen, as I know many of you will too.  I've had enough of these gangsters and would love to live in a world free of wars, were peace reigns in every country.  Drake speaks of them airing the entire history of these Illuminati gangsters on a dedicated television channel after all these arrests happen and the new government is in place.  I look forward to learning about all their hidden secrets and hope that the rest of the sheep in America wake up and watch this channel instead of mindless trash that's on TV right now.

While I don't let what other people think of me bother me, I will get some satisfaction when those "non-believers" see it all on "Main Stream News" and I can smile and say "I told you so".... LOL!  Yes, there are aliens... yes, there are people called the Illuminati... and yes, you really are being posioned by them with chemtrails, floride, processed foods, prescription drugs, electromagnetic low frequencies (ELF's), and yeah... there really is a secret space program based in Area 51 where we have over a 100 spaceships and go to Mars and the Moon all the time.

Anyway, as for the stock market...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVVzHuRD0yo)

I'm not expecting much to happen until the head gangsters get arrested and press the "sell button" before the sheriff breaks down their front door.  They are still in control of the stock market as far as I can tell and are keeping it up until the last minute... but "when" is the question here?  I just don't know that answer?  There is also the likelihood that the good guys will step in at some point and stop the crash from continuing to 1929 levels.

I'm just keeping my eyes out for the Euro to crash and then get prepared to short the US Dollar when it peaks out on the spike up rally it will get from the Euro tanking.  Again, this should have about a 2 week window before it hits America (according to Lindsey Williams and now Drake).  If you ever wanted to bet all your chips at the Vegas gambling casino, this will be your best chance win in my opinion.

The bad guys want to crash the market to bring on the "New World Order" to enslave us all even more, forcing us to accept "their" new currency, steal up all the assets for pennies on the dollar, and put chips in all of us to keep control of their slaves.  They have planned this great stock market crash for decades I'd say.  Drake mentioned that Trillions of Dollars were leaving the country in only a few minutes during the 2008 crash and that the good guys seen what was happening and closed down the electronic access to stop it from crashing even further (this is about at 1 hour and 47 minutes into the video).

Now, I don't know how much of that is accurate as I find it too obvious that the 666 spx low on March 6th, 2009 was done on purpose by the Illuminati because it's a ritual number to them... which means that the good guys didn't stop this mass exit of money from the market to foreign bank accounts owned by the gangsters, but instead they stopped it.  The good guys wouldn't have any reason to stop the market at such a ritual number, but yet it stopped there?  I think it stopped there because the bad guys planned it that way.

Looking back at that day I see that the high was 699.09 (or 666 upside down), and the low was 666.79... come'on, it's that obvious of who controlled that days' trading?  Of course the gangsters did!  The ritual is very "in your face" here, as the multiple "Nine's" indicates "Completion" of the move, and it's other meaning of the mark of the beast too.

So, maybe the good guys seen what was happening and did do something to assist in stopping them from crashing the market further... I don't know?  But regardless of that, it's the past now and the current period we are living in clearly shows that the good guys are making huge progress toward defeating these gangsters.

It takes a long time to bring down any organization that has been in control for hundreds (if not thousands) of years, so I'm just happy to see the current steps made by them and support them all the way.  I want peace, not war!  I enjoy life and don't like to live in fear... therefore I don't.  I know that I'm an immortal spirit and can't die, so the gangsters don't scare me with their fear mongering movies showing the world ending in some Armageddon scenario.

After this is all over with, we traders will be much more successful trading a new stock market that isn't a 100% controlled by gangsters.  While I'm sure there will still be some manipulation in it, I think it will be minimum and the charts will become much more accurate and easier to read, predict and make some profit from.  I'll be happy to become a bull then, as we should see an explosion in certain new technologies that have been suppressed for decades now.

For now though, I'm just waiting patiently for right signal to short this fat pig right before it's slaughter.  I'm not sure when this will happen, but the May/June time period is still my expected date for the final high in the market.  This lines up with what Lindsey Williams said too, from his elite source that said the market won't collapse in March, April, May, or June... which leave July through the rest of the year for it to crash.

I would love to tell you that the market is going down this week, but I just don't have a clue?  It's very, very controlled right now and there is no signs yet of any big sell off starting.  It's just a bunch of choppy action every day with a very narrow trading range.  How do you trade that?  I just don't, as it's not worth my time or risk.  I'd rather wait until the proper time to attack.  I've been burnt too many times over the last 3 years shorting this pig while the gangsters turn the market up against gravity and make my winning position turn into a losing one.

Ending this post on a good note, I"m happy to see all these positive things happening right now.  This is going to be a very interesting year indeed!

Best of luck to all us sheep...



Author: Red

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12 years ago

In the CNBS article it says the stock fell 13%.  And the brother were released soon thereafter.  Does not sound like a massive upheaval to me honestly (4.9 billion, not 49 billion in losses; they still have over 14 billion in holdings; they are not crying) Most likely the stock will regain that lost digital sum anyhow).  They most likely will get off with maybe a payoff or two.  But 13%?  Just today Groupon shares fell 15.5% with no arrests.

12 years ago
Reply to  Matt

This is concerning the Kwon brothers. As much as I would like to see this come to fruition, these people will not bend down easily and not without EVERY single tool they have at their disposal. Which would result in chaos IMHO.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Progress is still progress.  Look at how many gangsters got arrest in 2008 after Lehman Brothers… NONE!  So Seeing the rats quitting their high up finance positions and fleeing  like the snakes that they are… is progress too me.


12 years ago

I wonder what kind of pills, remedies these elite must take if they willy nilly poison our air,water, and food.  Medicines and vaccines typically are not 100% safe and especially without years and years of study and results.  They may in fact be poisoning themselves worse than us.  But I always believed the elite wanted to live and live at least as good as they live now.  So poisoning their own supply of water, food, and air would not be in “their” best interest?  Not saying I do not believe they do this, but dumb really.

12 years ago
Reply to  Matt

This Dr claims the Polio vaccine is the cause of countless cases of cancer worldwide.  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/02/18/leading-vaccine-doctor-states-cancer-linked-to-polio-vaccine.aspx

So even after decades and decades, people are now just finding out how dangerous it is to take shots and drugs (although our life expectancy has risen).  So meh, I know that my great grandfather died at the age of 48 and my grandfather died at the age of 56, now my father who is 74 is still alive.  So I guess I will use that as a barometer of the truth.

Gayle Alexander
12 years ago
Reply to  Matt

 They will have the use of ALL cures they deny the people .. all foods that are organic etc .. their own private well’s .. you dont think they would indulge in the same foods that the slaves eat do you ? lol

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I look forward to this new freedom Gayle, as do most sheep I suspect.  Many still don’t believe it’s possible to arrest these power men but I believe it is… we’ll see.

12 years ago

 They sure like their so called slaves to live a LOT longer these days.  I guess the Rothschilds die at 130 then?

12 years ago

Tonight’s NCAA championship game features like this year’s Superbowl, a repeat of the 2008 NCAA final.    This time though it is Kansas vs.  Calipari’s Kentucky 5 one and doner’s vs. 2008’s Kansas vs. Calipari’s Memphis squad of 5 one and doner’s.

The 1987 contingent had mostly been eliminated by the Final 4 with only Rick Pitino’s Louisville squad making it to the Final 4 (where it faced his former team,the Kentucky Wildcats).  But at that point it was apparent Louisville would lose to Kentucky to setup a 2008 “rematch”.

The Mega-Millions lotto sign went from 640-17  (8×8-8) to 12-7 this weekend.   (127 Hours)

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Keep your eye on apple Geccko as I bet you they take it to 666 before they crash this pig.

12 years ago

It’s high was at 621—-ie 666 (backwards)…….618===6666 or 46…..1/6===.16666…..this week===161……flash crash week???????

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

I’m still not looking for a sell off to start until after the May/June period thou… so any sell off before then should be brief.  But, they could surprise us all and tank it hard to punish a few bulls… anything is possible.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Geecko, did you notice the numbers on the mega millions. all 2-4-23-38-46 mega 23. any clues you can find

12 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

 I wrote about those numbers in the last thread.   They like 23…23(2)==46 but I think that is just a standard number with a negative connotation…ie possibly 33.

38===888 or 3×8.

12 years ago

Some of the “renowned” posters are flashing occultic numbers in their posts over at Daneric’s.  Not just here.

Despite the threat of being outed, they just move forward and go ahead with their numerologically-laden posts.  It must be a binding ritual demanded by the brotherhood as we approach the special date.

lilium flower
12 years ago

God bless humanity.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  lilium flower

…good thoughts, agree much!  🙂

12 years ago

Red, my compliments to your latest update.. You are one of the true leaders, who has the vision, courage and foresight to express the TRUTH. You will be rewarded for communicating the truth that this world desperately needs to hear.

It will not be long, before we finally see tangible results from people like your self communicating the TRUTH. Our antiquated financial system will finally be  extinguished with a whole new financial system based on integrity.

I am not expecting any repercussions such as the fall out in  1929. as we implement and reboot the finacial structures of the economies around the world. Yes we will have certain amount trepidation as the  banking holidays are issued for a VERY SHORT TIME before the rebooting of are new financial system.

Well done RED !!

12 years ago

Agree with you, P

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Thanks PW… I worked all day Sunday on this post.  I listened to the interview twice in full, and stopped many times to replay it so I could take notes.

People seem to really appreciate it thou, as right now (!2:47 pm EST) there are 1,111 views on the video, 69 comments, 83 “likes” and 2 “dislikes” (probably the bad guys… LOL)http://www.youtube.com/user/reddragonleo?feature=mheeThis is some of the fastest growth I’d had yet on video’s that I’ve done… pretty crazy!

12 years ago

 I’ve been looking forward to this country coming back to the Constitution. Once and for all. I’ve even been willing to die for it. Though, it’s good to hear that it doesn’t have to come to that!
 Does anyone know if Arizona is one of these “Independent Sovereign Nation States”, or are they slow to follow, as they did in becoming a state to begin with?
 Also, what will become of our money, as individual citizens, once the dollar DOES crash? Will we be left with nothing? This is a scary thought, as I am to old to start with nothing. But not too old to break out the weaponry !

 Just sayin’…

12 years ago
Reply to  freeornot2b

freeornot2b, I do not believe for one moment that the US Dollar will crash with the other currencies. The US DOLLAR will be exchanged for another type of currency. The new financial system will be implemented before the so called Financial system melt down to prevent wide scale panic.  I am not great believer in Lindsey Williams predictions, as I believe he is being used like a worn out Mule.

12 years ago

And how will we know that this new type of currency is not of the NWO?

Belinda Grandberry
12 years ago
Reply to  freeornot2b

There is an update from Drake on April 1st at blog talk radio. They tell which of the states that need to apply. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio/2012/04/01/freedom-reigns

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Thanks Belinda… I’ll check it out.  🙂

12 years ago

Thank you, Belinda ! That answered my question and more. Thanks for turning me on to it.

12 years ago

Let’s come back to this article at the end of 2012 and see what has ACTUALLY happened & changed….
My guess: probably nothing at all, yet again!
This is similar to the rumours that all the bankers had been pre-warned that Greece would actually default and return to the Drachma over the weekend of 24/25th March 2012, and that was rubbish too.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  IgorDealings

Yes, lets do that… as I believe it really will happen this time.  Too much strange stuff going on in the world that concerns these gangsters, and it tells me they are losing their control over us sheep.  They will go with the ship this time, just like they sunk the Titanic.

12 years ago

Just a bunch of horsehockey.  The bad guys are still running the country and they aren’t running.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  DaveC

For now, they still have control of this stock market it seems.  But in a few months from now I think you’re going to see some surprise arrests.  Plus, if all goes as planned, we sheep won’t get hit with the 40% dollar devaluation that Lindsey Williams says is going to happen.  Have a little faith…

12 years ago

I believe that number for the resignations is cumulative since the start of 2012, not just for one week.

Then the list researcher updates the number as more are found.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  AngelPeace

Yes, I think he quit counting at 450… but I’m sure it’s still growing.

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

No he is on break..he will update the list when he gets back…

12 years ago

Kentucky won its 8th NCAA title last night with a 67-59 win over Kansas.    The numbers of that score happened to embedded in the post of one of the occultists who resides over at Danerics.   And the post was written well before the game.    What Foresight  !!!!!

Kentucky’s coach Calipari was flashing the numbers in his postgame conference remarking on Kentucky’s 38 win season  and how he had 2 days until he would need to start recruiting on Friday and replace his 5 one and doners  (actually 2 freshmen 3 sophomores).   A bit unusual since 2 days from presumably yesterday would be Thursday.

Anyway, I found the Clippers game which was on the same time to be more appealing.   Once again, Randy Foye was playing like he was wearing Jeremy Lin’s power bracelets as he seemed to knock down every shot he had against the Mavericks.    He ended up making 8 3 pointers and they often showed him next to Kenyon Martin to form 2 4.    That game had an interesting score as well:

76        Clippers.    The old 79(as in 666.79—Miami Thrice unveiling date)–46 combo

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was wearing a Dallas Mavericks 1980 t-shirt undoubteably a 419  /day of infamy reference  19(4×2).   Dallas’ star player Dirk Nowitzki after all does wear #41.

Last week, the 4 letter guys were crowing about Kevin Love’s recent play and wondering whether it put him in the MVP discussion.    He was coming off a 40 point 19 rebound game.   They kept on repeating his last name over and over ie LOVE  LOVE LOVE as it had a cryptic numerological meaning…….LOVE====12-15-22-5 or 27-27?????

I see the absurd LOVE for MVP (13-22-16)argument has carried over to another big sports website as well.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Nowitzi  #41 had 14pts9 rebounds in the game while Foye scored 28 points.

The Clippers announcer had quite a reptilian look going for him.   His eyes were blinking incessantly.

I see Fulford is throwing out occultic numbers in his ridiculous posts as well.   450 arrests……quite laughable.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

   Thank god someone sees that REP for what he is.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Geccko do you have some of the example comments from Daneric’s blog?  Thanks!

12 years ago
Reply to  nuggy06

The aformentioned post is 18 posts below one of your comments from Monday’s Elliott Wave update.

And if I recall a dude known for his long rambling posts and cutely attaches the number 29 to his ID, put up quite a numerology laden post last Friday afternoon.

And it seems a few minor ones featuring 24/8 and (160) popped up right after I made this latest post.    

12 years ago

Well, I tried to send an epic revealing post through earlier but  disqus kept it in limbo and didn’t let it go through.

Let’s just say the big 24 might start tomorrow.   24==44.

Miami Marlins have their home opener tomorrow night in their brand new stadium that features artwork that gives off a Denver airport like vibe….


MM===13,13 or 44.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Nice day for the bears, but you would have needed to already been short from yesterday.  Hard to forecast that in such a controlled market.  Now it’s resting on support and we still have very low volume.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t turn it back up tomorrow.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Back to breathing properly again. All in is tough.

Jeff Anderson
12 years ago

 “There are many people involved in the fight to return our country to a sovereign nation and there are many people who are just plain sick and tired of the “governmental” controls placed on our every day lives.The “government” controls our lives via taxation, levies, traffic tickets, code enforcement, licensing, permits, registrations, inspections, the mails, banking, child protective services, airport “in”-security, etc…. They listen to our te…lephone conversations, read our e-mails, rifle through our belongings during roadside searches and now they can come into our homes without a search warrant – even when we’re not home. Troops are already being trained to stop us on the highways and demand to see our “papers please.” Does any of this sound remotely familiar? Think it can’t happen here? When is enough going to be enough? At what point do we say “NO MORE!”?”–

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Anderson

I think we are coming to that point where “enough is enough”, as a whole lot of people are waking up now… and they ain’t happy!  I just hope they do these mass arrests before the “rigged” election so people can truly vote.  

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 I feel very intuitively that the mass arrest our on the horizon. Time wise, Middle of May thru Later July for tangible results in the media.

I know Red you are not a Obama supporter, but I see Obama as Trojan Horse in the White house for the light. ( Good Guys) We will know the truth shortly.

All the best every one !

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

You know… I heard someone else say that too.  I can’t remember who it was, but if I recall it was someone that was in contact with aliens/angels/spirit beings… who said that Obama really works for the “light”, not the darkness.  I hope so, as I don’t hate the man… just simply don’t agree with what he has done so far while in office.

Christy Angelle Tietje
12 years ago

Dude… stock markets will not survive the consciousness shift.  They are counter productive and involve selling your company to the corporate US so it can be “incorporated” making you CEO and NOT owner.  Those stocks are a way to break up a company and ensure corporate/gov’t rule.  It is better to donate $ to the mom & pop’s places directly and in your community and as the community prospers you prosper.  Gambling to make $ or on the death of a company is consumptive and thus will not survive… just do the fractal Fibinocci math on it.

Get out of it and never look back… invest in your own land, grow food and supply your own goods to your own community.  The money game is OVER…. time to do REAL shit that really matters and actually adds something to this world.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Yes, it is entirely possible that “if” we have another 1929 style crash that the stock market could go away completely.  But, I don’t think that is going to happen.  I think the good guys standing on the sidelines with $10 Trillion Dollars will step in at some point to prevent it.

How low it goes is unknown of course, as the bad guys have put out FP’s showing the SPY at 34.65 (about 346.50 SPX and 3-4,000 on the Dow).  Before they put this money into the market they want all the fraud cleaned out, as they don’t want this money just going into the bank accounts of the bad guys.

But, I don’t think the money will be used to save corrupt companies but instead to start new ones based on free energy, better health, etc… so the stock market should change tremendously but I don’t see it going away yet.  Maybe it will in the future as we shift our consciousness to a higher level where we don’t need money anymore, but it won’t happen overnight.

12 years ago

Very well put. Much wisdom in your words.

12 years ago

    Now THIS I likee.

Ann Wilson
12 years ago

the Stock Market will not crash. In recent years there have been “stop breakers” put in use to halt trading on stocks if they fall below a certain percentage vs rate of decline.

12 years ago
Reply to  Ann Wilson

 We will need a good size correction thou,to clear out all the funny money.
We are probably close to the top. We may go up to the 1445 sp level before we head on down for a good size correction.

12 years ago
Reply to  Ann Wilson

 Uhh, totally disagree.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Ann Wilson

Because of the “good guys” doing what they are going to do with these mass arrests coming, and the $10 Trillion in private funds they have set aside… I think we are going to have a “zig-zag” type pattern move down, and not the huge “Primary Wave 3” that I (and every other bear) have been previously forecasting.

The good guys need this fraud out of the system before they can reboot it with a new financial market that is free of the extreme manipulation that’s going on right now.  So, it will correct… probably hard, but at some point they will come in and stop the 1929 style crash from happening.  How low is unknown, but at this point I doubt if we see the 666 spx low taken out again.

Yes, the bad guy plan on taking it down to one of the FP’s I have… which is about 3-4,000 on Dow, as they pull the “money plug” that they currently having in the market.  But, I think the good guys will come in with their money to save the day!

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Here’s a quick 5 minute video update…


Анонимен Гражданин

what if this story is fake ? i think….they will declare martial law and then the troops will disarm the people who have guns.  with this story they want you to believe that everything is ok –  “dont worry, just cooperate, give me your gun now !”…and why do they need to tell us about this plan, if its so secret and they wanna catch the banksters ?? now the story is on the internet ,the cabal knows about the plan and could run….right ?  it just doesnt make sense

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Anything is possible, but I really doubt that the story is fake. The bad guys are losing control as us sheep awaken by the ten’s of thousands.  Think back prior to 2008 as to how many people you knew that even had heard of the word “Illuminati”… and compare that to today.

Things have changed and these rats are getting exposed heavily by many, many websites, blogs and videos.  The people are learning too fast about all the evil deeds these gangsters have been doing to us and they don’t like it.  Then add in the Mayan calendar date that happens this year and you clearly have the makings of something “Huge” happening… which I think is “Freedom”.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


Count me cautiously optimistic on the banksters losing control.  While I do believe we live in interesting times, until I see the Bush family, Clinton’s, or even Rothchild’s arrested, I will remain very skeptical of the message that Fulford/Drake, etc communicate. 

I see the guys on the list that are resigning/arrested merely as fall guys.  For instance, this guy http://www.zerohedge.com/news/hope-fades-london-superstar-fx-trader-arrested

How easy would it be for the TPTB to pin something on a 23 year old?  And how easily can they replace him…very.  Same thing with mid to even large sized Bank CEO’s.  Bascially everyone on the list.  While if it’s really true that the good guys are really forcing these people out, they have to know the real impact won’t happen till they reach the top. 

While I truly hope that the message is real, I feel what we are seeing now is merely noise and possibly even part of the plan or they are getting more of “their” guys in position for the NWO.  If we see some “big” arrests that hit MSM, I’ll be more of a believer.  But in the mean time, I’ll pray for the good guys to win, but keep my bear suit on!

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

By the way, there is nothing in that 3 hours interview with Drake that implies that the military will take away peoples’ guns… in fact he put out a request for all independent groups to help assist the local authority and/or military if needed.  Meaning… keep your guns and point them at the bad guys if the tried to escape as we (the local sheriff’s office) are on our way to come arrest them!  Freedom is coming… I can just feel it!

12 years ago

Today, April 4, or 24-44, is 777 trading days from the 3-69 low, 847 tds from the 11-21-08 low, and 877 tds from the 10-10-08 crash low.

4years5months24days from 10-11-2007 high or 4years5months888days later.   24years5month16days from the 10-19-1987 ritual or 888year5months88days later.

No crash today but the initiation of a crash leg?   45 has been the number they have really been flaunting.

A certain little indicator isn’t in the crash zone but it is in an area where declines can get pretty fierce and its component is the most negative it’s been since early February and ready to break through a low from a few weeks ago and yet it isn’t oversold.   Trin or the ARMS Index hardly budged today so the market isn’t oversold on that measure yet.

The best numerological hit for the market for tomorrow would be the Miami Thrice unveiling date.   Tomorrow is 636 days from 7-9, 2010 when the Thrice number was announced to the world.   (Today is 636 days, from LeBron’s decision special on 7-8).   7×9=63.  636==212×3

4-5====1125 days from 3-6-9 (today is 1125 ie 117 tds from 10-11-2007) and 1638 days from the 10-11-2007 high (the Statue of 3 Lies reveals the truth) with today being 1637 day, 1637 being a nice year for a crash.

Let’s not forget the major banking collapse of 13(45), 666years ago (if in October 666year6months ago, but the exact dates are kept in records locked up in vaults that only the gnomes of Zurich have access to.)

Today also 58(4) or 13-4 but it also could mean 5-12 ie 8x8x8.   (Sorcerer truck speedometer number)

Crude oil also is semi-crash mode as it hugs its descending lower BB.   Gold the same….

Steve P
Steve P
12 years ago

Collapse prophesied for end of June/July..

12 years ago
Reply to  Steve P

 Absolutely Bull Sh-t   That is 16 minutes of my life I will never get back.
Waste of time, a real fear Monger who spreads Fear.

Steve P
Steve P
12 years ago

PW, apologize you felt that way. I’ve known this guy for many years, and know his heart is to not spread fear, but to warn & help others prepare & position themselves to even prosper in troubled times, as I’m sure is a goal of this website. Eg, just a couple of speculative trades that I’m in at present are short the Euro and long FXP (China bear), then plan to short the US market late June for a double dip in perhaps July.

Reason I posted the link was it seemed to fit in with the timing of Ps Lyndsey Williams’ info. Peter’s prophetic words over the years (general & personal) have not always been right of course, but many amazingly accurate – from the good book ‘1 Cor 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part..’. All the best.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Steve P

It looks like that guy is seeing what the bad guys are planning to do.  But, since I’m sure we are on a different timeline now this scenario isn’t likely to happen now.  I do have the top for this market in May/June, which lines up with what he see’s for June/July starting the crash.

However, the good guys will step in at a certain time and prevent this from becoming another 1929 style crash.  As for the dollar being devalued 40% overnight as Lindsey Williams said I think that will all depend on how fast the good guys arrest the bad guys.

Drake stated that there would be a 1 to 1 exchange with the new financial system for the people of America, while the gangsters money owed won’t be paid of course.  I suspect the good guys will seize their money as well, especially if it was made from fraudulent transactions.

Interesting video, but like Lindsey Williams I think he forecasting what the bad guys are planning (unknowingly of course).  Even Edgar Casey (who’s reincarnated soul is most likely David Wilcock) could only see one possible outcome… a pole shift that split America in half!

Since then I learned that their are many different timeline’s we can choose to go down and I’ve personally chosen the one where Armageddon doesn’t happen and freedom of the people does.  Since you posted your thought here I’d say you are on the same timeline now.

As long as the good guys win (and I firmly believe they will) the move down in the market will just be a very large correction which should make the huge 100 year chart look like a zig-zag pattern happened and not a Primary Wave 3 down.  At this point I doubt if we take out the 666 spx low like the gangsters planned.

But, it’s a fierce battle between good and evil right now and the winner isn’t decided yet.  The gangsters do still have control of this market currently and I’m sure they to have a date set where they are going to pull the plug on the market and let it collapse.

It’s like the Super Bowl of the century right now and Satan just lost the ball to the good guys.  What they do with it will determine everything…

12 years ago
Reply to  Steve P

 Steve P, I apologize for coming on a little strong describing my thoughts on him. I even shocked my self. LOL 

I would agree with him, if we were on the old time line ( old Para-dime ) we would certainly be manifesting those circumstances he spoke about.

But now we have shifted into a whole new level of consciousness, where by we will not be manifesting the negative circumstances he described. Yes it makes perfect sense to have some extra food and supplies on hand. As the old antiquated financial gives way, their will be a FEW DAYS of bank holidays before the new financial system is implemented.

We will not be manifesting the dire or straight situations we saw in the 1930s
As we start to see the mass arrest in the media, I hope every one will finally let go of their fear and realize that humanity has indeed been elevated to a whole new level of consciousness.

We have already started to see the beginning of arrest, with 16 lawyers and judges in Italy. This is only the beginning, many more are to come. As I have already posted before, approx later May into later part of July we will see the major arrest. Which will shock the world with many well know Politicians and Bankers.
Bottom line, the old guard is giving way to the new.

The middle of July has been the the period of time, when I believe we finally see the bottom of this correction in the market. As for using options, I do not know if they would be payed out.

We are indeed, in for many major shifts this year. This is a wonderful time to be part of history unfolding. Let go of fear and allow the new to come into play.
In two years when we look back at this time, we will realize how silly and naive we were believing in the fearful predictions that the Dark Cabal were putting out on in media.

  Good Luck every one !!

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

When do you think the market will start down PW?  I see it peaking in May/June and starting down from there.  I’m not sure what you are seeing that makes you think we will bottom in July?  That would imply one huge move down that is so big that it gets massively oversold within weeks… ending it very quickly.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Hi Red, I do not see the markets peaking in June. We Might see 1445 sp level before we head down.That is not for sure due to the fluctuations in the energies with the back door dealings.  For all tense and purposes we are very close to a high. I would not try to go long here for a few extra points.

At this point, I do not see options and futures being payed out during the correction in mid to late July period. I would also would like to make it perfectly clear, I do not see the old fake prints coming true. The markets will  be interrupted in some way to prevent a mass hysteria in the financial community. But yet enough of a correction to clear out all the funny money

As for when the markets will head down, possibly peaking mid April and heading down with in the month of May slowly than accelerating into Mid July period.

Again we will have a few days of a bank holiday before the new financial system will be implemented.  Those people who have their money in the bank will be perfectly safe. Nothing to worry about. Have enough food and supplies for a week or two and you will be find

12 years ago

 Red, I will update you by e mail when I receive more info from my meditations.

We will all come out of this transition  with more love, peace and wealth than we ever thought was possible. It will be a very enlightening time for all to see.

12 years ago

dont forget me also on the email

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

Fear not my friend, if we figure it out you’ll be notified.  🙂

12 years ago
Reply to  Steve P

 Guy reminds me of Benny Sin.

12 years ago

Apple close 633.36  (63)66 or 6×3-66……….The high was 634.66 or 6(34)66.

12 years ago

Quadruple negative divergence on the RSI now.

12 years ago

Wow, if possible Red, it just got a little weirder around here. 

12 years ago

You’re just 2 hours earlier than me…was about to say the exact same thing.

12 years ago
Reply to  ACPZed

 This is only the beginning !! LOL LOL

12 years ago

     I applaud positivity and all that comes with it. But naivety killed the cat.  Fulford and Wilcox, have tails,whiskers and fangs. Its sooooo obvious.  But they have fooled hundreds of thousands as many before them have done.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Do you really think that this year is going to pass by with nothing of importance really happening?  This Mayan calendar ending date was forecast thousands of years ago, and it has been publicly accepted that they haven’t been off more then 24 hours in any of their star charts and dates.

On top of that you have the gangsters themselves admitting that something of “spiritual” nature is going to happen this year… something that their own “think tanks” stated very clearly that it’s going to be “HUGE!”

So, just what will that be?  Will it be a continuation of the current enslavement with chips put in our heads or hands to replace money… which isn’t any change from the last thousand years of enslavement that humanity has been in.

Or, will it be a “real change” as FREEDOM is achieved by us sheep?  Sorry, but I can’t agree with you that Be Fulford, David Wilcock, and Lindsey Williams are all working for the bad guys and just telling us dis-information.

Yes, I’m sure they have been given bad info by agents working for the cabal, but just like I (and you, if you use it?) have the ability to filter out the lies… they do too!  I do believe they are doing their best to give us accurate information and while not always accurate, it’s still from the heart… not from evil.

You have been surrounded by too many bad guys I believe and they are influencing your judgement.  You have a good heart WB, but the people that surround you in your life don’t.  That is affecting you I believe as they seem to think that they are invincible… and they aren’t!

The bad guys reign of power ends this year… I hope you don’t go down with that ship. Try surrounding yourself with common honest people and not the elite that you are probably hanging out with.  You might find that true calling from someone real that gives you inspiration to do what you really want to do… like free us sheep with free energy?

While I don’t know what your calling is, or how you found my site and decided to start up a conversation, it does have a meaningful reason… you just have to figure what that meaning is?  Good luck my friend…

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I think infighting is another goal for these guys. Just listen to everything and believe what you will.

Edit: Not everything will happen they way people say it will, but remember who is trying to destroy us…that’s all I have to say.

12 years ago

 The information I receive is not from Fulford or Wilcox or from any other name FROM THIS  blog. I will personally come back on this blog and apologize to you personally, if the majority of the information I have written is wrong. No later than Aug 1st 2012

If I am correct, you come back on this board and apologize to every one for having your head in the sand.

12 years ago

    And lets not forget all the illuminati sacrifices, who cares if there are mass arrests?  After the millions of members sacrificed over thousands of years?  They eat their own.  

12 years ago

Here’s the Mark Cuban photo presumably from Monday:


The occultists really like the 1980 number.  Just go to Daneric’s earlier today.   Also, interestingly, the Cubs last won a World Series in 1908……..19-(24)or 24-19……

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

   Cuban has cost me personally a lot of money.

12 years ago

Wash,  I tried to some research on the Florida Marlins winning the world series prediction from Back to the Future but all I could find was this:


In Back to the Future 2, it is announced that Miami loses the World Series.  Actually, Miami is swept in 5 games….Best 5 out of 9 series (5-9)….A few World Series have been played under that format including 1908 but predominately it is 4 out of 7, definitely for the last 80+years.

Now I do remember, Christopher Lloyd coming back from the future at the end of the first movie and saying some ridiculous prediction like the Florida Marlins won the World Series but if that is the case there is virtual (and cyber) censorship on the subject in my searches.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

In this photo, they are shown as the Miami Reptilians……….They lose the World Series in 2015….backwards 512 or 8x8x8…….The date is 21 October 2015 as presented in the article…..Notice the article was written on 9-14-11,  a variation of the day of infamy number.

Also note, that they mention that the Marlins will open their new stadium again the St. Louis Cardinals on April 4.   The St. Louis Cardinals happened to win the World Series last year AFTER this article was written.   In hindsight, it appears logical that last year’s World Champs would open the season in MIAMI but this game had been scheduled before their championship.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

    Wow. That is indeed weird and creepy man.  Good work.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

 Options: a) a coincidence happened in one film out of thousands discussing one game out of thousands (weight this up against all the guesses and predictions which are wrong all the time in films), or
b) in a comdey sci-fi film with no obvious agenda, in order to further a global agenda of mind control and economic slavery, a small numerical invented fact about a team winning the world series (note – with no prediction as to when) was buried which hardly anyone would ever notice, which would have absolutely no effect on the world and barely even be remembered; and when searched for, someone has gone to the trouble of scouring the WHOLE internet looking for back to the future reference to silence this miniscule non-fact – not only that, they have been able to get rid of all such references somehow, without any more appearing. (If they were that powerful – why is it that an inconsequential move fact which only one person in a thousand would realise the significance of is taken down but this site which directly criticises the illuminati is still here? 🙂

Do you really think b) makes more sense, now I say it like that?

12 years ago
Reply to  Erik

The reason this site isn’t taken down is so that disinfo trolls like you can pollute it with their rambling unreadable misdirecting  posts and cause utter confusion among the general readership.  

This post is virtually unreadable, infused with an unbearable pseudo-intellectualism in attempt to mask its poor structure, and even weaker argument.

Don’t worry though, I will rebut the one above.   I guess you’re assuming everyone here has about a 2nd grade education level or matriculated through the public school system (which is about the same thing) and can’t see your post for what it is.

Ashok Sharma
12 years ago

Humanity is passing through a most critical phase in this long drawn battle which has entered a stage where there be no mid line impasse ! Now it has to be either of the two winning Good Guys group or those gangsters who driven by thier greed plundered the fortunes of tens of millions of people. ! While most wish a Victory of the clean factions worrysome point is that Bad guys are all united and have the necessary infrastructure and means of deception through Cabal Controlled Media world wide ! To overpower this Monster, Good Guys would need unrelenting flow of energies in form of Global Support to finally beat them once and for all. Drake, David Wilcock and other teams of Clean factions must stay united and gather more support from the Right Wings !   Ashok Sharma   

12 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Sharma

 Ashok, the cabal are already turning on each other. The shift has already occurred thanks to people like Red, Drake and others who have spoken the truth.

Tangible results will occur shortly.
If Washboardstocks and others thinks todays comments are weird, they are in for one very rude awakening.

Ashok Sharma
12 years ago

Humanity is passing through a most critical phase in this long drawn battle which has entered a stage where there be no mid line impasse ! Now it has to be either of the two winning Good Guys group or those gangsters who driven by thier greed plundered the fortunes of tens of millions of people. ! While most wish a Victory of the clean factions worrysome point is that Bad guys are all united and have the necessary infrastructure and means of deception through Cabal Controlled Media world wide ! To overpower this Monster, Good Guys would need unrelenting flow of energies in form of Global Support to finally beat them once and for all. Drake, David Wilcock and other teams of Clean factions must stay united and gather more support from the Right Wings !  

Ashok Sharma  

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Wow!  Nice move down today…  I guess the gangsters are up to their old tricks of selling off the market when every trader is gone for the long weekend.

12 years ago

   Bah, anyone on mass media is part of the dark side.  No exceptions.  Look at 6:12 of this tape and tell me what it IS.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfdoH1kJfOY

12 years ago

You’re seeing things. It’s a man, with human eyes, possibly with a reflection bouncing off of them into the camera….

I don’t mean to be insulting but it’s this kind of nonsense that makes us all look bad. You’d have to be blind these days to fail to see the dictatorship we’re all being pressed into. But whenever the conspiracy come sup someone just HAS to mention higher-dimensional lizards and fluoride in the water, and it makes a serious socio-political subject look like a total comedy and serious researchers look like nutcases.

Why can’t people accept that humans are bad enough; in times past no-one has ever needed to be a reptile to be capable of hate and manipulation. Why can’t it be that humans are controlling other humans simply because it makes them rich? Why is this not a good enough explanation? Does it really shake your worldview that much to know that humans are quite capable of oppressing each other without there needing to be supernatural explanations?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Erik

Agreed, there are many, many evil humans too.

12 years ago

I have visited one fantasy baseball website the last few days and that place is overflowing with occultic, numerological posts with cryptic meanings.   Special numbers flying all over the place.  It’s pretty freaky.   Most have been posting there for years and suddenly everyone has come out of the woodwork.    I am sure I would have noticed this before.   It means we are about to embark on the grand ritual.

I feel like I am in Invasion of the Body Snatchers or the policeman in the WickerMan (70s version) over there.   Of course, I made my own attempts at numerological-laden postings but one of them wasn’t happy that I was comparing the MIAMI Marlins as a TEAM of DESTINY to the 1987 Superbowl Winning New York Giants earlier in the year.   Yesterday, it seemed like 80% of the posts were posts with special meanings.

Very very freaky.   Guys with backgrounds who you would think wouldn’t have the capacity to be “annointed”.  Guys who look like they barely made it out of high school and who can only post runon setences ad infinitum.   I can’t believe all of these guys understand the implications behind these numbers but they can’t be moronic enough not to understand the implications either.   And the postings vary in their sophistication, with the more complex posts probably coming from higher level brothers.   I am guessing the brotherhood has told them to infiltrate their postings with these special numbers.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

    What about 6:12 of my boxing video.  I knew it always, deep down. 

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

You thinking he’s a reptile… since his eyes looked a little slanted in that scene.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

    Look at the eyes man, its everything these guys look for.

12 years ago

I can’t listen to the audio right now.   I looked at the video and Ali’s eyes appear to shapeshift at times but it’s hard to tell from that angle.   If they had shot it straight on, it would probably be more apparent but maybe there is a reason they didn’t shoot it straight on.

Anyway, I’ve always thought Ali was a big scumb++++and I can’t believe the lengths the sports media has gone to protect this guy and cover up his past.   And they always treat him with such glowing praise despite the fact that the guy lost a lot of fights.

I didn’t grow up with him so didn’t know everything about him.  Just alway the filtered version from the ubiqutious fawning praise of the mass media.

H. Chavez another scuzz… about to get his due.   I can’t believe this guy is going to church and praying for his recovery.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

I’d like to preface this by saying, I am a mathematician and I do believe there are structural conspiracies in this world, keeping us poor and impotent. However…

If you hear enough numbers in a short space of time you are *bound* to find patterns in it, it’s a mathematical certainty. But it doesn’t mean the connections you’re making are meaningful. When I was in school I read Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy and started seeing 42 everywhere I went, I noticed it in shop prices, on clocks, in maths lessons. When I forgot about the book I realised I hadn’t noticed a 42 in a while. In my obsession, my search for the number revealed it everywhere; though when I thought about it, I had probably seen lots of numbers that weren’t 42, but because they didn’t fit what I was looking for, I didn’t notice them. The brain is a marvellous thing, it draws patterns from chaos, hence both science and superstition. But that means it is very susceptible to false positives.

Plus, in numerology, there are many ways to interpret one pair of numbers and hence loads of ways to ‘find’ even a single connection – if I said ’43 and 27′, how many possible meanings could you draw form those? I can things of many (27 = 3 to the power 3 – tripe trinity; 4+3 = 7, magical; 2+7=9, completion; add those together and we get 7+9 = 16: 1 + 6 = 7 – magic again; 43+27 = 90: 9 + 0 = 9, again completion; 43 – 27 = 16 – that is also the sum of 4 + 3 + 2 +7; 1643 was the year of the first english civil war; and in 1627 the Enlgish lost some battles to protect the Huguenots, who were known for being hated by the church at the time, a seat of illuminati power…) you see, from just one pair of two digit numbers I can come up with any meaning I want to; and if I am worried about bad thigns I am more likely to find bad messages.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you are reading things into baseball numbers that aren’t there? That all these broadcasts you get are actually just genuine sports statistics? Evidence would seem to suggest this – if you posted your own cryptic message, full of possible meaning, and they continued on as if nothing was wrong – maybe it’s because nothing was wrong? And you even state these are frpom people with ordinary backgrounds, you admit that it seems far-fetched that they should know about this at all.

Look up the phrase ‘confirmation bias’; and you may also want to watch the film ‘the number 23’. I am not trying to mock, honetly I am not; but it sounds like you have a paranoid personality. And if people really are out to get us, we have far far more to worry about than people sending coded numerological symbolism through baseball stats.

12 years ago
Reply to  Erik

Troll (otherwise known as the Ashok Troll),

The only one paranoid here seems to be you….a little too paranoid about my discussion on occult numerology.   You certainly went to a lot of time and effort to debunk my and others posts, basically debunking the entire purpose of this website.

Playing the paranoid card is quite cliched and something that might work on second graders but this website generates a more intelligent upscale following where that angle doesn’t work since an interest in the stock market generally requires that a person has the intelligence and ability to acquire assets needed for the financial markets and thus an ability to see through BS disinfo posts.   Now if you’re banking on the Benjamin Fulford crowd, then you might have a point.   

I do happen to see the same numbers over and over and it has nothing to do with an obsession over certain numbers.   It’s because the Operators are purposely throwing them out there.    And I have a long history of showing these numbers.

Take the MegaMillions lotto numbers for $640million(8×8) prize last week:

2,4,23,38,46….M=23……….Interesting, Jim Carrey’s favorite number is the lotto winner…..23×2==46…..6×4=24=8x8x8   M=13 or 4-5….38=8x8x8    (Sorry your numerology lessons made my eyes water over from boredom….had to skip over that portion of the post.   If it reads like an empty, fake, meaninglesss, full of fluff post then it is a fake one and I don’t want to waste my valuable time dissecting something so vapid….but then again it might have an appeal to the Fulford crowd)

And there is nothing so random about the numbers being posted over at a certain fantasy sports website……

Stuff like….
“The Red Sox feasted (on lefties last year)” on Brett Anderson’s dead arm and Brian Matusz 6or7 times.            6×7==42

2bases open…SP gives up 2 runs in 3 games—-lose 2of 3 to Pitt.
or 2–SP–23,23 or (46–what a coincidence again…I must be reading into too much there)—–SP==1619

Cain (#6) in the 7 hole….

Hammell (#46) through 7…….

Capuano the king of 4 2/3 s innings pitched (or IP–916)……….

Someone with a 462 foot shot a few days ago………….(4-26 being the pre flash crash high and a 127 hours date—more coincidences—also the title of Bradley’s ode to the 29’92 ritual co-titled===Miami)

You wouldn’t watch a Double eagle for the 4th time ever in the Masters….(don’t know what an eagle is )

What’s the big deal, opening weekend, they play 159 more games.  Back 9 of the Masters is all you have to see.

I could go on and on and on and break down all of them but that would take several hours.

I have wasted enough time on this post.  I can only imagine how much time was required for those 3 disinfo posts.   I am sure Way much more time than any reasonal person would want to commit.   Particularly when one wants to be the Great Debunker on a debunking site.   Maybe you should stick to the Time Magazine comments section if the comments here are too off-putting.

But thanks for the criticism.  It has inspired me to put out even more revealing posts.   Maybe not something that your handlers (Masters) wanted.   I have been holding back the best (and most revealing) stuff so far.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

    I think the Ali tape has them rattled. Too.  Covered my short today. That was just too long for a nice used car profit.

12 years ago

Larry King was on the 4letter morning show today and followed up with another numerological presentation.

The host set it all up by asking him if he was a Dodgers season ticket holder and he replied that he had 4 seats and went to 80% of the games and since he had kids he often would leave in the 7th inning–4-87.

Then he was asked if he went back to the Brooklyn days and responded yes that he did and that he heard Vin Scully’s first broadcast in either the 4th or 5th inning against the Phillies.  He also mentioned that he was a big fan of Scully’s predecessor Red Barber and went down to MIAMI to work with Barber after he retired from the Dodgers.

Then he blabbed about the Dodgers having a chance to make the playoffs in the weak NL West although it had the 3 best players at their position in Kershaw (#22),Kemp (#27)and Tulowitzki (????).   He said fans were waiting to see if Dodgers’ players Loney (#7) could develop some power and that RF Eithier (#16) could have a big year.   He said the 3rd baseman (Uribe) was a weak player and that the left fielder (Rivera) was old.   Didn’t mention their phenom shortstop or really anyone else except the C who he said could field well but probably can’t hit.

The morning guy said he could hear Vin Scully up on the Washington coast when he was 9 or 10 on KFI AM.   Then he mentioned he was 9or 8 when he first  Scully and then finally said he was 8 (probably a couple of times) when he first heard Scully (98)88ie 1788 or 888????

I don’t remember KFI ever broadcasting the Dodgers but that was before my time.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

The 3 best at their positions:  #22 Kershaw,#27Kemp,#2Tulowitzki.

The LA Catcher #17, the 3B #5,the LF #12 or 8-5-12 or 17(8x8x8)or 48s

12 years ago

Vin Scully is 84years4months old right now.  84years5months on April 29.

I have also edited,cleaned up, and added to some of my posts below.

12 years ago

 gold,gdx update
use the lotion boy link i provided, has gdx / gld support is now or soon.
TK— (use the link i provided), gdx might fall off a cliff, bringing down gold to $1400
it’s a pretty interesting post, i think i did this time.

12 years ago

Announce a bad jobs numbers, before a Holiday close?
Logical.  purely Logical.
(we are in a reverse fibonacci fib fan pattern)
comment image

12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

the action is as such: sell it off, let is rise, sell some more, let is rise. comment image

12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

all those lines point near the 23rd.
check out my blog.

I believe the Biblical number for 23 is…DEATH.

12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

 Its always good to see your graphs Gerb.

12 years ago

thank you for your input.
it’s hard to tell how many followers Red has.
sometimes is feels like a dark closet.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

Oh… that was you I just bumped into.  This closet is dark but there appears to be a bright light coming in.  Hang in there old friend.  🙂

Followers?  Not many I’d say.  I try to stay under the radar, although this post and video did get a little more then usual.

12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

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