
ES Morning Update January 15th, 2016
The futures couldn't hold the rally yesterday as you can see they tanked again this morning. I was thinking that because it was option...

ES Morning Update January 14th, 2016
Yesterday I thought we would rollover either that day or today (Thursday) for a B wave down. I thought it would be 20-30 points instead...

ES Morning Update January 13th, 2016
C wave target next week? Possible point to hit and then rollover is this falling trendline around 1960. This 4 hour chart shows the MACD's...

ES Morning Update January 11th, 2016
Resistance Should roll back down at some point today and make a "higher low" while the market makes a "lower low" or a double bottom...

ES Morning Update January 8th, 2016
There are 2 falling trendlines of resistance. And 2 horizontal trendlines. This 60 minute chart of the ES Futures is already up at the zero...

ES Morning Update January 7th, 2016
Not much to say here. Markets continue down without much of any bounce. At this point we just need to wait until the FP on...

The Coming 2016 Stock Market Crash That Will Be Bigger Then 1929 Was
Date: September 20th, 2015 The recent mini-crash we had on August 24th, 2015, as forecasted in the movie Lucy on Scarlett Johansson's passport expiration date,...

From Lindsey Williams To The Shemitah Many Signs Point To A Stock Market Crash In The Fall Of 2015
__________________________________________ July 29th, 2015 ... before the FOMC meeting Update Possible New High Coming On The SPX (to watch on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrW3R1IC6kA) I'm losing my...

An 80-120 Point Down Move In The SPX Could Happen In March
But if so the next move up should be a huge one... The market looks a lot like the pattern from November 26th to December...

Outlook For The Stock Market In 2015
Will we get another crash this year? I think we'll at least see a 20%+ correction, but crash... probably not. (to watch on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDwL7nKP6jc)...