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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

I think we’ll see 2070-2080 SPX area before we top out. Then we should start down. Don’t know how far it will fall but that 1925 zone is out of the question for now I think.

... jjones252

I hope it just slowly goes down, churns around 1925 and then makes for lower lows in months ahead this Fall. Maybe, or never, who knows!? Gap fill Jan 1, 2013 looms large in my mind at 1425.

... Red Dragon Leo

I closed out my call spread for a small gain. Paid .50 cents for it and sold it for .61 cents. I did that because we are hitting resistance and I’m expecting a small pullback. Nothing worth playing on the downside but I’ll look to re-enter into a long position once it happens.

I suspect we’ll see it later today into the close or Thursday morning at the open. It’s back to “buy the dip” for now as I strongly believe we are going higher Friday and into next week as well. Don’t be surprise when we push through 2000 to hit 2020 sometime next week.

... equity tips

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Equity Tips

... Red Dragon Leo

LOL… nice to see you again old friend. All is well until the votes are in… then watch them pull the rug out from the market!

... Turbo_Tim

All is well, just vote for me Dow 20k

... Red Dragon Leo

Well one thing is certain there Amy… they all are a bunch of self serving crooks (except for Ron Paul and and his son Rand Paul). I’m expecting a melt up into September for the up coming Legatus meeting. Not sure what the high will be but over 2000 is guaranteed.

Most likely they will go up toward 2100 SPX but I’m not sure if they will make it or not? I’m kinda expecting a pullback to that 1920-1930 area before resuming the climb toward 2100 but at this point I think we’ll hit 2000 SPX by this Friday and then drop some next week prior to the FOMC meeting on Wednesday.

Then that meeting should spark a move to 2020 or so before the bulls exhaust themselves and we see a nice 80-100 point pullback. If this happens like I expect then that move down will be some kind of wave 4 down with a final wave 5 up into early September for the completion of the Primary Wave 3 up that started in 2011.

Once we end Primary Wave 3 up we’ll see a 200-400 point drop for Primary Wave 4 down… which I think will happen in the September to November time frame. Then we start Primary Wave 5 up that takes us into 2017 for some insane blowoff top of 30,000 DOW or more.

After that we have about a 3 year crash bigger then 1929… but that’s a long way off yet.

P.S. I took a 20% long position into tomorrow and Friday as I think we’ll see 2000 by this Friday. We’ll see I guess…

... Amy Polos

Red, This is the democratic mid-term election and they are scared to death for losing seats. They will push this market ever higher. So that the Liar-in-chief can look you in the eyes and show you how awesome the market is doing. But we know its only an illusion of wealth for the Sheeple.

... Red Dragon Leo

We have very high odds of going higher tomorrow I’m afraid. I took a small long position as I’m expecting a run up to that 2000 hear soon.