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  • Red

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... Greed is Good & Associates

2nd chance to go below Dow 17K coming.

... Greed is Good & Associates

Well lets just we if we get back below Dow 17,000..and stay south of there, “if “we do. – Crucial to opening up the range here for trading purposes.- Looks like the market is in a “wait & see limbo” mode here at the moment.

... Red Dragon Leo

The news is always there after the charts foretell the move. The charts said we should go down and continue into Monday and the news was just the reason to blame it on.

... Greed is Good & Associates

Yea..but I think this Malaysia passenger jet,that “might” have just got shot down..has put some pressure on the markets that will last at least for today. Still a rumor..but there is definitely another Malaysian passenger aircraft missing right now…and it seems to be having at least some affect on the market for the moment. We shall see.

... Red Dragon Leo

Had me a little worried there with that fast rally off the lows this morning but it’s looking good for the bears here and bad for the bulls.

... Greed is Good & Associates

Dow down 51 pts at the low.- We need follow through down action into next week here if we’re going to get to that SPX 1920 target area.

... Red Dragon Leo

I’m assuming you are talking about this:

Well yeah, it’s something to think about for sure. I can’t trade off of it though as every time in the past we thought something bad was going to happen it never did. It was always “misdirection” for us sheep to look at, and getting short based only on such a prediction always lost me money in the past.

Not this time. While it’s possible we could pop up tomorrow above 1986 SPX at the open for a quick stop sweep the charts say we are going down next week. So my trading now is more focused on gathering good information about past history, trends for this month, week, and day, buying volume, etc… and less on scary stories.

I’m sure they will at some point actually do the global currency reset but I doubt if I or anyone else is going to guess the date correctly. Maybe it does happen on the 27th… or the 20th? I just don’t know? But the market is ready to go down anyway.

We hit our Bradley turn date today as well. Here’s that link in case you missed it? It’s on page 4 of that newsletter:

... Damon

Red… what about the iphone and “siri” what is july 27 2014…. opening the gates to hedes??? Does that fit into your numbers.. some how??
Thanks for all your hard work.

... Red Dragon Leo

Thursday is a 22 day as 7+1+7+2+0+1+4=22, and as we all know that is an eleven… which are sometimes tops or bottoms. Not always of course but it is a ritual number for “them”. So “if” today doesn’t put in the top then I think we’ll see it at the open tomorrow.

Most likely it will be a pierce of the double top area to clear out all the bears’ stops above 1986 SPX. While this is the normal pattern it’s by no means a guarantee. For all I know the bears could have already flipped to become bulls thinking we are going to rally much higher toward 2000.

Whatever SkyNet see’s it’s going to take action to steal the most money possible. If there isn’t too many stops overhead and there are more bulls long then we’ll see a move down tomorrow without the gap up. In fact, we could even gap down and continue all day.

If we gap down then I’m happy with my half short position. If we gap up I’ll add a second half short position as I believe we will go down on Friday and into early next week. While I’m sure we’ll take out 2000 at some point we should drop lower first to that 1900-1920 area to get some bears short that can be squeezed all the way up to a new all time high.

I just get the feeling that everyone is long right now expecting 2000 to be hit soon. They keep buying every dip looking for that breakout rally move up. But if everyone is on the same side then you know SkyNet will take their money.

So I’ll give it a 50/50 chance of a slightly higher high tomorrow to clear out the last bears’ stops and then a move down into the rest of the day, Friday and next week with that downside target being the goal before we make another big rally attempt.

... Greed is Good & Associates

Ok. Thanks.