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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

ES Futures Midday Tuesday Update September 22nd, 2015:

... Red Dragon Leo

ES Futures Tuesday Morning Update September 22nd, 2015:

... Red Dragon Leo

VIX Monday Morning Update September 21st, 2015:

... Red Dragon Leo

ES Futures Monday Morning Update September 21st, 2015:

... kihei2

Oscar is spot on! The markets are in very serious trouble. Protect yourself and enjoy the correction.

... kihei2

Just reiterating…. OIL…GOLD….FEAR!! Look at these last 2 candlesticks on the SPY. That’s NOT BULLISH by any means.

... Red Dragon Leo

In the past 25 years the VIX has risen from a level below 20 to a level above 45, within a matter of a couple of months or less, 6 times. This happened in 1998, 2002, 2008, 2010, 2011, and now recently, when the VIX went over 50 in August. The previous 5 times this occurred, here is what happened to the VIX in the months that followed:

1998: In August, the VIX hits 45.02. September VIX high: 48.06, October VIX high: 49.53.
2002: In July, the VIX hits 48.46. August high: 45.21, September high: 41.86, October high: 43.44.
2008: In September, the VIX hits 48.40. For the next 7 months it rises above 45 every month, going above 50 in 6 of those 7 months, and peaks above 80 in October and November.
2010: In May, the VIX hits 48.20. June high: 37.38, July high: 37.58.
2011: In August, the VIX hits 48.00. September high: 43.87, October high: 46.88.

And now 2015: In August, the VIX hits 53.29 after being as low as 10.88 just earlier in the month.

The previous 5 times this occurred (VIX going from 45 in 2 months or less), the VIX rose to a level above 37 in each of the 2 months that followed 100% of the time. And the previous 4 times when the initial VIX reading above 45 occurred in the second half of the year, as it has this year, the VIX rose to above 40 in each of the following 2 months (or more) 100% of the time.