We've started a larger wave 3 down, that should have 5 smaller waves in it. The smaller wave 1 was from about 1105 to 1044 today. Smaller wave 2 up shouldn't go past 1080 on Monday, and then a smaller wave 3 down inside of a larger wave 3 is coming next. I'd get back short Monday on the bounce up. We're not done with the selling yet moon.
1063 was a big event closing above – seems like we have reach a short term bottom. We will see exited my shorts today – will watch. Hope your right red as I have no dog in fight right now. Did not wish to be a pig when down was down 130 or so points I bailed. A good 2 days have a good weeked
I waited all day for that bounce and didn't think it was coming. So, I got in at a lower price then it closed at, but I'll still be ok. I can't see anymore then 1080 tops on Monday, and then more selling. Hold on tight girl… it's the pop before the drop!
The daily's, weekly's, and monthly's are all rolling to the downside now Monica. I'm not looking for any serious bounce until we hit the 200ma (daily chart) around 1020-1030 spx.
Don't be fooled about Monday, it's not going to be bullish like it has for the last several months now. Times are changing.
The wave 2 that is coming is a smaller wave 2 inside a larger wave 3, which should have 5 smaller waves inside it. I think the larger wave 2 is over, and we just had a smaller wave 1 inside a larger wave 3.
Red, is it possible that the Monday/Tuesday turn date you are seeing is a huge move up (i.e. short covering massacre)? What makes you think it is down?
What if the market placed a bottom (V) either today or tomorrow/overnight and then bounces for a couple of days making wave 2. And then the beautiful 3 down the tubes?
We've started a larger wave 3 down, that should have 5 smaller waves in it. The smaller wave 1 was from about 1105 to 1044 today. Smaller wave 2 up shouldn't go past 1080 on Monday, and then a smaller wave 3 down inside of a larger wave 3 is coming next. I'd get back short Monday on the bounce up. We're not done with the selling yet moon.
1063 was a big event closing above – seems like we have reach a short term bottom. We will see exited my shorts today – will watch. Hope your right red as I have no dog in fight right now. Did not wish to be a pig when down was down 130 or so points I bailed.
A good 2 days have a good weeked
I waited all day for that bounce and didn't think it was coming. So, I got in at a lower price then it closed at, but I'll still be ok. I can't see anymore then 1080 tops on Monday, and then more selling. Hold on tight girl… it's the pop before the drop!
Thanks Red – still holding even though my tail is in between my legs!
The daily's, weekly's, and monthly's are all rolling to the downside now Monica. I'm not looking for any serious bounce until we hit the 200ma (daily chart) around 1020-1030 spx.
Don't be fooled about Monday, it's not going to be bullish like it has for the last several months now. Times are changing.
It's hard to get them all right Dark. I missed out on this big move down because I didn't expect it until this Monday… so don't worry about it.
The daily's, weekly's, and monthly's are all rolling to the downside now. We are going down my friend!
The wave 2 that is coming is a smaller wave 2 inside a larger wave 3, which should have 5 smaller waves inside it. I think the larger wave 2 is over, and we just had a smaller wave 1 inside a larger wave 3.
Red, is it possible that the Monday/Tuesday turn date you are seeing is a huge move up (i.e. short covering massacre)? What makes you think it is down?
Hey Leo
What if the market placed a bottom (V) either today or tomorrow/overnight and then bounces for a couple of days making wave 2. And then the beautiful 3 down the tubes?
hong long… (red dragon).. thanks for sharing your thoughts… Just looked at options for FXI / FXP…. nice action….