Quick Friday Update...
(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9xO3K-sguc)
Tuesday Update - More Manipulation at the End of the Day...
(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvp718Nyoik)
Monday Update:
(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k040xMmhWtY)
Estimated Time Of Arrival - Within The Next 2 Months...
The new movie being released on 03.11.11 in the clip above is called BattleLA... (http://battlela.com)
[pro-player width='425' height='344' type='video']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIBHgMo-ngw[/pro-player]
(Watch the Video Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIBHgMo-ngw&feature=player_embedded)
Read this woman's story here: http://biblicaltimes.wordpress.com/2010/12/19/ex-illuminati-refugee
Here is the link to all 10 of her video's: http://wn.com/mkbutterfly71
Could the "False Flag Event" in the coming movie above cause this FP to be fulfilled?
Everything is playing out just like they planned. The market topped last week at the DIA FP of 118.16 (piercing it a little, as it did last year on February 5th, 2010 "97 point drop" low too, which actually hit an intraday low of 1044.50 spx). The next major low should now be the 106.46 SPY FP from last year. Of course there will be wild swings on the way down, but that's perfectly normal and designed that way to steal your money.
While I'll be in and out of my shorts many times on the way down, as I certainly don't want to get caught in a short squeeze, I'll try my best to figure it out and let everyone know so you too don't turn a winning trade into a losing one.
As for next week, Monday looks UGLY! I believe a wave 3 of 3 is going to happen, so be prepared for some selling. I don't know if it will gap down or not, but either way... the panic is coming! The 15 minute chart is the only chart that looks capable of pushing the market up at the open. We could gap down and then quickly fill the gap (or just come close to filling it?) in the first 5-10 minutes, and then tank the rest of the day.
(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMPDxzJCpGE)
The 30, 60 and daily look ready to rollover immediately. Everything tells me that "The TOP" is now in, and Primary Wave 3 (P3) has now started. The Legatus Pilrimage is this February the 3rd-5th, and will likely be another turning point... only this time it will be DOWN!
A possible scenario is a move down to the 1220 (or as low as 1180) area by the end of next week. That would complete a large wave 1 down. Then back up for wave 2 into early February, (allowing time for the gangsters to cash their remaining checks through the Vatican secret bank, at the Pilgrimage), followed by a large wave 3 down toward our 106.46 spy FP (about 1060 spx).
That wave 3 could stop around 1120, bounce briefly for wave 4 up, and then wave 5 down to 1060, which would complete the first much larger wave 1 down. A speculative wave 2 up would then last for a month or so, followed by the worst series of wave 3's down in the history of the stock market.
Those would be a combination of Primary wave 3, Major wave 3, Minor wave 3, Minute wave 3, etc... you get the picture! Yes, this time... the P3's really are coming! This would be the move down to the Dow 8300 FP and SPX 885 FP.
So while us bears have been waiting for this wave for a long time, you must also understand that we are now riding the coat tails of the Illuminati. They planned all of this to "Break America", as in... make American's so poor that they can't uprise and fight the Satanist's Evil plan to chip us all and make us even more obedient slaves.
Remember these Illuminati Reptilian Gangster Elites want to totally control you. They do this through stealing your money. Then you will be too poor to organize any type of resistance. They control the "Main Stream Media" and just about everyone in both the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate.
So of course they control the stock market. They want the crash so they can profit from it on the way down (by being short of course) and by buying up every company in America at 10 cents on dollar... turning the US into the United Soviet America! Welcome to Socialism, and Communism.... welcome to the "New World Slavery"!
I'm not kidding here folks! This isn't just a "conspiracy theory"... it's FACT! Look around you, it's everywhere. You know it to be true in your heart. We are living in the "End Times", as foretold in the Bible and many other books too. You have to use this opportunity to profit from a collapsing stock market to help yourself survive, and to help others that don't.
When the time comes, I hope that everyone that reads this blog will stand up and fight against the Evil Empire in whatever way they can. The laws are still out there that can arrest these gangsters, if only enough people would join together and enforce them.
They plan to unite the world financially, but keep it separate physically (as stated in this video interview with Bill Ryan of Project Camelot and Project Avalon). They need you to think that your neighbor is your enemy so they can steal from both of you. If everyone in every country was to "wake" up and realize that the only real enemy is the Illuminati, then they wouldn't fight each other over Religion, or other made up lies designed to keep everyone distracted and not able to unite against the Evil Empire.
So making money from this coming disaster should be used to help others less fortunate then you. We still have a chance, but we must "Wake UP" the sheep. Get them away from the Television set, as it's programming their mind to do what the Illuminati want... EVIL!
P.S. Want more proof of the coming crash? We had a movie called "Unstoppable" with a train numbered 777. Just before the market hit the DIA FP of 118.16, the DIA had a closing price high on 01/14/2011 of 117.77 , and then on 01/18/2011 the Dow had a closing price low of 11,777.99... which is signal that the Unstoppable train in near.
Then we have a new movie out recently called "Black Swan", and of course the latest Wallstreet movie came out late last year too. And now we have the new "Battle LA" movie coming out on 03.11.11, which again... is a sign of things to come. Don't get on any alien ship folks... it's NOT Jesus returning!
ur a fuckin idiot
LOL… just get on the space ship as you won’t be missed.
Harsh LOL!!
No, that was spineless. Those kind of comments should only be reserved for face to face sessions. Probably a coward who got picked on alot. Lol!
hey nameless johndoe,
we all here choose to respect and discuss all opinions, market based ones, and otherwise……… there is no room here for that kind of anger and hate……get some excercise, run a marathon – that would put a different perspective on life for you…
I agree! so what am I agreeing with? ( are we talking about helicopter Ben, no doubt)
Gold is at a critical support point. Very few if any other analysis methods would show this. The PRS177, which is a channel line extension, tells us something that very few can see, much less understand, much less act upon.
We have got a nice 11% profit on a mechanical trading system [SHORT] on GDX from BreakPoint Trades, however this PRS channel line has caused me to close out that trade. That is good enough.
The “Cable” British Pound / USD currency pair has 2 reasons to want to push higher. The 78 Fibo and the PRS 177. This would also push US equities higher, although the multi-year correlations may be now at risk of no longer working.
Also, Expiry week is done. The Monday after expiry often finds some good size fireworks to correct the antics of Expiry week. Sunday futures will be interesting. We banked some serious coin last Sunday playing the futures, which seemed to move in perfect 5 and 3 wave patterns, almost like shooting fish in a barrel. Not that I will complain, any win is a win gratefully accepted.
Bond Interest Rates are at a 61Fibo, also looking a near perfect bull flag. Choose your own poison on how to play this. Perhaps TBT or even JNK? However, one concern is that there is so much media coverage about muni bonds being risk, and States being allowed to declare bankruptcy–defaulting on pension obligations and bonds. I have to take this amount of media coverage (it is large) as a contrary indicator–when they pimp it out that much, there must be some opposite plan coming out….like a TARP for borrowing for State Governments.
This feeds back into my tin foil hatter theory of Fed Gov as the economic hit man, enslaving everyone, including State Governments with debt. What a great plan to consolidate power at the Federal Level. Time will tell.
fish in a barrel.
poor fishie.
Hi Steveo, what makes TNX go from 23 to 36? btw, california already gets tarp money—i forgot what they called it. it’s not called tarp.
great article Red. Maybe this week they will use their newest tool, Assange.
I’m moving my pullback date out to mid feb….I think the dow can get to 12000, 15 points a day at a time. we’ll see
JPM at 48 = XLF pullback
Listening to Mr. Topstep, he seems to think they need about another 10-15k open interest contracts on the March Futures before the market rolls over. He estimates that to happen between January 28th to February 8th…
The Spiral Guy’s chart has the 28th-29th as an important turn date…

And of course the Legatus Pilgrimage is February 3rd-5th… does this all start to make sense now? It sounds too me that we are likely to be choppy this week, with some early selling and a later rebound toward the end of this week.
Then the rug gets pulled out the following week. If this coming Friday pushes up and puts in some type of double top, falls short a little, or even goes a little higher, then look out for Monday 01/31/11, as a big move down is highly likely.
In this scene from the new “Battle LA” movie there is a quick shot of the beach at 1 minute 31 seconds in, showing the DOW down 4,847 points!

Now I don’t expect that to happen like that, but it might still simply being telling us that a “crash” is coming, not necessarily the amount of points it drops (remember, we already know those points).
More like the “date” that it should start… as in 01.31.2011 (what could possibly happen over the weekend to cause that? Think everyone, as I’m drawing a blank right now).
what ever happened to julian assanges promise of jan release on a large money center bank……. a collapse of a goldman sachs on a wikileak would be lehman bros. x 10……..
Maybe that is schedule for these coming weekend of January 29th and 30th?
we allways sad that the stuff we has is on BOFA
Internal mails that as we decribe once showened to the wolrd will make regulation faster
IWM 50 sma day, is 76 or so—-That’s a key support for the gangsta bulls. If that breaks down, then I’m switching back to the dow FP theory. It’s hard to identify the trend. The gansta’s have new tricks, I haven’t ever seen before.
The FP theory has worked so far, and is now fact… not theory anymore. As for the gangsters, here’s something to educate you.
You should listen to all 5 of these video’s from an Ex-Illuminati member… it is very disturbing how evil these people are…
I’d rather hang out with “Street Gangsters” then those guys, as at least they don’t eat peoples’ heart to steal their power.
But there some good news, many of the Illuminati members are breaking free of their programming and coming forward now. I’m just glad I wasn’t born into one of those families as I would have already went crazy by now.
You see it on TV when someone famous breaks down… it’s not that they are crazy or anything like that, it’s because they were “programmed” and the programming broke down briefly and they experienced the good side of themselves for once.
Look at when Brittany Spears broke down and cut her hair all off… her programming broke down. More will follow, as it’s not normal for people to want to be evil and follow satan. They have too be programmed into evilness, which many rebel because they know it’s not right.
Satan will lose this battle as it’s foretold in the bible. God’s people will win in the end… not the gangsters.
But in the meantime, we traders must profit on this planned crash to be able to help others out less fortunate.
So hang tight, we may still get one more push up late next week? Maybe only a lower high, or a double top. Or, even slightly higher to that magic 1300 level… who knows?
But we should expect some shakeouts before they crash it for real. This week should produce those shakeouts I believe.
Thanks for the video link.
here’s a JPM FP 31 from last sept..
I’ve been going thru the youtube comments, on these video’s and clicking on all the negative comments—most lead to White power youtube member’s or really good trading sites! strange combo.
here’s a list of this weeks earnings–I like to buy them after they report.
Het Red,
I think we are in for a gap up on DJI – have a look at futures which are well up – see what happens
Good luck mate
Here’s the inside of Norad, or some place like it video.
Need to see some key levels broken today………..
ES Chart
Hey Red…
P3 did start…this guy has been spot on lately, calling for higher markets up to now…increased possibility that P3 has started, aside from Dow, which is to turn south as well…great EW counting
In video from a week ago (not linked), when he was discussing P3, he said that P3 should have “steepest slope since flash crash”…flash crash was vertical (almost)…so getting to 8300 in couple of months in entirely possible…this rally was based on short squeeze, there were never any real “dumb money” buyers, and you know what shorts are going to do, when it does turn for good…nothing to break the fall…
I entirely agree with you on markets and control, however, I’ll stick to “Bilderbergs are controlling the world”…LOL…I hope they are just evil humans and the other stuff doesn’t exist….
red (or do you prefer Mr. Dragon Leo LOL),
this just out, an analysis of the gold put action prior to a call from Doug Kass. The call from kass puts gold right in the vicinity of that FP you have on gold….. funny that!
guess who had GLD June 2011 puts for over a week now…ME!
We should reach 930ish by June, but I think it will be sooner, because gold bottoms before the market… so if 3 of 3 of 3 (or of 1, because final bottom is 2012) is sometimes in March, that should be a gold bottom…people will freak when $1050 breaks, because that would be a long term support trend line…it’s never easy…unless you have FPs…LOL
awesome m,
that will be a profitable trade for you. good for you!! i agree with your timing…. FP’s do really help!
It looks like those short term charts (5 and 15) are trying to push the market up some.
looks like continuation of the chop we had friday…it will break to the downside soon… i am watching that wedging MACD on the daily spx. it has been wedging since april of last year…it is just looking to break the lower wedge trendline to the downside….this should launch heavier selling….
Amazing how controlled this market really is… as we all know that we should have already started selling off by now. Looks like it could chop sideways all day today (hopefully selling off into the close).
this market action is torturous. tptb really know how to make market life uncomfortably boring sometimes…..
Once again, when the market looks bearish, they trick you and go up. LOL.
and once the last bear gives up, and the last bull jumps on…
ya know the story.
Dollar manipulation going totally nuts. Steve Liesman’s stock pumping propaganda machine in full swing – he’s already had 3 segments to pump the market since it has opened. Late last year was the fastest the dollar has been manipulated downward in history and now Madman Ben is breaking that record.
What are we even rallying on?
fluffy unicorns & rainbows.
no economic news releases today.
RED-With state of union on tuesday–fomc meeting ending wed can you really see them letting this market go down before that?? Maybe the real turn will start this weekend
It’s looking more and more likely that this week will be the “chop” fest, designed to get the bulls onboard, and the bears off. So yes, I could see it holding up and rising a little more with the gangsters preaching at the state of the union meeting.
I just saw the INDU.
up 111.17 – for a split second.
We are up 111 point now! LOL! This is crazy!
well the DOW is up 1%
and the SnP is up 0.3%
it’s a bit harder to push up broader indexes, si?
Well, we should have expected them to go tag the 12,000 mark again… especially since they won’t be seeing it again for many more years.
I like to think the scared money is running to the blue chips haven.
DOW +120
those big POMO’s really work!
Its sad that the FREE markets have not been in operation for quite some time. Here is a good read….one of my favorite bloggers and he is trader….not some biased one way (bull or bear) guy.
I don’t think the market was ever a “free market” GSspy. But it seems a whole lot more manipulated and controlled since the March, 2009 low… that’s for sure.
they could be melting us up till tuesday to that intraday FP of the spy…. the diverging indexes (dow vs all others) is a classic major top behaviour
If we do go up to that 129.53 spy FP, then that should complete an ABC move up for wave 2 up. Like I said, we could put in a double top, fall slightly short of one, or push through a little. But a move up from the 1271 low was expected. How far is another story?
well i think the top from 1/19/11 for the spx is in. And i agree, that minuette wave 2 ABC three wave corrective would be complete somewhere around that FP. And as someone noted the manipulation “chop” happens till the FOMC meeting which is the beginning of WEC (DAVOS summit).
Red, no thoughts of any pi ritual, 1314 spx, say, late thursday?
Could be Diablo’s? That’s a ritual number for them, that’s for sure!
Any guesses as to where we will close?
low volume melt up AGAIN – and maybe some end of day adjusting from short ETF’s – which means a little sell off, so we end off flat and positive, just above the opening (spx)
We now have a “cup and handle” pattern forming, which is a bullish one. This means we could breakout to the upside and put in a new high. Bummer…
As I posted before, I follow few Gann traders…most were predicting turn around by 19th…which happened in all indices but Dow…one of them had turnaround date of 25th, so maybe Dow makes high tomorrow, and then 5-6 weeks of downside which gets us to March (consensus among all)…Gold and Oil are not confirming this ramp…
just to add…Nenner said he will close longs by Jan 25th or SPX 1248…which ever comes first…I guess it’s 25th…LOL
hello mschmeng. Which gann traders do you follow?? any good web page or blog???
This is a bull trap. Pushing the DOW up to hide last week’s reversal. The broader indices will confirm last week’s reversal.
This is just getting ridiculous now.
i feel your pain…but remember what the lao tse says: “Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?”
Maybe it’s possible were not even at the top yet and go much higher.
oh we hit the top on the spx on 1/19/11…. we now have diverging indexes which is a classic sign of a top…the dow hit its top today…. the dow’s high will stand alone, as the spx and other indexes stand in non confirmation. this is a BULL trap, plain and simple…. the question is – when to get short again???
Just gotta ask yourself, even if you were an uberbull from Sep 1, and buying and buying the whole time, would you still be buying now, or looking at the reversal signs and getting out?
Looks like when they put that last print out there at 129.53, they meant it.
Have we NOT hit that one?
Not the most recent one from last Wednesday, unless I missed some spike since then. In fact, it’s still there, I can see it. But then again, the HFT guys have been heavily utilized to push down the dollar the last 2 weeks (one of the latest mr topstep clips), I think out of desperation, so who knows?
S&P + 7.77
Dow +107.77
Instituting my first batch of shorts right here. Held off thank god, three batches to fire in.
HOlding off for your answer ACP.
We need a regular chat board here. Red, get your wallet out.
LOL… or put up a “donations” button.
No problem there. I was going to take a company public that allows anyone to donate directly to you, but now I don’t want to go public with it. http://www.moneyplusxpress.ca You have scared me off.
What was the print of 196.53 referred to by the previous poster RED? Have we not reached one? I cannot keep track of them.
It was 129.53 spy from last Wednesday.
i would donate for sure red….. just let us know how much we need to fork up, and we will all chip in!!
i would donate for sure red….. just let us know how much we need to fork up, and we will all chip in!!
New intraday FP of 129.37 spy…
Sorry, I meant 128.37 spy…
Sorry, I meant 128.37 spy…
damn…so we WON’T hit the FP spy 129.59?? i am glad we have all this short term direction….LOL……..
damn…so we WON’T hit the FP spy 129.59?? i am glad we have all this short term direction….LOL……..
Some of the criminals are getting a little restless……they started taking the market down as soon as that print hit. Have you seen prints have an affect that fast before Red?
Yes, intraday FP’s can hit the same day, however most of them hit with 1-2 days. That one from last Wednesday (129.53 spy) still has been hit, but it got fairly close today (129.25), so that might be all we get?
Actually, I was thinking in terms of immediate effect. On most of the other prints, I noticed the markets didn’t react as quickly as this one, or maybe I wasn’t paying attention to the immediate effect? Almost as though some of the criminals are getting a little restless to grab the big kahuna.
the 5/15/30 min curled over and they are taking it sideways burning it off….. it just looks like we are 5 points and change from that 129.53 FP of last wed…i think we hit this first, maybe in a little gap up tommorrow morning, and we head down to that second intraday of 128.37…………… what say ye??
forget it …. looks like we are heading down….
tick -800 range, bam.
let’s see if it lasts.
I personally think they are “squaring up” with these back and forth prints before finally taking it down. Hence the chop.
3:10 profit taking on the SPY,
hey! they did this Friday too.
FYI – ticks have been negative since 3:15.
whoops!, a positive one shows up.
What level does the tick need to be before you see a nice move down?
of course, tick candles can be whatever duration you select.
mine was 2m candles.
Last leg UP? For the c on the C?
does this match VIX of 345 lol
Course, I wouldn’t put it past them to stage a rally here just for us. They are kind that way.
On my last short using faz, I kept my profit in faz. So even if they plunge it, I make something.
GG out.
12K tomorrow.
SPX -The rising bearish wedge – looks like we backtested the trend line again (did on Friday too)
the wedge is getting really tight… either we break down from here or it is back into the wedge and up, up and away… not good for my shorts