Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Will The Illuminati Sink Japan This Week?

Thursday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TywPydpsno4)

I'm not sure about Friday, as opx day's are usually bullish. While I think we will go down to the 130.67 spy FP level in the morning, the close could be pinned between 131 and 132 because it's the area that the market makers have too pay out the least amount to both put and call holders.



Wednesday Update

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmsHkLf5fs8)

We should tank hard tomorrow. Possible gap up to the 132.50 spy FP, but don't count on it. Any gap up should quickly fail, and is a great shorting opportunity.



Tuesday Update

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlXpWUjDMt4)

I still see more selling before a decent bounce.  While I think we could go up to the 132.50 spy FP tomorrow morning I think tomorrow will close down again.  Then a bounce on Thursday and Friday I believe.



Monday Update

One more down day I think, before a small bounce into the end of the week.

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnUNURfeBKY)

An Important video worth watching...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wozi20KhhVo)



Right Shoulder Coming Or Stock Market Crash?

I not sure which, as it really depends on whether or not the insane Federal Reserve Board Cabal uses their weapons of mass destruction on Japan this Monday, April 11th, 2011?  Yes, the gangsters haven't given up... even after Japan gave them $60 Trillion Yen last week!  Talk about evil... these people are inhuman!


Parts 2 through 7...

BEST SHAPESHIFTING EVIDENCE TO DATE pt 5 - Puff the Magic Dragon Conclusion

What am I talking about?  The latest update from Ben Fulford states that Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, and the rest of the Reptilian worshipers (or Reptilian's themselves?), now plan to use some space based weapons from the Ronald Reagan "Star Wars" era to destroy Japan once and for all.  Here's the complete unedited post from Ben on April 9th, 2011...

Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate now threatening Japan with Reagan era “star wars” space based weapons

As the United States Corporate government heads for bankruptcy, the oligarchs running it are now threatening to attack Japan with space-based “star wars” weaponry put into orbit during the Reagan era.

The threats came in the form of e-mails entitled “HAARP will not be silent.” This came after the HAARP facility in Alaska went offline. The blue lights seen during the April 7th earthquake that hit Miyagi prefecture may be a sign the weapons are already being used. Other warnings indicate April 11 or 411 may be a likely  day of attack. The allies of the White Dragon are hereby requested to destroy or decommission this space-based weaponry before more innocent people are killed by the criminal cabal still running the United States. The threats are escalating because of the increasingly dire financial situation facing the bankrupt-in-all-but-name US corporate government. These massive corporate debts are not owed by the American people and will be written off once the genocidal Nazi faction of the US military industrial complex steps aside and stops carrying out mass murder. The American people must be freed.

Attacking and threatening Japan is counter-productive because the Japanese people and government are not in a position to stop the US corporate bankruptcy no matter how much they wish they could.

We all know that the Illuminati love the number 11, 111, and 1111... or an combination of them, so this Monday is another possible date as it is 4-11-11.  There will be many series of 11's this year as each month has an 11th day and we end the year with 11.  Of course the biggest ritual date would be 11-11-11 later this year.  For now though, we just have too make it through Monday.

Personally, I think they will fail and nothing bad will happen.  I seen a picture (STEADY SKIES OVER JAPAN: More Orbs?) showing "orb's" (ufo's) in the sky's of Japan. (Also this one over a volcano Multi UFOs OVER SAKURAJIMA / JAPAN (VOLCANO AREA) and same at: Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica).  I believe these were most likely the good aliens know as the Pleiadian's that were assisting in suppressing the HAARP effects (radiation) on the people by doing something in the sky to reduce the levels in Japan.

In this interesting article it talks about the efforts that the aliens have done to stop the planned Armageddon that the Illuminati are still trying to make happen.  As you obviously have figured out by now, a stock market crash that takes the market down to the lowest FP I have of 20.16 SPY (about Dow 2,000 and SPX 200) would certainly occur if these gangster succeed in sinking Japan... which would send a thousand foot tidal wave into California wiping out the entire west coast.


Again, I think they will fail.  Of course they have back up plans to... like using HAARP (or planted nukes) on the fault line in California to sink it from an earthquake here in America if the Japan plan fails.  One thing is for sure... we live in some crazy times right now!  While I still think they plan to take the market higher to the 138.86 SPY FP before tanking it for good, if they lose control of this coming sell off, then all bets are off!

The market (and the world) is at a crossroads right now.  All those reversal candles the last week or so, tell me that a downside move is coming next week.  How deep we go is unknown?  Maybe nothing bad happens on Monday and they just take the market down for a week or so, to put in a right shoulder?

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUIrmcYwVuM)

Or, maybe even a little lower to the 200dma around 1200 spx over the coming month or two?  While I would expect the market to bounce back up for awhile from the first hit of the moving average, without QE3 I don't think it would go back up to the FP on the SPY (about 1388 spx).  That's what makes me think we will only put in a right shoulder and then go higher into the end of April.

The 50 dma is at 1312 spx right now and might be our downside target?  It's too hard to forecast this market that far out as the gangsters will change the plan and rob the most amount of people possible.  So, let's just stick with the short term first.

Monday is a tough call, but I think any rally up will be meet with selling.  We may only get a retest of the broken support line and then more selling.  While it's still possible for them to go back up to the 1339 high from Friday, the odds are against it.  The market looks to be rolling over now, and we should continue down more next week before taking the current high out.

I would love to see Monday gap up so I could short it, but I just don't know if we'll get so lucky?  A flat open and some choppy action early on is really what I'm expecting.  Give the 60 and 30 minute charts some time to get overbought while the actual price level of the spy doesn't really go anywhere, and that would set up a nice sell off into the afternoon.

Will it work out like that?  I wish I knew?  We can only look at the possibilities and be prepared to place our bets once we see which one plays out?  The short term charts could go either way on Monday... up or down?  They aren't oversold yet, or overbought... that's why it's a tough call.  Since they are pointing up, it's possible that they will try to continue that way... but again, I think any rallies are just good shorting opportunities for now.

To sum it up, I'm looking for another chance to get short on any morning rally with a move down to 1300-1312 if a right shoulder develops, or down to the 1200 area the selling gets out of hand.  We'll just have too look at the volume to see if it looks "controlled" or "panicky"... as heavy volume would certainly indicate a deeper sell off.


For the 2012 Election... Ron Paul/Jesse Ventura!


Author: Red

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13 years ago

Interesting because i watched the movie Battle LA and the invasion in the movie happened on 4.11.11 at 4:46 GMT.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, that is correct. I talked about that on last weekends’ post. Lot’s of stuff point to April 11th as being important.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Thx for posting earlier Red, interesting and a great song with the shapeshifters. celente had quite the rant and warned the Americans to wake up b4 its too late. Mad world indeed!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, I watched that video. Celente sounded quite angry. LOL.

13 years ago

Interesting how the HAARP website is currently offline:


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, it makes you wonder if the good guys some how shut it down.

13 years ago

GOOG reports THURS go long, they (Gansta criminal terrorists banka’s) have earnings week rigged. i never saw it start out like this….AA,JPM,GOOG,C

13 years ago

the tea party is too scared to go after wage disparity. they are however willing to set up trillion dollar death panels for seniors. i could never support that type of terrorism. and neither should anyone else. find some truly brave folks to support..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Good morning gang! So far, so good… as in, there’s no be gap up squeezing the bears. I’m going to watch the 15 minute chart closely as it will likely get overbought this morning giving us a move down once it rolls over.

13 years ago

I still see Japan on the map…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

It’s possible that we will do an ABC move today with A and B now being completed. If you look at the 15 minute chart and draw a line across from the 3 closing candle highs, it points to 1335 spx as a likely target.

But first the market must breakthrough the current resistance at 1330 from a different downward sloping trendline.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

It’s possible that we will do an ABC move today with A and B now being completed. If you look at the 15 minute chart and draw a line across from the 3 closing candle highs, it points to 1335 spx as a likely target.

But first the market must breakthrough the current resistance at 1330 from a different downward sloping trendline.

13 years ago

Internals weak. Think a drop is coming soon….

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

What’s really strange Robert is that the VIX is still down huge from Friday’s close, but the market continues down?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

What’s really strange Robert is that the VIX is still down huge from Friday’s close, but the market continues down?

13 years ago

Check this out – give us a time lime for what is to come

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I see two upside FP’s at 132.57 and 133.20 but the market sure looks weak too me.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

There’s always one last hurrah…

13 years ago

So is it possible that this Ben Fulford guy is just a creative writer who has constructed an entire false reality just to sell some books and online subscriptions? Have any of his predictions come true?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

He’s not selling any books that I know of? His predictions aren’t exactly what I’d call “predication’s”, but instead “plans of the elite”. Everything is subject to change and possibly the $60 Trillion Yen stopped the gangsters (for now) and they turned off the HAARP weapon.

Or, so good guys took out the Alaska base (remember… there are at least 13 locations over the planet), and they couldn’t do anything to Japan.

Lastly, the alien “orb’s” that were flying around the volcano neutralized the effects of the HAARP weapon.

No matter what actually happened, it appears to have been stopped for now… which is great news! Of course they will try Plan “B”, “C”, etc…, but hopefully the exposure that Ben is doing to them, will stop them from doing it.

Also remember what Lindsey Williams said about the elite… “they will change their timeline if needed, because of too much resistance (or exposure)”.

13 years ago

Bought some July silver SLV puts today. Check this article out, this blog comes out with some of the best contrarian trades I’ve seen.


13 years ago


alcoa reports earning after the bell. did you buy any aluminium this last quarter?? i am interested to see if there is any margin squeeze, or if they ~like the banks~ have been given the proxy for fraudulent accounting???? market impact?? maybe. red….its me richie….i dunno what happened to my account. ahhh

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… no, I didn’t buy any aluminum. But you’re right, earnings are always made up numbers anyway.

13 years ago

ok…i found my password…i am back RED!

13 years ago

Wow, AA beat by a penny and is better than the “fake/sheep expectations,” but missed the “real expectations” by a mile. get ready for an all-out slaughter.

13 years ago

A nice pullback tomorrow would be healthy………..

13 years ago

Lots of nice upside prints in AA & SPY & QQQ.

My bad y’all, I forgot that crappy earnings = rally!

13 years ago

E-Mini afterhours. still trending down.
50 & 200 hourly MA’s are kissing.
death cross?

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Probably waiting for the bears to jump on it in order to PUMP IT and create a short-covering rally, but that’s just my cynical self……

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

hey, me too. it’s come down a lot over 2 days.
could be a bounce, squeeze the shorts, then backtest,THEN drop.

13 years ago

Chutzpahcomment image

13 years ago

Red, I must let you know I dropped my longs back on the 7th.
if only I bought calls instead of silly ETF’s!
ah well. pay the vig and move on.


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for Monday Update…

13 years ago

28 days later when Pluto and Mars form a perfect square, Japan raises the Atomic Alert Level to 7, the highest level possible matching Chernobyl. A lot of 7s lately.

13 years ago

US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing Of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rig

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

Last year?

13 years ago

Looks like that “can’t take oil delivery” is playing out… Saudi’s are going to lower production due to oversupply, so no demand is confirmed… I think inventories are reported tomorrow, so the world will know they can’t take the delivery, Cushing tanks are full! Panic?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Good call on that mschemeng…

13 years ago

Remember this post on March 31st? The prints worked out EXACTLY as predicted. The market is proven to be manipulated.


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

So what’s the next move Cletus? We all know that this market is manipulated, as that’s what this whole blog is about… “the gangsters”. But how do you know “when” the FP’s are going to be hit? Figure that one out, and you’ll be rich!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

New FP of 132.4928 spy at 1:30 pm est. This isn’t the level the market closed at yesterday (close though), so it’s probably a valid print. The “when” part is unknown of course, but I’d expect it to hit before this week is over.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The QQQ also has a FP of 56.7964 at 1:45 pm est.

13 years ago

its so hard to make a few bucks…. luckily… I covered most of my shorts…. around 11am :0 getting most of the move down….. will wait with my ammo to short again.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Mr. TopStep thinks there’s more downside to come…


13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

how you feeling about the market ? did you go short few days ago ? or are you waiting with the shorts you had already ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’m out of all shorts right now, but I do think we will have some more downside to come. I’m thinking we will go up to the FP of 132.50 tomorrow and then sell off again.

Seems strange, as opx is usually bullish, but the charts still look very bearish for the short term right now. I just don’t see any rally back up toward the current high yet, as I think we’ll have another leg down. I will get short again after the bounce is over tomorrow (I think?).

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Yeah if we see a mid-week bounce, that would be a great set-up…wait for it…wait for it..! Of course, they can take it down tomorrow and the next day and set everyone up for a short squeeze. These guys are just full of POMO-cocaine induced moves.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Patience is the key…. I always jump the gun too quick… I am waiting for it to bounce…. I mean…no need to chase it…it will come to us :)… with all these pomo money… you know they gonna jack this market up…..buy the DIPS lol short the rips..

13 years ago

Heavy POMO for the rest of the week. New schedule released just a short time ago. Think we’ll revisit that possible inverse head and shoulder neckline area???

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Yes, that’s possible Kevin, but I’m still thinking we will get another leg down. Maybe up tomorrow and Thursday to end opx, but I don’t think we are quite really to go higher toward the 138.86 FP just yet. This right shoulder looks to shallow too me.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m leveraged long via DRN. $RMZ (real estate index) i.e. Fed inflated junk has outperformed $SPX over the last two days, suggesting to me a wicked snap-back to the upside is in play very soon. $SPX could test 1305 on an early morning gap down, and then rocket up. Or we just just rocket up from here.

Very difficult to trade — it looks like a rounded top, but we should know better than that by now.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  dreadwin

Yes, it’s very difficult to trade. If the bear flag plays out on Oil tomorrow morning, then we could see that morning flush out to the downside. If not, then we could grind higher in the morning and then sell off into the close. Hard too predict which will happen?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I expect oil and equities to disconnect.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  dreadwin

Meaning you expect oil to continue down and the market up… or oil up and the market down? I see a bounce in the market coming soon, but I don’t see it coming tomorrow. I also see a bounce in oil, but I still think it has more selling coming first.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Well, the 30-60 min SPX charts look like they could move higher, but the daily is pretty neutral IMO. I think 1325 FP may get hit tomorrow if JPM earnings and outlook are good. Also, oil coming down IS consumer friendly.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I’m kind of leaning toward a move up on the market to the FP’s on the spy and qqq, and then the 30-60 minute charts should become overbought and rollover into the close. Maybe the USO continues trading sideways all day making a better bear flag, and then collapses with the market together?

13 years ago

Nice healthy pullback today. We should bounce higher tomorrow with JP Morgan blowing away earnings. Don’t fight the FED………

13 years ago

haven’t been able to post much sorry had tons going on! but here is a sweet time chart on crude Long up to 113 missed the last 55 cents lol and riding it down now.
enjoy take care xoxo Annacomment image

13 years ago

I have created a blog where I outline where I believe the market is heading next based on technical analysis combined with market manipulation signals.

The title of my blog is simply “The US Stock Market Is Being Manipulated”


I will post my thoughts on there from now on. Feel free to read if you want. If not, it’s just a place to gather my thoughts about trading false prints.

If I die from it, so be it. Who honestly cares who comes after me? If these people want to do this in the light of day, I guess that’s the price they (and I) pay.

Although occasionally I misread their signals, I’m pretty well aware of what each one means now and have traded it quite successfully of late. The only losses I take anymore are on puts where I got too aggressive with the expiration date.

13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

If you believe you will NOT be touched you won’t. Its law, 4d.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus


You sound angry or something? I like your posts, and wasn’t trying to be mean to you. I was serious, as I really do want to know if you have figured out the secret of the FP’s. Please continue to keep us updated, as maybe we can all figure it out together as a team.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for Tuesday Update…

13 years ago

Based on price action, I’m thinking they might chop around a little, but push commodities down on any down day, giving more breathing room for equities. The manipulation is going to have to get a whole lot more complex until the market finally takes a dive.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Could be? Hard too say? If oil drops slowly tomorrow, the market could still chop around as you say. Or it could rally a little and oil could just stay flat. JPM earnings should give the market a boost tomorrow morning I believe, but will it hold? I doubt it…

13 years ago

Rally cap on…..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

It looks like they may take it up into opx after all. But first they have to clear the resistance around 1325… we’ll see.

13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

you’ve guys have seen this, right?

13 years ago

I should have taken a long position yesterday, and walked away.
this POMO crap will end, in crocodile tears someday.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Well, we got our gap up. Now let’s see if it can get to the 132.50 SPY FP from yesterday? It think it will get there before the day is over. Then, if there is a little selling from it, that would tell me the 60 minute chart wants to rollover, as it should be overbought by then.

Then Thursday could be another sell off day? I know opx weeks are usually bullish, and they still have POMO going, but if the charts rollover into the close, I’ll go short into Thursday. However, if they can clearly breakthrough the 1325 area today, then I probably wouldn’t as the down move could then be over for this week.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Odd thing is, I don’t see any “recent” upside prints for SPY that are higher than the last highs. I’d say the market probably doesn’t punch thru the top.

13 years ago


i think i am a SHAPE SHIFTER!! i lost 10 pounds and my jeans are falling off me now!! ahhhhhh!!! i will wear a belt cause with the price of cotton being inflated artificially from money printing, i refuse to buy a new pair!!!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Too Funny! ROFLMAO!

13 years ago

1250 SPX AND BEYOND! Get short again!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think we will rally tomorrow, so I’m not going short yet.

13 years ago

If the market is not acting well next week then it might be time to go short.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


lol ~ what exactly do you mean by acting “WELL”. i personally think that artificially inflating asset prices (destroying all true price discovery) through federal deficit spending, and the fed monetizing this issuance is the definition of “UNWELL”. This makes the equity market SICK!!!! so a continuous rising in prices is the fever that will kill the equity patient……..

13 years ago
Reply to  richie



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