Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Expect Greek Vote To Be Positive For The Banksters And Negative For The People


Technical Analysis for June 26th, 2012

(to watch on youtube:

In the last minute of the video I speak of an "alternative" wave count on the weekly chart. The reason I think we won't do that "alternative" count and go up to 1375-1380 SPX area is because of the FP on the Dollar still hasn't been hit. I think the dollar will go up to hit that FP of 86.47 while the market goes down for the 3,4, and 5th wave. Then we could rally for awhile (I guess? Too far out to tell right now).


Technical Analysis for June 22nd, 2012

Note: I added wrong in the video.  It's 156 points down not 138... which means the low would be 1048, not 1076 spx.

(to watch on youtube:


While the markets wait for the outcome of the Greek vote to leave the Euro or not I'll go ahead and tell you what's going to happen... the banksters will win again!

SIDENOTE: Must watch videos...

Regardless of the which way the vote goes the main stream media (MSM) will spin the news into something positive for the stock markets.  While there could be some wild swings on Monday as traders try to understand what the news means I do believe that in the end the banksters will get paid.  Thinking back to what Lindsey Williams stated about the Illuminati satanist reptilians wanting to create "massive debt" before they crash the market makes me wonder "how massive"?  Have we already created enough debt already or will there be more debt needed before the final implosion of the stock market from the derivatives?

(to watch on youtube:

Since we were also told by Lindsey Williams' insider that there “wouldn’t be a crash in March, April, May or June”… then I think it's safe to say that this vote won't cause any huge move down next week.  Another thing he told was... "It didn’t crash with Greece defaulting, and it won’t with Italy or France defaulting either".  Now don't get me wrong about Lindsey as I still think he's being used by the Illuminati to spread fear, and to get the sheep to take a position in the dollar, oil or something else when they want to move it the other direction.

As for Ben Fulford I haven't visited him in awhile and decided to go read his past months' reports.  One of the reports from May 28th was interesting as it speaks of Insiders predicting a 5-bank holiday in Europe before the Euro ends and a deadline of September 16th, 2012.  Now in the past any deadline Ben has put out has never came true on time, but I'm more interested in the bank holiday information as that confirms what Lindsey Williams was told as well.  Remember, while the Illuminati pigs are required to tell us sheep what they are going to do to us before they do it... they don't have to give us an exact time and date so we can make a profit or just prepare to avoid something.

Insiders predict a 5-day bank holiday in Europe before Euro ends, Renminbi may replace US dollar in September
Benjamin Fulford, May 28, 2012

The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash US dollars and replace them with a new currency backed by a basket of commodities, including precious metals, according to multiple sources. After that move, any money printed by the US Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate would not be accepted as currency by the 140 nation group. This would force an end game for the criminal cabal that illegally seized power in the United States.

Before that move, though, there will be a 5-day bank holiday in Europe followed by the end of the Euro and the re-introduction of old national currencies like the Deutschemark and the Drachma, Rothschild family sources say.

The situation, however, remains highly volatile and there are signs of dangerous end-game maneuvers by the cabal.

In Japan, the attempt by the cabal controlled media to create panic over the nuclear terrorism at Fukushima, is being accompanied by renewed threats of nuclear terror. The deep sea drilling ship Chikyu Maru has been spotted off the shore of the Rokkasho Mura nuclear complex in Aomori Prefecture Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence. The ship is crewed by Americans and brainwashed Japanese slaves.

Rokkasho Mura is the location of a giant plutonium processing complex that has already produced enough plutonium to manufacture 5000 nuclear weapons. Sending the Chikyu Maru to drill tactical nuclear warheads into the seabed off the shore of Rokkasho Mura is a cabal attempt to blackmail the planet with a nuclear holocaust.

Shoichiro Kobayashi, adviser to Kansai Electric Power, and Yoshiyasu Sato, adviser to Tokyo Electric Power and both members of the Rothschild crime syndicate’s Trilateral commission will be taken in for vigorous questioning about their knowledge of this renewed terror threat. They are expected to sing like canaries and point their fingers directly at the Rockefeller gangsters behind these latest terror threats.

Message to the Rockefeller family: Remove David, David Junior, Nicholas and J. from all responsibility and hand over control of the Rockefeller syndicate to the female members of that family. If you do not, every single descendant of John Rockefeller will be hunted down and eliminated from all levels of existence forever.

While we are at it, we would also like to kindly request that the Du Pont family remove all carcinogens and infertility causing chemicals from their product lines in Japan and elsewhere.

Sources in the Japanese underworld are also now reporting that the Inagawa Kai and Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza gangs are split between those who are still working for the committee of 300 and those who want to restore Japanese independence. The talk is that top committee of 300 traitor slaves Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi are headed for punishment from heaven.

Question for Nakasone: “What was in all those blue boxes your people loaded into a submarine and sent to your North Korean homeland?” Was it documentary evidence of your crimes or were you sending Japanese plutonium to North Korea?

The other people on the crime list in Japan are Hisashi Owada from the International Court of Justice and Eiji Katsu from the Ministry of Finance. Owada’s daughter, Princess Masako, recently tried to poison the Japanese Emperor, according to families inside the Royal Household Agency.

The Emperor recently returned from England where he discussed the White Dragon Society, among other subjects, with the Queen. A representative of the emperor asked for a meeting with a representative of the White Dragon Society on May 26th, but the between was abruptly postponed by the Emperor’s side. We do not know why.

We trust the Emperor and the Queen agreed to purge the Satanists from the committee of 300 and support a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Hand written letters will be delivered to both parties requesting support for such a campaign and requesting their voluntary appearance before a truth and reconciliation committee.

Returning to the situation in Europe, we notice most of the reporting about the “financial crisis,” there leaves out the elephant in the living room, i.e. the 140 nation BRICS alliance.

The link to the following map explains the real reason for the crisis:

Basically, Europe has maxed out its credit card with the rest of the world. The region as a whole needs to negotiate a restructuring of its debt to the rest of the world. The rest of the world is asking for an end to ceaseless warmongering in return. The only European country other than Germany that has enough money to solve the crisis without reference of the rest of the world is Russia. Give Putin a call.

Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, the longest serving Finance Minister in the G8 and a direct participant in the financial negotiations of the past few years, explains the situation very clearly in this op-ed:

Basically, he is saying the Europeans need to take their medicine just like all other countries that went to the IMF for money in the past had to.

The firing of the head of the Vatican bank last week and the turmoil in the Vatican are more signs of the end of an era in Europe.

The situation in the US is also coming to a head. A very senior US agency source asked that the following information be spread far and wide:

President Obama’s social security number 042-68-4425 belonged to a John Paul Ludwig born in 1890. Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked in a probate office in Hawaii where she had access to social security numbers of deceased individuals. Because Ludwig never received Social Security Benefits, there were no benefits to stop, therefore no questions were ever raised.

Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a US citizen, because he was born in Kenya and became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption, she scoured the probate records until she found someone who died who was not getting benefits and selected Mr. Ludwig’s for Obama, the agency official explained.

Detailed, indictable criminal evidence against Henry Kissinger was also provided by sources in Indonesia. Basically, Kissinger was involved in the murder of 14,000 Indonesians in Papua New Guinea to facilitate gold mining by Freeport, a company Kissinger advises. Kissinger gets $500,000 a year from them as a board member and gets another $500,000 in consulting fees.

In any case once the corporate government of the US is put out of business, the Renminbi will become the currency of the world. The date given by two insiders for this event is September 16th. We again remind readers that many dates have come and gone without predictions turning true so please remain skeptical and only believe 100% when you actually see it happen.

However, it is true that China has been systematically buying up all natural products like trees, copper, farmland or anything tangible to back a reality based currency.


In fact I'd say they the NEVER want to let us make money from a move down (or up) in the stock market, nor do they want us to escape being sacrificed in some staged disaster.  They want as many of us sheep to died as possible and to stay poor so we can't rise up and eliminate them.  You can't be king if you let the peasants have too good a life can you?  Keep them on the edge through fear and make them poor is the name of the game.  So don't expect this date by Fulford to be accurate.

Ben's latest post speaks of "Meetings set for June 15-20th in attempt to end financial crisis" but again... deadlines come and go, so I'm not holding my breath on this call either.  It is interesting to note that it's around the same time period that this Greek Vote is and the latest FOMC meeting on the 20th.  Now I'm not expecting QE3 to be announced at this meeting but anything is possible.  I think it will come from much lower levels and after the elections this November.  But, if they really want to create the biggest stock market crash in history (even bigger then the 1929 stock market crash) then juicing the market now for one last time would certainly make that happen.

You see, if they waited until the stock market fell to below 1,000 on the S&P500 then the QE3 would produce a bigger bounce in the market.  In other words, you'll get more "bang" for the "buck".  But doing it now when the market really isn't that far down from the recent highs won't make it go much higher.  You might get another 100-150 points (stretching it here) rally from it (making a new high of course), but once it's over with the crash from that exhaustion move will be even greater then if they waited until sub-1,000 to do it.

However, thinking about it now and trying to understand what they want... I'd say that it's totally possible that they do just that as they do want to push this out to the max before the explosion.  Expected the unexpected I guess and QE3 at this meeting on June 20th, 2012 would certainly be "unexpected".  Doing that would rally the market up into the election and keep the sheep distracted once again.

Getting back to that "5 day bank holiday" report from Ben Fulford and adding in Lindsey Williams' information about a "40% dollar devaluation" and we have a match I'd say.  Add in the fact that the government is already printing new 100 dollar bills (not Amero dollars) that clearly indicate we are going back to a gold standard and now you have enough evidence to say that this is all going to happen as planned by the elite scumbag pigs.  (

So what if this is how things play out?

They do QE3 either at this coming FOMC meeting June 20th, 2012 or then next meeting, but well before the elections this year.  Then the market puts in new highs within the next month or so, and then slowly chops its' way down (keeping the fear low) into the October Legatus meeting.  Then during that "11" day meeting (which is actually a pilgrimage) they do the 5 day bank holiday and devalue the dollar 40% causing gold to soar according to new record highs over $3,000 per ounce.

Or, they rally some now from a positive outcome of the Greek Vote into the Olympics and then create the False Flag bomb event to sacrifice more innocent people and the market has a "mini-crash" from it... followed then by QE3 coming in to save the day and rally one last time into the election period.  Then you still have the dollar devaluation during the Legatus meeting in October and upon opening the stock market the week after it ends the market crashes hard from that surprise move.  At that point you would also likely hear the "Official Announcement" that the Euro has crashed adding more bad news to get all stock markets around the world to crash together.

As you can see either outcome points to that Legatus Pilgrimage as the likely announcement (and therefore crash!) of all the most negative news to be released causing the crash to start.  The question is... will this be the huge wave 3 down, or just a wave 1 down with wave 3 to happen in 2013?  If they don't first have a mini-crash wave down (to make the huge wave 1 down) at or around the Olympics, followed by QE3 for the wave 2 up, then the October crash will only be the first wave down.  So whatever it brings... wave 1 or 3 it should be ugly!  If it's only a wave 1 down then 2013 is going to be horrible.  You could then expect the wave 3 down at the next Legatus meeting February 7-9, 2013 I guess... or maybe the one after it?

From a ritual point of view it's quite obvious that this coming "11" day meeting is the most important one.  Putting all the other things together with it as well I'd say it's the most likely date for a wave 3 down to happen, not the 2013 meeting.  But, 2013 is still going to be a very bearish year.  While there will of course be bounces along the way we already know the final bottom for the market... 34.65 SPY!  That's about 346.50 SPX and happens to be around the top before the 1987 stock market crash.  It's all planned out folks and all right in front of our faces.  Getting the timing right is of course another story...

But, some long dated puts that expire in late 2013 would probably be a wise thing to purchase right before the October Legatus meeting this October.  I was looking at the "open interest" in various strike prices for the open months in 2013 and I noticed a lot of interest around the 75 SPY strike price.  Don't know if that really matters or not, as they could have been purchased long ago, or just be hedge positions from big firms.  But my gut tells me that insiders are purchasing them in advance of the coming crash as they know it's going much lower then 75 on the SPY (around 750 SPX).

Anyway, I'm getting too far ahead of myself here on this one.  Let's focus now on the short term.  I'm going to stick with the 2 FP's that are still un-hit as our targets.  Some how I think we'll hit the 135.71 SPY FP and then we'll work on hitting the FP on the Dollar of 86.47 later.  I could see some wild swings Monday, but I think we'll eventually go up and most likely it will be into the FOMC.  This of course doesn't mean that the SPY print will be the turning point in the market as we could go higher toward the 1370-1385 SPX area where multiple trendlines intercept.

However, at some point the market will rollover as the dollar has a destiny with its' FP of 86.47 (obviously meaning that the market will sell off from it).  I'm still thinking that we must rally for 3-5 weeks for this wave 2 up as the wave 1 down lasted 9 weeks.  So again, this could push us out to early July before turning back down to start the first smaller wave 1 of the larger wave 3 down.  Elliottwave isn't something I would use to forecast this market alone but something I'm just using to make sense of all the other stuff I see in the technical analysis, news events, ritual dates, etc...

So, just expect the 135.71 FP on the SPY to be the first target hit, and then we'll re-think everything from that point.  The FOMC meeting will also put the market in limbo as traders don't know which positions to take.  Therefore it's reasonable to assume that the first part of this week will be choppy until Bernanke speaks and either gives the market more crack (QE3) or at least promises more in the near future.  I really don't know what he'll say but if he does start QE3 then I can't see how they are going to crash the market (a "mini-crash") during the Olympic bombing that the Illuminati murderers have planned.

Seems more likely to me that they won't do any QE3 yet and the market will top shortly after the meeting is over with (several days, not weeks), and then they can start another leg down in the market in before the Olympic's begin on July 27th, 2012.  You see, for them to get a nice "bang" for the "sacrifices" they would want the market to be setting up for a multiple wave 3 down situation right before they set off the bomb.  It won't be as many "wave 3's" as what I see lining up for the Legatus meeting in October, but it should still produce a "mini-crash" if they succeed in pulling it off?

However, all this guessing right now is just that... "guessing"!  We won't know until we get closer so let's just focus on the short term for now... which is to expect the SPY 135.71 print to be hit early this coming week.  From there I don't know?  The FOMC meeting is likely to be more important then the vote outcome about the Euro as more QE3 or promises of QE3 is the only thing that keeps this market from crashing to where it should be... 3,000-4,000 DOW!

Keep your positions small I'd say, as it's going to be a wild ride until after Bernanke speaks I'd say...


P.S. Although I've seen this video several times I do wonder if there are any hidden clues or codes in it?

(to watch on youtube:

Also note that on the website ( of the people who produced that video it was uploaded/created on 11/24/2010 (1+1+2+4+2+0+1+0=11) and when you go to see when they registered ( the domain name it was on 04/30/2002 (0+4+3+0+2+0+0+2=11) at 9:33 GMT time.  Note that the actual exact time was 9:33 and 32 seconds... just one second too early from making another 33!  Of course the 33 is equal to another "eleven" as it refers to the 33rd degree in Free Masons.

I also find it odd that around 2:22 into the video we see the "all seeing eye" (the CBS logo) with the newest Batman movie showing 12/12/12 in it.  I looked for that new movie and all I see is this one coming out June 14th, 2013 (  Strangely, the logo for the "National Inflation Association" also has a nice looking "red eye" in the obvious shape of a pyramid as well.

At 6:16 into the video the dollar shown beside the picture of the oil tanker has "111" in it.  Everyone look in your wallet and see how many dollars (0f any denomination) that you can find that has 3 one's in a row on it.  Why did they pick that one?  Now it could all be nothing of course, but it's entirely possible that this company is part of the Illuminati and is being used to send out coded messages?  Or just some odd coincidences I guess?

Author: Red

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12 years ago

Great update Red…

You know…if they hit the 135.71 before Bennie speaks this week, what would surprise everyone the most???  Not QE3 or even status quo…but an interest rate increase!   That would set the banksters who know to make a ton of money.   The dollar then gains strength to the 86.47 FP, gold falls to the 935 FP, and QE3 can be introduced right around that time to spike gold…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  JohnnyET

Yeah, it’s a guessing game right now as I’m not sure which plan they are going to do?  Will they do QE3 this coming FOMC meeting or after some “mini-crash” from the planned “False Flag” in the Olympics?

A mini-crash after the Olympics should force a lot of big institutions and hedge funds to sell all the gold they have left to meet margin calls I’d think.  Then later this year during the “5 day bank holiday” where they devalue the dollar 40%… I’d say gold will spike and go though the roof!

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  JohnnyET

As for an “interest rate hike”… that’s totally possible too I guess.  It would certainly shake up the markets, that’s for sure!

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Refresh page for video (it’s processing at youtube and should be up soon)…

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

Right on Red. ES is up tonight..All that fear infront of the Greek Election…What happened..Green in the Euro and ES. Who knows when New York Opens… they may take it all back..

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

There is a 135.15 FP on the SPY at 10:22 am…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

My thoughts on the top of this rally…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

New Ben Fulford report 6-18-2012….He talks about those ritual numbers in the stock indexes

12 years ago

Quetzacoatl returns tomorrow????   Or was it today?   Quetzacoatl can hop off the sun onto the moon tommorow at 11:02 am est, if that is where he ended up on June 5/6th.

They’ve been flashing a lot of 6-19s in the Euro Cup.   

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

The last 4 Euro Cup winners all major financial crisis players:

Spain (2008)  Greece (2004)  France (2000)   Germany (1996)

The last 3 World Cup winners:   Spain (2010)  Italy (2006)  France (2002)

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Is Quetzacoatl getting a berth in the new Moonrise Kingdom?????

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

British bulldog, champion of the masses, Wayne Rooney #10 returns tomorrow for England after having served a 2 game suspension.

Ex German star Michael Ballack had an interesting commentary on where Rooney would start and who would join him in the lineup during the halftime break of today’s broadcast in what seemed to be a very obviously cryptic commentary.

12 years ago

Wayne Rooney#10 was suspended for kicking a Montenegrian defender in the leg last October 7th.

He was initially suspended for three competitive Euro matches which meant all of the matches in the first round but apparently it must have been reduced to 2 games (2-3???).   It also doesn’t make him very smart since it occurred in the last game of the qualifying round.   It does look pretty fake and contrived though.

It occurred in the 73rd (777) minute of a game that left England with 10 players and ended in a 2-2 tie.   The opposing defender was #20 or a 10-20 Rooney-defender combo.

6-19-12 (tomorrow) when Rooney will play for the first time in competitive Euro play since the suspension will be 8months 12 days from the 10-7-2011 incident or 8-3 ie 888.

October 7 was Edgar Allen Poes death date.

That is also the Ballack number mentioned below and I heard the classic radio morning guy use it this morning.   Also one of my key breakthroughs.

12 years ago

A month or two ago I sent you an email re: increasing interest rates and something about  “flow”.  Here is a link re: Goldman Sachs re: “flow”.

Maybe you know what this is all about and is it something we should worry about.  Especially since FOMC and G20 meetings.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Florida_Sam

Interesting… thanks Sam.  I guess we all knew that the gangsters are never going to stop printing money.  So it looks like some type of QE3 is likely according to that article.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Today we opened at the FP on the SPY from yesterday of 135.15 and now we are just .01 points from hitting the 135.71 FP from last week.  Is that close enough?  Is should be for anyone long right now.  While I wouldn’t go short I’d exit all longs and go to cash until the FOMC meeting is over with tomorrow.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

FP now hit at 10:28 am (EST)…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Triple bottom support is 15.71 on the VXX…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Afam4

Jamie Dimon should be arrested and publicly hung!

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Afam4

I can’t watch that asshole any longer as it just makes me furious!!!!

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Good stuff

12 years ago

Nesara is run by Illuminated ones 2.0 Red. Put no stock in them whatsoever.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

That’s what others are saying too, but I’m not sure about it either way at this point.  Lot’s of “dis-information” out there to keep us sheep slaves and not finding out the real truth.

12 years ago

With all the great news out there today (from what I heard Germany somehow was going to agree to the bailouts through ESF?? bailout fund), I would have expected the Dow to finish up 300 pts today but it looks like it topped out about the time the new moon filled its void and entered 69.    And about an hour before Wayne Rooney took the field against Ukraine in his first competitive international match since his notorious incident back  on 10-07-11 in the 73rd minute.

Crude oil was never up much today and gold looks like it ended up down.

Rooney scored a goal and England prevailed 1-0 to win the group while France lollygagged through its match against Sweden to lose 2-0 but still managed to advance to the playoff rounds as the number 2 seed.   Ukraine managed to put in an equalizing goal but the refs waved it off.   Ukraine thought would have been eliminated if the game had ended in a tie.

So England vs. Italy in the next round.     And France versus Spain.    And whoever gets to be the big sacrificial lamb in the upcoming grand ritual should move on and it could be France as their banks’ coffers are loaded with weapons of mass financial destruction ready to explode on any displacement of the European financial order.    In ritualistic revenge scenario for the original Friday the 13 th incident 704 years ago.   Or just a general destruction of the European order circa 1345.

In 1345, it originated from the Florentine city state.   The local classic radio guys played Verdi’s Simon Boceneggra sp.? a few weeks ago.   The opera centers around a politician/ doge of the neighboring Genoa city state in the 14th century.   Supposedly he was the doge from 1339-1356, a man of the people before being poisoned.    Doge===4-6-7-5  simlar to ROD (see the Silent Partner)

12 years ago

Rooney got a very easy goal.   Almost as if it had been giftwrapped for him.   A teammate put in a long strike that was deflected past the goalie and went right to Rooney who was waiting for it at the southern end of the goal.    The goalie totally flubbed handling the ball which was tricky since it bounced right in front of him.

Rooney apparently had said at an earlier press conference that he hadn’t been playing well at the championship level tournaments since he hadn’t scored a goal in any of them since 2004 during the Euro cup.

After his goal, the announcers said it was his first goal since June 21, 2004 or 6-21-24….6-21===6-11?????/  or 6-2

The 4 letter announcer during the halftime show said Rooney scored during the 20th minute but it really was the 27th minute. 

Later Rooney #10 was subbed for by #20 or 10-20 which happened to be the combo that he recorded his red card and suspension on 10-07-11.


6-20 has a 9-11 hit to the great event double four years ago.

They’ve flashed a lot of 6-20s during the World Cup and it was very evident during the France-England match when #20 stood next to the French coach before entering the game for #6 ie 6-20.

I’ve got to check my notes for other examples.

12 years ago

     U know according to the FP, this should be it?  But I am not going short.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Hard too say WB?  I will say this… the VXX has been hanging out around 16.66 all day today and part of yesterday.  It could be a sign?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

The news is out…

Fed Extends ‘Operation Twist,’ Citing Concerns on

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Too me this means very little rally left in the market.  Remember that most FOMC days are bullish so don’t get caught up in these wild swings.  Wait a day or so to see the real direction.  If it closes down today then I would wait for a backtest tomorrow to short.

If it rallies then I’d say they will allow the technical analysis to work this time… which tells me the top is between 1370-1385 spx.  Sitting on your hands right now and not taking a position is the wise thing to do as the direction is still undetermined.  Give it a day or so to decide.

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

This market is so rigged..Down 95 now up 25

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

We watched, we dipped, and then we ripped. Disappointment at no new QE drove Silver down first, then Oil and then the rest of the risk basket tumbled notably. EURUSD dumped 60pips, ES dropped 7-8pts to Monday’s close, Treasury Yields dropped 6-7bps, Commodities (Gold, Silver, Oil, Copper) all fell 1-2% (with Silver worst). But then we ripped as Van Rompuy and Merkel started chatting about some progress in Europe. This pulled EURUSD up to unch, Gold and Silver retraced half of their spike down, stocks recovered all of their drop and reached up to VWAP (rather conveniently) where selling volume re-appeared. Notably, only Treasuries remained near their spike levels. As we post, the recovery spike back up in risk assets is now fading. Now get your popcorn ready for Bernanke’s presser. Finally, the issue with the European stick save, where Gollum mentioned Eurobond lite again, is that it is merely a regurgitation of news from Sunday, which Germany has already said Nein to: In The Case Of The World Vs Merkel, The Broke Prosecution Proposes Eurobonds Lite.


Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

This is the “norm” actually BH as it’s been doing this since 2009 when they first started these QE programs and made Bernanke’s speech such a market mover.  Yes it’s rigged… which is why you don’t trade on FOMC days.

12 years ago

6-20 is also 55 trading days from the 4-2.   Subtract 20 and you get 35trading days from the Dow 5-1 high.   35, the enlightened ones power number….also equates to 6.   55 a Fibonnacci number and Ganns number for financial death  (the Gann death zone—-according to Cooper over at Minyanville).

The Thrice’s regular season record  46-20.   Tack on 16 wins if they win the championship and you get 62 wins.   Right now they have 7 losses in the playoffs if my recollection is correct.   Maybe add one more since they are up 3-1 and they should win the series, in the numerologically appropriate, 4 games to 2.    Although I could see 27 working.

The next Thrice game is Thursday.    I did notice something from yesterday’s game when the score was at 87-83, the time left in the 4th quarter was my new favorite number  (probably always one of my favorite numbers—-a variation of the Ballack number—–let’s just say Para-Para-Paradise as Coldplay sings while the thunder blasts in the background during the 4letter’s Euro Cup  postgame show intro and exitros.)

Last year the Thrice’s regular season record was 58-24.   With 14 wins in the playoffs they finished with 72 wins and 7 or 8 losses in the playoffs.

Oh and yesterday was 711 days from the unveiling of the Miami Thrice number.  712 from the DECISION.

12 years ago

Crude oil is at new multi-month lows.   How is this market holding up????

12 years ago

I thought last Thursday had a nice 7-11 hit but it was an incomplete one.   Tomorrow, June 1st has the complete hit.   111 weeks from the flash crash or 7×111 for 777 days or 3-7.

Poor Christopher Plummer dies at the base of the 11 escalators in the Silent Partner.   He lived at 611 Winston Avenue.

In the film, we get to see 11, 22, and 33 numbered escalators for 66 or 26 or 12???

12 years ago

Old man Fischer of the OKC THUNDER is one of the few #37s I see in sports.   A couple of games ago they flashed a nice 6-37 with him and LeBron.

Their big man Perkins is complaining of a lack of playing time and he would seem to be more important for the Thunder than little man Fisher who has been ridiculed and riddled by opponents for his defense and led to him being released by the Lakers.   Fisher seems to get a lot of face time these days.   We know it is more the numerology than the playing skills that determines playing time unless you’re one of the allstars.

12 years ago

Just caught this video.

I’ve watched some clips of Taxi Driver, one of my top 10 or 12 movies of alltime, the last couple of days and noticed all of the appropriate freaky numerology in it.

This is a clip of the final scene and credits and the uploader mentions the strange disposition in DeNiro and the music around 25 seconds in.   Apparently Scorcese and the composer Bernard Hermann played the music backwards at that spot.

But notice the screen right afterwards.    The lights and letters of the TAFT hotel appear and then they are reduced to FT.     TAFT====20-1-6-2 and FT  6-20 (maybe 777-66)  or 21-6 and or 6-2….62 could also refer to the year 12.

Later on one can see the DOLL porn theater which if anyone had any doubts that they are referring to 2012, they should be eradicated by now.    DOLL====4-15(6)-12-12

There’s an even better scene but I’ll leave that for the weekend.

Taxi Driver released on February 28, 1976  or 2-28–1976 or 48–1976???

12 years ago

MSFT Resistance levels:

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Friday is another “eleven” and all the charts look very bearish too me.  While I still think they want to take this higher toward the 1370-1385 spx area right now it’s looking like some selling is going to happen.

Here’s my thoughts on this… if we break this lower support line in this rising wedge then we should fall to 1320 on the ES.  If it holds then they will likely turn this back up an rally toward the upper support line in this rising wedge.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Since tomorrow is “eleven” day and we have currently pierced through the lower trendline of support, I’d have to say that we are likely going down more on Friday too.  If the 1320 ES level doesn’t hold then the high is likely in and we will continue down until the Dollar hits its’ FP of 86.47

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Hyperinflation is definitely coming…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

We are no where near being oversold right now, which tells me that we are likely to break this current support level and drop lower to the next level around 1300 ES (probably tomorrow).  We could bounce from oversold shorter time frame charts but it’s likely to fail and rollover.  I would short any bounce as I see it going lower on Friday.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I think a bounce could happen into tomorrow morning but I think it’s going down hard again on Friday after that brief bounce.  I could see 1337 SPX providing resistance which could be the bounce high.  A big bounce would mean a rally to resistance just below 1350 SPX, but I really doubt if it rallies that high.

Either way, I expect tomorrow to be another down day.  So at this point I think the high for the wave 2 up is complete on 6/19 at 1363 SPX (meaning I don’t see one more push to hit 1370-1385 area).  I give it 70% chance of continuing down and the high already being in.

The daily chart is rolling over now and we should easily take out the current low if they allow the technical analysis to work, as it clearly has plenty of room to continue down before becoming oversold.

Therefore, I believe we are now in the first wave 1 down inside the larger wave 3 down.  This wave 1 down should contain 5 smaller waves inside it.  If they continue down tomorrow (after a brief bounce) then we could end the first smaller wave 1 down by some Monday morning gap down.

If not Monday then Tuesday morning should end the first smaller wave 1 down and allow for a smaller wave 2 up (all inside the larger wave 3 down) into late next week.  This all sets up the “yearly” ritual “eleven” day on Friday 06/29/2012 (0+6+2+9+2+0+1+2=22) being the smaller wave 3 down inside the large wave 3 down.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the 29th next week will be a few ugly down day!  It should be a multi-wave 3 down combination… but nothing like what I expect for this October after Legatus ends.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Could be the bounce spot?

12 years ago

Not sure if anyone follows Bix Weir:

The last impediments have
been cleared and events necessary to transpire before the final crash
hits have just happened. JP Morgan and the banksters have been
spotlighted and are front and center as “someone to blame”. The Fed
Twist has been announced and will backfire leaving the Central Banking
monetary control concept proven to be faulty. And Europe…oh Europe –
Europe has been destroyed from the inside out and the bank runs will
start there and quickly move global. We now have the Green Light so make
sure seat belts are tightened and life vests a properly stored under
your seat cushion.


Watch for the silver fraud to be revealed before the GOP Convention in late August. This headline: “CFTC Finds That JP Morgan Rigged and Continues to Rig the Silver Price Lower” 
will turn the gold and silver markets upside down instantly. A lot of
“I Told You So’s”, lawsuits and BLAME will be flying around!  Watch for a
“force majeure” to be declared on all metal trading floors and in all
metal ETF’s. We are now ready for the full exposure of the banking
cabal’s fraud and manipulation. Hang on tight to your physical metal and
be prepared to ride the market volatility out – no matter what happens.


I have provided Private Road Members (paid subscribers) with Road Map for the next TWO MONTHS here:


SPECIAL REPORT: Confirmation from “The Insider”


The collapse may continue
into the summer so prepare to just ride it out. Hopefully, it will be a
short lived event, a crash with a thump, but there is also the potential
for it to last for months.


Stay strong Road Warriors.


This is the end game.


Bix Weir


PS – A new “Conversation with
God” article started this morning and should be posted sometime next
week. Guess someone thinks we may need a little pep talk before July

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Afam4

Thanks for the update… interesting stuff there.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Afam4

I’d be interesting in the article with God when that comes out too… thanks again.

12 years ago

Will we flash crash into the close?   Most likely we finish on the low of the day as in 10-6-87.  The SP dropped 2.7% on 10-6-87.

I am missing my Portugal Euro Cup all things Christian Ronaldo fest for this.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

I suspect a big down day next Friday the 29th Geccko… 

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I did see a sailboat a couple of days ago with the sail number 87629……it could have been 8 at the end instead of 9 since I couldn’t see it clearly.    The other sail had 46xxx??on it.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

The ES is already at the bounce spot…

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

if SPX 1320 is broken confidently, I’m with you on the EOM 29th.
click my name for the chart.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I’m looking for around 1337 SPX for as the first level of resistance and then around 1345 if that fails to stops the bulls.  Those levels would be a good area to short I believe.  However, I’m not sure yet if they will roll this over into the close as it could take all day to work off the short term oversold conditions (or several days?).

That would mean that the next wave down would likely start on Monday… or Tuesday if they really stretch this out.  This is possibly I guess is today is only a “daily” ritual eleven day and not a “yearly” one… which is more important to this Illuminati pigs.  Meaning that only the “22” in today’s date makes it an “eleven” day as 22 is a master number and dividable by 11.

For this reason they could value it less and not sell off into the close today.  But next Friday is a “yearly” eleven date and should be more important to them.  Therefore if we don’t drop into the close today it’s entirely possible that they chop around with this rally until next Friday before dropping hard again.

If they do that… then this smaller wave 2 up will likely go higher and retrace a large portion of the smaller wave 1 down yesterday.  Remember, this is all inside a larger wave 3 down that started on 6/19 at the high of 1363 SPX.  This setups up for a smaller wave 3 down inside a larger wave 3 down to happen at the end of next week.

Of course this is also inside a much larger “Primary Wave 3” down from the high on 4/02 of 1422.38 SPX.  If I’m counting this all correctly (and remember that EW doesn’t really work anymore by itself, which is why I use technical analysis first [which is also manipulated] and try to make the waves line up with the TA, ritual dates, etc…)… then we should complete this final 3rd wave down into early July.

Refresh page for new video update…


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