Saturday, March 29, 2025

Is The Stock Market Still Going To Crash Even Though The Turndate Has Passed?



Red Alert - Wave 3 Down to start on Friday 11-04-11 and the Stock Market should Crash next week... BIG!  I give it 90% odds of crashing next week.

(to watch on youtube:




(to watch on youtube:



While the market didn't crash last week, I don't believe for a minute that it's not going to... it's just rescheduled!

(to watch on youtube:

Yes, the Legatus meeting didn't produced the exact top in the market like it has done many times in the past, but I still believe we are going to crash.  What should have happened was that the rally we had on Thursday should have happened on Monday.  Then a "pause" day on Tuesday, followed by an "exhaustion" move up on Wednesday and a collapse the rest of the week.  This was indeed scheduled to happen as the original meeting for the EU bailout was set for Sunday October 23rd, 2011.  But, they delayed it until Wednesday the 26th and we had our "knee jerk" rally late.

While I'm unhappy about it, as I went short too early, I still firmly believe this market is going to tank hard next week.  I'm kicking myself for not waiting until the 127.07 SPY FP was hit to make the decision to go short.  Instead I went short on Wednesday when the SPY was around 124 or so.  But, I'm still in that position and will ride it out until next week to see what happens.  This market is doomed and will collapse, but the timing of it is very hard too predict.  Even if I would have waited until the 127.07 print was hit I would still be underwater in it as the market pushed on up to 129 or so.

However, a new FP was given earlier last week of 119 SPY.  The odd thing about the print is that it was exactly 119.00, which I find odd as most FP's contain some "cents" to them.  Like the 34.65 spy FP for example.  It wasn't 34.00, but 34.65... and of course the 127.07 print also contained 7 cents in the end, not just 127.00 like this new FP on of 119.00 from last week.  While it could simply be nothing and just another FP telling us where the market is going to next, it could also be reversed to mean "911" and have nothing to do with an actual level they plan to go to, but a code to say "Look Out Below"!

There is no way to know at this point, but assuming it's only a target then that alone tells me we are going down next week.  However, since we probably haven't quite finished this move up yet (and the fact that Friday's action made a bull flag on the charts) I'd say we have one more early morning push higher on the markets Monday.  Then I think the elevator starts down.  Remember how the did on 9-11-2001?  They did it on a Tuesday just before the stock markets were open, allowing them to push it up one final time on Monday to allow the insider gangsters to get short before the staged attack happened.

Are they going to stage another 911 this week?

Something smells rotten here with the timing of everything, including the early shutdown of the highly secretive "trading platforms' by the White Dragon Society (the good guys), the scheduled "November 9th Communications Shutdown", and the ritual dates of 11-9-11 and 11-11-11 just around the corner now.  Let's not forget about Elenin too, as even though I don't believe it will harm us, the fear the Illuminati Gangster Cabal is putting out there about it does make me suspect that "they" will try to stage something and blame it on Elenin, or some other comet/rock associated with it.  Check out this video by 9Nania...

(to watch on youtube:

Now granted, she is caught up in the "fear state" that the Illuminati want her to be in... so just don't let yourself fall into the same trap.  Simply look at the evidence and leave out the fear.  The evidence does suggest that the cabal will try to stage some type of disaster to collapse the stock market and the economy during this time period we are coming upon.  I just can't imagine them letting this key period of very important ritual dates pass by without anything happening.  If their ability to punch in a secret code and create money that doesn't exist is really stopped, then where are they going to get the money to keep the stock market up?

Here's Ben Fulford's latest update...

The highly secretive “trading platforms” used by the self-appointed rulers of the world have been shut down in preparation for the revamping of the global financial system, according to sources in the CIA and in Japanese military intelligence. This shut down took place earlier than the previously announced date of November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) in order to prevent any possible sabotage by the beneficiaries of the old system, the sources say.

According to them, over 100 countries have now subscribed to the new system. Mass arrests of people linked to the old system are supposed to begin by November 15, they say.

Some new names of key players in the old system have also now emerged as the international investigative dragnet continues. One of these people is a Belgian prince by the name of Zvonko Berdik. Another key signatory at the top of the old financial system was the Duke of Kent, who signs on behalf of Queen Elizabeth, the CIA sources say. The third new name is Alan Barr, a man who is wanted by the government of Vietnam for having tried to set off a coup d’etat there.

Meanwhile, a senior member of the royal bloodline families (a cousin to Queen Elizabeth and the Rothschilds) had some very interesting information about Adolf Hitler. He says “Hitler was a Rockefeller man,” and ads [adds] that Hitler lived in Argentina until 1967 and that he actually visited Hitler at his house there. He further claims that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter. Hitler himself was a son of King George the V, according to King Edward the 7th’s daughter. If true, this would mean secret rule of Germany by the British/German royal family throughout the 20th and into the 21st centuries. If you look at photographs of Kaiser Wilhelm, King George the 5th and Hitler, you will notice an uncanny resemblance. [this tinyurl courtesy of KP (and]

This is the sort of revelation that could come out of a truth and reconciliation committee once the secret fascist government of the West is removed from power. The process of removal is still only about 30% complete, according to a well-placed White Dragon Society source.

The signs of the collapse of the old system are becoming increasingly visible. The problems with the Euro are still the main case in point. Greece has now asked to leave the Euro. Even if banks cut the value of their Greek debts by 60%, thereby bankrupting the French banking system, the problems will still not go away. Greece is just a tiny country compared to Italy, Spain and Portugal. Furthermore, the media is not even looking at the problems in the five Baltic States including Latvia.

The fact of the matter is that all of the countries in the Euro bloc have already begun printing their own national currencies in preparation for the collapse of the Euro. Nor is this just going to be a crisis limited to the Euro currency.

Russia is negotiating with Germany to create a Russian/German dominated Eurasian union that will shift the balance of power in Europe towards the center. The Russian government has announced they expect this union to be up and running by 2015.

In the United States as well, there are signs of imminent regime change.

The multiple legal actions against the fascist corporate government based in the city state of Washington D.C. are being supported by both the Pentagon and the agencies. Thus, for example, the recent move by Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan to each take $81 trillion of their derivatives fraud from their books and dump it on the American taxpayers, has been duly noted.

Queen Elizabeth was also prevented last week from stealing $1.6 trillion from Mitsui-Sumitomo bank in Japan, according to an MI6 source.

The corporate media cartel is also falling apart. As mentioned earlier Rupert Murdoch’s Fox TV and other outlets have begun exposing information, such as the legal actions against attorney general Eric Holder, that other networks are withholding. Now it turns out the Sumner Redstone’s CBS network is interviewing a White Dragon Society member for an upcoming 60 minutes episode as part of an expose of the high-level fraud that has been taking place at the very tip-top of the global financial system (he will not be identified by the network as a White Dragon).

The Pentagon is also continuing the process of making sure the elite cannot run and hide in any of their underground bases while the rest of humanity gets slaughtered. The big underground explosion near San Antonio Texas last week (reported by local press as an earthquake that made a “boom” sound) was a part of this process.

The US is peppered with underground bases but the two big ones in Virginia and Colorado have already been shut off to the elite. Another dozen have also been dealt with. The Pentagon has informed the elite that “if they go hide underground then so will everybody else.” The last really big underground facility still under fascist control is in Norway.

The fascists, for their part, are still not planning to go quietly into the night. The murder of Muammar Ghaddafi last week was just part of a plan to re-establish colonial control over Africa. Hillary Clinton is now trying to claim the role as signator to the $200 billion or so that was in Gaddafi’s name. In order to access much of that money, 5 African nations, including Somalia, Zaire and Uganda, will have to be invaded, CIA sources claim.

There are also still plans in the works to start major wars in the Middle East. For example, the fascists want to split up Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran to create a new nation of Kurdistan. To prevent this, a Turkish, Iranian, Syrian, Egyptian attack on Israel is now likely unless fascist agent Benjamin Netanyahu is removed from power.

On a different note, the self-described Illuminati who claim to want a global meritocratic government got a public boost from Michael Gorbachev who called for a New World Order last week. The problem with their planned “meritocracy,” of course, is the issue of who exactly gets to choose the meritocrats. Such a system would only work in the context of a real-time live interactive democracy and full media transparency. In other words, a global awakening of the human race and an end to Babylonian style tyranny enforced by criminal secret societies.

We are now witnessing the death throes of a dangerous beast. No matter what, though, humanity will be freed.

Also, here's and audio interview that has more information in it... (download it first and play it from your computer)

As you can see Ben states that they have already shutdown the current financial system and are preparing to "re-boot" it.  This would indicate to me that once the new system comes up the ability of the evil cabal to manipulate the stock market through the PPT (Plunge Protection Team) with money created out of thin air will be stopped.  Without this fraudulent money the stock market will be free to fall to whatever level traders feel it's fairly worth.

Moving on to the market...

I'm expecting a move up Monday morning from the bull flag on Friday and then I expect it to rollover and start heading down toward the 119 SPY FP from last week.  This all assumes that nothing out of the ordinary is meant by the FP.  If it does mean "911", then I have no idea how low the stock market will go.  Remember, these gangsters are like trapped animals right now, and they could lash out violently and just let the market collapse down to the 34.65 spy FP.  While I don't think that will happen, we are in some crazy times right now, and anything is possible.

As far as Lindsey Williams' call that they plan to crash the stock market in 2012, this assumes they are still in control of the market?  We don't know for sure as it's clear that Ben Fulford's "White Dragon Society" is tightening the screws on the gangster cabal, so they could lose control and it could collapse early... like next week.

Also, Lindsey William's source (who is probably very old and on his last days) could be mis-leading him?  Or worst, the source (who is of course a powerful member of the Illuminati) could have been lied to by other members in the gangster cabal club.  Remember, they are fighting among each other right now, and all trying to gain control of the world.  Lies are common place, so we don't really know the whole truth here... only what they plan to do.  Plans change...

Lots of signals still pointing to a collapse over the next few weeks, so I plan to stay short even though I got fooled and went short too early.  I remain convinced that we are going to crash, and that the Legatus turn date was only delayed, not wrong.  Next week will be the "tell all" week, as everything points to a huge sell off coming.



Author: Red

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13 years ago

Red,  Thanks for your time and research.  

13 years ago

Thanks for your video update, Red.

I agree that staying short seems the most reasonable thing to do.

A couple of comments on the wave structure: I have noticed that over the last few years most of the down waves seem to stop short of their “natural” fib retracement, while most of the up waves seem to go further than one would expect.

I think this current intermediate wave (2) will probably go to 1306, which is the 0.786 retracement from the (1) down. The only other thing is that (2) has been very quick, time-wise: (1) down took around four months whereas (2) up has only been going for 4 weeks, but I don’t really know if that has any real meaning…

As far as targets go, I am thinking that Intermediate (3) will go to about 800, and then Primary 3 should continue down to below 500.

Like you I can’t wait for being in the middle of wave 3 of (3) of P3!

Keep up the great work.

13 years ago


Your Briefing on


When FF goes downward, that is increasing fear.   FF often leads the
market.    When FF keeps going down, although equities markets are
floating like a helium PIIG, that is time to watch out below.
Right now we have a total bubble in “NON FEAR”  Bubbles never end well.   Just ask Silver.

13 years ago

MF Global filing today. Might have a significant effect.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We are close my friend… and when it happens it’s going to shock everyone.

13 years ago

SILVER Trend update:

13 years ago
about the greeks and market update

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Volume is very light today, so even with this drop in the market I’m not expecting much to happen today.  Just waiting for now. There should still be one more push up I believe.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Right now the media is focused on the bankruptcy of MF Global, which has caused this little sell off in the market right now (not really, as the charts were WAY OVERBOUGHT and needed to pullback anyway… but you have to blame it on something or the Stock Market Bubbleheads on TV wouldn’t have a job).

This Wednesday is the 2nd of November, the day Karen Starich seen a “possible” Flash Crash.  The FOMC meeting is that day too, and a couple of things could come out from that meeting.  One, Bernanke could announce that there won’t be any QE3… which really shouldn’t scare the market that much.  Or two, they could raise interest rates… which should panic the market HUGE!

Now I’m not expecting them to do this, but anything is possible.  Whenever this damn breaks, it’s likely to surprise us all.  I don’t know the event or the exact date, but I know it coming soon…. very soon!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Midday “quick 5 minute update”….

13 years ago

CISCO Near resistance line:

13 years ago

SPY Trend update:

13 years ago

Amazingly symmetrical eur/usd.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

End of the day “Quick 5 Minute”…

13 years ago

Lot of upside prints, but they’re almost all red.

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago

I think the shit is going to hit the fan. It will be fast fooling alot of bears and bulls. I’m short and holding until i see the 800’s or so on SPX. THen i will decide what i should do. I have a feeling THis MF Global goes deeper than most think. MF could start the first chain reaction of shit hitting the fan.

13 years ago

The term “tip of the iceberg” comes to mind…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… I didn’t see the link the first time ACP.  I had to refresh the page… too funny!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I agreed BH, this MF Global is bigger then we know.  This sums it up for me…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Red, did you see my link below – I think we had the exact same train of thought.

13 years ago

I dont know why media is reporting this MF crap, they should be reporting more important news especially Kim Kardashian’s separation.  What is the media trying to hide this info from us.  (joking)  

13 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

You’re right! Kim should only be news when the market has finally found a big bottom!

13 years ago

ES Chart:

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

This could be our “Flash Crash” low gang?
comment image

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Should be a nice bounce here guys… I’m out of my shorts and will re-enter later today after the bounce.  I see a “possible” FP of 125.45 on the SPY, so that’s another reason I’m flat not.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Here’s a “quick 5 minute” update…

13 years ago

Total comedy, Bund prices soaring and Italian bond prices tanking! Liquidity drying up both in Europe AND over here! So much for the non-default!

13 years ago

SILVER Hour chart:

13 years ago

Here comes the creeping market death…slowly, slowly…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think we could go up to the 125.45 FP on the SPY into the close and tomorrow morning to complete this wave 2 up.  Then we should crash the rest of the day.  I’m flat by the way, and well re-enter short tomorrow near that level.


13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, I sold when the ramp started & partially short. I bet they really jack this up before tanking it.

13 years ago

Wow the HFTs aren’t worried about obvious manipulation, look at that churn vol, woo-hoo!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The “Upward” sloping trendline coming in around 1220 is from the August 4th low, and the market bounced right off of it.  I’d say it’s pretty important.  The trendline above that is from 12/1/1994 and is around 1250 spx (about where the 125.45 SPY FP is… LOL)  That should stop the market dead in it’s tracks tomorrow morning…

13 years ago

Wow es ramping like its normal mkt hours!

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

bounce after hours tanking again soon 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

…and there it goes…

13 years ago

So whatdya think? Intraday bounce off 50 or 200 tomorrow?

13 years ago

SPX Analysis after closing bell:

13 years ago

  This SOUNDS like Red.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I should have a new video update up within an hour and a half or less.  I’ll put it simply for you all…

Strong Short Squeeze Rally Likely tomorrow into FOMC meeting…. then a BIG CRASH!


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for new video update…

13 years ago

Red, I sure wish I hadn’t watched that other video.  Jeez.

13 years ago

ES The falling support line:

13 years ago

ES FIbonacci levels:

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Good Morning gang…

We should chop around with an “upward” bias until the FOMC after 2pm… then we should rollover and fall in a 3313 wave move down.  It should look like a crash I’d say.  So, I’ll be sitting and wait to get short just before the meeting.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

decision at 1230hrs and the lying starts at 1430

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

Where did you hear that?  And decision on what?  More stimulus or not?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

saw it on twitter, no idea about stimulus

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Here’s you “Wednesday Morning Quick Update”….

13 years ago

Channel of GOLD:

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The FOMC plans to release a policy statement at 12:30 p.m. in Washington after a two-day meeting.Read more:
We “could” have our “Flash Crash” after this announcement gang?

13 years ago

comment image
playing out like a charm 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Looking for poss. RS tomorrow maybe ~1255 before the big roll over…that is, if the whole formation isn’t tilted down to the right…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Looks like we are doing an “ABC” (wave 2) up and we have now completed “A” up and working on “B” down now.  The “C” up wave should follow to complete this wave 2 move.  It could happen fast, and end around 2:15 when Bernanke speaks? Hard too say, but I’ll wait until then before shorting again.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Well, looks like nothing new said.  So, I’ll go with the charts that we now rally up with a “C” wave into the close to complete this wave 2 up.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Breakout of the triangle here… this should be the start of the “C” wave up.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

This move up is taking longer then I would have liked.  This means it will likely conclude tomorrow morning and then we should start our wave 3 down.  This could be the crash Karen Starich seen, only she would be a day off.  Not bad for something she called weeks ago.  Plus, we have this nice peak on the spiral chart too, which makes the wave count more valid.

So, I’ll wait until tomorrow morning to go short, as this wave 2 up should end in morning session tomorrow.  This means the wave 3 down to follow will likely fool a bunch of people.  I suspect they will make any reports (NFP, Job’s, etc…) that come out tomorrow look positive to get the final push up in the morning to complete this wave up.  Traders will then go to sleep as the market slowly starts wave 3 down on NO apparent bad news… LOL

13 years ago

100% down prints are red. I guess that’s a good thing.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Referendum Day To Decide Greek’s Future Is 12/4 *BINGO* very close to Wave-a-b-c-d-e-f-g-C bottom and the start of Wave-D $ES_F LOD 1234.25

13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Wow, interesting coincidences indeed…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

yes yes 😉 yahhhhhhhhh

13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

My only concern is that put/call is relatively high. I’ll be watching that closely…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Unable to access the graph.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Mojo 3 hours ago
Referendum Day To Decide Greek’s Future Is 12/4 *BINGO* very close to Wave-a-b-c-d-e-f-g-C bottom and the start of Wave-D $ES_F LOD 1234.25

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago

ES getting hit at 1220 now on ES. No gap fill for thursday . Surprises will be to the downside.

13 years ago

oh yeah 🙂 big man

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago
Reply to  Anna

It could be a bloody night

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I just got bored…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Thanks, I like your video updates, especially the 5-minute intraday ones. 
Hey, it’s not intraday but that’s OK, anyway. LOL

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Me too, I like your 5 minute updates as well as your 30 minute updates.  Just started reading your blog, looks great.  Keep it up!

13 years ago

Draghi makes a surprise rate cut in ECB – the best thing that possibly could have happened to give the dollar some juice!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think we still got one more push up ACP… I’m waiting.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I wouldn’t be surprised, but now we know where the ceiling is…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Euro tanking ty very much LOL

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Here’s your quick morning update…

simon p
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

thanks Red


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