Monday, March 31, 2025

Olympics False Flag By The Illuminati Cabal To Crash Stock Market…Misdirection Or Truth?

Technical Analysis Update for 08/05/2012

(to watch on youtube:

Sorry Guys... just too busy to write a new post.



Red's Interview With "The Jeff And Mike Show"

The "Jeff And Mike Show"...


Technical Analysis Update for 07/23/2012

(to watch on youtube:

Please note that although my downside target is around 1315 SPX, I also think we have too hit the Dollar FP of 86.47 before bottoming and bouncing.



Once Again, The Illuminati Cabal Is Spreading Their FEAR Into The Alternative Online Community With Threats Of Killing Thousands Of People During A False Flag Event During The 2012 Olympics...

(to watch on youtube:

Will this happen or is it just misdirection again?  I remember all the hype about planet X or Nibiru, and even got caught up in it myself.  But it never happened, which makes me wonder about this Olympics bombing news as well.  We all should know by now that the Illuminati Satanist pigs are always trying to trick us sheep and commonly spread "dis-information" to keep us away from the real news.

They did this with the "mass arrests" news stories that a new comer named Drake Bailey came forward with... which never happened on the dates and time periods forecast.  While I do believe that he has the best intentions and is a honorable person, he was wrong about it.  Why?  Because the Illuminati pigs love to find good people and feed them dis-information so that "trusted" source will mis-inform us "truth seekers" and "patriots".

So, are they doing the same with all this youtube coverage of the false flag planned for the 2012 Olympics?

I really don't know?  On one hand I'd say "yes" and nothing will happen... but on the other hand I have to wonder as we might be coming to a time period where the Illuminati can't hide their plans from us sheep and that they never meant for all the exposure of this coming event to make it on to youtube and every blog in the "alternative media" outlets.  Yes, they still have to honor their code that states that they must tell us sheep in advance what they plan to do to us... just like they did with 9/11 by putting out clues in the "Lone Gunmen" episode where a plane was hijacked and was going to crash into the twin towers, and the Simpsons episode with the comic book showing the price of $9 in front of the the twin towers.

But back then most sheep never seen either as a future prediction by the Illuminati Cabal as to their plans to attack the twin towers for real.  Now with all the exposure the Illuminati are getting on the internet it's very hard for them to put some planned event out in the main stream media without the masses of awake sheep seeing it and then spreading that news all over the place to wake the rest of the sheep.  This wasn't the plan by these Satanist pigs I'm sure.  They only put this stuff out there because it's their sick code of honor, not because they really want us to see it.

They would rather us "not see it" and then they can do whatever evil they want and always go back and claim that they told us in advance but we didn't listen... which is some sick way makes it "OK" for them as apparently they see this as a game in which they are playing fair by the rules as long as they tell us what their plans are before they do it.  If we don't listen then it's our fault... not theirs!  Sick game if you ask me!

But, we are dealing with psychopaths aren't we?

No sane person would worship some Reptilian Alien from another dimension that they call Satan.  One look and the Pope and the Queen is all it takes for me to believe in pure evil, as it's written all over their faces.  You don't really think that all the talk about young boys being raped by the Pope is false do you?  It goes deeper then just rape as those young boys that didn't escape to tell their story end up as food in ritual sacrifices where the Pope, the Queen (think Vampires... as in the movie "Queen of the Damned") eat these children after they first rape and torture them.

Yes, their really are monsters in this world.. they are the rich elite pigs!  To free the world from them you must continually exposure them... which is what I do (along with thousands of other bloggers, patriots, and truth seekers) while I try to piece together their plans in advance and use it to predict the future direction of the stock market.  Not an easy job I must say, but I keep trying.

Getting back to the Olympics and the plan by these Illuminati Satanist to kill thousands of people in a false flag event I'm going to stay a little worried that this "could" actually be real, and not just more mis-direction.  Why?  Not because of all the hundreds of video's on youtube piecing together all the ritual symbolism, but instead by what the elite scumbags actually stated on their own site.  I'm talking about the Rockefeller Foundation and their PDF document that states the following on page 34...

Devastating shocks like September Southeast Asian tsunami of 2004, and 2010 Haiti earthquake had certainly the world for sudden disasters. But no was prepared for a world in which large-catastrophes would occur with such frequency. The years 2010 to 2020 were the “doom decade” for good reason: Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, followed closely by an earthquake in killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost out Nicaragua, and the onset of the Famine, caused by  a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.

Add that to what Lindsey Williams "didn't say" in this video below during the last 5 minutes when a caller calls in and asks him about the Olympics and the possible false flag planned by the elite.  Lindsey says that he hasn't heard anything one way or the other from his sources but tells us to "stay out of large crowds".  This bothers me as if his sources aren't talking about a subject then it's most likely something they really are planning to do and don't want us sheep to know about it until it's over with.

(to watch on youtube:

In the past I would have been all over this Olympics False Flag story and believing 100% that is was really going to happen.  But since we've had so many prior events (Nibiru, Mass Arrests... many of my own Stock Market Crash predicts) all come and pass with nothing coming true I have too now lean on the side of "dis-information" first and require much more evidence and facts before I go believing it.

I still support people like Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, Drake Bailey, Lindsey Williams, Alex Jones and many others... but you all have too realize by now that the Illuminati Cabal are likely mixing in truth and lies to feed to these good people in an attempt to give us sheep "hope" and to keep us distracted from what's really going on.  Going down the "rabbit hole" will turn you into a conspiracy nut and make you paranoid all the time.  You have to keep yourself focused and remember that the entrance to that hole is full of traps to keep you from going deeper where the truth really is.

The "truth" is going to be something that it hidden in plane site but so boring that the "Red Pill" sheep don't want to read because it isn't entertaining like these Hollywood stories of "doom and gloom" or of "rescue by some unknown group of good guys".  Many sheep fall by the wayside and are trapped by the pretty glowing objects in this entrance down this rabbit hole.

Those objects are exciting stories put out by the dark ones to keep you from going further down the hole.  They are the stories of "mass arrests" where the good guys win, and the bad guys lose.  This keeps us red pill taker sheep happy as we think we are winning and the Illuminati is losing.  The truth is that they are still fully in control of the world right now, and that definitely includes the stock market.

Will that come to an end and the good guys actually arrest the bad guys?

I think it will but only after the stock market crashes hard and exposes these criminals to the "Blue Pill" taker sheep.  They must wake up and demand justice or the bad guys will continue to enslave all of us sheep.  This "New World Order" will then fail as too many people will reject it.  But that can only happen if enough sheep wake up from their dream they've been living in.  Unfortunately that will require the greatest stock market crash in the history of the world!

But between now and then it's my job to try and forecast the next move in this casino we call a "stock market".  So while I'm worried about this Olympics "False Flag" event as actually being something that the Illuminati Cabal are actually planning on carrying out, I can only keep that in the back of my mind and see if it will line up with how I see things happening in the technical analysis of the charts.  So what do I see?  For next week I see a rally...

The charts are still very bearish on the monthly and weekly charts but the daily and all shorter term ones say the market will go up for awhile.  So while I was right on the call I made several weeks ago about the market rallying up to the resistance zone of 1370-1385 SPX to hit the falling trendline of resistance, I don't think I'll be right about that being the top of this rally up and some type of "Wave 3" down starting from there.

(to watch on youtube:

Yes, we did hit that area (1374.81 spx was the high on 7/3/12) and did sell off from it... but we are now rallying up and I now think that they will put in yet another high that takes out that 1370-1385 zone of resistance.  This means the "Wave 3" down is likely delayed for a couple of weeks... which ironically puts the peak around the time the Olympics start this coming July 27th through August 12th).  So I'm looking for ritual days ("11" days) for a peak to happen on, and the 28th of July is the first one I see.  When you add up all the numbers in the date 07/28/2012 (0+7+2+8+2+0+1+2=22) you get "22"... or "eleven" as 22, 33, 44, etc... are all master numbers that are dividable by 11.  I think this will be the day the market peaks.

Now look at a daily chart of the SPX and draw a rising trendline starting at the closing price of 1332.42 on 5/29 (yes the 29th is another "eleven" day as 2+9=11), then connecting it to the 6/19 close of 1357.98, and finally the recent high of 1374.02 (closing price) on 7/3... which makes a line that points up toward the 1405-1420 area by the time we reach the end of the month.  Over the next 2 weeks that trendline will rise up into that zone and depending on where the market first hits it will be determined by how long it takes to get there.

If we have a really strong rally this coming week then we could hit it in the lower area of 1405 spx, but if it stalls out and chops sideways for several days next week and doesn't come close to it then it should make another attempt during the last week of this month for that trendline... which by then will have risen higher and be closer to the 1420 zone.  That will of course fool every last bear if it rises that high and every bull will think that the market is going to a new high.  This is typical thinking by the bulls as it's true that a third attempt at breaking through a resistance area usually pierces it... hence the old saying that there isn't any "triple tops" or "triple bottoms".

But that really only works when multiple attempts are made close together, not when they are so far apart like they will be if that zone is reached over the next 2 weeks.  I don't think it will be broken, but instead I think it will fall short of those two previous tops tricking the bulls that buy that move down (from the close attempt at those prior highs... maybe 1410?) who see it as just a dip before a final move up for a triple top.  It won't likely be "just a dip" but instead the start of the "Wave 3" down.

And the bears will be waiting to as they want to short from that triple top just like the bulls who want to exit their longs at that level.  Both will be wrong as the market comes just short enough to trick the bulls into staying in their longs (as they assume there will be one more push higher) and the bears don't get short because it hasn't come up high enough yet.  This is the zone of 1405-1415 SPX... which is where every trader will think that market is just close enough to make a new high and no bear will want to risk shorting at because it's so close to the two previous highs at 1422.38 on 04/02/2012 (a ritual "eleven" day as the numbers all add up to the master number of "22") and the 05/01/2012 high of 1415.32 (another "eleven" day as they again all add up to an "11")... which was of course right in the middle of the last Legatus meeting!

When will this market likely top you ask?  How about the next ritual "eleven" date of 07/28/2012?

So, are you getting the picture now?  I hope so as that's the date I'll be looking the closes at for a final top before a plunge into a "Wave 3" down.  By that date I fully expect the rising trendline to be in the zone of 1405-1415.  Now of course the market is closed on Saturday the 28th, which means the high should happen on Friday the 27th, or Monday the 30th.  If we see a "topping tail" candle close on the daily chart on Friday then I'd say we'll see a gap down on the following Monday.  If not, then we should open up that Monday and start down... which then the "topping tail" candle will happen on that date.

I did a little calculation with the levels and that rising trendline to forecast where it will be at in the next 2 weeks.  I took the 3 highs (closing price)  from those dates that the trendline where it connects and came up with a rise of about 1.6565 points per day.  So, if we go out another 10 days (until the 27th) and include the 7 days already pasted from the 7/3 high, we have 17 days in total.  Take 17 and times it by 1.6565 points per day and we get 1402.18 as a high on July 27th.  Here's how I figured this out...

1357.98-1332.48=25.56/15 days=1.7040 points
1374.02-1357.98=16.04/10 days=1.6040 points
1374.02-1332.48=41.54/25 days=1.6616 points

1.7040 + 1.6040 + 1.6616 = 4.9696/3 = 1.6565 points per day.

From the high on 7/3 of 1374.02 including the 7 days already past and add the coming 10 days you get 17 days.

Take 17 days times 1.6565 points per day and you get 28.1610 points.

Add 28.1610 point to 1374.02 and you get 1402.18 as the likely spot the trendline will be at on the 27th.

If you go one more day to Monday the trendline will be at 1403.8375 (1402.18+1.6565=1403.8375).

Therefore, if this all goes as planned we'll have a high in the market just around the time the Olympics start.  That then leaves the next ritual "eleven" date of 08/09/2012 (0+8+0+9+2+0+1+2=22) as the perfect time for the Illuminati to stage their "False Flag" bombing event (or fake Alien Invasion?) for the nasty "Wave 3 of 3" down to start.  This assumes that we start the first sub-wave down  (wave 1 down) of this larger "Wave 3" down on the first ritual "eleven" date of July 28th (the 27th or the 30th), and also finish the sub-wave 2 up... allowing for a sub-wave 3 and the larger wave 3 down to happen at the same time.

I don't see any other ritual dates in July other then the 28th... which unfortunately is on a Saturday when the market is closed.  But that doesn't stop the gangsters from releasing some damaging news on that Saturday to make sure Monday is ugly for the stock market.  There is the other possibly that the market makes it into the week of July 30th before starting down.  Why you ask?  Because there is a FOMC meeting scheduled for July 31st-August 1st (

This could mean that the ignore the ritual eleven date of July 28th and push this out until Bernanke speaks on August 1st.  What could he say that would start the selling?  How about a rate increase?  Yes we all know that it's only a matter of time before the Fed's will raise the interest rates but figuring out "when" is obviously something only Bernanke (and the insiders) know.  I'm just guessing of course... mainly because the charts will be lined up for a nasty wave 3 down to start.

So maybe the Illuminati want to tank the market hard in front of the November election to make Obama look bad so they can get their gangster puppet Mitt Romney into office?  Remember that Lindsey Williams was told by his sources that the elite aren't happy with Obama and that he might not get re-elected.  They seem to want their puppet thug Romney into office right now... but they need to do a lot of "bad-mouthing" Obama here pretty quickly to make the sheep vote for someone else.  Problem is... the sheep hate Romney too!

That will take an awful good "public relations" campaign to get that stooge elected.  Of course all elections are rigged anyway and it really doesn't matter if the public like Romney or not... if the Illuminati want him into office they will put him there.  Now I don't think that the "Big One" is going to happen during this time period between now and the election, but I do expect some serious selling to happen if they plan to get Obama out and Mitt in.

Moving forward to the "Big One"...

I don't think the final high is in (back on 4/2/2012), but instead I see QE3 coming into the market later this year at some point.  We also still have the 40% dollar devaluation coming at some date this year (according to Lindsey Williams' elite source).  It's possible that the coming Legatus meeting in October will be the period that they do the dollar devaluation... which means that the dollar will crash, not the stock market.  I only know that those meetings usually produce a "turn" in the market... which direction is unknown?  If the market is taking into that date (again... probably because they don't want Obama re-elected), then destroying the dollar right before the election will be blamed on the current president and the people will be extremely angry and want change (not that they will get it with Romney).

Anyway... you get the idea now.  That's just a little look at the future over the next few months.  Looking into next week I see this rally continuing with a like pullback (or chop sideways) once the falling trendline is hit around 1365-1370 SPX area.  This is the same falling trendline that the market hit back on 7/3 and connects to the 4/2 and 5/1 high.  It should stop the rally temporarily and let it fall back to the rising trendline around 1347 on Fridays' close (or possibly another lower trendline that will be around 1325 on Monday... but I really doubt if it hits that one).

So, I would exit all longs around the 1365-1370 area (which should hit by Wednesday) and go to cash for the pullback to 1350-1360 area (as it will be around 1360 by Wednesday because it's rising every day).  I could then see them back down to that area and close out the week on "option expiration" Friday between the 1350-1360 SPX are (about 135-136 SPY).  This makes the most sense as that's about the middle ground of "open interests" for the "puts" and "calls" that expire at the end of this coming week.

This then leaves the following week of July 23rd to July 27th as the next push up toward the 1405-1415 area.  I know that seems crazy but when you stop thinking like a bear or bull and just focus on what you see in the charts this is what it points to.  Just look at the low on 6/4 of 1266 to the high of 1363 on 6/19 (not closing price, but intraday price) and you see that it took 11 days to make that move and rallied 97 points in total.

I think that was a "A" wave up that then was followed by a "B" wave down to the intraday low of 1309 on 6/25... which means we are likely in a "C" wave up right now.  The technical analysis of the MACD's and Histogram bars on the Daily chart support a "C" wave up right now too, which is why I have labeled it that... not because I support or make forecasts based on Elliottwave.  We all know that there are many, many different counts when you use just that type of charting.  You must use a combination of different types of charting to put the whole picture together.

That's why I'm use technical analysis, elliottwave, time cycles, numerology, FOMC days, Legatus meetings, and of course the toss of a coin (LOL) to forecast the market direction.  Getting back to this "C" wave up, if you assume that wave "C" up should be at least as long as wave "A" up then you should add 97 points to the start of that wave "C" up at 1309... which puts the high at 1406 SPX!  Funny how that lines up with the rising trendline too...

Also note that it took 11 days to rally up from the 1266 low on 6/4 to the high of the "A" wave up of 1363 on 6/19 (not including 6/4, but including 6/19).  Now the low on last Thursday (7/12/2012) of 1325 to Friday the 27th is exactly 11 (again, not including 7/12 but including 7/27)... which is from what I can interpret just the last wave 3, 4, and 5 of this wave "C" up.  The first wave 1 up and 2 down inside this wave "C" up started at the low of 1309 on 6/25 and ended on the low of 1325 on 7/12.

Looking at the 6/25 low of 1309 and fast forwarding out to 7/27 you have 23 trading days... about double the 11 trading days it took for the "A" wave up from 1266 to the 1363 high on 6/19.  This makes sense as "C" waves are usually twice as long as "A" waves... either in "Time" or "Points", or "Both".  In this case I see it being in "time value", whereas the "points" value will like be about equal to the "A" wave.

So there you have it... the forecast for the coming weeks.  I hope this all helps you make better trades.  While I'm not here to tell you what to trade or when to trade as I've been wrong before and will be wrong again... that's just the nature of trading.  But hopefully having the bigger picture here will help you plan your trades better.  As always, be sure to read the comments daily as I post updates there several times a day... which is obviously needed because the market changes daily.

On a sidenote, here's a video worth re-watching if you haven't already seen it...

(to watch on youtube:

It covers more about the Olympics possible false flag as well as some numerology too.  Also note that Rik Clay (the author in the video) was assassinated by the Illuminati Cabal, which makes this video even more credible.

Good luck as always...


P.S.  If anything I say helps you in any way a small donation is always appreciated.  🙂


Author: Red

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anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

 They tend to rally the market pretty high before doing a big crash, so 1400+ is certainly a possibility…. The million dollar question is, will that crash come from a rate increase? or a false flag? Time will tell.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I don’t know “when” they will do a rate increase but it will happen eventually.  Regardless of whether they do or do not increase the rates I still see the market topping around that level.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Good morning gang…

This brief pullback shouldn’t last too long and is a buying opportunity.  I suspect it will turn back up by noon but could last until the close.  Today should just end up as a “doji” or pause day on the daily charts.

It could be slightly positive or slightly negative, but not down very far.  If it turns back up by noon then it could actually rally up 5-10 spx points, but about “flat” seems more likely.  This will allow the overbought charts to reset and push up tomorrow I think.

I suspect a peak by Wednesday followed by some selling on Thursday and Friday.  They will likely pin the market in the 1350 SPX (135 SPY) area by Friday I think.

Permabear Doomster
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 I have the exact same outlook Red.

Not sure if thats a good sign..or a that we’re due an imminent 1000pt sp hyper- ramp 😉

Looking for a re-short around 1365/70 Tue/Wed.

Good wishes!

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Boring day…..

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Yes… very boring.  All this sideways chop is just putting in a bull flag for tomorrow I believe.  However, I think we’ll put in the high for the week on Wednesday and then drift back down some on Thursday and Friday.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Yeah. Then rally up nicely before the games would make sense… Especially if they have any intentions of pulling something. They did this crap before they said no qe3 last year… Peaked the market nice and high, and then no bailout…. seems logical to me to get the sheeple in on the rally

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Here’s what I see for the rest of the week…

12 years ago

how bout 07/19/2012 as a ritual?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  leopisa

Nice catch Leopisa… yes I could see a move down this Thursday and Friday.  We have Bernanke speaking today at 10am and again tomorrow at 10am.  This should keep the market up and let it hit the wall of resistance in the 1370 SPX area.

At that point I would go short for a move down, but how far down is unknown?  As I pointed out in this chart comment image) the market has 3 trendlines of resistance in that zone.  But my thoughts about it only dropping to the rising trendline of support around 1352 by Friday could be wrong.

First off, the line is rising and should be around 1355-1358 SPX by Friday… which isn’t too far from 1370 SPX, which leads me to believe that level of support won’t hold and we’ll drop to the horizontal support at 1337 which by Friday the rising trendline below that (around 1325 today) should be getting close to 1330… adding more support.

So, based on how overbought the short term charts are right now I just can’t see it not breaking the first rising trendline of support (around 1352 today) and failing back to the horizontal trendline or the next rising trendline (around 1325 today).

After that we’ll re-evaluate the charts to see if they have one more push higher in them or if this is the start of a very large move down.  Interestingly enough, this article by ZeroHedge shows some scary chart comparisons from where we are now and where we were last year.

So having a big “surprise” down day on this coming Thursday makes a lot of sense to me… expecially since it’s a ritual “eleven” day. (0+7+1+9+2+0+1+2=22/2=11)

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

ah, too bad the new weekly options won’t be out until sometime Thursday though.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

What “new weekly options” are you talking about?  You mean the ones that expire next Friday I’m assuming (which aren’t out yet)?

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 yeah.. They usually come out thursday

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

We still have the 138.41 SPY FP to keep an eye on too, as although I see the next level of resistance at 1368-1370 SPX… so does all the other bears.  Rarely do they let them in on a big move down, which means all those bears that have stops just above 1370 will be cleared out first.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 we’ll see how it plays out, but I’m thinking we hit, and maybe pass?, that FP next week… Too early to tell right now though. We’ll see what crap reptilian Bernanke has to say tomorrow.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

But don’t be surprised if we see a big down day on Thursday.  It’s a ritual “eleven” and the charts are way overbought therefore supporting the move down.  After that… who knows?

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Yeah lets see..  tend to like the weekly options. so that would be a big risk, but I’ll probably do a small position. waiting to see how the games play out…. After that, I’ll throw a nice donation your way for the insightful posts/thoughts

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Thanks… 🙂

And you might get your chance if Bernanke causes a rally tomorrow where the daily chart closes out with a “solid white candle”.  The reason is that past history shows that there is usually a “slightly” higher high the next day following an “all up day”… which would give you a chance to short Thursday morning at the “pop” open.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Ha. That would be pretty nice, and a good way to trick people.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

They do it all the time Anthony.  The bears see the big up day and assume it will go down the next day.  So they short at the close looking for a gap down that turns into a gap up (to take them out of their shorts) followed by the sell off they expected (but of course they aren’t short anymore and miss it).

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  SAN

Nice chart San.  I’m expecting a false breakout through the resistance line on that triangle you’ve drawn.  Up to the FP on the SPY of 138.41 is totally possibly but it’s going to be tough getting through the 1370 SPX area (about 137 SPY).

That whole area looks to me to be the best place to go short.  It’s common actually to see false breakouts as they are designed to clear out the bears’ stops and trap the bulls.  With that prior SPY high of 137.51 several weeks back a quick move up to 138.41 would certainly clear out the stops.

By that time the short and medium term charts will all be very, very overbought and a nice wave down should follow.  The support levels on the way down are far and few between too… so the move should gather a lot of steam once it gets started.

Add in the fact that this Thursday is another ritual “eleven” day (thanks to Leopisa for catching it… I overlooked it) and you have the makings for a bear feast here soon.


12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Thanks Leo

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Hey WB… you still around?  What does Arthur tell you?  You shorting at the FP on the SPY?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

If I’m thinking correctly (like the gangsters that manipulate the market), I’d run this up to the double top area around 137.50 SPY (1370-1375 SPX) and close the market there.  That will leave both bulls and bears guessing for tomorrow.

Then you simply gap up to the 138.41 SPY FP (about 1384.10 SPX) to lure in the bulls and take out the bears’ stops above 1375 area… followed by rolling over and not stopping, at which point the bears won’t short because they think it’s just a dip  and the bulls will keep buying that dip that never happens.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Doesn’t look like we’re quite there yet… Another push up tomorrow to the FP would seem logical. Then a nice flip right into the ritual date Thursday

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Yes, they need to go down some afterhours to launch the ramp up tomorrow morning (on the ES) and then they can gap over the 1370 SPX resistance zone, take out all the stops, and hit the 138.41 FP on the SPY!

Then “BAM”… without even a “thank you madam” they’ll roll this pig over and let it tank! Not sure if it starts on Wednesday or Thursday but I’d be looking to go short if the FP is hit… regardless of which day it happens.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Ha… would be nice…. we need to get back in the red… The profits are so much nicer… we’ll see what tomorrow brings though

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

What’s your target at that point?  1290ish?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Don’t know yet about the downside target?  I’ll just have too wait until I see it start down first.  But it should be a nice fall.  🙂

12 years ago

There’s a strange fake print quote for crude oil over at yahoo finance right now.

It shows crude at :    93.25  up 2.72 at +3.00% with the last trade at 5:07pm.

Those are some very seasonal numbers.
The chart shows 4 spikes up to the 93.25 price but I checked CME and the January contract never traded even near there today.

It looks like options expiration for crude occurred today so no more reason to hold it up now.

Tomorrow is 7-18, the date associated with Rooster Cogburn’s death in True Grit, when younging now old Mattie Ross is handed a poster of the Buffalo Bill show with that date on it when she visits the now elderly now deceased ROOSTER in 1903.     It’s also a prominent date in UNKNOWN, 7-18-06.

Transports were down today.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

I think those are late fills Geccko…

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

They are futures contracts.    The Yahoo chart shows spikes at 1:37,6:47 and 11:57 am and then at 5:07pm.   The spikes are still on the Yahoo chart.    CME’s charts do not have the spikes. All of the spikes reach the identical price of 93.25.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Got a direct link to it?  I’ll go look to try and figure it out…

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Now the graphs have completely changed.   There is now a spike down to 84.25 at 5:07pm.

Just click onto oil and the graph will appear. I am going to check the other charts.

12 years ago

I came across a book Ray Bradbury that he wrote in 2006:     Farewell Summer.
Tried to figure what that means but it’s really hard to read.  
It does take place in October 1st sometime I guess in his youth.  (1920s—it’s supposedly the sequel to Dandelion Wine which I am unfamiliar with).

I saw all of the appropriate numbers embedded throughout the text.

I’ve never really read anything by Bradbury although in high school we were supposed to get a visit by him but it never happened.   We weren’t even required to read Fahrenheit 451.  I think I have attempted to read him before but his work just doesn’t capture my attention.
Maybe he get’s a little extra hype cause he’s a 33 M.

Also caught the opening scene to Risky Business while trying to roam around a Tangerine Dream site and lo and behold was able to check out the infamous clock in the SAT dream sequence and of course it was numerologically appropriate.   I figured with a title like Risky Business it would be a grand ritual flick.   Also caught the license plate on his father’s Porsche 928.

The shot of the girl taking the college entrance exam showed her filling letter C for question 36.   A nice little 93 so it appears that Risky Business was referenceing 2012 since I don’t see how 93 worked back double 4 years ago.

Stanley Kubrick’s 1987- released Full Metal Jacket appears to pulling double duty referenceing the lesser grand ritual of that year as well as the upcoming grand ritual.   In the Nancy Sinatra “BOOTS” Vietnam sequence,  33  33  (or 66 or 12) can be seen on the billboard in the background as well as the term/name HYNOS.   One of the trolls already showed the JELLY doughnut clip over at D.E.’s recently  ( 1-2-3-4, I love the Marine Corps).

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Here we go.   According to Wikipidea,  Farewell Summer is a sequel to Bradbury’s 1957 novel Dandelion Wine.    FS is set in an Indian Summer in October 1929.   The book’s protagonist is 14 and I guess one of the metaphor’s concerns the upcoming loss of his youth and innocence as the SUMMER ENDS.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

This coming Thursday will be a “yearly” ritual “eleven” day as all the numbers added up together equal 22 (0+7+1+9+2+0+1+2=22/2= 11), which is a master number (11,22,33,44,55,etc…) as it’s dividable by “11”.

Last year the market had a final peak on 07/22/2011, which is a “yearly”, and “daily” ritual ELEVEN date.  Let me explain… when you go to add up all the digits you don’t add 2+2 to equal 4 as it’s a master number.  So, you have 0+7+(22)+2+0+1+1=33/3=11… which is a “yearly” ritual date.

The “daily” ritual is obvious as that date of the month was the 22nd, which is of course an “eleven” date by itself.  I’ve noticed that the “yearly” and/or “monthly” dates seem to be more important.  It could be a monthly date too if you did add the 2+2 to equal 4 (for the day of the month) and then add the 7 (for the month) which equals “11” of course.

I’m not sure if that’s the correct way to add the numbers up or not, but it’s very odd how close we are to hitting the FP on the SPY of 138.41 which showed up on July 3rd, 2012.  I’m now “not positive” on if we will hit the 1405-1415 SPX area that I speak of in this post as I trust the FP more then my forecasts.

That FP puts the SPX at around 1384.10, which is far short of 1405 or so.  Therefore I think it’s wise to get short around the FP level and let the market tell us if the high is in or if it’s going to just sell off briefly and then rally back up for that final high.

For all I know they could be starting the first small wave 1 down inside this larger wave 3 down.  Then they could bounce back up from a lower trendline for the smaller wave 2 up into the Olympics.  Then start the smaller wave 3 down inside the larger wave 3 down whenever (or “if”… I hope they don’t of course) do the “false flag” event.

If we are setting up for a wave 3 of 3 right before a false flag event during the Olympics then this market is going to have one very large crash wave down!

Bottom line here is that I think it’s a very wise move to get into a short position tomorrow sometime… especially if we hit that FP on the SPY.  The first wave down should easily go to 1325 SPX or lower before a decent bounce.  Below that is 1290, then 1220, then 1140… you get the picture.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Certainly possible/realistic. I’ve been thinking/saying they were going to do a false flag for awhile. It’s something EVERYONE would see… Just what they want…. Them saying there will be more security then ever before, and 3,500 troops around the area, honestly just raises more red flags for me. After I close out my positions, or miss closing out before the small wave up, hopefully not, i’m def going long on some puts.  To me, 3,500 troops honestly just sounds like instant martial law and then finger pointing to the middle east again. Only time will tell.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

 Sadly I have few friends that believe in “conspiracies”… as the woman I live with actually think JFK just died in an accidental plane crash!  Yeah, and I have some ocean front property for sale in Kansas.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Wow, still watching, but tis is one hell of an eye opener

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Me too… I’m just over a hour into the video. 

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 speechless. I knew it was an assassination by them, but that was put together extremely well… Great job to the video creator

david christoph
12 years ago

“The European Central Bank, in a sharp turnaround, advocated imposing losses on holders of senior bonds issued by the most severely damaged Spanish savings banks—though finance ministers have for now rejected the approach, according to people familiar with discussions.” 

could the banksters finally be getting serious about the problems with insolvency, rather than merely illiquidity?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Nice chart David… I wonder where we are in that cycle?  I’d say we’re at the end of the “Greed” area and ready to go into the “Fear” area.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Well, never mind waiting until lunch time as they are pushing it up now.  At this point I do think the FP on the SPY of 138.41 will be hit.  Possibly at the close today or tomorrow morning with a gap up and crap.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Great call red… Opened a weekly call in the morning, closed out nicely

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

At these levels the bears are going to start feeling the squeeze soon.  I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t hit the FP today.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 That would be nice.. my buy in, for longs instead of day trades, is in the 137.5-138 range.. If not, i’m looking for a small gap up early tomorrow then I can take advantage of some weekly puts

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

If they don’t push through today and instead just chop around sideways to make a bull flag then a “gap up and crap” is likely to happen tomorrow morning.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Short Alert coming soon!

When the SPY hits it’s FP of 138.41 I would be inching into shorts.  While we could go higher it’s not likely going to be very much.  Also, with Thursday being a ritual “eleven” day (while the markets are extremely overbought) odd’s favor a nice red candle tomorrow.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Odd how it paused at 65 spy for a good minute.. i bet you it won’t go back down there at all today

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I think they are going to close this out around this level today and have a “gap up and crap” tomorrow morning at the open.  This is going exactly as planned.  I’d be looking to short the open if it gaps up and hits the FP on the SPY.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Took advantage of it.. but maybe i’m just nuts? lol

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

The economy is worse than it has ever been , yet the market refuses to go down. How can anyone watch this crap anymore

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Just ignore all the news and focus on the FP’s and the ritual’s BH.  This market is going up to the 138.41 SPY print before tanking.  I think it will happen on a brief gap up tomorrow.  Get you some shorts there and see what happens.  Remember that Thursday is a ritual “eleven” day too!

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

 Looking good to catch those weekly puts in the morning… Gap up and close down around -1%! That would be a very beautiful day

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

You mean the weekly options that expire next Friday I’m assuming? …not the one’s that expire this Friday.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Yeah.. I’ll likely do a small position that expires this Friday, if we gap up close to the FP tomorrow, but mostly for next Friday expiration. Had 2 solid day trades already, at the open and when it froze at .65 SPY, don’t want to push my luck

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Maybe get some 138 SPY puts that expire this Friday and go deeper for the larger position that expires next Friday… sounds like a good plan.  I think you’ll do well.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Thanks red… Looks like it’s going to turn out to be 1 ugly august yet again. Tempted to ask to go back to work for a month  so I can get a bigger bonus. But, I’ll show my appreciation later this month if it turns out to be as ugly as i think

12 years ago

Is this an IBM inspired rally?   I thought that they posted earnings after the bell.   I’d rather see them rally into their earnings release than drop in an already oversold state.

XLF and Apple are both down.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Don’t know Geccko, but I doubt that IBM has anything to do with this rally.  It’s the FP of 138.41 on the SPY that’s keeping this thing going.  They will hit it before this pig tanks I believe.  A simple gap up on some manufactured good “continuing Claims” number is what I expect will be blamed for the gap up.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

S&P500 closes up 9.11 points… tell me this isn’t a ritual?  LOL!  We’re going down hard tomorrow… after a quick gap up to the 138.41 SPY FP.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Go figure.. Past few calls have really been spot on. The last time you said this was when the dow closed up 33.33 points and you were right on the money. Looking forward to finally seeing some serious red tomorrow! If it gaps up. that would be a serious return.

12 years ago

There’s a Cardinal Cross T-Square in place and no one’s talking about it.   The polar opposite of 2 years ago when it was the rage.    The new moon takes place tonight and activates it??
Maybe the occultists in Europe come out with a bombshell tonight.

Jeff Cooper had some thought provoking items today in his article over at minyanv….Tommorow 7-19 is the 5 year anniversary of the July 2007 primary high and it’s 90 degrees from that infamous 119 date so many years ago.   Today is 119 days from the spring equinox and or around 117/18 degrees from it on the Gann Square.

He writes that that July 19 squares out to SP 1379 on the G. square which I verified.   Could this be a coded message?   1379===479 or 119.   So 119 to 7-19???   It is also 270 degrees or .75 of a year from that infamous date.    Tommorrow will also be 75 tds from the SP 4-2 high  (which was 775 tds from 3-6-9 low).   55 tds from the 5-1 Dow high.

Today’s SP high 1375.

Despite all of the after hours hoopla, the SP did make a nice divergent high with its early July high on the 60 minute charts.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

There’s another spike/ fake print down on the crude oil chart over at yahoo finance.

This time it spikes down to 85.95 at 7:19pm.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago


The SPY has hit 138.15 in the pre-market and the FP is for 138.41, so we are very, very close.  While that could be all you’ll get and will be “close enough” or we could go just a bit higher at the open… either way today (this morning, during the first 30 minutes or less) is the day to get short.

Good luck everyone…

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Wow.. Thought it would’ve looked uglier faster…. 

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Yeah, they are taking a little longer then I thought.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Ritual day+ where the s&p ended, thought it would be a sure downer…. Think they’l shoot up to that 138.4 area?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I think the high is in Anthony.  We should start to rollover soon.  I still think we’ll still off into the close.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Here it comes… the FP on the SPY is going to be hit afterall it seems!  Last chance to get short I’d say.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Shorted this morning… hopefully it rollsover soon into a nice downday tomorrow

12 years ago

Wedge Breakout – QQQ

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

 Now it seems as if the high is in.. We’ll see…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Well, they sure are chopping this up and taking their time.  Unfortunately they longer they chop around the more likely they will have that last push up to hit the 138.41 SPY FP… then down (hopefully).

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Yeah think I might close the puts that expire tomorrow. Hard to say, even if its hit today, how tomorrow would look. Plus, time value really kicks in after 3 on the weekly options

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

What strike did you get?  If we do rollover today the biggest support is the 135 SPY strike price, which is where I think they will close out this week.  That’s assuming this ritual works today and we do turn down into the close.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 i have 137… Didn’t think it was that low, maybe i should hold then?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I’d hang on until the close at least.  They need to hit the FP I believe before it turns over.  But I’ve seen times where they never actually hit the FP and just came close to it.  So far we’ve hit 138.18 as a high, which could be enough?  I’ve also seen them pierce the FP and go past it a little too.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

 Thanks… I’ll hang onto it for now. I figured they were close enough and it was faring well early in the morning.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I see a FP on the SPY of 137.39 at 1:20 pm on the 1 minute chart.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

nice catch…Maybe we breakdown now

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Ah.. Feel a bit relived now.. Hoping this doesnt shot back up to the fp

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

LOL… down to the FP, pierced it slightly, and then back up.  I still think the high is in though and that this move up is just a small bounce.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

And now the final hour…..seems pretty stuck in that range since yor FP, on the minute chart hit.

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Well, maybe today only marks the top and we only close with a long topping tail candle on the daily chart and go down tomorrow.  I guess that just because today is a ritual “eleven” day it doesn’t have too be a big down day.

In fact, all the other ritual days in the past simply marked the top (or bottom) of a move.  Some were big down days and some just marked the top and closed about flat but with a topping tail.

So, we could close flat today and have the big down day tomorrow?  Only I doubt if it gets below 135 SPY (about 1350 SPX) as there is good support in that range.  But a drop that far is a decent move down at this point I’d say.

This still leaves us open for the possibly move up to my 1405-1415 spx zone next week before really rolling over hard.  I can see 3 waves from the 1325.41 low on the daily chart now.  A one day sell off tomorrow could mark the 4th wave with wave 5th up to continue next week.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Maybe i’ll hold looking for a dip tomorrow, as 137 isn’t too far off, with the next resistance being at 135ish

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

zzzzzzzzzzz.Wake me up when we are down to 1250 on the SPX….Same bullshiit

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Yes it is… at this point I’m just going to assume that nothing much happens tomorrow and they just chop it around all day.  They’ll probably push it up to the 138.41 print too and have the down move on Monday.  But it’s looking more and more like we are going up to that 1405-1415 area before tanking.

12 years ago

The DARK KNIGHT RISES tomorrow………on 7-20 no less.

12 years ago

 Mass shootings at the Dark Knight rises movie? 

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

I was wondering if you were still around.  Interesting story… 14 dead, not a ritual number that I’m aware of.  So it could be just a real tragedy and not something planned.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Futures down so far. Maybe I’ll get lucky enough to sell at the openfar.maybe I’ll Maybe I’ll get lucky enou

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Futures down so far. Maybe I’ll get lucky enough to sell at the open

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Possible FP on the SPY of 136.04…

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

On days were you continue to make a “lower low” during the period between the open and around the 11:00 am to Noon time period there is past history that shows a 70%-80% chance that the day will end near the lows… calling it an “all down day”.

However, with the volume being so light right now I’d be a little shocked if the PPT didn’t come in during the last hour and erase some of the move down.  But between now and about 3pm I think we could continue lower… especially since support seems like it’s about to break right now.


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