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  • Red


Weekend Update…

Monday Update... Not much to add, but I thought I'd just share a few feelings mainly. The charts could go either way at this point....

Time For A Bear Nap…

But next week should make the Bears' Day! Ok gang, it looks like we came close enough to the 107.35 SPY FP from last week...

A Very Bearlishess Day!

The bears got feed well today, but will it continue? And the answer is... "YES", it will continue!  Yippee!  It's great to be a bear...

One More Day UP…

Is all I see... Gang, I think tomorrow will go up and hit the 113.02 spy FP that Anna caught at 8-9am Tuesday morning.  I...

Weekend Update…

Monday update (for Tuesday)... Nothing really has changed today, so I see no reason to make a new post.  The market is just waiting on...

Special Video Update…

Time to piece it all together... Ok, I did some brain storming and I see 2 possible outcomes ahead.  One has us going up to...

Up Or Down Next?

WEDNESDAY UPDATE (for Thursday, August 5th, 2010) Well, I'm officially annoyed, are you? Red ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have NO Idea... Sorry folks, but today end with...

Weekend Update…

MONDAY Video Update... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullish or Bearish? While the jury is still in determining the market direction from here, I'm leaning bearish at this point....

Is It Over Yet?

Maybe for a day or two I believe... But the selling isn't done completely.  While I think we will close positive tomorrow, after a morning...

Upside Target Met?

Update for Thursday... Put simply... possible move down at the open, and a slow grind back up in the afternoon until the close. Red -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...