Weekend Update – False Flag Failed, Crash Adverted?
Maybe? But just because the possible "false flag" event with the ICBM Missile launch off the coast of California failed to explode, doesn't mean they...

Two Down, Two To Go
Thursday Update... 3 Down, 1 To Go! (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir5Bvc3Mwqk) It looks like the mystery missile was fired from a Chinese Nuclear Submarine,...
Weekend Update – Disaster Is Coming Next Week
Tuesday Update... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2MFa3VgjQo) Red _____________________________________________________________________________________ Monday update... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4SWeYpbii4) Not much changed today as we had another "pause"...
November 8th Black Monday
Will the stock crash on November the 8th, 2010? God I hope not! This is one call I want to get wrong! Not that I've...
QE2 Day Is Finally Here
Wednesday update... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3hIjgtsKbc ) I decided to do a second video update, as a gap up over the 1215-1220 area isn't...

Weekend Update – Will The Elections Crash The Market?
No, but the FOMC meeting likely could... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbXFJHaGB1o) Yes, the market will just be in a "wait and see" mode until...

Controlled Sell Off
The market sold off early Wednesday, but retraced almost all of the move down by the close of the day. It seemed too be a...

Weekend Update – More Flash Crashes!
Tuesday Update... Not much to add, but tomorrow looks like it's going up in the morning at least, with a possible sell off into the...

The Bulls Never Die!
Up in the morning, down hard midday, and back up into the close! Wow, what a wild day it was... (to watch on youtube, go...

The Bears Are Back!
Wednesday update... we came close enough to the 118.55 SPY FP I believe, and should roll over tomorrow. I made a mistake in yesterday's video...