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  • Red


All Quiet Before The Storm…

We came within a Dragon's Breathe of touching 113.80 spy today.  The intraday high was 113.68, and could be "close enough"?  Tomorrow we should be...

Fund Managers To The Rescue…

Looks like we got our "Happy New Year" rally as the Fund Managers buy up bargain stocks with the poor little Retail Traders' money.  Nothing...

Weekend Update…

Happy New Year all of you and Happy 100th post to myself! I never thought I'd continue writing posts on this blog, as it was...

Same As It Ever Was…

Nothing has changed, it's the same as it ever was... I am expecting a big move around January 6th, 2010.  That's Wednesday I believe, and...

All Hail Obama…

Seems like another Dashavoo moment to me.  Wasn't we here just yesterday?  Yes, we were... only 2 cents higher today!  Sometimes I think I'm living...

More Of The Same…

Another light trading day on wall street allows the buy programs to come in at the end of the day, and close the market positive. ...

Weekend Update…

We are now at a dangerous point, as we managed to close at 1126 spx last week... which is at the 50% fib level from...

Merry Christmas Everyone…

This picture's for Anna over at Hot Option Babe, as I know how she like's sexy, but classy costumes.  For everyone else, just overlooked the...

Another Yawner Day…

As far as the market goes, it was boring.  But, the news wasn't good at all.  The new home sales number was really quite bad....

Lightest Volume Of The Year…

The market traded slightly higher and ended basically flat again today.  The SPY had only 91 million shares traded today, which made it the lightest...