July 3rd’s bolt to new highs to SP 1985 actually saw a contraction of new highs and very weak positive breadth. Index put call ratios also skyrocketed but they have been elevated for a week now.
Federer made it to the Wimbledon final and we have the Donald Sterling/ Clippers ritual to hit the courts soon as he challenges the “forced selling” of his team to the MSFT big man taking up some aspects of Le Carre’s OUR KIND OF TRAITOR.
In the German-France game which was a total snoozefest as both teams put forth uninspired play, the only notable highlight appeared to be Germany starting its all time World Cup scorer #11 ostensibly so he could be replaced in a 9-11 substitution by Germany’s #9 in the 69th minute. #11 never starts for Germany and hasn’t since the last World Cup since as a 36 year old, he isn’t considered to have the pace to play an entire long game. He also doesn’t flash those 666 hand signs anymore after he scores. After the 9-11 substitution, Germany produced a .
It looks like there trying to set up a West Germany-Argentina World Cup final which would be a repeat of the 1986 World Cup Final which was won by Argentina with Messi performing in the role of Diego Maradona. The 1986 World Cup was played in Mexico (originally for Colombia but Colombia couldn’t handle it financially); this one in Brazil.
Brazil’s star #10 will be missing from the Brazil-Germany game tomorrow after suffering a “catastrophic” injury to his back caused by slight blow to his back from a Colombian player’s knee.
#10 performed WWE levels of overracting as he lay on the ground writhing in pain but that is standard for the course I guess for soccer injuries. Generally when one has a back injury, he doesn’t writhe all over the place on his back.
So Brazil has an excuse to lose now despite playing at home.
But then team 911 might have a say in matters as they moved on on penalty kicks against Costa Rica winning the pkicks 4-3. Interesting lineup they used for the penalty kicks.
#9-#11-#10-then #15 In the last game, #9 was removed for #19 but 9 remained in this one. They did a #4-#19 substitution for #19 this time covering all the interesting numbers (4-19 day of infamy number, Mayan pyramid configuration number ie 4 sides of 19 terraces). Remember last game, they had #19 come in for the penalty kick for the fouled world class player #11. This time #19 didn’t make the penalty shooter lineup unless he was the closer.
I see 2 scenario’s here… one is that we gap up tomorrow but fail to make a new high (double top likely or just a point or so above or below 1986), which I think could be shorted into an expected low on Thursday or Friday. At that point I’d look to go long into next week with 2000+ SPX being the target.
Second is that they gap down and finish this small pullback tomorrow and then resume the rally up the rest of the week and into next week. This scenario seems unlikely as history tells us that they commonly put in the lows on the Thursday or Friday the week prior to the monthly options expiration (which is Friday the 18th… so we are in the week prior now).
If the first scenario is correct then I think we are having the first wave down today with the expected gap move Tuesday to make the wave 2 up. That leaves the wave 3 down (and 4 up and 5 down) to happen into this Thursday or Friday. This whole 5 wave move should make up some type of larger wave 4 down with the larger wave 5 up yet to come (which should take us to 2000+).
I’m not sure if this can all be done by next Thursday the 17th or not but anything is possible I guess? If we do manage to carve out a larger wave 4 down and a larger wave 5 up into that date and we clear 2000 SPX (and put in a double top on the Nasdaq) then there’s a good chance this will end the bull rally and we should see a pretty large correction right afterwards.
This correction should be 200-400 SPX points and last several months. It should be labeled Primary Wave 4 down and look similar to Primary Wave 2 down from 2011 that seen a nasty mini crash wave inside it that happened on August 8th of that year. But for now I’ll say we are still likely to go higher before anything like that will start.
GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME FAMOUS AND RICH IN LIFE: Are you from a poor background? Are you tired of poverty life? are you really want to be famous in life or do you want to become very rich in life, this is the chance for you to become rich and live your poverty life, the illuminati want to use this to help the poor and also to make people famous in life, if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
so that we can make your dream come through. i want to promise you that you will not regret this so i want you to join us now and live a very happy life okay or call this number +2349037478762 for more information.
if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: our email: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
our website: http://www.iluminatisecrettemple.wozaonline.co.za
our direct telephone number: +2349037478762
Yea..amazing strength here in so many indexes…so I don’t think anyone can say with much confidence now that a “real” top is close.Most of the key indexes as we know..like the Dow,SPX,Transports,RUT,etc..have all made many,many new all time highs in 2014 and don’t appear to be fading.- The last index still looking for a new all time high would be the NASDAQ/COMP.-And as we’ve seen..it is really trying to get back to that all time high from the year 2000 at just over 5000.- With it up almost another 30 points today at 4485..a 14 year high..it doesn’t have that far to go.- A very scary market for anybody trying find a major top for some short trades. With us being at new all time highs in so many areas..charts are starting to be pretty worthless up here…as there is no reference points.I remember the 90’s being like that. We went straight up more or less from Dow 3000,an all time high at the time….to a staggering Dow 12,000 by 2000. Way more “unknowns” here than “knowns” NOW.
Looking forward to seeing what we do Monday.
They failed to hit 2000 SPX though, but at least the 17,000 DOW call was correct. Now I’m looking for some small selling next week with a bottom on Thursday or Friday. Then we should continue the rally the next week into option expiration Friday the 18th.
If they hit 2000 and clear it a little (maybe 2010-2020?) going into that week I’m expecting a very important top on the 17th, which at that point I’ll be turning bearish again.
Until then I’m still bullish as 2000+ is a must have for the bulls. I “might” take a small short next week though to play the pullback into Thursday or Friday. But then I’d switch back to going long into the 17th.
Tomorrow, July 4 will be 93 years from the date on Jack Nicholson Overlook Hotel July 4 1921 party photo from the end of the Shining seen in the middle of the middle of 3 rows of 7 photos on the hotel wall.
July 3rd’s bolt to new highs to SP 1985 actually saw a contraction of new highs and very weak positive breadth. Index put call ratios also skyrocketed but they have been elevated for a week now.
Federer made it to the Wimbledon final and we have the Donald Sterling/ Clippers ritual to hit the courts soon as he challenges the “forced selling” of his team to the MSFT big man taking up some aspects of Le Carre’s OUR KIND OF TRAITOR.
In the German-France game which was a total snoozefest as both teams put forth uninspired play, the only notable highlight appeared to be Germany starting its all time World Cup scorer #11 ostensibly so he could be replaced in a 9-11 substitution by Germany’s #9 in the 69th minute. #11 never starts for Germany and hasn’t since the last World Cup since as a 36 year old, he isn’t considered to have the pace to play an entire long game. He also doesn’t flash those 666 hand signs anymore after he scores. After the 9-11 substitution, Germany produced a .
With a penalty kicking lineup like that maybe team 911 is a team of destiny.
It looks like there trying to set up a West Germany-Argentina World Cup final which would be a repeat of the 1986 World Cup Final which was won by Argentina with Messi performing in the role of Diego Maradona. The 1986 World Cup was played in Mexico (originally for Colombia but Colombia couldn’t handle it financially); this one in Brazil.
Brazil’s star #10 will be missing from the Brazil-Germany game tomorrow after suffering a “catastrophic” injury to his back caused by slight blow to his back from a Colombian player’s knee.
#10 performed WWE levels of overracting as he lay on the ground writhing in pain but that is standard for the course I guess for soccer injuries. Generally when one has a back injury, he doesn’t writhe all over the place on his back.
So Brazil has an excuse to lose now despite playing at home.
But then team 911 might have a say in matters as they moved on on penalty kicks against Costa Rica winning the pkicks 4-3. Interesting lineup they used for the penalty kicks.
#9-#11-#10-then #15 In the last game, #9 was removed for #19 but 9 remained in this one. They did a #4-#19 substitution for #19 this time covering all the interesting numbers (4-19 day of infamy number, Mayan pyramid configuration number ie 4 sides of 19 terraces). Remember last game, they had #19 come in for the penalty kick for the fouled world class player #11. This time #19 didn’t make the penalty shooter lineup unless he was the closer.
I see 2 scenario’s here… one is that we gap up tomorrow but fail to make a new high (double top likely or just a point or so above or below 1986), which I think could be shorted into an expected low on Thursday or Friday. At that point I’d look to go long into next week with 2000+ SPX being the target.
Second is that they gap down and finish this small pullback tomorrow and then resume the rally up the rest of the week and into next week. This scenario seems unlikely as history tells us that they commonly put in the lows on the Thursday or Friday the week prior to the monthly options expiration (which is Friday the 18th… so we are in the week prior now).
If the first scenario is correct then I think we are having the first wave down today with the expected gap move Tuesday to make the wave 2 up. That leaves the wave 3 down (and 4 up and 5 down) to happen into this Thursday or Friday. This whole 5 wave move should make up some type of larger wave 4 down with the larger wave 5 up yet to come (which should take us to 2000+).
I’m not sure if this can all be done by next Thursday the 17th or not but anything is possible I guess? If we do manage to carve out a larger wave 4 down and a larger wave 5 up into that date and we clear 2000 SPX (and put in a double top on the Nasdaq) then there’s a good chance this will end the bull rally and we should see a pretty large correction right afterwards.
This correction should be 200-400 SPX points and last several months. It should be labeled Primary Wave 4 down and look similar to Primary Wave 2 down from 2011 that seen a nasty mini crash wave inside it that happened on August 8th of that year. But for now I’ll say we are still likely to go higher before anything like that will start.
GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME FAMOUS AND RICH IN LIFE: Are you from a poor background? Are you tired of poverty life? are you really want to be famous in life or do you want to become very rich in life, this is the chance for you to become rich and live your poverty life, the illuminati want to use this to help the poor and also to make people famous in life, if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
so that we can make your dream come through. i want to promise you that you will not regret this so i want you to join us now and live a very happy life okay or call this number +2349037478762 for more information.
if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: our email: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
our website: http://www.iluminatisecrettemple.wozaonline.co.za
our direct telephone number: +2349037478762
Yea..amazing strength here in so many indexes…so I don’t think anyone can say with much confidence now that a “real” top is close.Most of the key indexes as we know..like the Dow,SPX,Transports,RUT,etc..have all made many,many new all time highs in 2014 and don’t appear to be fading.- The last index still looking for a new all time high would be the NASDAQ/COMP.-And as we’ve seen..it is really trying to get back to that all time high from the year 2000 at just over 5000.- With it up almost another 30 points today at 4485..a 14 year high..it doesn’t have that far to go.- A very scary market for anybody trying find a major top for some short trades. With us being at new all time highs in so many areas..charts are starting to be pretty worthless up here…as there is no reference points.I remember the 90’s being like that. We went straight up more or less from Dow 3000,an all time high at the time….to a staggering Dow 12,000 by 2000. Way more “unknowns” here than “knowns” NOW.
Looking forward to seeing what we do Monday.
They failed to hit 2000 SPX though, but at least the 17,000 DOW call was correct. Now I’m looking for some small selling next week with a bottom on Thursday or Friday. Then we should continue the rally the next week into option expiration Friday the 18th.
If they hit 2000 and clear it a little (maybe 2010-2020?) going into that week I’m expecting a very important top on the 17th, which at that point I’ll be turning bearish again.
Until then I’m still bullish as 2000+ is a must have for the bulls. I “might” take a small short next week though to play the pullback into Thursday or Friday. But then I’d switch back to going long into the 17th.
How about that Dow closing over 17,000 for the first time ever today ! (?)
Tomorrow, July 4 will be 93 years from the date on Jack Nicholson Overlook Hotel July 4 1921 party photo from the end of the Shining seen in the middle of the middle of 3 rows of 7 photos on the hotel wall.