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Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million
dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also
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If you are interested contact: or call +447024058880
On Germany’s 7th goal, the Brazilian goalkeeper didn’t make much of an effort to reach for the ball and deflect it. Of course, he promptly was writhing on the ground reaching for his shoulder as if he had a jammed shoulder that prevented him from reaching for any balls. But he stayed in the game.
Very reminiscent of #10s theatrics against Colombia.
Germany destroyed Brazil on its home turf 7-1. When I saw that Klose #11 was going to get the start, I knew he was going to get the World Cup alltime record-breaking goal that he shares with the Brazilian Ronaldo against Brazil in Brazil. I would have tweeted it out if I had a twitter account.
#11 scored Germany’s second. The first was by #13, his fifth goal of the tournament so 5-13. After #11 scored they flashed a 9-11 with #18 coming over to #11 and even a 16(7)-11 as #16 came over to hug #11 after his goal. Of course, it was #11’s 16th World Cup goal. He did his usual running slide to the side after scoring the goal but the TV coverage broke away but some replays showed that he didn’t appear to flash his signature 666 hand sign which he routinely did until I mentioned it (last Euro cup or World Cup?). Then #18 immediately went on to score two more goals, ie 9-9, then #6 scored the final goal for Germany in the first half.
As expected, Germany did a 9-11 substitution(58th minute), but the TV coverage framed it as a 11-9. #9 proceeded to score Germany’s next two goal for another 99 or 29. Once they got to 6 goals, i figured Germany was headed to 7 goals.
At one point, I thought there was a chance Belgium might face Germany in the final for a ritualistic Germany Brussells standoff that would see the Germans upstage Brussells but I guess they were more interested in 1986 redux angle. Belgium did make the semifinals of the 1986 World Cup probably one of their most recent World Cup appearances.
JOIN THE NEW WORLD OF ILLUMINATI TODAY: Are you a politician, student, business man, or woman,if you desire WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE,want TO be A STAR, and to be an influential celebrity and you want your dreams to come through,you have the chance to do that.join the great illuminati today to get $15000 every 3 days and $200000 membership blessing for doing and joining what you love to do best.Contact:,and be rich forever.
From the looks of the charts I think we’ll chop around most of the day and stage a late move up into the close. As long as it doesn’t make a new high I’d look to short it into Wednesday with the expect low to happen on Thursday or Friday in the 1955-1960 area.
Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million
dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also
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If you are interested contact: or call +447024058880 .
Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million
dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also
get 2000 dollars monthly as a salary…
If you are interested contact: or call +447024058880
Interesting, Deutsche Bank drops to a new 52 week low today while Greece is down 3+%.
On Germany’s 7th goal, the Brazilian goalkeeper didn’t make much of an effort to reach for the ball and deflect it. Of course, he promptly was writhing on the ground reaching for his shoulder as if he had a jammed shoulder that prevented him from reaching for any balls. But he stayed in the game.
Very reminiscent of #10s theatrics against Colombia.
Germany destroyed Brazil on its home turf 7-1. When I saw that Klose #11 was going to get the start, I knew he was going to get the World Cup alltime record-breaking goal that he shares with the Brazilian Ronaldo against Brazil in Brazil. I would have tweeted it out if I had a twitter account.
#11 scored Germany’s second. The first was by #13, his fifth goal of the tournament so 5-13. After #11 scored they flashed a 9-11 with #18 coming over to #11 and even a 16(7)-11 as #16 came over to hug #11 after his goal. Of course, it was #11’s 16th World Cup goal. He did his usual running slide to the side after scoring the goal but the TV coverage broke away but some replays showed that he didn’t appear to flash his signature 666 hand sign which he routinely did until I mentioned it (last Euro cup or World Cup?). Then #18 immediately went on to score two more goals, ie 9-9, then #6 scored the final goal for Germany in the first half.
As expected, Germany did a 9-11 substitution(58th minute), but the TV coverage framed it as a 11-9. #9 proceeded to score Germany’s next two goal for another 99 or 29. Once they got to 6 goals, i figured Germany was headed to 7 goals.
At one point, I thought there was a chance Belgium might face Germany in the final for a ritualistic Germany Brussells standoff that would see the Germans upstage Brussells but I guess they were more interested in 1986 redux angle. Belgium did make the semifinals of the 1986 World Cup probably one of their most recent World Cup appearances.
JOIN THE NEW WORLD OF ILLUMINATI TODAY: Are you a politician, student, business man, or woman,if you desire WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE,want TO be A STAR, and to be an influential celebrity and you want your dreams to come through,you have the chance to do that.join the great illuminati today to get $15000 every 3 days and $200000 membership blessing for doing and joining what you love to do best.Contact:,and be rich forever.
ES Futures update and wave count:
So much for choppy around… LOL! I guess we just go down first?
From the looks of the charts I think we’ll chop around most of the day and stage a late move up into the close. As long as it doesn’t make a new high I’d look to short it into Wednesday with the expect low to happen on Thursday or Friday in the 1955-1960 area.
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