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  • Red

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... jaywiz10534

Hi REd,
thanks for logging in over at jaywiz
Venture to guess that just like the BUSH govt, Obama is leaning on GOVT figures which DONT TELL the real story.
From about 2003 On to The HIGH in 2007, internally the COUNTRY was deteriorating, but some sectors were showing BIG increases thus SKEWING the REAL DECAY.


... gcocks83

Nice Post, It wasn't to long.

... Red Dragon Leo

Yes Steveo… it's really sad when you think about. I want to make money in the market just like everyone else, but I really don't want to see 20-25% unemployment and the Dow at 3,000-4,000.

But, I know it's coming. You can't continue to push up a sick market like this without a huge crash later on. I'm sure that the crooked banksters at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citibank, and everyone else in the “Good Ol' Boy Club” will already be positioned short when the crash comes.

Since they ran it up to steal the trader's money mainly (aka the “Bears”), they'll crash it down too… and steal everyone else's money (aka the Bulls, and the poor Retail Investor).

I can only hope that good people like Ron Paul and others win their courageous fight in congress and get the Federal Reserved audited… and SHUTDOWN.

Then arrest Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, and every CEO of all these crooked banks. I fear that if these crooks aren't caught and punished, America will go to Civil War. The people will rise up and protest publicly so much that arrests will have too be made to stop the protesting… without it, I believe it will become violent.

I hope not, but really… what do all those educated middle classed people have else to do with their time, once they no long have a job? Reading on blogs, and other news media about the corruption in the system is just going to add gasoline to the fire.

These people aren't the stupid lazy bums who live off welfare because they are too worthless to get up and get a job. Those people are easily manipulated. Middle classed Americans are smarter, and won't be too happy when they don't have a job anymore.

My biggest fear is that the mass riots do start happening and prison camps are established in every city in America to house these people. The government has already been preparing for this to happen.

Why? Because they are going to let it happen, or make it happen I guess? It could be stopped if the right people were in control. I know that Ron Paul stated several times that he wouldn't have given any money to the banks.

That (IMHO) would have been healthy as then the system would clean itself out, of all the crooked banksters…. as they would be forced into bankruptcy, and then the healthy honest bankers could fill in there shoes.

Same thing for all the other companies that aren't healthy… like the car companies. Let them all fail, and some young blood entrepreneurs to step up to the plate with cars that people really want and will buy.

In other words, throw out the bad apples and let the good one's breathe! Stop suffocating the good companies with high taxes, and stupid restrictions.

Ok Steveo… that's enough ranting… again! (Sorry, but I'm passionate about saving what is left of America)


... Red Dragon Leo

I do still see the monthly chart as being bullish… on a technical basis. But, from a standpoint that the entire rally was manufactured by the PPT, with almost NO participation from the retail trader, it is just to dangerous for me to go long.

It is also too dangerous to go short, as you know that the PPT will step in a stop any natural correction from happening… even if the technical picture says “Sell”.

That's what makes it so hard too trade I guess? Everyone is too scared to go long or short. I'd love to go long… after a nice healthy correction. I think a lot of retail traders would jump on too, but no retail trader I know will buy at these levels. So, I guess the PPT and other crooked banksters can just continue to play ping pong with themselves.

... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks for stopping by ol' buddy. It's great to hear from you. I stopped by your website… nice.

... steveo77

Great rant. All of the lines in the sand, all of the timing, all have been blown away. It is obvious that the PPT wants to use our tax dollar to continue the “con” game….i.e. if their is confidence, all will be good. The ramp of pimp is sad. It will result in so much more pain down the road…as you say. When will this occur? 1 week, 3 months, 7 months?

... Kmoney

I can agree with everything you wrote and still I am bullish.
Because long term and in the macro view you are right but to make money trading you have to trade what you see not what you think.

I think you are right……………….but I see a bull run and so I have to trade it.

... Piet Kruger

Great blog and awesome posts Red – keep up the good work!

Take care

... mmTesla

Another interesting thing I have noticed about their games, is like today, they ran up above the weekly person's pivot, and they made that support, how did they make it support, each time it came down they turned it on a dime at that spot. Got me thinking whats going on, anyways when they probed the above pivots and eventually launched it into the 30min opening range, is that they were weakening the resistance, when they came back down to consolidate and build orders, it was a big tip of the hand. Anyways in summary it looks like they break through a level then make it support and build orders, so if they gun higher resistance levels they have support if they fail, and they probe the levels they want to break as to slowly bring those orders out onto the market as to not cause any major disturbance to the game plan, then they trigger the stop run and off we go.

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, that was also another good reason to sell off. But, light volume allowed them to keep the market up. It's almost as if they have told all the big institutions to “stay out of market” until ?…

You and I both know that if the big boys come back into this market, they will be selling! Look at the last 3 months or so, every large volume day was a DOWN day, not UP.

When volume returns, I believe it will be selling… not buying! But until then, they can control the market and keep it afloat with the late day buy programs.
