Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ben Fulford Says Rockefeller Is Still Using HAARP On Mount Fujiyama To Sink Japan On 4-11-2011

Tuesday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37k2vxxh0Vc)

Not much to say... still waiting for a breakout to one side or the other.



Monday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=558YTrVGjOs)

Still looking for a new high, and Tuesday has a good chance of being the day we hit it.  I'm thinking that it will be late into the day, probably after the FOMC meeting.  I'm not expecting too much above the current high of 1344, and I believe it will be short lived.  However, this still doesn't rule out the 138.86 SPY FP (about 1388 SPX), as that could still be hit if the market only drops down to but in a right shoulder for what looks like a possible "inverted head and shoulder" pattern.  One day at a time...




Yes, as crazy as that sounds, Ben Fulford stated in his latest interview with Jeff Rense that Jay Rockefeller is currently pointing HAARP at the Mount Fujiyama Volcano to heat up the water and cause it to erupt on 4-11-2011 (another Illuminati ritual date)...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlrRS_zlXOQ)

Another thing that points to 4-11-2011 is in the movie "Battle LA" where there is a scene showing that exact date as comets hit the earth. Here it is...


Also, my FP of 138.86 on the SPY had a volume of 4,290 shares, which could also be pointing to 4-11 as "4" equals the month and 2+9 = 11 for the date. Of course it could mean 4-29 too, but both dates should be watched closely... especially if the market rises and is approaching the FP level at that time.

Off subject for a second as I rant for a moment...

What a sick group of people that they truly want to sink Japan into the sea, killing millions of innocent people... for what? Power? Greed? Control? Don't these people every learn? You can't take any of that with you when you die, so why do you have too be so evil when you are alive? I just can't understand why people do the crazy things they do. Why all the violence and hate?

Ok, back to matter at hand.  Clearly, the Illuminati want to keep us enslaved, and fear is their main weapon of choice.  They know that we are all equal spiritually, but they don't want us to know that!  It's all about control for them, and they must create wars to keep the whole "fear" illusion working.  Of course they will profit from it too, which is why a stock market crash will happen.  They need to rob us of all our property and possessions by acquiring it for pennies on the dollar.  I want you to listen closely to this video below, as the Illuminati tell you their exact plans of what they have been doing to you and what they plan to continue doing.

Secret Covenant The Hidden Elite Are Not Hidden Anymore

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWemcz57RWc)

If after listening to that video if you don't get upset and angry at these people then you truly are just a zombie like the way they want you too be! Personally, I pity them as they are so small minded and weak. They just are too blind to see that peace, love, giving and sharing are the answers... not hate.

Time is running out for these gangsters, but things could get very ugly as they lash out like a cornered animal that is trapped with no where to escape. This of course means that they will crash this stock market as their exit plan... blamed on some false flag event probably!

Will it be this April 11th, or April 29th... or even this coming September when the dwarf star Elenin comes between the Earth and the Sun? I really don't think it will last that long, but instead start the crash this month or early May.   I just don't see the traders wanting to stay long into June when POMO ends. They will sell early... mark my words on that!

For short term though, next week should be a battle as the bulls and bears will be battling it out around this double top area. I do expect this rising wedge to break... probably Monday morning, but I also expect the dip stick bulls to buy the pullback creating another run up to probably backtest the broken trendline from the wedge.

In the past, we have seen anywhere from 1 week to 3 weeks that the market puts in a topping pattern. So I'm expecting some volatility next week, as the daily chart is still pushing up supporting the bulls. It will take a lot of "one day sell offs", followed by "quick rallies" to get it to rollover and produce a big move down.  Even if the bears succeed, it might only go down low enough to form the right shoulder of a possible "inverted head and shoulders" pattern, not a Wave 3 (or C), as we've all been looking for.

So, Will The Market Crash On April 11th?

I really don't know, but my gut tells me NO.  I don't think they have enough time to get up to the 138.86 spy FP before the 11th, as I expect a pullback in the market this week... meaning it will take more time to regain the ground they will lose this week, which pushes the time needed to hit the FP out until the end of April.

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni7WqSC3bQE)

Of course "if" the evil gangsters succeed in causing Mount Fujiyama to erupt, and Japan sinks... then of course we will crash.  I don't think that will happen though (or "I pray that doesn't happen").  Plus, it's not close enough to the end of POMO, which is this June.  They will likely start selling late April, early May... (sell in May and go away).

For the near term, I'm looking for a sell off to either put in a lower low to form and ABC move down, or a higher low to put in an "inverted head and shoulders" pattern over the coming days/weeks.  Then a rally up to the FP by then end of April for a final top in this Primary Wave 2 rally.

If it is an ABC, then I'm looking for the 200ma to be the low around 1200 spx.  If it is an "inverted head and shoulders" pattern, then 1290 could be the low.  It could dip lower of course, but some how I think it will be a "more shallow" right shoulder.

What Will Happen On Monday?

Since will are still in a rising wedge (barely... and debatable), and there were likely a bunch of bears that got short over the weekend expecting a crash on Monday, I'd say there will be a quick pop early on to backtest the broken trendline on the rising wedge, followed by a sell off into the close and Tuesday.

I'm not sure how it will play out, be the end result should be the same... a break of the wedge, a backtest of the wedge, and a sell off into the close.  Possibly we gap down in the morning (a little) and rise back up in the morning for the backtest, and then rollover into the close.  Remember... the game is to steal your money!

You don't really think they will take it straight down allowing you to make money as a bear do you?  Of course not, they will trick you every step of the way.  If you are not short, then I would just wait until the backtest happens then then get short.  I know... you might be asking "what if it doesn't do a backtest"?  That's possible, but unlikely when you are trying to make a double top.

If you are putting in a new high, then a backtest doesn't always happen.  It will usually just reach a final point of exhaustion and then fall off a cliff.  But, the market is currently trying to reach the 1344 spx old high.  So, you should expect a second round of bulls to come in a buy the dip after the first attempt failed.  "That's YOUR Backtest"!

When that second attempt fails, then you can expect a deeper retracement then just 10 points (like Friday's close).  You should expect several days of selling to clear out the amateur bulls' stops', and to get enough bears onboard short for a big squeeze back up... that this time should take out the current high.  Remember, I'm expecting the FP to be hit before the crash.

While I don't know the date of the final top, or the exact price level, I do believe the FP will be hit... which pushes the market up to at least that level.  Again, it's only a target that I expect too be hit, not necessarily the point at which it rolls over.  It "could be" that point, but no guarantees on that.

Let's not forget also that the upside target for the inverted head and shoulders pattern will like be around that FP level, (which correlates to about 1388 spx).  Of course if we have an ABC move down, then it's going to take a "heck of a rally" to move back up to that level from a projected 1200 low.  But, anything is possibly with these gangsters... so I won't rule it out just yet.  Let's just stick to the coming week first, as they can change the game plan in a nano second if they want too!


P.S. On another note... if you think Al Qaeda is "real", think again!  They are a made up enemy by the CIA, as Alex Jones covers in this video below.

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8txxny-E7w)

P.S.S.  Here's another interesting link worth reading (http://www.gazette.com/articles/springs-115381-colorado-obama.html#ixzz1I7xbyb2H).  It's seems awful odd how all these negative stories about Obama are popping up on Main Stream Media right now... don't you think?  Hmmm... if I were a betting man, I'd say that the gangsters are trying to get rid of Obama.  Why?  Probably because of his attempts to save himself by trying to make a deal with the White Dragon Society that Ben Fulford talks about in the video at the top of this post.  I bet they are trying to get another puppet (Hillary Clinton maybe?) they can control in office before the 2012 elections because they fear Ron Paul might win easily over Obama in the 2012 race, (and I don't think they control him).  If I were them, I'd put in a Republican now so Ron Paul (because he's a Republican too) won't stand a chance to win against a newly seated candidate in his own party.  Sorry Hillary, I guess you've been outst again... LOL!  Probably by Newt Gingrich (another Illuminati puppet) I'd think.

Author: Red

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Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Good morning gang…

Looks like we might see an exhaustion gap up and run for a double top. If so, the first hit should be strong resistance, and force the market to retreat before another attempt. However, a quick intraday move above the previous top could and should happen before the pullback.

It is common to go just a hair high to lure in amateur bulls thinking it’s a breakout. Rarely does the market breakout on the first attempt. Odds favor a pullback to at least make the right shoulder (or a possible C wave down?).

13 years ago
Reply to  SAN


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Double Sickening when you know that we could be driving cars that run on water, free electric from magnets, or get 200 mpg+ on gasoline…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

If this Gov’t gave a damn about how the oil scam is hurting this economy, they would only allow companies that gain delivery of oil via futures contracts to trade oil. It’s that simple. Banks should NOT be trading oil futures. Period. The oil scam will never let any other technology effect thier rip-off of the public, we all know that and you’re right Red, Double sickening! One day, they will regret doing this to America.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

We already know what is going to happen… remember what Lindsay Williams said. $150 – $200 we are just steadily creeping up there. What is your take on today? Resistance is holding. If we reverse how far do we fall? Apparently Bernake is talking this afternoon… market may just be waiting on what he has to say.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The short term charts are negative right now Dee, so I don’t think we will sell off into the close. In fact, they could rally up at the EOD after Bobblehead speaks.

I want to see the 60, 30, and 15 minute charts get overbought any the price level to hit (and slightly pierce) the double top level of 1344 spx… and then go short for a few days.

Since we are trading sideways and putting in a bear flag, you would normally expect to see it breakdown later today, but I doubt it. The volume is decent, but still light enough for them to rally up after the speech.

Plus, we are so close to a double top that I’d be shocked if the market doesn’t hit it. The Russell already has, and so has the Dow. And, since we are now out of the rising wedge (just slightly)… an afternoon rally would allow the spx and spy to backtest the broken trendline, and put in a double top or slightly higher high.

While we could sell off after the speech, I’m sitting on my hands until I see it happen. I still think a backtest will happen, allowing for a double top to occur.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Some of the Fed’s documents are finally released (29,000 pages… LOL). Here’s Ron Paul’s take…


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

A triangle is forming now, which could break either way… but my guess is that it breaks out to the upside as the 60, 30, and 15 minute charts are all looking like they want to move up from oversold conditions on the histograms bars. Sorry bears, but odds still favor the bulls right now. (Did I mention we have low volume again… yeah, it sucks how controlled this market really is!).

13 years ago

Julian Assange has been busy bringing down Bank Of America:

13 years ago

Red, thought I would toss this to you.
it took 12 seconds to load the dragon page,
that said, everybody will load at different speeds.

Your web page heavy hitter items (in terms of time) are listed at the top.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Thanks… I noticed a little bit of speed increase since I made a few changes.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

those .swf flash player files are killer (2+ seconds)
good thing computers can do stuff in parallel sometimes.
otherwise the site would take 24 seconds to load!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Well, unfortunately google adsense requires them as some of the banners are flash I guess… So, I can’t get rid of that, as the income just barely covers the hosting fees.

13 years ago

what time does Bernake speak today?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think it’s the usual 2:15 to 2:30 time period (est). I just heard that he was speaking, but I didn’t see any news about it?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


the bernake ~ also know as chairsaatan ~ is speaking tonight at 7 pm at an atlanta fed conference……. i am sure the time is on your invite, check it again to be sure!! :-))

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Richie – I actually saw that time posted but it seemed weird so I thought it was wrong… expecting afternoon usual time

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It’s probably the 4-4-7(pm) ritual being performed. ie 87 too.

13 years ago

VIX so far a good buy below those FPs. Coincidence?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

We went past that FP on Friday, so it’s considered “filled” now… unless you have a new FP?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

You aren’t understanding. Those are BUY signals for an instrument. They are saying, buy puts at those levels. People still don’t get it. The FPs are levels to buy or sell.

At least, this is my interpretation, could be wrong.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

Ok… but we back up above that level now. So are you saying that once it dips back below it again, one should buy puts on the market?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Not exactly.

Most of the time, when they tick down FPs on a short-term chart, those are buy levels, so theoretically one should have been accumulating puts the last few days under those FP ticks. BUT, the big warning is that interpreting it is an art, I’m just going on the patterns I see, and this is the common pattern in FPs.

There is usually an initial overshoot of the FP but then an explosion in the instrument. The key test will be the next few days to see if VIX pops.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Looks too me like we will gap up out of this triangle tomorrow morning and make a run for the double top. This light volume tells me that we’re not going down today (unless you call 1 point a down move?… LOL).

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

CNBC saying 1333 is the number to watch… double of the low from Mar 09…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

All short term charts getting oversold, which leads me to believe we will breakout to the upside tomorrow. I’m not taking any positions until we hit a double top (and a slight pierce).

13 years ago

CNBC anchor…

“Low volume”


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Gang, only 14 people voted… a real disappointment. Between a 1,000 and 2,000 people read the blog daily, so I know there is more people out there to vote. Please take the time to answer the question on the poll to the right here>>>>

Thanks, Red

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I guess many people did not realize it

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

One Thousand!?
that’s it, i’m gonna shut my mouth.
no need to confirm I’m a fool!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The poll was broken when I tried to vote.

13 years ago

crazy story.. is it for real?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Lulala, it’s hard too say if it’s 100% accurate or not, as dis-information is out there on the internet too. But, I do believe that “for the most part”… it’s real.

13 years ago

Red, dont get disappointed by the poll. What u are providing are good points/articles in your blog. The world is still there because of a few good men, the good people provides the actual protection. Thats the reason we are still living.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

Thanks Turbo…

13 years ago

You have got mail

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

I got it… thanks.

Scott Gifford
Scott Gifford
13 years ago

SyFy on TV showed Stephen King’s The Langoliers movie … part 2 of 2 showed Japan going underwater. I just find it interesting.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Scott Gifford

I seen that movie several times Scott, but I don’t remember that scene. Interesting though… thanks for informing us of that.

13 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

Obama will most likely win. He’s made the banks stronger than ever, passed a health care plan that only benefits the drug & insurance companies and screws the taxpayer, and has backtracked on many of his other promises. Wall St knows that he is a spineless leader and knows that his ignorant worshippers will vote for him no matter what. The Republicans don’t have their house in order and do not have an incentive to do so. He has accomplished for Wall St what no one else could.

90% chance he’s a 2-termer.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

don’t forget, the democrats tend to breed a bit faster.
so the voting numbers will be even higher.
(GG ducks from the barrage of shoe throwing)

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Yes, except in Utah.

Better be careful, someone is going to call you Gold Goebbels, mein Freund.

Soon enough, Mother Nature will take care of everything…

13 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

Sounds bullish to me. Buy.

13 years ago

Red, it seems like fewer comments is making the page load a little faster…unfortunately, I couldn’t find the spot to vote the second time. This is my absentee ballot? I’m a little slow on the uptake.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Look to the right—>>>>> and then up a little ^^^^^^

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Whoa! They have buttons now! I swear they didn’t have buttons before! I think the craziness and market manipulation has finally driven me completely insane.

13 years ago

looking at the comments, Obama seems to be on the table
so I throw in my own commentary.comment image

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb


13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Well I sure hope that isn’t our only two options… with these options the “Donald” is looking really good!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for new video update…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Refresh page again, as I uploaded the wrong video last night before I went to bed. The correct “Monday Update” video is now showing. Sorry… I was tired and sleepy, so I hit the wrong button (I wonder if that’s how WW3 starts? A guy gets sleepy and hits the “nuke” LA button instead of “nuke my tv dinner”).

13 years ago

Interesting your last video…reminds me of some history lessons…when the Praetorian Guard and the Elite took control of Rome.

The problem with the Illuminati is, the modern world is quite different, and they have no idea how different it is.

13 years ago

Good Morning… anyone up? What say ye… odd going down into a Bernake day.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Sorry gang,

I had to run some errands this morning, and just got back… did I miss anything? Anymore bears died? I know that the bulls didn’t… that’s for sure!

13 years ago


FOMC minutes at 2pm today. they will have to signal to the market if QE will continue or end ~ may will be too late.

bill gross ~ the most connected man in bond finance ~ says they will end. if they end, be prepared for volume to return to the market. higher volume means only one thing to this market ~ lower prices!.

if they indicate QE3, then we will hit your 1388 ~ 1400 target.

i think with the price of wti @ 109, and brent @ 121 /brl, and silver at 39$, gold at 1450$ that the chair satan risks a US dollar unraveling, and margin compression and demand destruction from oil jumping to 150$ with QE3.

odds are they will indicate the end of QE for now.

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Not sure if ending it will tank the market now…I’m sure they’ll want to keep the party going until the very end. Last time, the market was on cruise control for a full month before tanking.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


fair enough ~ although look at the US fiscal deterioration has happened in just one year. QE happens because NO ONE else is financing the extra 1.7 trillion per year in federal deficit spending. they are fighting to increase the ON THE BOOKS debt limit to above 100% of GDP.

there is no one to buy the additional 1.7 trillion/yr additional treasury issuance. the fed will have to do it in some way and it will be in a cladestine way.

as for the equities, who will be the bid under the market. participants now have the experience of seeing what happens when the liquidity bid from the FEDS are taken away. with this knowledge ~ do you want to be the last man standing. who will you sell to after june??? so it is BECAUSE of the experience of last april, that selling will intensify…..sell out now while there is a bid.

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Exactly – no one else will finance the US (ie Zimbabwe II), so I’m sure they’ll be pumping in some way. It’s so hard to tell what the criminal PDs will do? Tank the market again to buy back cheaper? I think that may be why a bunch of puts just got bought on S&P.

Mass media now saying raise rates & continue QE…which I actually mentioned on THIS VERY BLOG months ago (bravo me!).

Besides, we can all just use trailing stops……it’s your money……milk it for what it’s worth.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey do you know what month and strike they are buying the SPX puts on?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Richie could be right and the market could drop on Fed comments, BUT, they could take it higher first. Just make sure and have your stops in.

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Another thing that crossed my mind is that Madman Bernanke won’t go the hyperinflation route because mortgage note holders would be able to pay off their homes faster and the banks would get screwed. So he has to TANK IT. The only question is when?

This country has more oil locked up in shale (at least 1.5 TRILLION barrels) than any other country in the world…and the richest farmland also. There will always be a high intrinsic value, so whatever happens, those who can ride this BS thru will come out the moose’s butt reasonably well-off.


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Well, looks like they will run it up into the meeting. I think we might get our new high today?

13 years ago

one possibility red is that we get an elliott wave 5th wave failure. it is common to get a 5th wave failure at the end of long corrective. this would mean no new high, with the high occuring at 3 and ending at a lower price.

just a thought….

13 years ago

I have a question. Taking into consideration that The Illuminati (aka Bilderburg group or as we love to call them “gangsters”) are in control of the world which includes our government (they are also part of it), then Obama would be a puppett that they approve of. In order to keep the sheeple happy and engaged with Obama and his campaign, this market cannot fall until he is re-elected. Having said that, why are we anticipating such a collapse? In this manipulated world, it just doesn’t fit in there yet. Are we at a potential double-top? Yeah,….sorta. Ask yourself, do you really think they are done ramping this casino up???? I don’t. A potential inverse head and shoulders is setting up, but man, everyone sees that from a mile away and that is why they rarely work. We’ll have to see.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I think Obama is trying to save his own butt and not doing what the gangsters want… therefore they don’t want him re-elected.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Not sure what he is “not” doing. Isn’t he pushing our country toward socialism and a collapse of the dollar which would seem like viable components to create a one world government (what the Illuminati want)? Maybe I am missing something obvious that is pitting Obama against the Illuminati.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I agree with that, as he’s not doing anything good for sheep. But apparently they still aren’t happy with him, as they threatened to kill him several times (according to the Ben Fulford interview with Jeff Rense, above in this post).

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

yeah, flying AF1 low over New York for a ‘photo op’ without telling anyone, is just a bit too freaky. something else was going on.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Very unusual to see a negative FOMC day. Maybe this is all we get? It’s certainly not looking like it wants to go make a double top… at least not today. However, volume is still extremely low. Only 93 million shares traded on the spy and only 45 minutes left until the close. So I’m not buying this as anything more then just a technical move (which can be erased at anytime).

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

We have seen this pattern before, where the market trades sideways for week or more before it finally falls. How many closes have we had around the 1332 spx level? Talk about a controlled market… sheesh, can it get anymore obvious?

Bruno Ventura
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Bruno Ventura

Yes… the hand writing is on the wall, but what is saying? The end is near? Yes, but when? I think we’ll have our breakdown by this Friday. We’ll see…

13 years ago
Reply to  Bruno Ventura

GG looks around.
(I love this guy!)
hence my surprise fill @ 133.33
I mean 13 cents over 2x?
it’s a conspiracy!

13 years ago

No one mentioned that the VIX closed on 17.25……the exact level of the FP last week?

13 years ago

The looting of America…


An interesting video if you have a little time.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for Tuesday update…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for Tuesday update…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Nothing to say really… but I thought I just talk about nothing, and maybe I’ll be a hit like Seinfeld.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

day after day of range bound = meth teeth pattern.
yes, it’s very ugly.comment image

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Holy cow! That’s one ugly mouth!

13 years ago

Check out the time on the clocks on the front of today’s Wall Street Journal and in the article for the Sleepless elite. Technically, the time is 7 o’clock 44 seconds. but the hour and minute hand stretch from 12 to 7 ie 127 and there is a colored in red quarant/triangle from 1 to 5 ie 15 or 51 to the right of the 7-12 hour minute hands.

Then inside the article check out the time set for the sheep in the sleeping sheep photo. This can be accessed over at http://www.wallstreetjournal.com but the main clocks are not to be seen in the online version.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

So what does that mean?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well the 6 7 is still is a mystery because the 6 ain’t working today. 7 has more hits though.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Actually the article probably has a deeper darker meaning to it that I haven’t penetrated in the form of an innocuous article on how certain personalities perform with certain levels of sleep. The Sleepless Elite, an interesting title.

All I care about is the emphasis on the number 7.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I read the text closely. A lot of interesting numbers littering the text. I liked the one about the guy who gets 4to5hours of sleep up from 2 to 3 hours of sleep earlier in his life. I’ll focus on this later though.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Here comes the breakout we’ve been looking for! Let’s see if it takes out the double top at 1344 or not?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

If the bulls can hold on to the gains today and close above the multi-top area around 1332, they will likely take out the next level of resistance at 1344. We could be on our way up to the FP of 138.86 spy before a pullback?

Hard too say of course, as I’m still expecting a right shoulder to form, but continuing straight up would fool the most people I believe. Just food for thought…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

This is a nice little sell off, but the vix doesn’t seem to be as excited… bummer.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

small POMO day.
no surprise.

13 years ago

everyone still on sidelines ? red is volume still on the light side ?

13 years ago

everyone still on sidelines ? red is volume still on the light side ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


I’m thinking about taking a short at the close today, as Thursday’s seem to be “the day” that the market sells off on. I’d like to see a rally the rest of the day to get the short term charts overbought, but not take out the 1337 area.

Then I think it’s possible that we will gap down today instead of gap up… fooling the bulls that see today as a “breakout”. It needs confirmed to be valid, and the selling today didn’t help the bulls case out any!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Volume is still extremely low here… I’m not doing anything at this time. I need to see it break one way or the other.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

red dragon leo…. come on…. Be a HERO lol go for it..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hero’s end up with Zero’s in the trading account…. I’ll pass on this one!

13 years ago

I bet the scumbags that were pumping the euro the last several months will start killing it within the next couple days.


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