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  • Red


Tomorrow Will Be Worst…

Gang, I will probably do a special video again this weekend, so we can all try to figure out what to do next. Needless to...

Still Holding On…

The market had every chance to crash today, but it didn't... Even though the market did sell off hard, it recovered a lot of the...

Stock Market Crash Tomorrow?

Odds are extremely high for a stock market crash now.  Could we have a Black Wednesday on May 19th, 2010? I don't know of course, but...

Big Reversal Squeezed The Bears…

Bearish Monday... no wait, Bullish Monday!  Let's settle this the old fashion way... Today started out great for the bears, until about noon when the...

Weekend Update – Armageddon?

Post Number 199... Yes,it really is my one hundredth, and ninety ninth post since starting this blog last year.  (However, I think I'll skip the...

The Perfect Storm Is Just Ahead…

No Post For Friday Gang, as I'm a Happy Bear Now, and looking forward for more fun next week.  I'll have the weekend post up...

Evicted Bears…

Are there any more bears left, or did they all get evicted today? It seems there's never a dull moment in the markets, as you...

Rejected At The 50…

Slammed down in the morning, rallied back at noon, but rejected at the 50, and pushed back to even in the last quarter... That's the...

Black Monday Delayed…

It seems that the only Black Monday to happen was for the Bears... for they just got ran up a tree today fast! This huge...

Weekend Update – The Great Depression Two (Video Special)

Never Did I Want To See This Day, But... As I sat down to write this weekend update, I knew it wouldn't be like all...