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  • Red


Weekend Update…

Wow...  What a wild day on Friday! First we gap up huge on the low jobs number, only to finally hit the master level of...

Missed By 12 Cents…

In several of my weekend updates I have spoken about the market wanting to go to the 112.30-112.50 spy area.  This area was almost reached...

Groundhog Day…

What am I going to say today?  The weather was Hot and Sunny out today... just like it was yesterday, and the day before that,...

Mr. Topstep’s Latest Video…

We rallied back up again today, taking out many stops as Mr. Topstep explains above. This is what I said might happen in my weekend...

Sometimes You Just Want To Sleep Through It…

No Follow Through Today As Light Volume Rules... In order to confirm the down move from Friday we needed a lower low to be put...

Weekend Update…

Has the market really topped?  What's in store for next week?  Those are the two biggest questions that are going through my mind right now. ...

Brief post tonight…

Brief post tonight.  I went short today as I expect next week to have some decent selling.  I'll have a weekend post update by late Sunday...

The Dollar Gets Pounded Again…

The dollar had a huge gap down on Wednesday, but the market didn't really rally up that much?  Could a big "disconnet" between the two...

Happy Thanksgiving America…

Happy Thanksgiving to all my America followers.  For all others, sorry about not posting last night as it's holiday here in America.  I will make...

Light Volume Rules The Market Again…

Just as I guessed would happen, the market was flat.  A sell off in the morning, and then the usual slow grind back up in...