ES Morning Update December 5th 2017
Well, looks like I got yesterday wrong as the bulls failed to hold the line all day and instead dropped into the close to fill...
ES Morning Update December 4th 2017
Man... those bulls are tricky! Last Friday I was looking for a high to be put in like what we are seeing today and then...
Another 9/11 may be the black swan event that triggers global stock market meltdown
Major financial institutions like Bank of America see the end of the bull market next year. They predict stocks pushing higher in the first half...
ES Morning Update December 1st 2017
Man... this market is crazy! I'd love to have been long the last few days but I wasn't unfortunately. But who knew it was going...
ES Morning Update November 30th 2017
The last few days I haven't seem to be getting any calls correctly. And it seems to happen to me the most when a top...
Bank of America: Flash crash in 2018 then war to follow
In its analysis for the first half of 2018, Bank of America is warning investors of a “flash crash” the likes of 1987, 1994, 1998. And...
ES Morning Update November 29th 2017
WOW... the bulls sure pulled the rug out from the bears yesterday! I have to say that I really didn't think they had it in...
ES Morning Update November 28th 2017
This morning we see the futures up slightly but basically flat. It appears the bulls are tired here and just holding the line (the 2600...
ES Morning Update November 27th 2017
It's that time again... to go back to work slaving yourself away at trying to make some money trading this market successfully. Hopefully you are...
ES Morning Update November 24th 2017
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and didn't overeat like I did yesterday because there was too much good tasting food to choose from. ...