Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Selling Isn’t Even Close To Over Yet…

Wednesday update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LaFNfKx7vU)



Last week was ugly, but this week is going to be just as bad!

The S&P 500 finally closed below the 200ma on the weekly chart last week, which is a clear signal that this bear is here to stay... and for quite a long time I believe!  While I'm sure there will be bear market rallies, this selling is going to continue well into 2012, and where it bottoms no one knows (except the gangsters of course... and the readers of this blog too, if the FP on the SPY of 34.65 is real?).

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esVXVcnxRNs)

Talk about a blood bath... if that happens America won't even look close to what it is right now.  There will be riots in the streets like London, as millions of people lose their jobs because the Illuminati Reptilian Gangsters stole all the money and caused the Great Depression Tw0 to start!  If there is too be "be-heading's" as foretold in the Bible, let start with murdering rapist, thieving, satanist, cannibals in the White House and the Vatican as that's where all the evil resides!

While I try to remain positive and not focus on the evil thugs that run the world, it's hard to forgive them for what they've done... especially when their not even human!  I could have mercy for another human, but not a shapeshifting reptilian!  Captain Kirk had mercy on a reptilian alien in one episode of Star Trek when he and the captain of another ship (who was a reptilian) were taken from their ships and forced to fight each other on a desert like planet by some supreme being that had control of both ships and could destroy them at will.

It was an interesting episode as the reptilian was much bigger and stronger then Kirk, but Kirk was smarter and created some homemade explosive from gun power found on the planet.  He used it to propel a large rock at the reptilian to knock him unconscious and win the fight... which meant that the supreme being would free the Enterprise ship and destroy the reptilian ship.  Kirk... being a human and having compassion, asked the supreme being to let the other ship go and not destroy it, and refused to kill the reptilian captain he was fighting.

Of course the different here in this story is that the reptilian hasn't done anything wrong as both ships and crew just met each other while in orbit on that planet... therefore, they were innocent and hadn't done any crimes against any humans.  That's not the same story that we have here on planet earth today, as these reptilians have been controlling and enslaving humanity for at least the last 4,000 years... therefore, I don't have any compassion for them.

I look forward to the day when Ben Bernanke, Tim Geither, Jamie Dillon, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soro's, Warren Buffet, Henry Kissinger, David and Jay Rockefeller, George and George Jr Bush, The Clinton's, Dick Chaney, and a host of other evil gangsters get arrested for crimes against humanity.  One day the sheep will wake up and see these reptiles for what they really are... pure evil satanists!

This stock market crash is going along just as they planned it...

At this point, I don't see any evidence that clearly shows that these thugs aren't still in full control of this stock market.  They planned this crash years in advance, and now it's happening just as they want it too.  They plan to take the market down to about 3,000 or so on the Dow (based on the 34.65 spy FP, which is about 346.50 SPX and about that area on the Dow) so they can bankrupt America, wipe out all the debt they created and passed onto the public (us sheep), while they kept all the profits.

Then they plan to use that stolen money and buy up American assets for pennies on the dollar to create a "New World Order" where every company is owned by the government (through more bailouts, and consolidations)... therefore everyone will be working for them!  Welcome to the "United Communist States of America"!  Well I've got news for them... it ain't going to happen!  You're not going to chip me and make me your slave!  I'm an immortal spirit and I chose what reality and time line I want to go down... and I chose "Freedom"!

You too have a choice, as you can chose to go down any time line you want too.  I see the collapse in the economy and the stock market as positive thing which cleans the slate and a new beautiful world of free energy technology, clean water, air and food, and a world of peace with no more staged wars for profit, fear, and population control happen.  The gangsters can chose their own time line too, and I suspect it will be the one where Elenin passes too close to earth and destroys 80-90% of the population, while the hide in their underground cities they built with stolen money from massive printing by the Federal Reserve Banksters.

I can picture them now, thinking that they are safe from the volcano's, earthquakes, and tidal waves that are happening on the surface as this all happens in their time line... only to see their underground city become their tomb as the walls that support it collapse and lava and/or water comes in and destroys the city.  It's happened before and it will happen again... but not in my time line.

In my time line the stock still does collapse, but it turns out better for humanity after it bottoms as a new era of freedom and peace starts world wide.  The Elenin event passes with no major damage to earth, as we are being protected from Good Aliens (Angels), who are able to use their technology to shield the planet from the destruction that Elenin should create.

Moving on to the latest from Lindsey Williams...

It's time to revisit what Lindsey Williams stated about the collapse of the Euro, and the "less then two weeks to get out of all paper", as that time is coming much nearer then we may think.  While I'm still thinking that we will follow a nice elliottwave structured move up and down, and have a nice major wave 2 up (probably lasting until the week of October 23rd, as that's the end of the next Legatus Pilgrimage), there's NO guarantee that this market is going to have any more rallies in it... or corrections in gold.

Pastor Lindsey Williams : “The Euro is going to fall first. I was told that it will be one European country after the other will default until the Euro and the European Union are in such a collapsed position that they’ll have no choice but to render the Euro worthless. At that point you have some where in the matter of days, not months, maybe weeks, but not months. You have only a matter of days to get out of every piece of paper you’ve got. I’m talking about Federal Reserve notes, I’m talking about Treasury Bills, I’m speaking of your retirement, your 401K, your IRA. But of course you can’t get out that quickly so you’re going to lose it, and they know this, you have a matter of days.”

(to watch on youtube (Part One): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlqxwXGDQPw)

(to watch on youtube (Part Two): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ul2yX8iwSk)

(to watch on youtube (Part Three): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySSX8grupRc)


Part One:

  • Reptilian ShapeShifter Hilliary Clinton stated that "they" give the Muslim Brotherhood to Egypt, and make them legal
  • Other countries will also be given to the Muslim Brotherhood in there plan to control the middle east
  • The Royal Family in Saudi Arabia will be removed which will force oil to skyrocket just like the gangsters planned.
  • Gold is going to $3,000 per ounce
  • The US will Default on its' debt
  • The Illuminati Reptilian Elite Gangsters will own all of America
  • The "New World Order" will then have Total Control

Part Two:

  • The Obama Healthcare Bill is NOTHING about health care... it's about TOTAL Control of the People
  • Handheld instruments are already being sent out to doctors from the gangsters at Homeland Security
  • Doctors will be forced to input their diagnosis of a patient into the device and then will be told what they can do for that patient by the elite through some new government agency
  • Doctors refusing to follow orders by this Nazi controlled "Youth-naize" agency will be fined $5,000 for the first offense and prison for the second offense
  • The Euro will collapse and you will only have days (to weeks) before total collapse happens, as Greece will default and it will spread across the world.  They will render the Euro worthless!
  • The Elite Gangster fear the people waking up and don't want riots, and will back off if the sheep wake up too fast and fight back
  • No shortage of food and water, but the currency will be worth so little that you won't be able to afford it

Part Three:

  • The end times are near when the Federal Reserves starts buying it's own debt (which they have been doing for the last 8 months now)
  • Illuminati Reptilian Hillary Clinton is lobbying to be the head of the International Bank
  • China is holding 3 Trillion dollars in American Dollars
  • If the Obama Healthcare bill goes through 40% of the US doctors will quit
  • The elite have a cure for every auto immune disease on the planet, including all cancer types, leukemia, and arthritis
  • Call 1-800-262-0212 to find out where the Elite Gangsters go to get cured of all auto immune diseases (http://www.alivizatos.com)

Ok, on to the short term market forecast...

Next week should have a bounce in it, but the over all week should be down hard again.  My best guess is that Monday we'll hit the double bottom area of 1101 spx and then rally some on Tuesday and Wednesday.  It could be a little wild next week, as traders are going to be waiting to hear what Bernanke says from Jackson Hole, Wyoming this Friday.  Last time Bernanke was there he announced quantitative easing two (QE2), but I don't think he's going to do QE3 this time.

In fact, I suspect that we'll have another stock market crash this coming Friday.  It's hard to see where the market will be Monday-Thursday, but I expect it to rally a little as the market is oversold on the short term charts right now.  A rally up into his speech would match up with the charts (mainly the 60 minute chart, but the daily also to some degree).  The speech is set for 10 am, and I'm considering just waiting until then to go short the market.

If the gangsters release some fake rumor that Bernanke will do QE3 and announce it this Friday, that would cause a nice short squeeze in the market... which I would love to see happen.  I'm not saying that it will happen, but we all know how the gangsters like to start rumors to move the market in the direction they want it to go, only to do the opposite once the rumor is proven to be "just a rumor".

So... let's expect the "un-expected" again!

Since every report released this week is under the full control of the Illuminati gangsters you can expect them to tailor those reports to look whatever way they want them too be.  If they want a rally, they will give out good reports and possibly leak a fake rumor out too.  If they want the market to continue selling off all they have to do is release truthful reports, as we all know they are all horrible... if actually accurate.

For all we know, this could wave down from 1208 could be a "B" wave down with "C" up to follow... which could end this Friday when Bernanke speaks.  If the 1101 low isn't taken out this Monday, and we put in a "higher low", then that could be the wave count.  Then we would have the 1101 low to the 1208 high being wave A (still inside the larger wave 4 up).  If we rally up to take out the 1208 high by Friday, then I suspect that will finally complete our wave 4 up with an ABC move.

Then wave 5 down would start after Bernanke says nothing about QE3 on Friday... causing another crash to happen!  That is one possibility that I see which could happen and could match up with the charts fairly well.  The other is that we go down below the 1101 low on Monday and then rally up on Tuesday and possibly Wednesday to complete a smaller wave 2 up inside of the larger wave 5 down with the larger wave 4 up being complete at the 1208 high.  That means it's not an ABC move up as suggested above (or simply that the ABC pattern has already formed and completed).

This means that inside this larger wave 5 down we will complete the first smaller subwave on Monday with a slightly lower low then the 1101 current low.  Then a smaller subwave 2 to be completed by Wednesday, and then a smaller subwave 3 down (still inside the large wave 5 down) to start on Thursday's Jobless Claims number (or whatever else they want to blame it on?)... followed by brief bounce before Bernanke speaks at 10 am on Friday, and then the final smaller subwave 5 inside a larger wave 5 to complete the final move down into the close with a capitulation crash.

Final target of Major wave one down from the May 2nd high... 965 SPX or thereabouts!

This could be the scenario for next week?  Or, it could carry over into one more down week to end the month of August deeply in the red.  Either way, I'm expect an end to this selling within the next week or two.  Then I expect a Major wave two up to start and carry on into the week of October 23rd when the Legatus Pilgrimage ends.  That would then start Major wave three down inside Primary wave three down (which started at the May 2nd high that ended the P2 rally from the March 2009 low of 666 spx).

Yes, this next wave down will be the largest in the history of the stock market I believe.  It will totally wipeout every 401k saving plan that many American's have as the Illuminati Reptilian Evil Gangsters steal every last penny that we sheep have.  I hope I'm wrong on this, but I do think this is what's coming... so you need to prepare for it.  If I'm wrong, then some miracle will happen and save the market from total collapse.  Right now the odds of a miracle are slim, but hope is still alive.  Just stay positive and if you make money from the collapse, never forget to help those less fortunate then you who lost it all.

That's it gang, stay alert and awake this week, as it could bring more surprises...



Author: Red

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Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I have been asked about the cancer cure I did to my neck with eggplant and vinegar, so here’s the link will all the details…


13 years ago

Today is 111 days from 5-2.   I see bottom calling, bullish complacency en masse everywhere.   And the few bears have us finishing the decline at any moment.   What they should be worried about is the epic straight down move we are about to encounter, undoubteably one for the record books.

13 years ago

ES Hour chart analysis: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/s-500-futures-hour-chart-analysis_22.html

13 years ago

    There are lots of cancer cures.  Number one cure is avoid catscans and doctors and vaccinations.  If you have been vaccinated, you have been nano time bombed, so you have to do all the right things for the rest of your life to try and dilute the effect.  If you were born before 1953, you might live till100 as both my grandparents have, if you were born after 53, you might make it till 55 if you are lucky. 

   By the way, the Euro JPY so far is up 200% on all my contracts and the S and P has done well since  Gold basically flat but ready to fall hard.  My calibrator is pretty amazing, Red I will email you tonight.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, I’m sure the gangsters poisoned us with their vaccinations.  I had mine when I was a child, but nothing since then.  So you think they will do something to cause us all to die, or do you mean it will be a so death over years that shortens our life span?

13 years ago

Broadening pattern of Silver: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/broadening-pattern-of-silver.html

13 years ago

Great video red … Glad to hear u beat cancer.  

13 years ago

My Friend Red … I am glad to hear u beat cancer, especially with natural treatment.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  kiwuji

Thanks Kiwuji… 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Anna stated that she heard on cnbc about QE3 coming… LOL.  Another rumor to rally to market.  It was by Citi and Barcleys, but of course it’s just a rumor.  Too funny… I’m starting to think like a gangster!

13 years ago

SPX Trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/s-500-trend-update.html

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The source of all evil… “The Vatican” is now talking about the possibility of Aliens existing… LOL!  Of they exist… they’ve known that for centuries as they worship the Reptilian Aliens!


13 years ago

Feel good America, for a billion dollars we further destabilized the Middle East! Woo-Hoo!

13 years ago

ES Chart: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/s-500-futures-morning-update.html

13 years ago

Crude Oil chart: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/crude-oil-support-and-resistance-lines.html

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I don’t think we are going to get much of a rally now, but instead just some sideways chop to put in a bear flag for Friday we Bernanke says nothing about QE3 and the market sells off again.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Well, we are rallying a little now gang.  I’m starting to think that we will rally and/or trade sideways until Friday when Bernanke speaks.  At this time I have no position.  I will likely go short (assuming the charts are nice and overbought by then) before he speaks at 10am on Friday, or possibly Thursday at the close?  The charts say we should rollover late Wednesday, but my gut tells me they will hold the market up until Friday.

13 years ago

ES Near Range Top: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/s-500-futures-morning-update.html

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Major earthquake in Virgina… HAARP at work!


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

This is likely another attempt by the Illuminati Gangsters at the New Madrid fault line.  They want a major disaster to blame the coming crash on!

13 years ago

I did some work last Thursday on Comet Honda possibly causing earthquakes, check it out.


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  stockdude

Comet Honda… LOL!  What a strange name for a comet.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Japanese guy discovered, it, but the irony of it all does not escape me.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Gold should be a buy again Friday morning.  With QE3, gold should still rally on a more worthless dollar.  Without QE3, the stock market will crash and Gold will rally because it’s a safe haven.  Either way, Gold should rally!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m thinking the bots will create a white soldier rally to get everyone on board and then finally tank to break the Aug 9 lows after The Madman speaks.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, I’m not going heavily short until Friday morning before he speaks, so it doesn’t bother me if they run it up 3 day in a row, as it will just drop that much further when no QE3 is announced.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Yup, I’m almost all in cash right now because for the next 2 1/2 days it’s just fun & games for the machines. I wouldn’t be able to keep up with all the BS.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Tomorrow should be a “pause” day… either slightly negative or slightly positive.  Thursday is unknown at this point, but Friday will be the “big one”, and I plan to go short before 10am and see what happens.  There could be a “fakeout” move to the upside, but I don’t want to chance that… as we could just start tanking and never look back.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Damn, if this isn’t symbolism, I don’t know what is!


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

There are 3 of those structures in the world… one in Washington DC, London England, and the Vatican in Rome.  All of the structures are Illuminati symbols that are shaped in the form of the male private part, and represent power.  By damaging the one in Washington DC, they are basically saying that America isn’t a power center anymore.  They are sacrificing America.  The new power center will probably be Dubai, as that whole city is full of Illuminati building, symbol’s and structures.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Notice that it’s 555 feet tall… another Illuminati number of importance!

13 years ago

SLV Trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/slv-trend-update.html

13 years ago

My gold short thank god is now doing very well, it was pretty scary there, and the ES, well, the calibrator has been good.  And the Euro JPy has been great.  Sorry I haven’t conversed yet Red.   Been trying to get back into playing shape again this summer.  Every time it gets a little harder. 

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Gold is going to take back off again to the upside Friday after Bernanke speaks… I’d bail on those shorts before then if I was you.

13 years ago

i can see the qqq support at 51.2, before heading to the next leg higher—looking at a possible 54.4

13 years ago

i think XLE will play out this way.

13 years ago

SPX Analysis after closing bell: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/s-500-analysis-after-closing-bell_24.html

13 years ago

    Possibly so, I will consult the ole harmonic calibrator just before, thanks.

13 years ago

i was trying to figure out how the market can drop 30%, without the
politicians having to say, the US has entered a new bear market, before
elections in 2012


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

Remember Z… if they crash it down this year (and early next year) they can rally it up the 2nd half of 2012 for the elections.  It’s all planned of course, as I seriously doubt if there has ever been a really bad bear market in an election year (which are even numbers by the way, and the odd number years are almost always the bad one’s)

13 years ago

ES Charts: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/s-500-futures-hour-chart-analysis_24.html

13 years ago

   I am pretty pleased.  The forex harmonic calibrator has really delivered a nice trio here, Euro JPY, Gold down big time and the big rebound in ES. 

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Gold should find support around 165 GLD… which would be my exit if I were short.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I am still under water by approx 3% on my gold shorts. 

13 years ago

Still holding my longs from 1138. Looking for 1180 – 1188 to bail out. Than short from those levels.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We could see that area hit by this Friday I believe…

13 years ago

Every one is looking at the 1208 level to short again. I do not believe Mr Market is going to allow them to do it. I am going to start layering in the shorts from 1175 Level.

13 years ago

Gold Trend line break: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/08/gold-testing-its-trend-line.html

13 years ago

    Too many people are looking for the same thing, it never gets delivered to the masses.  Might have a BIG runup here, violent as I was indicated by the calibrator last week.  This has been good so far, but not violent, YET>

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Meaning what?  You think we will continue rallying after Bernanke speaks?  I don’t think so.  I think we’ll rally into that speech and then sell off again.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

“Gary the Number’s Guy” commented that 322 is the number of “Skull and Bones” (which all the gangster Illuminati thugs are a member of), and that the Dow closing up 322.11 was a sign by them.  Also note the “11” at the end… LOL 



Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I’m now short…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

This is very weird. SPX is breaking trendlines left and right by a slight margin, then backing off.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This might be just a one day trade ACP?  I’m looking for 115.27 spy as today’s FP shows on the Nasdaq website (which we never touched today)… http://www.nasdaq.com/aspx/nasdaqlastsale.aspx?symbol=SPY&selected=SPY

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

OK I see that. There is also a 53.42 FP for the Qs at 10:23:31 EST. I wonder which one will hit first? What do you think?

simon p
13 years ago

I have been subscribing to  IBD for the past few months, yesterday they issued a “confirmed market uptrend” claiming Tuesday was a follow through day.  They urged investors to start putting 1/3 back in the market.  They say when things seem gloomy is often the start of the new bull, but the volatility across all asset classes has me a little tepid to get involved again.

IBD touts sell at 7-8% loss and only buy at the handle of cup and handle charts, the majority of the IBD 50 seems to swing + or – 10%-15% up or down so it does not really matter when you buy you get shook out.

I am not quite as believing in conspiracy but the thing is IBD is really right wing and I know that, the other thing I know is that volatility has been keeping me mostly in cash and transitioning to PM.  Finally, IBD called an uptrend in July that lasted all of 7 days and several folks got clobbered.

What I am thinking now is well it could be quite possible that no asset class is a haven, because the market makers are continually shaking out investors with simple stops like me.

PM – The market makers control look at what just happened to the gold limits.
Stocks – The market makers control everyday
Commodities – Well if there is no currency and no one left to buy then what

What is the best measure of volatility for a stock or etf?  I can accept the risk if I can have some sense of measurement.
Thanks – Simon

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  simon p

I can’t tell you how to trade of course, as I trade options and they aren’t for the average investor.  I would say that your assumption that IBD is misleading you is correct.  You and I are the sheep and the wolves that control the main stream media make sure that they lie to the sheep so the wolves can continue to steal their money.

I have a downside target of 965 SPX before this first Major Wave 1 down is complete.  Then a rally can start for Major Wave 2 up, which could last for 3-6 weeks… carrying us into my next major turn date starting the week of October 23rd.  That next wave down will be horrible for the bulls and will be talked about for decades in the future.  We could easily see a 2-3 thousand point drop on the DOW within a few weeks.

I probably won’t trade on the Major Wave 2 up as it will be choppy and full of wild swings.  I might trade something other then the main etf’s, but for now I’m just focusing on the completion of this 5th and final wave down inside Major Wave 1 down.  Then I will decide what to do next.  I might be shorting gold on that Major Wave 2 rally?  We’ll see…

simon p
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Thanks for replying, I definitely feel like ‘the sheep’ since April. I am thinking of getting into options as well as it seems to be a more strategic asset. 

I was in DC 3 weeks ago during the market crash, homeless women on the street begging for food with their children.  Street vendors being arrested.  Illiterate and non English speaking service workers at Starbucks, you would think I was in some kind of alternate USA. 

I am generally a pretty positive person and like to see the bright side, but I have seen what has happened in Wisconsin and it is clear that ‘the people’ don’t hold the keys to liberty.  State workers and programs will be cut by 20% in September.  The next few years will be very surprising.

13 years ago

    The Harmonic forex calibrator takes into account all the vertical politics and social mood.  All three of its indications are FULL ahead GO now.   Bottom line, is that what IS, is NOT.  That is what rules mood and market, ultimately.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’m not sure what you are say… up tomorrow or down?  I see tomorrow morning down to at least the FP of 115.27 spy, and then they could turn it back up into Bernanke speaking on Friday.

13 years ago

   And as we now see, Lindsay Williams, like all of the internet short term heroes, is merely a pawn.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Lindsey is being used to tell the message that the Illuminati want told, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t sincere… only that he’s being used.

13 years ago

    Imagine if we merely reported where the market was actually going here, pretty well all of the time.   Imagine.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That would be nice… can we make that happen?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I live in Jacksonville by the way… home of Lynyrd Skynyrd!

13 years ago

Euro/JPY might be the call of the last five years.

13 years ago

Red and I could really rock.  Lynyrd Skynryd rises again.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I still think they will drop this tomorrow morning to the 115.27 spy print… and maybe then rally back up the rest of the day into Friday’s meeting.

13 years ago

   Agreed, but perhaps we can call it White Dragon? Lol.

13 years ago

    I won the Florida Junior College State Championship not far from where you live.  I love Florida.  Great, great people hanging down there.

13 years ago

    By the way, I find your site the most homey site on the internet.  You could have a following of many here my friend.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’m probably the only site on the internet that speaks of the stock market, the Illuminati, and Aliens all in the same post!  LOL


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