
Will Bernanke Raise Interest Rates In The Coming October 23rd 2012 FOMC
This could be our "October Surprise"... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKVJzAb-jIM) Why? Because it really doesn't make sense to devalue the dollar when the market...

Will The Illuminati Stage Another False Flag This October To Start A War?
(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KcxRJD-eC0) With the Presidential Election on November 2nd only a little over a month away and Obama is losing in...

Lindsey Williams Says To Look Out For October
Who Really Killed The US Ambassador For Libya J Christopher Stevens (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dks0IZlWCpM) Red ______________________________________________________ Technical Analysis update for the ritual "eleven"...

Olympics False Flag By The Illuminati Cabal To Crash Stock Market…Misdirection Or Truth?
Technical Analysis Update for 08/05/2012 (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2LgN3zv5pY) Sorry Guys... just too busy to write a new post. Red _____________________________________________________ Red's Interview With...

Expect Greek Vote To Be Positive For The Banksters And Negative For The People
Technical Analysis for June 26th, 2012 (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dygWPqFrXE) In the last minute of the video I speak of an "alternative" wave...

The Illuminati Ritual Days For The Stock Market In The Month Of June 2012
Technical Update For June 10th, 2012... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K94pVGWR2gk) Red ___________________________________________________________ Technical Update For June 6th, 2012... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT0QX1jxS08) Red...

World Wide Currency Collapse Is Coming Soon And No One Can Escape Says Lindsey Williams
Technical Analysis Update For 05/20/2012... (to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVGi_lAJn7E) This is the Technical Analysis of the what I see for this week in the...

The Mass Arrest Timeline Is Here As The Stock Market Pauses In The Eye Of A Hurricane
You asked for it... you got it! Here's the timeline for the mass arrest of the Illuminati Cabal Gangsters (Henry Kissenger, George H. Bush, George...

Part 2 – Cabal Flee By The Hundreds As Mass Arrests Await Them From States Becoming Free From The Fed
A time frame is given for the mass arrests by Drakes' sources but Ben Fulford see's a temporary deadlock as the committee of 300 struggle...

Illuminati Cabal Flee By The Hundreds As Mass Arrests Await Them From States Becoming Free From The Fed…
The Cabal Members and their 6,000 or so minions are now quitting their banking positions in the hundreds and soon to be thousands, because the...