No Post For Friday Gang. Go Enjoy The Weekend It seems I missed out on all the fun, but at least I was short the...

The Bulls And Bears Duke It Out Again…
Yesterday, the Bear "Knocked Out" the Bull cold, but today the Bear only squeaked by with a few point victory. Tomorrow morning we get the...

Maybe Not That Hard To Kill A Bull?
The Bears celebrated today by laughing and giving each other "High Fives"... It's seems it's been such a long time since the bear has had...

It’s Hard To Kill A Bull…
Well, it seems that small bounce up wasn't good enough for the bulls, as they rallied back well above 50% of Friday's sell off. Those...

Weekend Update…
CHECK OUT THE VIDEO I DID ABOUT THE NEW LOOK Last Friday we had a really nice sell off, which extremely rare these days. But...

The Bears Are Back…
Great day to be a bear, as the market sold off today, erasing yesterday's gains. Most of the fear was based on the news released...

The Bulls Are Back…
At least the retail bulls were, but the big institutions didn't participate in today's rally. For many months now, the volume on UP days is...

Same Old Speech…
Once again the Federal Reserve Board did nothing. Not that I was expecting them to raise rates, but it's more about what they say, then...

Going Down…
What a beautiful day it was in the stock market, as reality finally slaps some sense into it. When bulls finally run out crack, they...

What Happened To Bullish Monday?
It seems that "The End Is Near" now, as the usual Bullish Monday failed for the first time still the stone age was around... or...